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    1、六级阅读练习试题一、阅读理解(共20题,合计100分)Unit 1Passage One Carbon dioxide makes up less than one percent of the Earths atmosphere, but the gas is very important to life on Earth. Scientists are finding that processes involving carbon dioxide affect our climate in ways that are difficult to understand. Last month,

    2、 a committee of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington released a report. It confirmed that world temperatures increased about six-tenths of a degree Celsius in the last one hundred years. The report also confirmed evidence that the level of carbon dioxide is increasing. The best information

    3、 about climate in the past comes from tests of ice many kilometers deep in Antarctica and Greenland. The tests show changes in temperature during the past four hundred thousand years. These tests show that levels of carbon dioxide today are the highest ever measured. These findings have led scientis

    4、ts to believe that carbon dioxide is a major cause of climate warming. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when fuel is burned. Oil, coal and wood are all fuels that release the gas. When biological waste breaks down, it also releases carbon dioxide. However, plants use carbon dioxide in

    5、the process called photosynthesis. This process provides food for almost all life on Earth. Some groups that support burning oil and coal want to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They oppose international efforts to control carbon dioxide. Some scientists believe that forests

    6、 and trees are able to capture large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air. Some groups even suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide could cause plants to grow faster. A recent study in North Carolina found that more carbon dioxide in the air could cause trees to grow faster. But the researchers

    7、 found the effect appears to last for only three years. Another study showed that much of the carbon dioxide that is taken in by trees is released within three years. The study noted that leaves release carbon dioxide when they fall from trees and break down in the soil. Plants also naturally releas

    8、e carbon dioxide through the process of respiration. The natural balance of gases in the atmosphere is a complex scientific issue. The debate over carbon dioxide is only one part of efforts to understand world climate change.1The committee report of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington rev

    9、eals that _.A. ice from Antarctica and Greenland is appropriate to show the changeB. carbon dioxide is released mainly from the fuelC. global temperatures increase as the level of carbon dioxide increasesD. carbon dioxide is helpful for tree growth正确答案C您的答案C本题分值:1分您的得分:1分试题解析:推断题。文章第一段指出,位于华盛顿的国家科学院

    10、的一个委员会发表了一份报告,该报告证实了全球温度在过去一百年升高了六分之一摄氏度,还证实发了二氧化碳含量正在增高,由此推断,报告显示二氧化碳含量和全球温度都有所升高,所以C正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 2Which of the following can be the source of carbon dioxide?A. Oil and soil. B. Soil and trees.C. Wood and soil. D. Trees and oil.正确答案D您的答案A本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:细节题。文章第三段第三句提到,石油、煤和木材都是能释放二

    11、氧化碳的燃料;倒数第二段最后两句提到,树叶从树上落下来的时候会释放二氧化碳,植物在呼吸过程中也会自然地释放二氧化碳,再结合常识可知,土壤无法产生二氧化碳,所以排除A、B、C,选D。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 3According to this passage, some people disagree with the control of carbon dioxide because _.A. they think that carbon dioxide is beneficial for plant growthB. they want to use more fue

    12、ls that can emit carbon dioxideC. they think carbon dioxide is not the main reason for global warmingD. they think it will destroy the natural balance of gases in the world正确答案B您的答案A本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:推断题。文章第匹l段第三句指出,一些支持燃烧石油和煤的组织想要增加大气中二氧化碳的含量,他们反对国际上为控制二氧化碳所做的努力,由此推断,他们反对控制二氧化碳的原因是他们想更多地使用那些可能释放二氧

    13、化碳的燃料,所以B正确。由第五段第二句可知,一些组织甚至认为二氧化碳的增加会促进植物生长,但这并非他们反对控制二氧化碳的 原因,故排除干扰项A。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 4Those studies carried out in North Carolina suggest that _.A. trees function for absorbing carbon dioxide is limitedB. carbon dioxide is the main cause for global warmingC. leaves falling from trees can

    14、emit more oxygenD. carbon dioxide is beneficial for trees growth for many decades正确答案A您的答案A本题分值:1分您的得分:1分试题解析:推断题。文章倒数第二段指出,最近在北卡罗来纳州进行的一项研究发现,空气中二氧化碳的增多能促进树木加速生长,但研究人员还发现这种功效只能持续三年,由此推断,尽管树木可以吸收二氧化碳,但这种吸收功能是有限的,所以A正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 5The word issue (Line 1, Para. 7) can be replaced by _.A.

    15、organ B. topic C. publication D. result正确答案B您的答案B本题分值:1分您的得分:1分试题解析:语义题。被考查词所在句意为“大气中气体的自然平衡是一个复杂的科学 _”,再结合之后提到的关于二氧化碳的争论可知,气体的自然平衡应该是一个科学论题,所以B正确。A(器官)、C(出版物)、D(结果)均不符 合句意。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 Passage Two The high-tech revolution has inspired a seemingly endless stream of new and exciting electr

    16、onic products that we just cant live without. In fact, the dizzying speed of technological innovation can make last years must this years junk. And thats the problem. The average life span at personal computer has shrunk to around 19 months-and this has nothing to do with worn-out mice or damaged di

    17、sk drives. Simply put, electronic products can become obsolete before youve even figured out how they work. So what happens to all those old keyboards, monitors, organizers and CPUs? Most are stashed away in the attic or forgotten in a corporate warehouse, taking up valuable space. But many end up i

    18、n landfills, and that is where the trouble really begins. Computer monitors can contain up to 3.5 kg of lead and can actually be considered hazardous waste once they are no longer in use. Circuit boards in electronic products contain cadmium(镉), chromium(铬) and mercury, all of which are toxic substa

    19、nces that can leach into groundwater if left in a landfill. Unfortunately, this disposal problem is not going to disappear anytime soon-in fact, it is growing by the minute. In Japan alone, consumers throw away some 20 million TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners each year. In E

    20、urope, 6 million metric tons of electrical and electronic equipment were generated in 1998 alone, and that volume is expected to increase three to five percent per year-which means by 2010 it could nearly double. Whats to be done with all this techno-trash? Electronics manufacturers are working hard

    21、 to answer this question. The European Commission has proposed a directive that would require all electronics manufacturers to take back and properly dispose of all electronic products, regardless of their age. The details are still being ironed out, but some version of the directive will most proba

    22、bly become law in the next few years. Similar legislation is in the work in the U.S. and has already passed in Japan. As the costs of such programs could quickly become prohibitive, companies are searching for new ways of tackling disposal issues before they become a problem. One way to reduce waste

    23、 is to avoid throwing thing in the first place. Many companies reuse parts from old products in new models. This is not cheating-it makes both environmental and economic sense.6The author mainly intends to address _.A. the issue of technological innovationsB. the necessity of updating computer hardw

    24、areC. the conservation of natural resourcesD. the disposal problem of electronic products正确答案D您的答案本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:主旨题。文章第一段指出,科技的飞速发展使得去年的必需品成为今年的垃圾;接下来的儿段介绍了电子垃圾可能造成的危害;第五段指出,垃圾处理面临的问题不会马上消失;最后几段介绍了应该如何处理电子垃圾。综合可知,本文主要讨论了电子产品的处理问题,所以D正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 7Computer monitors disposed will po

    25、se a danger to environment _.A. if buried in landfillsB. when put away in warehousesC. once no longer in useD. unless stashed with other appliances正确答案A您的答案本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:推断题。文章第三段最后一句指出,许多旧键盘、显示器、中央处理器等都 被埋在了垃圾掩埋场,而那就是麻烦开始的地方;第四段第一句指出,电脑显示器中含有多达3.5千克的铅,如果不再使用实际上就是危险废品,而由 常识可知,铅会对环境造成危害。由此推断,如果采

    26、用垃圾掩埋法来处理电脑显示器,其中的铅就会对环境造成危害,所以A正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 8The case of Japan in Para. 5 is mentioned to show _.A. shortened lifespan of personal computersB. the explosion of tech-trashC. the insensibility of Japanese consumersD. the leading role of this country正确答案B您的答案本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:推断题。文章第五段第

    27、一句指出,不幸的是这种垃圾处理面临的问题不会马上消失,事实上这种问题每分钟都在增加;接着便以日本消费者丢弃大量电器为例进行说明。由此推断,该段提到日本的例子是为了说明高科技 垃圾的数量之多及其严重性,所以B正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 9It can be concluded from the passage that obsolete electronic products should be recycled _.A. for lack of legislative directives formulatedB. in the interests of electr

    28、onic manufacturersC. out of environmental and economic concernD. in response to public protests against pollution正确答案C您的答案本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:推断题。文章最后两句指出,许多公司在新机型上重新使用旧产品的零件,这不是欺骗,而是具有环保和经济意义,由此推断,循环利用旧电子产品是出于环保和经济考虑,所以c正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 10We can learn from the passage that high-tech compan

    29、ies _.A. try their best to avoid legal obligations as much as possibleB. always have the final say in disposal issues under discussionC. are chiefly responsible for the dangerous waste pollutionD. strive to develop continually updated electronic products正确答案D您的答案本题分值:1分您的得分:0分试题解析:推断题。文章开头指出,科技的飞速发展

    30、使去年的必需品成为今年的垃圾,之后又多次提到消费者不断丢弃旧的电子产品,转而使用新的电子产品,由此推断,电子产品更新换代的速度非常快,而这应该是高科技公司 不懈努力的结果,所以D正确。 +我要找茬 +加入错题 +收藏该题 评论此题 Passage Three A strange thing about humans is their capacity for blind rage. Rage is presumably an emotion resulting from survival instinct, but the surprising thing about it is that w

    31、e do not deploy it against other animals. If we encounter a dangerous wild animal-a poisonous snake or a wild cat-we do not fly into a temper. If we are unarmed, we show fear and attempt to back away; if we are suitably armed, we attack, but in a rational manner not in a rage. We reserve rage for our own species. It is hard to see any survival value in attacking ones own, but if we take account of the long competition which must have existed between our own subspecies and other like Neanderthal(穴居人的) man-indeed others still mor


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