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    1、无锡市省锡中8上英语全册个单元练习无答案 8A Unit1 Exercise A1、单词拼写1.Sharing your_(欢乐)with your friends can make more people_(快乐)。2.Its too hot today.Im too _(口渴的)to walk on.Lets have some drink.3.Is it _(确实的)that our school basketball team won the match?4.My brother is very _(幽默的)and he likes to watch the show of Zhou

    2、Libo.5.I can tell you what happened yesterday.But can you keep _(秘密)for me?6.We should keep our classroom clean and _(整洁的).7.My mother is fond of reading all kinds of fashion _(杂志).8.He is an _(诚实的)boy.He never tells _(谎话).9.Fan Bingbing is a Chinese superstar.She is_(好看的)and modern.10.Its _(礼貌的)of

    3、you to give your seat to the old on the bus.11.-Make _(你自己)at home,Linda.-Thank you,Mrs Wang.12.If you _(信任)someone to do something,you should believe that they will do it.2、单项选择( )1._ you have to read this article before writing. A.May B.May be C.Maybe D.Must( )2.Can I borrow_ magazines from the sc

    4、hool library? A.two more B.more two C.two another D.other two( )3.Im too thirsty. Id like _ water to drink. A.a little more B.more a few C.more a little D.a few more( )4.What did the teacher talk _you_in the meeting room? A.to;about B.about;with C.to;with D.with;to( )5.Our Chinese teacher often _ us

    5、 interesting stories after class. A.talks B.says C.tells D.speaks( )6._ honest boy Jim is. Id like to be friends with him.3、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Do you have problems _(care) about these children?2.My Maths teacher likes _(tell) funny jokes and always_(make) us happy.3.They made a fire _ (keep) warm.4.The b

    6、aby _(cry) in the bedroom. Can you do something to make him laugh?5.Look.Every one of the students _(have) a book now.6._ you _(hear) him _(sing) at that time?7.-I heard Daniel _(not pass) the English test.-Oh,really?8.Its sunny today. What about _(fly) kites in the open field?9.There are lots of be

    7、autiful flowers at the show _(enjoy).4、完成下列句子1.他在跑步方面有困难。_2.-是什么使他如此特别?-他有礼貌,乐于助人,常常给我讲有趣的笑话。_3.老师说的话总使我们大笑。_4. 你可以跟我讲任何关于自己的事,我会替你保密的。_5.当你难过的时候你父母关心你吗?_6.你这么饿,再吃块披萨怎么样?_7.如果你信任某人,你就应该相信他是诚实的。_8.冰箱里什么都没有,所以我没什么可以跟你分享的。_ 8A Unit1 Exercise B1、单词拼写1. There is a _(直的)road from our school to the lake.2.

    8、 The little baby had a _(圆的) face at birth.He was very fat at that time.3. Tom is a naughty boy. He likes to play _(玩笑)on everyone.4. She is _(愿意的)to give her pocket money to the children in poor areas. How kind she is.5. Reading books the whole morning made me so _(无聊). I want to have a rest.6. The

    9、re are twelve _(歌手)in the popular group EXO.7. The boss is _(慷慨的)to all the workers in his factory.8. Our monitor has a good _(意识)of time.And he is never late for school.9. Mr. White is very tall_(差不多)1.8 metres.10. My sister is _(惹人喜爱的),cute and pretty. Both my parents like her very much.11. I cant

    10、 decide which dress to _(选择). Can you give me some advice?12. Id like to have a bike in the car but it wont _ (装进).2、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.All the students _ (prepare) for their new lessons in the classroom now.2.My mother asked me _(not play)computer games.3.Harrys mother was ill after _(wait)for him in th

    11、e rain for half an hour.4.Nancy _(spend)as much time as she could _(practice)playing the piano,so she got the first prize(第一名).5.-Sorry,your telephone number?I _(not catch)it. -Its #.6.Look out of the window. How hard it _(rain).7.We are looking forward to _(meet)you at the airport.8.Its really grea

    12、t _(share)our joy with you and your friend.9.Do you have problems _(plan)the trip to the USA next month?10.When I met Jenny in the street ,she stopped _(nod)at me.11.I _(choose)a wrong answer because I was too nerves (紧张)at the time.3、完成下列句子1.-你会选谁做你的朋友?-Betty. 她对老人很友好并且很有幽默感。 2.和Max在一起我从不感到无聊,因为他总是

    13、逗我笑。_.3.这个乐于助人的男孩总是把他在公交车上的座位让给需要的人。_.4.我经过窗户的时候,把一个漂亮的花瓶(vase)撞到在地板上。_.5.当有事令我担心时,我总会去找我最好的一位朋友求助。_.6.David有一副好嗓音,长大后他想成为一名著名的歌手。_.7.他总是乐意与他人分享快乐,不喜欢说别人的坏话。_.8.哈利波特小而圆的眼镜是他看上去很聪明。Harry Potter_.9.她的腿太长,桌子底下放不下。_.10.她穿那条粉色裙子非常合适。The pink dress _. 8A Unit1 Exercise C1、单词拼写1.Johnsons dream is to be one

    14、 of the best _(游泳者)like Michael Phelps(菲尔普斯).2.My best friend Wang Lin came first in the music_(竞赛)last week.3.He looked sad because he failed the Maths_(测验).4.Youd better not ask a fat person about his_(重量).Its not polite.5.-Whats the_(高度)of your brother?He is so tall.-About 1.8 metres .He is good

    15、at playing basketball.6.Do you think this story is_(fun)than that one?7.My mother is always_(busy)than my father.She is the _(busy)in my family.8.They are_(friend)than you think.9.I felt even_(thirsty)after drinking some cold orange juice.10.He got a_(bad)result in the Maths exam than last month.He

    16、didnt work hard.11.If you can take_(much)exercise,you will be_(health)than before.12.After having a good rest,my grandfather feels much_(better)and eats a little_(much)。13.Millie is the_(thin)of the six girls.She needs to exercise more and become strong.14.I feel much_(ill)today and this made me _(s

    17、ad)than ever.15.He is the_(fat)one of the twins.16.Ms.Zou is_(slim)than any other women teachers in our school.17.Tim is_(heavy)than the other boys in his class.18.Its a fact that Shanghai is_(large)than any city in Japan.2、单项填空( )1.Maths is one of Peters_ subjects.He doesnt like it at all. A.worse

    18、B.the worse C.worst D.the worst( )2.-Which season has_ daytime in a year?-Summer does. A.longer B.the longest C.Shorter D.the shortest( )3.Which city do you think is_ from Wuxi,Beijing or Dalian? A.farthest B.far C.farther D.the farthest( )4.I know this plan is far from perfect(完美的),but I just cant

    19、think of_one. A.a better B.the better C. a best D.the best( )5.I think Millies English is better than_. A.he B.him C.his D.her( )6.Jack sings better than _in his class,Which is wrong? A.any student B.any of the students C.all the other students D.any other student3、完成下列句子1.我认为电脑比电视机更有帮助。_.2.这个故事比其它的

    20、有趣得多。_.3.夏天,无锡的天气比北京的天气热。_.4.Jim是三个人中最幽默的。_.5.她是你们班最苗条的女孩吗?_?6.你们班谁最擅长讲有趣的笑话?_?7.踢足球比看电视健康得多。_.8.长江比中国其它河流都长。(2种)它是世界上最长的河流之一。The Yangtze River_.9.长江比日本任何河流长。_.10.David比他同班同学都要仔细,所以他的英语在比赛中最好。_. 8A Unit1 Exercise D1、单词拼写1.I want to be a _(社会的)worker when I grow up.Id like to help more people in need

    21、.2.I always felt _(害羞)when I talked to strangers(陌生人)in the past,but now I didnt.3.Look at her _(微笑的)face.She often wears a big _(微笑)on her face.4.Of the three boys,Jack looks the _(肥胖的).5.Doctors and nurses should be _(有耐心的)with the sick people.6.George did an _(杰出的)job in the competition and won t

    22、he prize.7.Brad Pitt is a very _(英俊的)film star in Hollywood.He has lots of fans all over the world.8.The _(勤奋的)student has a _(方形的)face.She is good at all the subjects.9.Many students are _(happy)with too much homework.They need more time for their hobbies.10.-Look at those drawings on the wall.Whose drawing is _(bad),Tom,yours or Jims? -Let me see.It may be Jims.2、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空:1.-Who _(


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