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    1、届高考英语3500词汇50练基础练提升练04解析2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础+提升)练04基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.It wasnt right to me that such near neighbors should not know one a_.【答案】another【句意】我觉得这样的近邻竟然互不认识是不对的。2.The Foreign Secretarys remarks clarify an _(模棱两可的)statement issued earlier this week.【答案】ambiguous【句意】外交大臣的话

    2、对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清。3.It is your _(态度)attitude, rather than your aptitude(天资), that determines your _(高度).【答案】attitude, altitude【句意】决定你高度的是你的态度而不是你的天资。4.Not only did the swimmer refuse to _(道歉)to his opponent, but a_ he made an _(挑衅的)gesture, which made him blamed by the media.【答案】apologize, al

    3、so, aggressive【句意】那位游泳运动员不仅拒绝向对手道歉,而且还做出挑衅的手势,这使他受到了媒体的指责。5.The English teacher laid particular stress on the need of reading a_.【答案】aloud【句意】老师特别强调大声朗读的必要。6.Whats wrong with your face?I am _(过敏的)to this kind of weather. Nothing serious.【答案】allergic【句意】“你的脸怎么了?”“我对这种天气过敏。没什么。”7.Tims brown hair, dark

    4、 glasses and the manner of walking _(惊动)the guards. Thats why he was watched closely.【答案】alarmed【解析】提米的棕色头发,黑色眼镜和走路的方式惊动了卫兵。那就是他为什么被密切留意的原因所在。8.He was a _ of being late for the meeting, so he set out a _ of time.【答案】afraid, ahead【句意】唯恐开会要迟到,所以他就提前动身了。9.The teaching of Confucius represented _(古代的)Chi

    5、nese wisdom, _(影响)Chinese life and thought for centuries to come.【答案】ancient, affecting【句意】孔子的学说代表了中国古代的智慧,影响了接下来中国人数世纪的生活和思想。10.With the prices rising considerably in respect of gas and water, we can not a_ to send our son to study abroad.【答案】afford【句意】随着水和气价格的大幅上涨,我们付不起儿子出国留学的费用。11.He had learned

    6、more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the a_ of 15.【答案】age【句意】他15岁进入大学时就已经学了5000多个英语单词。12.They say your report doesnt a_ with the fact. But I dont a_ with them on this point.【答案】agree, agree【句意】他们说你的报告与事实不符。但是在这一点上我不同意他们的观点。13.We may travel with the a_ of a good map.【答案】aid

    7、【句意】我们可以靠一张好地图去旅行。14.The sign on the wall of the library says, “No magazine is a_ to be taken out of the reading room”.【答案】allowed【句意】图书馆墙上的牌子上写着:“杂志不允许带出阅览室。”15.Helivesonasingleparents _(补助)of70aweek.【答案】allowance【句意】他靠每周70英镑的单亲家庭生活补助过日子。16.We have to _(分析)everything question in detail before we ta

    8、ke action.【答案】analyze/analyse【句意】我们必须分析细节中的每个问题,然后再采取行动。17.An international team of astronomers _(宣布)Wednesday that they had captured the first-ever image of a black hole.【答案】announced【句意】周三,一个国际天文学家小组宣布他们第一次捕捉到一个黑洞的图像。18.Thanksgiving, an a_ holiday in the US dating back to hundreds of years ago, fa

    9、lls on the fourth Thursday in November.【答案】annual【句意】美国每年一度的感恩节可以追溯到几百年前,是在11月的第四个星期四。19.You neednt have a_ to Joey. It was his fault.The reason why I did so was that I didnt want to lose my friend.【答案】apologized【句意】“你本不必向乔伊道歉的。是他的错。”“我这样做的原因是我不想失去我的朋友。”20.A cloned child may live a shorter life even

    10、 if it a_ to be healthy and normal.【答案】appears【句意】克隆儿的寿命可能很短,尽管它看起来是健康和正常的。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1.Could it be possible to make an_(arrange)with Mr. Clinton sometime tomorrow?Im afraid not, but you need to find another date.【答案】arrangement【句意】“明天能和克林顿先生约个时间吗?”“恐怕不行,你可以另定个日子。”2.Since its intr

    11、oduction, the Beidou navigation system has been applied_ everyday life, from shared bikes to farming.【答案】to【句意】自推出以来,北斗导航系统已应用于日常生活,从共享自行车到农业。3.Some top American universities are accused of denying Asian-American _(apply)using race as a factor.【答案】applicants【句意】一些顶尖的美国学府被指控将种族作为一个因素拒绝亚裔美国人的申请。4.Even

    12、 if you get an average score or fail in the college entrance examination, do remember that you deserve to be applauded_ the efforts you make.【答案】for【句意】即使你成绩平平或高考失败了,请记住,你应该为你付出的努力鼓掌。5.Jianbing, one of the most popular snacks in China, appeals _almost everyone in America and has become new hit food

    13、there.【答案】to【句意】煎饼是中国最受欢迎的小吃之一,几乎吸引了每一个美国人并且已成为那里新的风行一时的食品。6.Mum, I broke Dads sunglasses this morning.You need to make an _(apologize)for your fault, or you will regret.【答案】apology【句意】“妈妈,今天上午我打坏了爸爸的太阳镜。”“你需要为你的错误道歉,否则你会后悔的。”7.Apart _his career as a professional basketballer, Michael Jordan owned a

    14、 steak restaurant.【答案】from【句意】除了作为职业篮球运动员的事业之外,迈克尔乔丹还拥有一家牛排餐厅。8.Wewere waitingatthe stationin _(anticipate)ofherarrival.【答案】anticipation【句意】我们在车站等着,期待她的到来。9.Due to frequent layoffs, there is _(anxious)among the employees that they may one day be out of work.【答案】anxiety【句意】由于频繁的裁员,员工们担心有一天也许会失业。10.Wi

    15、ld applause broke out when the crowd waiting heard the_(announce)of the arrival of the pop star at their community.【答案】announcement【句意】当等待的人群听到这位明星到达他们社区的通知时,人群中爆发出了热烈的掌声。11.The mats and the attached earth were lifted using the freezing technology, before being transported to our lab for further _(a

    16、nalyze).【答案】analysis【句意】在被运到实验室做进一步分析之前,垫子和附着的土被用冷冻技术提取下来。12.To his_(amuse), the audience were_(amuse)by his_(amuse)performance on the stage.【答案】amusement, amused, amusing【句意】使他高兴的是,观众被他在舞台上的有趣表演逗乐了。13.The headmaster in our school hopes that we will be more_(ambition)when we graduate than when we go

    17、t admitted.【答案】ambitious【句意】我们学校的校长希望我们毕业时比入学时更有雄心壮志。14.He has never travelled out of his hometown, let _ to a foreign country.【答案】alone【句意】他还从来没有离开过家乡,更别说出国了。15.As an ancient saying goes, “A gentleman should seek fortune in an _(allow)way”.【答案】allowable【句意】正如古语所说,“君子爱财取之有道”。16.The current personnel

    18、_(allocate)is based on the assumption that the economy in our country will still develop at a normal rate next year.【答案】allocation【句意】当前的人员配置以明年我国的经济依旧按正常速度发展的假设为基础。17.Id like to buy a housemodern, comfortable, and above _ in a quiet neighborhood.【答案】all【句意】我想买一套现代化、舒适的房子,最重要的是在一个安静的小区里。18.After the

    19、 earthquake, the injured were cared for in the local hospitals or taken _ air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.【答案】by【句意】地震发生后,伤者在当地医院接受治疗或被空运到邻近城市的医院。19.The farmers needed a large amount of _(agriculture)technology. Therefore, a great number of skilled workers were sent there.【答案】agricul

    20、tural【句意】农民们需要大量的农业科技。因此,许多有技术的工人被派往那里去了。20.Much to the fans _(annoy), it was not until about 11 pm. that the_(annoy)stranger went away.【答案】annoyance, annoying【句意】令粉丝们特别生气的是那个令人讨厌的陌生人直到11点才离开。21.As our _(agency), you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month.【答案】age

    21、nt【句意】作为我们的代理商,你们应至少每三个月定期向我方发送一次市场报告。22.Keeping healthy, with easy access to_(afford)medical care, is still a dream for many people, with medicine price rising sharply.【答案】affordable【句意】因为药品价格上涨的厉害,保持健康,能很容易的获得医疗护理是很多人的梦想。23.He looked at those jewels one _ anothercasually and seemed to show no inte

    22、rest in any one of them.【答案】after【句意】他漫不经心地一个接一个地看那些珠宝,似乎对它们中的任何一件都不感兴趣。24.The research shows that computer games may cause _(aggressive).【答案】aggression【句意】研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。25.Ms Meng, CFO of Huawei, got arrested for no good reason in Canada, which caused great _(angry)of the whole nation of China.

    23、【答案】anger【句意】华为高管孟女士在加拿大无故被捕,引起了全中国人民的强烈愤慨。三、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.If we understand this saying but apply it for our English study, we will benefit a lot from it.【答案】for改为to, but改为and【解析】apply to适用。apply for申请。句意:如果我们理解这句谚语,并且将其应用到英语学习中,那么,我们将会受益颇多。understand和apply之间是顺承关系,不是转折关系。应该用连词a

    24、nd。故将but改为and。2.I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party.【答案】anything改为something【解析】something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句,所以anything改为something。句意:我想在他的退休晚会上为他做一些特殊的事情。3.Do you have anything which you want to say to yourself?【答案】which改为 that或删除which【解析】句意:你有什么想对自己说的吗? 当先行词为anything

    25、时,要用关系代词that引导定语从句。关系代词that作宾语时也可以省略,所以which改为 that或删除which。4.Today is Toms 70th birthday, but there is anybody with him.【答案】anybody改为nobody【解析】根据下句Tom很失望。句意:今天是Tom的第七十个生日,但是没有人和他在一起。根据句意可知anybody改为nobody。5.An annually International Kite Festival will be held in my hometown, Weifang.【答案】annually改为an

    26、nual【解析】annually是副词,意思是“每年,年年”,这里需用它的形容词修饰专有名词International Kite Festival。故把annually改为annual。句意:每年一次的国际风筝节将在我的家乡潍坊举行。6.From the annoying look of Toms mother, we knew that she was quite annoying at what he had done.【答案】两个annoying都改为annoyed【解析】annoyed令人烦恼的,指心理感受,常常修饰人以及人的眼神,表情等等。句意:从汤姆的母亲恼怒的表情看,我们知道她被

    27、汤姆所做的事惹恼了。7.Is everybody here? I have a announcement to make. 【答案】a改为an【解析】句意:我有一项通告要发布。分析句子可知,名词announcement前需用冠词修饰,根据句意可知,名词announcement需用不定冠词a/an修饰表示“一项通告”的意思,名词announcement首发音是元音发音,需用不定冠词an。故将a改为an。8.At last it made her very anger but she decided to turn her back on me.【答案】anger改为angry, but改为and

    28、【解析】形容词angry作made的宾语补足语;此处表示顺承而不是转折,故把but改为and。句意:最后这使得她很是愤怒,而且决定不理睬我了。9.The story he told was so amused that we couldnt help laughing in class.【答案】amused改为amusing【解析】amused指心理所具有的感受,amusing指事物所具有的特征。句意:他所讲的故事是那样的有趣以至于我们在课堂上情不自禁地大笑起来。10.The mayor is ambitious for serve the people.【答案】for改为to【解析】be a

    29、mbitious to do sth.意为“雄心勃勃的做某事”,是固定句式,故将for改为to。句意:这位市长有为人民服务的雄心壮志。11.Whats more, the travel time among Hongkong and Zhuhai is cut from 3 hours to just 30 minutes.【答案】among改为between【解析】among表三者或三者以上之间;between表两者之间。根据语境可知,此处指“在香港和珠海之间”,故among改为between。句意:此外,香港和珠海之间的旅行时间从3小时缩短到30分钟。12.The extra oxygen

    30、 allows your body work harder.【答案】在work前面加to【解析】allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,所以在work前面加to。句意:额外的氧气让你的身体更努力地工作。13.Findinghimselfunderfirefromallquarters,hehadnoalternativebutto abandonhisschemeforthetimebeing.【答案】在but后加to【解析】have no alternative but to do sth.除了做某事外没有其他的办法。句意:在这四面楚歌的情况下,他没有别的办法,只好暂时放弃他的计划。14.Although he tries to talk to


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