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    1、高考英语语法专项练习20XX年高考英语语法专项练习一 名词1Father went to his doctor for_ (advise)about his heart trouble 2. There are ten_ (woman)teachers and two hundred _(girl) students in the school3. Facing cut-throat _ (compete) in all subjects, students must devote as much of their time as possible. 4. I shall never fear

    2、 difficulty and I shall never know the _ (exist) of the word “failure”. 5. Youll want to know your body language is saying and how to interpret other _(people). 6. Not long ago he sent _(word) that he would return with his family. 7. She was in London and spent her _(young) in China.8. The _ (erupt)

    3、 of Mount Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii, is always taking people by surprise. 9. His _ (curious) made him wonder about clouds. 10. Except for some short songs and poems included in his plays, all of _ (Shakespeare) greatest poems are sonnet. 11. The number of languages is getti

    4、ng smaller all the time because of the steady _ (grow) of bigger languages. 12. Tight jeans and trousers, short skirts and even sensible flat shoes may all cause _ (ill). 13. Reduce the amount of it if you suffered from restlessness or _ (sleep) after taking the medicine. 14. I saw many _ (Japan) se

    5、ated in the corner and reading something. 15. You should take more _(exercise). Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your _(exercise). 名词参考答案:1.advice 2.women, girl petition 4. existence 5. peoples6.word 7. youth 8.eruption 9.curiosity 10.Shakespeares11. growth 12.illnesses 13. sleeplessness 14.Ja

    6、panese15.exercise, exercises二 代词 1 When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _ .2 I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing

    7、 as to who should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in _ house.3 The journalists who have seated _ for half an hour are eager to have a chance to raise a question to Premier Wen Jiabao.4 This dining hall is four times the size of _ one.5 Malaria, the worlds most widespread parasitic (寄生虫引起的)

    8、disease, kills as many as three million people every year - almost _ of whom are under five, very poor, and African.6 What surprised me most was that he told me his name when I asked him _ he was.7 The famous actress said her parents worked happily and were nice and healthy, and some others said it

    9、was the same with _.8 However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as _ of the girls.9 The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound . _ has a face with twelve black marks and two hands.10 Antique clocks

    10、 could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap _ for your own home.11 Some people favor the proposal, but _ oppose it.12 The job ads will be carried in _ of the other two newspapers.13 _ he did with the difficult problem is still u

    11、nknown to us.14 As is well known, every heart has _ own sorrow.15 Say all you know and say _ without reserve.代词参考答案1 her 2 their 3 themselves 4 that 5 all 6 what 7 theirs 8 that9 It 10 ones 11 others 12 either 13 what 14 its 15 it 三.数词1.基数词1. In her_ ( forty) , she began to take up writing.2. How ma

    12、ny _ ( two ) are there in ten ?3. lve invited one or _ friends round this evening. 4. Im at _ and sevens about what to do.5. Lets divide it in _ .6. _ to one the train will be late.7. The news of her sudden death really knocked me for _ .8. I for _ think he is guilty.基数词参考答案: 1. forties 2. twos 3. t

    13、wo 4. sixes 5. half / two 6. Ten to one (十有八九) 7. knock sb for six ( 吃惊 ) 8. I for one think he is guilty.( 就我来说,我就认为他有罪) 2 . 序数词.1. About _ (五分之三) of the workers in that factory are young people. 2. Teacher Wang gave me a _ (two) examination paper. 3. We are to carry out the _(nine) plan. 4. In 198

    14、5,September 10 became the _ ( one) Teachers Day in our country.5. Their _ ( one) sight of land came after three days at sea. (6. He gave her a _(five) of the total amount. 7. The_ (four) of July is Independence Day of America.序数词参考答案:1. three-fifths 2. second 3. ninth 4. first 5. first6. fifth 7.fou

    15、rth四 介词和介词短语1. There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get _.2. After the earthquake,the injured were cared _ in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.3. The letters P.M stand _ Prime Minster.4. Careless driving often brings _ an

    16、accident.5. _ time going by, the boy has grown into a strong man.6. His carelessness resulted _ his failure in the exam.7. The girl danced _ the music of Paul Mallriats band.8. This song is familiar _ all the students.9. Well have a ball _ New Years Eve.10. They will arrive _ three days time.11. Hun

    17、an province lies _ the south of Hubei province.12. He rent a house _ the year.13. We know nothing about him _ that his son joined in the army.14. The boy got the ball from _ the desk.15. One _ five will have the chance to join in the game.介词和介词短语参考答案: 1. through 2. for 3. for 4. about 5. With 6. in

    18、7. to 8.to 9. on 10. in 11. on 12. by13. except 14. under 15. in五 连词1 No sooner had he arrived _ he went away again. 2 _ he was tired, he kept on working. 3 She didnt get up _ her mother came in.4 The thief had hardly entered the house _ he was caught.5 _ hell attend the meeting is not known yet.6 I

    19、t was he was ill that he was absent yesterday7. Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better.8 Scientists say it may be five or ten years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.9 We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.10 Ive come to the point _ I cant stand

    20、him.11 There are different forms of energy, most of_ come from the sun.12 Simon thought his computer was broken _ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. 13 The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. 14 It is k

    21、nown to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health. 15 He tried his best to solve the problem, _ difficult it was.连词参考答案:1 than 2 Though (Although) 3 until 4 when5 Whether 6 because 7. and 8 before 9 when10 where 11 which 12 until 13 if 14 unless 六 形容词1. Father is the _ of the five

    22、 sons of his parents.(old) 2. The Nanjing Road is the _ street in the city of Shanghai.(crowd)3.I think she looks _ than in the photo.(pretty) 4.I have _ books than you.5.It was _ of his life. (bad) 6.Titers are _ animals in the forest. (dangerous) 7.Which is _ of all the animals? (frightening) 8. S

    23、he will be much _ (happy) in her mew house.9.My room is twice _ than my sisters. (large) 10.In summer it is much _ in Wuhan than in Beijing. (hot) 11.He is _ today than yesterday. (bad) 12. The _ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 13Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _ (clever). 14. Gold

    24、(黄金) is _ (little) useful than iron(铁). 15. My sister is two years _ (old ) than I. 1.oldest 2. crowdest 3. prettier 4. more 5. worst 6. the most dangerous 7. the most frightening 8.happier 9.larger 10. hotter 11. worse 12. cheapest 13.cleverer14.less 15.older七 副词(比较级和最高级) 1.Tom jumps _(far) in our

    25、class. (the farthest)2.Lucy sings _(well) of all. (the best) 3.He loves her _ (tender) . (the most tenderly)4.John did it _ (skill). (the most skillfully)5.John ran _ (fast) and reached the goal _ (soon). (the fastest; the soonest)6. She shouted _(loud),so I hated her _ (much)(the loudest; the most)

    26、7. He paid no _ (little) than 10,000 pounds for it.(less)8. We can go no _ (far). (further)9. The teachers _ (wide) used and most valuable tool, however, is the blackboard. ( most widely)10. A letter sent by airmail between Hangzhou and Shanghai may arrive _ (fast)a letter sent by regular mail. (no

    27、faster than)11. Im glad to say that hes already finished _ (little) 50% of the book in these three days.(no less than)12. Our English teacher speaks English _ (fluent) than other teachers. ( more fluently)13.My oldest son studies _ (diligent) than other children in our family. (more diligently)14.Sh

    28、e dances _ (beautiful) than other girls in the group.(more beautifully)15. He spoke _ (loud) and (clear)_ than any time at this meeting. (more loudly; more clearly) 八 冠词语法填空:1.Jumping out of_airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience.2.There is _ dictionary on _ desk by your side.3

    29、.An accident happened at _ crossroads a few meters away from _ bank.4.The warmth of _ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _ wool used.5.Mr.Li will give us _ talk._ talk will begin at 8:00.6.Just now you said you always got to work on _ 8 oclock train. But would _ later train get you to work on time?7.The building was completed in _ September of 1956 not in _ October, 1955.8.I would like to have _ room, _ window of which opens to _ south.9.There is _ house in the picture. There is _ old woman near _ house.10._


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