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    1、大学综合英语第四单元习题答案第四单元答案I. Text comprehensionI. DII. T; T; F; T; F.III. 1. Refer to Para. 2. They were in different classes, and he thought that they were both just growing up and that David had new friends from his own class.2. Refer to Para 2. Because David knew he was dying of AIDS.3. Refer to Para 3

    2、. The unprotected sex caused it.4. Refer to Para 4. He realized that their friendship meant everything to him.5. Refer to Para 4. Yes, he did. Because most of his friends didnt want to come too close to them in fear of catching the disease.6. Refer to Para 7. On the second of May 1996.7. Refer to Pa

    3、ra 9. Because he knew that it woundnt be long before David was gone forever.8. Refer to Para 8. Because by so doing he can keep Davids memory alive.IV. 1. We thought no disease would destroy us, but then I realized David fell victim to AIDS.2. We didnt spend as much time together as before.3. I aske

    4、d him face to face to explain why we were not friends any more.4. I couldnt go away from him when he needed me badly.5. I couldnt control any more the strong emotions which I had trying to hold back.Vocabulary AnalysisI. Phrase practice1. live life up= to have a very enjoyable and exciting time 积极向上

    5、地生活2. hung up on me = disconnected and refused to take my phone call 挂断电话或不接电话3. turn ones back on = to go away from or refuse to be with 拒绝帮助4. stick it out =not give up(, still taking him to be my best friend as before 坚持到底5. go through so much = experience so much pain and stress 经历如此多的艰辛6. keep

    6、everything in = endure all the pain and sorrow by myself 默默忍受一切II1. invincible; 2. stress; 3. confront; 4. keep up; 5. marking; 6. blame; 7. pushing aside; 8. emotional; 9. positive; 10. recognized.III. Word comparison1.tighten: to hold it more firmly or securely2.disturbed: not thinking or behaving

    7、 normally because of mental or emotional problems3.as to: about4.influence: to affect without directly forcing or ordering them5.handling: the way that someone deals with a situation or plain: to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone7.outlook: the likely futu

    8、re situation8.stuff: a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc., without saying exactly what they areIV.1. carefree: not involve any problems, worries or responsibilities. careless: not pay enough attention to.2. sick: 感到难受的状态,不一定与疾病有关。ill:指疾病,或指情况不正常不好不对,不一定与感受有关,放名词前指令人不愉快的。3. disease: 表示病的通用

    9、词。:特指瘟疫,大病,病灾。4. keep: 保留,继续“某项动作”。:维护,维持,坚持“某种状态”。Give synonyms or antonyms of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Dealing with AIDS strengthens the bond of friendship, encourages emotional and mature growth.Synonyms: tighten, intensify, enhance2. I was the most carefree

    10、 person in the world.Antonyms: unhappy, wretched, miserable, cheerless3. My whole life was changing so fast that I couldnt keep up.Synonyms: quickly, rapidly, swiftly4. Everyone said that I must keep a positive attitude for his sake, because attitude means everything.Antonyms: negative, doubtful, pe

    11、ssimistic, uncertain5. She thought that the trip would do me good; she said that I was not the one that was dying.Synonyms: benefit, profit, advantage6. David had lost weight, had purple lesions all over his body, and was very pale.Antonyms: gain, increase, gather7. All I want you to do is to rememb

    12、er me, enjoy life and be careful.Synonyms: cautious, alert, watchful8. The fifth of June, 1996 marked the end of my best friend Davids life.Antonyms: beginning, start, commencement4. Word derivation Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in the brackets.1. Lets

    13、 go for a picnic tomorrow unless the weather forecast is unfavourable. (favour)2. A successful business needs good organization. (organize)3. The ring was not at all valuable; in fact, it was almost worthless. (worth)4. Your job will be to see that no imperfect product leaves this part of the factor

    14、y. (perfect)5. The floor of the attic needs strengthening if were going to make it into a bedroom. (strong)6. He is ashamed of what he has done. (shame)7. She expressed her gratitude to me by inviting me to dinner. (grateful)8. In youth, he showed great promise, but finally he turned out mediocre. (

    15、young)II. Grammar ExercisesI.1. every, each/every; 2. everything; 3. anywhere; everyday;5. I must get to the shops _somehow_ or other this afternoon. I havent got _anything_ in the house for supper.6. Do you know _anyone_ who would be interested in a position as a receptionist in our office? We need

    16、 _someone_ with a really friendly manner.7. Sorry, Im busy today. Maybe we can have lunch together _some_ other day.8. She left her handbag _somewhere_ and now she cant find it.II. Choose the best answer.1. Columbus was determined to cross _the dangerous waters_ of the Atlantic Ocean by sailing west

    17、wards from Europe.2. C. three papers.3. _ of English is essential for those who apply for the post.A. Good knowledge B. A good knowledgeC. Good knowledges D. The good knowledge4. C. plenty of brains.5. As everyone knows, warm _ is comfortable in winter.A. clothes B. clothings C. cloth D. clothing6.

    18、The earthquake caused _ to the district.A. damage B. a damage C. damages D. the damage7. C. bamboo. 8. B. his hair.IV. Insert suitable prepositions in the following sentences.1. in; 2. since. 3. behind;4. in, by;5. in (deal in = buy and sell)6. I object _to_ being kept waiting. Why are you always la

    19、te _for_ appointments?7. by, for, by, in/under, of; 8. by of, in, around; 9. to, in ,with, on in;10. under. (under the weather = slightly unwell or in or spirits)V.1. OK; 2. above-over; 3. under-below; 4. through-across; 5. OK; 6. on-in; 7. OK; 8. in-at.VI.It is no use doing sth.There is no use in d

    20、oing sth.TranslationI.1. 我们分在不同的班级,所以就不再那么经常厮混在一起了。2人们看他的眼神,就好像他得了瘟疫,学校里的那些朋友都不想与他交往。3我遭到这样的待遇,是因为十几岁的孩子们还不习惯处理这样的情况,也不知道怎么应对。4快到五月底时,他病情加重,医生用个透明的塑料罩子把他给围了起来,以防他受到我们身上有害细菌的侵害。II1 It is an attempt made to strengthen our competitive ability.2 这个地区的警察知道那些小偷经常出没于哪些地方。(hang out)The police in this distri

    21、ct know where the thieves usually hang out.3. 这些签署的协议将冲破对自由贸易设置的所有障碍。(break down)The agreement signed will break down all the barriers to free trade.4. it was a very difficult situation, but the handled it very successfully.5. 他是我最好的朋友。既然他需要我的帮助,我可不能对他置之不理。(turn ones back on)He is my best friend. I

    22、just cannot turn my back on him now that he needs my help.6只要你努力工作,你迟早一定会获得成功,实现自己的抱负的。(sooner or later)So long as you work hard, you are bound to succeed and realize your ambition sooner or later.7Although he hates the job, yet he is determined to stick it out because he needs the money to support

    23、his family.8. That cancer patient kept an optimistic attitude towards his disease, persisted in combating it, and conquered it in the end.9. This university has a staff of more than 2000, including about 150 professors and over 500 associate professors.10. The concert was held to mark the 75th anniv

    24、ersary of the composers death.IV. Exercises for integrated skills1. DictationOne of the worlds most deadly health problems / is spreading to new places. / The problem is heart disease / and it is affecting more and more people / in developing nations. / For years / heart disease has been the No.1 ca

    25、use of death / in most industrial nations. / The disease has claimed more lives / than cancer or accidents. / Now the WHO has warned that / heart disease is increasing rapidly / in almost every developing nation. / Why is this happening? / One reason is that / people in developing nations / are livi

    26、ng longer. / Another reason is that / many people have changed the way they live. / They now eat more fat and salt / and fewer fruits and vegetables.2. ClozeFill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.It has often been said that a little knowledge can be dangerous and

    27、 so it would seem in relation to SARS. We have been told that there is a new disease which can be (1) spread by contact with an affected person and which is responsible for 200 plus deaths worldwide.This news has sent a wave of panic through the world which to me seems (2) out of proportion. After a

    28、ll more people than that die on the roads every day, but no one suggests we (3) return to horse-drawn transport.Now that the WHO is involved, we should assume that doctors all over the world are trying every means to find a (4) cure and prevention. As SARS is a new form of virus, I understand that i

    29、t will probably mutate and it does, so it is (5) likely to become weaker. Also, so far as we know, anyone (6) unfortunate enough to catch the disease has a very much higher chance of recovery than not. So what is all the panic (7) about?When people dont really know, they (8) tend to assume the worst

    30、. People worry and panic (9) because they know that the hospitals are not likely to be able to cope with a mass influx of highly infectious patients, yet they dont know (10) how to save themselves or what to do should they become infected. More information is essential.VI. Writing Practice Combine the following sentences with appropriate correlative conjunctions. 1. Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is impractical. Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is immoral, too.Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral.The o


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