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    高考英语二轮 情态动词和虚拟语气专题训练.docx

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    高考英语二轮 情态动词和虚拟语气专题训练.docx

    1、高考英语二轮 情态动词和虚拟语气专题训练情态动词和虚拟语气1.准确把握情态动词表允许、推测、判断等用法。2准确把握情态动词在虚拟语气句子结构中的使用。3wish,as if/though,if only,would rather从句,Its time从句等句型中的虚拟语气。4表示“坚持、命令、建议、要求”的词语后及各类从句中的虚拟语气。5虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的倒装。62011年高考将重点考查情态动词表“推测和可能性、必要性、请求、允许、允诺”,非真实条件虚拟语气和名词性从句的虚拟语气的运用。1.(2010辽宁高考)Doctors say that exercise is important

    2、 for health,but it _ be regular exercise.Acan BwillCmust Dmay解析:考查情态动词辨析。句意:医生说,锻炼对于健康很重要,但是必须是有规律的锻炼。情态动词must表示“必须”,符合句意。答案:C2(2010四川高考)_ I take the book out?Im afraid not.AWill BMayCMust DNeed解析:考查情态动词。may表示征求对方的许可。句意:“我能将书带出吗?”“恐怕不行。”答案:B3(2010重庆高考)You _ park here!Its an emergency exit.Awouldnt B

    3、needntCcouldnt Dmustnt解析:考查情态动词。根据题干中的“emergency exit”可知“此处是不允许停车的”,故用mustnt表示禁止。答案:D4(2011长春一模)Jane walked past me without greeting.She _ you.Acant see Bcouldnt seeCcant have seen Dmustnt have seen解析:考查情态动词的用法。根据语意“Jane从我身边经过时没有跟我打招呼。”“她一定是没有看见你”,这里是对过去情况的推断,所以要用cant have done或者couldnt have done。mu

    4、st表推测时不用于否定句中。答案:C5(2010济南二模)Even if you are an experienced teacher, you sometimes _ make some mistakes.Acan BmustCshould Dwill解析:句意:即使你是位经验丰富的老师,有时也会犯错。情态动词can可表示理论上的可能性,意为“可能会”。答案:A6(2011江西五校联考)Mum, I am feeling tired and sleepy now.You _ so late last night.Acouldnt have stayed upBmustnt have stay

    5、ed upCshouldnt have stayed upDneednt have stayed up解析:考查情态动词。shouldnt have stayed up“本来不该熬夜”。couldnt have stayed up“不可能熬夜”;neednt have stayed up“本没有必要熬夜”。根据语意可知本句是母亲责备孩子昨晚熬夜了,故选C项。答案:C7(2010重庆第二次调研)Premier Wen Jiabao has said that independent thinking and the free expression of the academic(学术的)view

    6、s _ be the “very soul” of a “good university”Acan BshouldCmight Dmay解析:考查情态动词用法。句意:温家宝总理说独立思考和自由表达学术观点应该是一所好大学的灵魂,should表“(按理)应该”。答案:B8(2010唐山二模)It is usually not quite cold in this area in March, but sometimes temperature _ be very low.Ashould BcanCmust Dshall解析:考查情态动词。此处can用于肯定句表示“可能会”。句意:这个地区在三月份

    7、通常不是很冷,但有时候温度会很低。答案:B9(2010成都第二次诊断)Mr. Brown should have visited Tibet, but he _ not find time when he was in China.Awould BshouldCcould Dmight解析:考查情态动词。句意:布郎先生本来应该游览西藏的,但是他在中国期间抽不出时间。should have done sth.表示“过去本来应该做某事,而实际上并没有做”。这里说的都是过去的情况,所以用can的过去式,在这里表示“能,会”。答案:C10(2011陕西质量检测)The welldressed lady

    8、 was caught stealing in the fashion shop. Strangely enough, she _ have done such a thing.Awould BmustCshould Dmight解析:考查情态动词的用法。根据题干中的Strangely enough可知,这里应该用should,表示惊讶,可译为“竟然”。答案:C11(2011潍坊质量监测)When we worked in the same firm several years ago,we _ often go to the cinema together.Awould BwillCshal

    9、l Dcould解析:考查情态动词。句意:当几年前我们在同一家公司工作时,我们常常一起去看电影。would这里表示“(过去)常常”。答案:A12(2010湖南高考)If he _ my advice,he wouldnt have lost his job.Afollowed Bshould followChad followed Dwould follow解析:考查虚拟语气。此处表示与过去事实相反的情况,故从句应用过去完成时。答案:C13(2010日照市调研考试)He was receiving more and more attention in the company.So he was

    10、.But for his good education,he _ the job.Awill never get Bshouldnt have gotCwould not have got Dmustnt have got解析:考查虚拟语气。答语句意为:他确实在公司里受到越来越多的关注,要不是他受过良好的教育,他就不会得到这份工作。“受教育”和“得到工作”都是过去的事实,说明此处表示与过去事实相反,but for his good education是介词短语表示虚拟条件,因此主句的谓语动词用would not have got,表示对过去事实的虚拟。答案:C14(2010合肥第三次教学检测)

    11、Sorry,Daddy.I am not getting on well with my studies.Well._ you hadnt wasted so much time playing online games.AAs if BEven ifCIf only DOnly if解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:“爸爸,对不起,我的学习情况不太好。”“哦,要是你不把那么多的时间浪费在网络游戏上就好了。”if only(但愿)接虚拟语气,表示对过去情况的假设。as if“好像”,even if“即使”,only if“只有”,都是状语从句的连词,不符合句意。答案:C15(2010厦门质检)Than

    12、k you for reminding me of the time,or I _ late yesterday.Dont mention it.Ashould be Bwould beCwill have been Dwould have been解析:考查虚拟语气。从语境可知说话人是在谈论昨天的事,因此要使用wouldhave done。句意:谢谢你提醒我时间,不然昨天我就迟到了。答案:D.单项填空1(2011江西十所重点中学模拟)Who has broken the window in my room?Who else _ it but your naughty son!Acould d

    13、o Bcould have doneCmight do Dmust have done解析:考查情态动词。句意:“谁打碎了我房间的窗子?”“除了你淘气的儿子还会有谁做这件事呢?”could have done表示对过去发生事情的推测,常用于疑问句和否定句中。而must have done常用于肯定句中。答案:B2(2011南昌模拟)The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. You _ the trouble to carry your raincoat with you.Ashould have taken Bmustnt have takenC

    14、could have taken Dneednt have taken解析:考查情态动词和虚拟语气。句意:昨天天气很好,你本来不必费力带着雨衣的。neednt have done表示“本来不必做而实际上已做了”。答案:D3(2011石家庄质检)John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news?Yes, but I _ him after his birthday party.Ashould have told Bmust have toldCshouldnt have told Dneednt have told解析:考查“情态动词完成

    15、式”的用法。约翰看起来有点难过,因此“我本应该在他生日聚会之后再告诉他这个坏消息的”。should have done“本该做某事(但是没有做)”;shouldnt have done“本不该做但却做了”。答案:A4(2011唐山模拟)What do you think of the film Avatar?It _ be better. I even want to see it twice.Awont BcouldntCshouldnt Dmightnt解析:考查情态动词。句意:“你觉得电影阿凡达怎么样?”“再好不过了,我甚至想看第二次。”cant/couldnt与比较级连用,表示“再也没

    16、有更的了”。类似的用法还有“I couldnt agree more.(我完全同意。)”。答案:B5(2010东北三校联合模拟)Mum, would you please buy me an MP5 player?If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation, you _ have one as a reward.Amust BneedCwould Dshall解析:考查情态动词。shall常用于第二、三人称主语后面表示允诺等含义。答语句意:如果你能够在假期中帮我洗盘子的话,你就会得到一个MP5作为回报。答案:D6(2010南昌调研)Wher

    17、e is Lucy?I cant say where she is, but she _ have gone to meet her classmates, for they want to go to Sichuan to work as volunteers.Acan BshouldCmust Dmay解析:考查情态动词。这里表示对过去状况的推断,用“情态动词have done”。从前面的“我不确定她在哪里”可知,应用may have done,表示“过去可能已经做了”(不确定)。must have done表示“过去一定做了”(非常确定);can have done常用于否定句和疑问句中

    18、,should have done表示“过去本该做(实际却没做)”。答案:D7(2010唐山联考)Oh, Richard, why _ you always do the opposite of what I tell you?Amust BmayCshould Dcan解析:考查情态动词。句意:Richard,你为什么偏偏做那些我不让你做的事情呢?情态动词must表示“偏偏,非要”,符合语意。而may“也许,可能”,should“应该”,can“能,能够”,均不符合语意。答案:A8(2010青岛市联合模拟)Everyone in my class passed the exam.Oh,rea

    19、lly?It _ difficult.Acant have been Bneednt have beenCmust be Dmightnt be解析:考查情态动词。对过去进行推测,表示“一定不”应使用cant have done。句意:“我们班上每个人都通过了考试。”“哦,真的吗?那题目一定不难。”答案:A9(2010福建毕业班检查)For environmental reasons,we _ as well take these waste products and have them recycled.Ashould BwouldCmight Dcould解析:考查情态动词。根据语意,这里

    20、表示“我们只好把这些废弃产品收起来并回收利用”,固定表达may/might as well意为“做倒也无妨,只好做”,由此我们不难判断这里选C项。答案:C10(2010东北三校第一次联考)Its hard to believe that Jack _ have fought with the policeman.Yes.If one _ ask for trouble,it cant be helped.Awould;will Bmust;mayCshould;must Dneed;dare解析:考查情态动词。句意:“难以置信,杰克竟然与警察打了一架。”“是的。如果一个人非要找麻烦,实在没法子

    21、。”句中should表示“竟然”,must表示“硬要,非要”。答案:C11(2010南通一模)Shopping online can save much time as you _ go to a shop or walk around crowded shopping centers.Adont have to Boughtnt toCwont Dmustnt解析:本题考查情态动词。句意:由于不必去商店或者拥挤的购物中心,网上购物能够节省大量时间。根据句意,应选A。答案:A12(2010南通二模)Will it take me long to get to the Sunshine Hote

    22、l?No,it _ take you long.Its not the rush hour now.Ashouldnt BshantCmustnt Dneednt解析:考查情态动词。根据应答句的后一分句可知所填词意思是:应该不会,选A。答案:A13(2010福建龙岩检测)“Attention,please.Whoever can answer one of my questions _ receive a prize,”the teacher said in class.Amight BshallCshould Dwould解析:考查情态动词。shall用于第二和第三人称时,可以表示警告、命令

    23、、允诺、威胁等语气;might表示可能性很小;should表示“应该(义务性)”;would 表示意志(意愿性)。由此我们不难判断这里选B项表示允诺。答案:B14(2010哈尔滨检测)_ anyone call,please tell him Im not free.AMust BCanCMay DShould解析:本题考查情态动词用法。句意:如果有人给我打电话,就告诉他我很忙。第一个分句是省略了if虚拟条件句,补充完整为:If anyone should call,please tell him Im not free.当if省略时,句子要倒装,故D项正确。答案:D15(2010海淀区第二学

    24、期期中练习)If we had taken such effective measures much earlier,the river _ so seriously now.Ais not pollutedBwould not be pollutedChad not been pollutedDwould not have been polluted解析:考查虚拟语气的用法。这是一个错综虚拟条件句,条件句是对过去情况的虚拟,而主句则是对现在情况的虚拟,由此可知B项正确。答案:B16(2010杭州市第二次教学检测)Why are you so late?I got stuck in the t

    25、raffic jam,or I _ earlier.Aarrived Bhad arrivedCwould arrive Dwould have arrived解析:考查虚拟语气。从语意可知要不是因为遇到交通堵塞,我可能早就到了,可见说话人是在谈论过去的情况。would have done表示与过去事实相反的虚拟,故选D。答案:D17(2010南通二模)How much of the foreign experts speech have you understood?Next to nothing.I wish I _ harder at English.Aworked Bhad worke

    26、dCwould work Dwere working解析:考查虚拟语气。wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,此处表示与过去事实相反,意思是:我希望我(过去)更努力地学习英语了。答案:B18(2010福建龙岩检测)I didnt attend the lecture yesterday.I _,either,if my mother hadnt reminded me.Awouldnt Bwouldnt haveCdidnt Dhadnt解析:考查虚拟语气。由从句if my mother hadnt reminded me 知,此处是对过去状况的虚拟,主句应该用should/would/could/

    27、mighthavedone结构,从选项中看只有B项合适(I wouldnt have是I wouldnt have attended the lecture的省略)。答案:B19(2010潍坊教学质量抽样监测)The order came that the medical supplies _ to Beijing for the H1N1 flu soon.Awould be sent Bshould sendCbe sent Dmust be sent解析:考查虚拟语气。当表示愿望、请求、建议、命令等意义的动词(如order,suggest,command等)后面接从句时,从句用虚拟语气,

    28、从句谓语用shoulddo,should可以省略。故选C。答案:C20(2010南通一模)He chose to teach in a western province,though he _ in the city for a better life.Acould stay Bwould stayCcould have stayed Dhad stayed解析:本题考查虚拟语气。句意:他选择到中国的西部去教书,尽管他本可以在大城市过更好的生活。是对过去的虚拟,故用couldhavedone的形式。答案:C.完形填空(2011西安质量检测)My father enjoys bike ridin

    29、g. Ever since I was little, Ive always loved going biking with my dad. _1_, as I became a teenager, other things began to draw my _2_. Suddenly, it was important to do things with _3_. I saw my dad every evening at home. Why did I have to _4_ my Sundays to allday bike trips with him, too? If my indifference(冷漠) hurt him, my father kept _5_, but he would always let me know when he was planning a bike trip _6_ I wanted to come.It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low_7_. Two of my friends had gone to the movies without inviting me. Just then my father _8_ my ro


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