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    1、五年级英语上册练习题优学教育五年级英语上册练习题姓名:_一、选出不同类的单词。( )1、A.metB.needC.ran( )2、A.usB.playC.send( )3、A.aboveB.finishC.wait( )4、A.cheeseB.chocolateC.These( )5、A. where B. in C. when ( )6、A. bottle B. juice C. milk ( )7、A. these B. those C. are ( )8、A. five B. need C. want ( )9、A. bought B. ran C. buy ( )10、A. bag B

    2、. big C. small ( )11、A. nurse B. teacher C. mother ( )12、A. kilo B. noodles C. cheese ( )13、A. ice cream B. drop C. bread ( )14、A. bike B. bus C. buy ( )15、A.yours B.me C.mine( )16、A,bored B.angry C.ball2、单项选择。 ( ) 1.Amy _ near Sam. A.lives B. live C. living ( ) 2. Youre _ from China. A.come B.back

    3、C. on ( ) 3. Look at _ice creams. A.an B.this C.these ( ) 4. I _ my ice cream. . A.drop B.dropped C.dropping ( )5. I came to school _ bus. . A.on B. in C. by ( )6. I _ rice yesterday. A.have B. has C. had ( )7 . Did she send you _ email? A. a B. an C .some ( )8. We bought _ apples. A. many B. much C

    4、. any ( )9. How _ water did you buy ? A. many B. much C. any ( )10. Hes _ friend. A. Amys and Sam B. Amys and Sams C . Amy and Sams( )11.Whose shirt is this? Its_.A.her B.hers C.she( )12.-_did you meet in London ? -I met Amy in London .A.Where B.Who C.What( )13.I didnt _football yesterday.A.played B

    5、.plays C.play( )14.-How much milk do you want? -_,please.A.Five B.Five bottles C.Yes( )15.-Where did they _last weekend? -I dont know.A.go B.went C.goes( )16.-How _ apples do you want? -Six,please.A.much B.many C.do( )17.-Did Lingling go to school by bike? -Yes,_.A.she didnt B.she did C.she does( )1

    6、8.I didnt win the game,I feel _.A.happy B.sad C.hungry( )19.-_didyoudoatnineoclockonSaturday? -Ireadabook.A.Where B.Who C.What( )20.I can play basketball _.A.good B.well C.bad( )21.Amy is good _dancing.A.at B.in C.for( )22.They_lotsofplaceslastFriday.A.visits B.visit C.visited( )23.Did you _Sam? Yes

    7、,I _.A.meet did B.met do C.meeted didnt3、根据汉语意思填写单词。 1She _(吃完)her noodles. 2.We_(遇见)John in the park. 3._(首先), we need five apples. 4.I _( 丢失)my English book at school. 5.Please _(等待)for me. 6.-When did you come _(回来)? -Last Sunday.7.-How much juice do you want? -One _(瓶).8.They walk to the park fo

    8、r one _(小时).9.Please _(给)out the apples to _(每个)child.10.The girl is deaf,she cant _(听见).11.The boy is _(失明的),he cant see.12.Thereare_(60个)childrenintheclassroom.13.WheredidTomlosehis_(尺子)?4、改写句子。1.I ran to bus.(一般疑问句) _ you _ to the bus? 2.Look at those ice creams.(单数句) Look at _ ice _. 3.We need f

    9、ood for our picnic.(否定句) We _ _ food for our picnic. 4.We bought some apples.(划线部分提问) _ did you _? 5.I bought two bottles of milk. (划线部分提问) _ _ milk did you _? 5、连词成句。 e, Did, you, yesterday, back (?) _ 2.Johns, ice, I, cream, my, shoes, dropped, new, on (.)_3.did,cheese,How,you,buy,much(?)_4.a,choc

    10、olate,of,We,lot,bought(.)_5.postcard,Amy,Here,a,from,is (.)_六、用be的适当形式填空 1.There_(be) some big houses . 2.There_(be) an old TV there.3.There_(be) six bikes . 4.There_(be) a pen on the desk . 5.There_(be) lots of small houses . 6.There_(be)five apples.7.There_(be)some cheese.8.There_(be)two bottles o

    11、f milk.9.There_(be)eight oranges on the table.10.There_(be)some meat in the plate(盘子).7、按要求给下列单词分类A.ran B.fifty C.above D.took E.near.F.eightyG.forH.metI.arrivedJ.fourteen K.bought L.twenty 1.数词:_2.动词过去式:_3.介词:_8、情景交际,选出正确的答语填入括号内或横线上。情景交际(一)( )1.Howmanyapplesdidyoubuy?()2.DidAmyeatallthechocolate?(


    13、Iwanttobeinyourbasketballteam.C.Canyoucontrolthebasketball?D.Ithinkyoucanplaybasketballwell.E.AndIcancatchtheballwell.情景交际(三)A:Good morning!B:_A:_B:I want pears.A:_B:Four,please.A:_B:Thanks.1.How many do you want? 2.Can I help you? 3.Here are you. 4.Good morning! 九、阅读短文,回答问题。 阅读(一) Im Lingling. I ha

    14、s three new teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. My science teacher is Mr Liu. Hes tall and thin. My art teacher is Miss Zhao. Shes pretty and young. My English teacher is Miss Sun. Shes an old woman. Shes kind. I like them. 1. How many teachers does Lingling have? _ _

    15、. 2. Is Mr. Liu pretty and young? _ , he _. 3.What is Miss Zhao like? Shes _ and _. 4.Who is English teacher? _ _. 5.Is Miss Sun kind? _ , she _.阅读(二) Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(书店)with my parents.We walked to the bookshop.On the way we met John and his sister.They went to the bookshop ,too.

    16、John is Linglings friend.John and I are in the same class.In the bookshop,we bought many books.John bought a book about animals for Lingling.根据短文内容判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。 ( )1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents. ( )2. We went to the bookshop by bus. ( )3. John and I are classmates. ( )4. John a

    17、nd his parents went to the bookshop, too. ( )5. John and I bought many books.阅读(三) My name is Wang Ming. Im sixty years old now. I have a very happy family. I have one son, one daughter, and a granddaughter. However(然而), my life was very different many years ago. At that time, I lived in a small and

    18、 dirty(脏的)house. My mother cooked on a fire. We didnt have enough food. Now, I lived in a big and nice house. I have a big television. Im very happy now. 根据短文内容判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。( )1.Wang Ming has four children. ( )2.Wang Mings mother cooked on a fire many years ago. ( )3.Wang Ming has a big television

    19、 now. ( )4.Wang Ming doesnt have a happy family. ( )5. Wang Ming live in a small and dirty house now. 阅读(四) Manyyearsago,mymotherwasateacher.Shewasinasmallschool.Allthe childrenlikedher.Shewasagoodteacher.Nowshe doesntwork.Shelikeschildren.Shehelpsmeandmyfriendswithour homework.Weloveherverymuch.根据短文内容判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。( )1.Mymotherwasadriver.( )2.Sheworkedinabigschool.( )3.Shewasagoodteacher.( )4.Shedoesntlikechildren.( )5.Weloveherverymuch.


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