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    1、高三下学期模拟考试英语试题2019-2020年高三下学期模拟考试英语试题 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间120分钟第I卷(选择题,共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题05分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1I hear youre moving abroad, John _My father is going to settle clown to a permanent job in Spain AOf course BThats

    2、right CDont mention it DThat is all right2In many countries, _ good education is regarded as _ ticket to success in the future A不填; 不填 Ba; a Cthe; the Dthe; a3The South Pole is a key area which influences global climate and _ any damage to it will cause global change Ainstantly Bconstantly Cconseque

    3、ntly Dfrequently4If you _ China Daily, itll be delivered to your door every day Alead to Bsubscribe to Capply to Dstick to5Social Media, from microblogs to networking sites, have become platforms_ people are free to share their opinions, values and experiences Awhen Bwhere Chow Dwhich6Ever since the

    4、 old couple moved to the lake area a year ago, they _ better health Ahad enjoyed Bhave been enjoying Care enjoying Dcould have enjoyed7Many parents can _ unpleasant behavior from their children while they will not tolerate any from others Aput up Bput away Cput up with Dput forward8How did your inte

    5、rview go, Michael? I _ feel better about itThe questions were fair, and I seemed to find a perfect answer to each of them Ashould Bcouldnt Cmight not Dmust9_ many people may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether they would equally enjoy reading about themselves AI

    6、f BAs CThough DWhen10The parents of the injured child dont want to talk about the accident; now they are in no to do so Amood Bfeeling Cemotion Dattitude11British students are looking to the USA when it comes to choosing a college, _ the increasing expense at their, own universities Aas a result of

    7、Bin spite of Cat the mercy of Din lack of12_ is more important for a student, in my point of view, is to be creative rather than hard-working AThat BWhich CWhat DIt13The thief ran like _when the alarm sounded all of a sudden Asomething Banything Csomebody Danybody14The school library provides a vari

    8、ety of books, _ they will meet the needs of different students Ato hope Bhope Choped Dhoping15Many road accidents _ from careless driving, according to the recent reports from the police Ainvolve Breduce Carise Dincrease16A huge balloon is telling people in Paris how good or bad the air quality isWh

    9、en its good, the bolloon shines green_, its red AWhen worse BIf bad CThough terrible DWhenever good17 to hometown to stay with family members during the Spring Festival is a custom in China ATo be returned BReturning CHaving returned DBeing returned18If you _ a statement or a warning, you make it kn

    10、own formally or publicly Aissue Bpolish Cemploy Dsubmit19It has been raining for almost three weeks and scientists say that it is quite _ at this time of year Atechnical Babnormal Cphysical Dlogical20Do you think I should buy that camera? _ The price is reasonable and new arrivals are seldom on sale

    11、It is really a bargain AWhat for? BHow funny! CWhy not ? DHow come?第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。When I was growing up, I always gave my mom an apron (围裙)on her birthdayI wanted my own mom 21 that apron Id just given her, of course to 22 me at the end of e

    12、ach afternoon bearing a plate of home-baked 23 as she waited breathlessly to hear about my 24 day at schoolMom loved her family without question, but as an elementary-school teacher she had her own exciting days to 25 .She had hardly any extra time and 26 , and home-baked treats were rare in our hou

    13、se except 27 very special occasionsSince Mom didnt make cookies very often, the 28 of her baking were not always the sameSometimes the cookies were browned a little more than planned or 29 together and other times the cookies werent smooth 30 , none of that bothered anyone in the familyAll we 31 was

    14、 swallowing whatever we were having for dinner that night so we could get to the cookies 32 us on the kitchen counterNow that Im a mom myself, I can 33 all too well why my mother didnt always have the time to wear the apronAs was true with my mother, the list of things I need to do is often 34 than

    15、the day itselfBut I also understand the desire to 35 the same yellow mixing bowl mymother used and make something special for my family every so oftenWhatever I bake is met with approval, appreciation and good 36 by my husband and childrenAt some level, I believe theyre 37 that I was thinking about

    16、them as I 38 the brown sugar into the butter or frosted the cake with their favorite kind of icingThey always know I love themI 39 they know it a little better when Im in a baking moodIm sure my mother felt 40 the same way whenever she made cookies for usThose cookies will always, in my mind, be the

    17、 best treat21Awearing Bholding Ctaking Dthrowing22Awatch Bgreet Cguide Dencourage23Avitamins Bvegetables Ccookies Dfruits24Aboring Bfrightening Ccomfortable Dexciting25Astart with Bset up Cmake up Ddeal with26Apower Bwork Cenergy Dmoney27Aon Bat Cin Dby28Amethods Bresults Cefforts Dvalues29Aput Bpil

    18、ed Cstuck Dtied30ABesides BHowever CMeanwhile DThus31Agave up Bcared about Cfigured out Dcut down32Awaiting for Blooking for Clonging for Dheading for33Apredict Badmit Ccomment Dunderstand34Alonger Bheavier Chigher Dtighter35Aput away Btake on Cget out Dcome about36Aappetites Bmotivations Copportuni

    19、ties Dinstructions37Aanxious Baware Ceager Dcrazy38Ashook Bremoved Ctore Dmixed39Astate Bstress Cimagine Dcomplain40Amostly Bpossibly Chardly Dexactly第二部分:阅读理解(第一节 20小题,第二节5小题;每题2分,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AId been living with my wife for eight years and one night mom

    20、 says, I guess you guys are never gonna get marriedI mean, youve been through jail together, youre living together, but, oh, forget it Oh, well, I said, put it like that and Ill marry your daughter tomorrow Actually, I dont know what we were waiting for, except that for a guy its never the right tim

    21、e to get marriedIm also suspicious of any two people who don t struggle with that decisionPart of my problem was that I was still having desire for other ladiesBut somehow I knew that I wasnt going to find another woman somewhere else as great as my soon-to-be wifeIts a good thing my mother-in-law f

    22、inally spoke upI finally gathered my courage one day when we were having a picnic, and proposed (求婚) to herI also gave my wife a big tourist brochure about SwitzerlandI wasnt taking any chancesShe said no It killed meI felt sick to my stomachI lost my appetiteOur dog just stared at me, thinking, If

    23、youre not going to eat your lunch, I will Finally, I said, But the Switzerland trip is yours if you say yes Switzerland, she said, is filled with precise, humorless people Maybe I should have suggested Paris? For a minute it seemed as if my change in travel plans would rate a solid maybeBut she said

    24、 no againWhen we woke up the next morning, she told me that shed slept on my proposalI guess I was a little rude to you last night, she explainedMeanwhile, Im figuring Im okay even if I will have to wait for at least another eight yearsI could afford to be generous I asked, you said noIts okay, I sa

    25、idI might have looked a little too relieved because later that day she gave me a little boxInside was a gold watchOn the back was written, YesIve reconsidered” I liked the watch, so I did the right thing41The reason why the man had waited so long was that he _ Adidnt think eight years was long enoug

    26、h Bsuspected that husband and wife would often quarrel Cdidnt think he was ready to propose to her Dwas waiting for his mother-in-law s approval42The man proposed to the woman because _ Ahe realized he could find no other woman better Bhe was afraid that the woman might leave him Che was eager to vi

    27、sit Switzerland with the woman Dhe was persuaded to do so by his mother-in-law43By saying the underlined sentence I could afford to be generous the man implied that he 。 Awouldnt care too much if he stayed single Bcould take her to a better place than Paris Cwas rich enough to support his wife Ddidn

    28、t care what she thought about his proposal44The best title for this text would be _ AHow My Mother-in-Law Helped Me BHow I Received a Gold Watch I Liked CHow I Made My Wife Travel with Me DHow I Came to Marry My WifeBKalle Lasn was in a supermarket parking lot one afternoon when he had an experience

    29、 that changed his lifeIn order to shop at the store, he needed to put money into the shopping cart to use itAnnoyed that he had to pay to shop, Lasn jammed the coin into the cart so that it wouldnt workIt was an act of rebellionthe first of manyfor LasnBorn in Estonia, Kalle Lasn moved to Australia

    30、as a young man and then later to Japan, where he founded a marketing research firm in TokyoEventually, Lasn moved to Canada and for several years produced documentaries (纪录片) for public televisionIn the late 1980s, Lasn made an advertisement that spoke out against the logging industry and the deforestation going on in the Pacific NorthwestWhen he tried to show his ad on TV, though, no station in this area would give


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