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    1、湖南省常德芷兰实验学校学年八年级英语下学期期中试题人教新目标版无详细答案湖南省常德芷兰实验学校2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期 中 试 题时间90分钟 分值120分第一部分 听力技能(共两节,满分20分)第一节 听力辨识(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,根据相应的对话完成第15小题。( )1.What was the matter with Lisas sister yesterday?A B C ( ) 2. What is the man buying? A B C( ) 3.WhatweretheboysdoingwhenMr. Whitewalkedpast? A

    2、.Theywereplayingfootball.B.Theywereplayingvolleyball.C.Theywereplayingbasketball.( ) 4.Howwilltheweatherbe?A. Cloudy. B.Windy. C. Rainy.( ) 5.WhatwillthemanrepairforMandy?A.Thecomputer. B.Thetelevision. C.Thetelephone.第二节 听力理解 (共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)听对话或独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听第6段对话,完成第67两个小题。( ) 6.Wh

    3、atwas Billdoingat5oclock yesterdayafternoon? A. Hewasreadingabook. B.Hewasdoinghishomework. C.Hewashelpingwithhousework.( )7.Whowaswritingareportthen? A.Billsbrother. B. Billsfather. C. Billssister.听第7段对话,完成第89两个小题。( )8.WhatdoesAnnathinkofgoingtothemuseum? A.Itsboring. B.Itsrelaxing. C.Itseducationa

    4、l.()9.WhatwillAlexdothisSaturday? A.Gotothebeach. B.Gotothemuseum. C.Climbthemountain听第8段对话,完成第1011两个小题。( )10.WhatsthematterwithTony? A.Hehasaheadache. B.Hehasatoothache.C.Hehasastomachache.( )11.WhatdoesthedoctoraskTonytodo? A.Totakesomemedicine. B.Toeatmoreapples.C.Tohaveagoodrest.听第9段对话,完成第1214三个

    5、小题。( )12.WhatwillJohnandLucydothis afternoon? A.Cleanupthestreet. B.Cleanupthecitypark. C.Watertreesinthepark.( )13. WhatwillJohnandLucydrinkafter finishingworking? A.Tea. B.Juice. C. Coffee.( )14. WhodoesJohnusuallygoto theteahousewith? A. His mother. B. Hiscousin. C.Hisfriend.听第10段对话,宪成第1517三小题。(

    6、)15.WhatisLiMingworry about? A. His exam. B. His lessons. C.Hiscompetition.( )16.WhatdoesLiMingsmotherdo? A.Sheisadoctor. B.Sheisateacher. C.Sheisaworker.( )17. WhatdoesLi-Mingsmotheroftenaskhimtodo inEnglishlearning? A.Toreadandwritemore.B.Tospeakandreadmore.C.Tospeakandwritemore.听下面1段独白,完成第1820三个小

    7、题。( )18.Whatcolorwasthecar?A.White. B.Black. C.Brown.( )19.Howmanypeoplediedin the accident?A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.( )20.Howwas theweatherwhentheaccidenthappened?A. Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Snowy.第二部分 阅读技能(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)AA passenger told an air hostess(空姐) that he needed a cup of water when the plane j

    8、ust took off. She told him that she would bring him the water soon.Twenty minutes later, when the passengers ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that she forgot to bring him the water. Therefore, the passenger was put off to take his medicine. She hurr

    9、ied over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.In the following hours on the flight, each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never paid attention to her words.When he was going to get off the plane, the p

    10、assenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers booklet(意见簿). She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp(苛刻的) words. But with a smile she handed it to him.After passengers getting off the plane, she opened the booklet, and let out a smile, for the passenger put it: On the fl

    11、ight, you asked me if I needed help for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?Thats right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that moved the passenger.( )21. Why did the passenger need a cup of water?A.He was thirsty. BHe would take medicine.C.The air hostess was

    12、beautiful. DHe wanted to make trouble.( )22. Why did the passenger refuse the water later?A.He was angry. B.He didnt mind. C.He was well now. D.He wasnt thirsty at all.( )23. What would happen to the air hostess if the passenger wrote down sharp words?A.She would be thankful. B.She would be sad.C.Sh

    13、e would be happy. D.She would lose her job.( )24. What can we say about the twelve smiles of the air hostess?A.She was silly. B.She was proud. C.She was sharp. D.She was a good air hostess.BZoe , 12,France I want to be a doctor when I am older because I like helping people and making them feel bette

    14、r.Paige,13,EnglandI am going to be an infant ( 婴幼儿 ) school teacher . I love children and love teaching them. So this job is the best job for me.Joanne,13,America In the future, I would love to be a writer . Writing is one of the things that make me really happy. But if that doesnt come true, a musi

    15、cian is also OK.Tom ,13,EnglandI want to be an engineer, and I want to live in Greece. ( )25. Zoe wants to be _. A. a doctor B. an engineer C. a teacher D. a musician( )26. Who loves children ? A. Zoe B. Paige C. Joanne D. Tom( )27. Where does Tom want to live ?A. In France B. In England C. In Ameri

    16、ca D. In Greece( )28. The underlined word “that ” refers to (指的是)_.A. reading B. being happy C. being a writer D.teaching children CA middle school organized(组织) a “No TV Week” program. All the teachers, parents and students worked together for this program and most of them found it to be a very goo

    17、d one. The headmaster said, “The idea was not to stop watching TV completely but for the students just to find how much time they watch TV and try to use the time for other things.”What did the students say about this “No TV Week”? One boy said, “I cant believe I havent watch TV for a week, but its

    18、been fun doing it.” A girl student said, “Im going to give up all TV programs except for Our Animal World and other language-teaching program. Im really pleased that I have more time to do things like walking and thinking. I enjoy this No TV Week very much” But not all the students thought it was go

    19、od. Here one student Tom said something different, “I dont like No TV Week because I like watching TV. I have lots of favorite programs and I dont want to miss them. But we have to do it.” ( )29. “No TV Week” program was organized _.A. for all the students in the country. B. by one middle school.C.

    20、in middle schools all over the country. D. by teachers all over the country.( )30. The aim of “No TV Week” program is to _.A. let students watch TV for long . B. stop students watching TV completely.C. let students find much time to watch TV. D. ask students to find time for other things.( )31. The

    21、girl decided _.A. only to watch some of the TV programs. B. not to watch TV at all.C. to watch all TV programs. D. to watch TV all the time.( )32. _ took part in “No TV Week”.A. Not all the students in the school B. None of the students in the schoolC. All the teachers, students and parents D. All t

    22、he teachers in the school except oneD Fred set up a student volunteer project at their school. Last Saturday, he with his three friends ,went to visit some old people who had no children. The old people lived in a small village far away from their school, so they went there by bus. They got there at

    23、 10:20 a.m. and stayed there for a whole day. They brought some things for them. They chatted with the old people, and did some housework for them. Fred took a lot of photos with the old people. The next morning they said goodbye to them at 7:45. They thought they spent the most interesting weekend.

    24、 “Volunteering is great!” said Fred. His friends also said they would not give up volunteering.( )33. Where did Fred set up a student volunteer project?A.At his home. B.In his class. C. At their school. D.In his city.( )34. Who did Fred with his friends visit last Saturday? A.His teachers B. His cla

    25、ssmates. C.Some children with no parents. D.Some old people with no children.( )35. What didnt they do there? A.They cooked for them. B.They chatted with them .C.They did some housework. D.They took a lot of photos together.( )36. When did they leave the village? A.7:45 a.m. B.7:45 p.m. C. 10:20 a.m

    26、. D. 10:20 p.m.EMr. Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. They knew it was good for their business. Now the officer got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sl

    27、eep downstairs. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worried about it and had to go to a doctor. “Stop eating much fat(脂肪) and sugar, Mr. Jenkins,” said the doctor. “Or it will be worse for your health!” It was difficult for the officer to do it. He wouldnt do as the doctor

    28、 said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital.“You must lose weight(减肥),sir,” said the doctor, “unless you want to die soon!” “Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please?” “You must do some exercise first.

    29、” “Which exercise?” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”( ) 37.Mr.Jenkins was often asked to dinner because .A. he liked the delicious food. B. he was ready to help others.C. he was friendly to the shopkeepers. D. he was helpful to their business.( ) 38.What did Mr.

    30、Jenkins do?A. A doctor. B. An officer. C. A businessman. D. A cook.( ) 39.What happened to Mr. Jenkins after being invited?A. He got fatter and fatter. B. He hardly went upstairs.C. He felt tired. D. All above are right.( ) 40.Which of the following is true?A. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to do exercise. B. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins to move his head.C. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to go to dinner. D. The doctor thought Mr. Jenkins would die.第三部分 知识运用(共两节,满分25分)


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