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    1、商业计划书基本内容英文版1Table of Contents1. The Route from Concept to Company .2 1.1. Success factors .21.2. Stages of development .32. The Business Idea.6 2.1. Developing a business idea .6 2.2. Elements of a promising business idea.7 2.3. Protecting your business idea .102.4. Presenting your idea to investor

    2、s.113. The Business Plan.13 3.1. Advantages of a business plan.13 3.2. Characteristics of a successful business plan.13 3.3. The investors point of view.153.4. Tips on preparing a professional business plan.174. Structure and Key Elements of a Business Plan.19 4.1. Executive summary.19 4.2. Product

    3、or service .21 4.3. Management team.22 4.4. Market and competition .24 4.5. Marketing and sales.27 4.6. Business system and organization .32 4.7. Implementation schedule .36 4.8. Opportunities and risks .38 4.9. Financial planning and financing.382Exhibit 2KEY FACTORS FOR SUCCESS OF INNOVATIVE START

    4、-UPSIdeas. Degree ofinnovation. Scope. PatentCapital. Availability/amount. Needs/responsibilities. Exits for investorsPeople. Inventors. Entrepreneurs. TeammembersTraditional serviceproviders. Attorneys. Patent lawyers. Tax consultants/accountants. MarketresearchersNetwork and exchange. Coaching. Ne

    5、tworking. Team building. Innovative service provider Venture capitalists Headhunters Angel investors High-tech start-upconsultants1. THE ROUTE FROM CONCEPT TOCOMPANYNew, innovative companies generally try to grow from start-ups into established companies within 5 years. But they can seldom finance t

    6、heir activities alone along the way. Rather, they are dependent on professional investors with considerable financial clout. For entrepreneurs, financing is a critical question the business plan must thus be considered from the point of view of potential investors right from the outset.1.1. Success

    7、factorsSuccessful companies arise from a combination of five elements (Exhibit 2.1. No business concept, no businessHaving an idea is just the beginning of the creative process. Many entrepreneurs are initially infatuated with their inspiration, losing sight of the fact that their idea is the point

    8、of departure for a long process of development which must face and withstand tough challenges before it can enjoy financing and market success as a mature business concept.2. Money mattersWithout somebody who invests money into the idea to grow it into a viable business, this business will never bec

    9、ome a reality. From early on, therefore, much attention must be paid to convincing investors to provide the necessary funding.3Exhibit 3STAGES OF START-UP DEVELOPMENTBusiness ideagenerationBusiness planpreparationStart-upand growthEstablishedcompanyInterest ofinvestorsFinancingdecisionsExit ofinitia

    10、linvestors3. No entrepreneurs, no enterpriseGrowing new firms is not a one-person job. It can only succeed with a team of, usually, three to five entrepreneurs whose talents are complementary. Putting together well-functioning teams is a difficult process one that takes time, energy, and an understa

    11、nding of human nature. Do not lose any time in putting your team together and work on perfecting it throughout the entire start-up process. The characteristics of a high-performance management team are discussed in more detail in section 6.3 of this Guide.4. Traditional service providers will help y

    12、ou clear the first hurdlesYou will often need the advice of professional service providers, such as patent lawyers, tax advisors, and market researchers - especially at the beginning. Getting the right information early (e.g., for registering a patent can have consequences for later success or failu

    13、re.5. Strong networks are a shot in the arm for every new companyProfessional guidance for potential entrepreneurs through a network of sponsors, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and service providers is decisive in transforming viable ideas into real companies. Prime examples for such regional n

    14、etworks can be found in Silicon Valley and the Boston area.1.2. Stages of developmentThe typical progression of the start-up and development of growing companies into established firms can be subdivided into three stages. The end of each stage serves as a milestone for venture capitalists by which t

    15、o gauge the status of their investment. Being familiar with each stage and the challenges it poses may spare you wasted energy and disappointment. Please note, however, that the three stages in the development of a functioning start-up do not match the three phases in the development of a business p

    16、lan within the framework of this competition (see Exhibit 3.If you intend to be successful, this start-up process should influence both your activities as the initiator of a business concept and your path toward forming your own company. To a large extent, it is the demands of investors that will de

    17、termine how you must approach the individual stages of the start-up.4Stage 1: Business idea generationThe beginning is the inspiration your solution to a problem. It must be evaluated to determine if it delivers an actual customer value, whether the market is big enough, and justhow big it will be.

    18、The idea itself has no intrinsic economic value. It acquires economic value only after it has been successfully transformed into a concept with a plan and implemented. You will need to start putting together your team as soon as possible, finding partners who can develop your product or service unti

    19、l it is ready for market (or at least until shortly before. In the case of products, this stage usually involves a functioning prototype. You will most likely have to do without venture capital during this stage. You will still be financing your plan with your own money, help from friends, perhaps s

    20、tate research subsidies, contributions from foundations, or other grants. Investors refer to this as seed money, as your idea is still a seedling, not yet exposed to the harsh climate of competition.Your objective at this stage is to present your business concept and market which forms the foundatio

    21、n of your new company so clearly and concisely as to pique the interest of potential investors in helping you cultivate your idea further.Stage 2: Business plan preparationAt this stage, it is most important to focus on the big picture: Dont lose sight of the forest for the trees! The business plan

    22、itself will help you to focus as you must consider and weigh the risks involved, prepare for any contingency, and learn to anticipate a variety of possible situations or scenarios. You will need to lay down plans and create a budget for the key activities of the business for development, production,

    23、 marketing, distribution, and finance. Naturally, you will need to make many decisions, such as which customers or segments will you target? What price will you ask for your product or service? What is the best location for your business? Will you handle production yourself or outsource it to third

    24、parties? And so on.In preparing the business plan, you will come in contact with many people outside your startup team. In addition to investors, you will talk to many specialists, including attorneys, tax advisors, experienced entrepreneurs, and experts. The business plan competition organizers wil

    25、l help you get in touch with just the right people. You will also have to begin reaching out to your potential customers (i.e., by means of consumer surveys to make initial assessments of your market. Always keep in mind that customer acceptance is an essential prerequisite to the success of your co

    26、mpany! Scout about for possible suppliers and perhaps close your first agreements. You will also want to become aware of who your competitors are.This whole process will not come cheap. The team must continue to earn a living while running a rudimentary operation and perfecting a prototype. Yet at this stage, you should also be able to estimate your expenses. Finan


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