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    最新中考真题解析版汇编之一单项选择介词介词 精品.docx

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    最新中考真题解析版汇编之一单项选择介词介词 精品.docx

    1、最新中考真题解析版汇编之一单项选择介词介词 精品2018年全国各地市中考真题解析版汇编之一单项选择介词【2018乌鲁木齐】23.1 think drinking milk is good _ our health.Afor B. to C. with D. at【答案】A【解析】介词的考察 be good for “对有好处”34. 【2018广西柳州】There are a lot _ students on the playground. A. of B. in C. by答案A【解析】考查固定短语。a lot of =lots of意为“许多,大量”后接名词复数或不可数名词。故选A。【2

    2、018连云港】5.Can I join Oxfam Trailwalker? Only if you are _ eighteen. A. over B. on C. under D. below答案:A【解析】考查介词。句意:-我可以参加乐施毅行者?-只有你超过十八岁。故选A。【2018雅安】2. Look at the wall. There are some pictures _ it. A. in B. on C. to D. at答案:B【解析】考查介词用法。句意为:“看着墙,墙上有一些图画。”图画在墙上,故选B。【2018广西贵港】31.Who else do you know a

    3、t the party _ Jim and Tom? Lucy and Lily. A. in B. next C. among D. besides答案:D.【解析】考查点:介词的辨析。解题思路:in “在里面”,next “靠近”,among “在其间”besides “除之外”,根据句意:你知道在晚会上除吉姆与汤姆之外的其他的人是谁?是鲁西与丽丽。故选D。【2018广西贺州】45. We will celebrate the 90th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party _ July 1st, 2018.A. on B. at C. in D.

    4、 during答案:A【解析】A 考查点:考察介词辨析。解题思路:具体到某一天用介词on。故选A。【2018河源】27.Has Mary been back? Not yet. She will come back _ the evening of June _. A. at,first B. to, thirtieth C. on,the twelfth D. on, he nineteen答案:C【2018遵义】27._ our surprise,the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year. A

    5、.With B.In C.To 答案:C 【2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔】( )26. We have been in China three years. We like it very much.A. in B. since C. for答案:C【2018泰州】2. Audrey Hepburn was a ballet dancer _ a very young age. In her twenties she became a famous film star. A. from B. in C. on D. at答案:D【2018重庆江津】( ) 27. A: How do you go h

    6、ome every day? B: bike. Its not far from here. A. On B. In C. With D. By答案:D【2018浙江湖州】16. A terrible earthquake happened in Japan_ March, 2018. A. to B. on C. in D. at答案:C【解析】考查介词用法。in 可用于年、月、星期之前;而on通常用于具体的某一日或特定的某一日之前。“March, 2018” 意为“2018年3月”,故选C。【2018山东泰安】30. Your sweater looks nice, is it made

    7、of wool? Yes, and its made _ Shanghai.A. by B. in C. for D. from答案:B【解析】近义词组。be made in表示事物于某地制造;be made by表示由谁制造; be made from表示由-制造,单从表面看不出原物质。【2018浙江杭州】30. She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes. A. above B. on C. against D. for答案:C【解析】介词的用法。above 意思是“在上方(和物体表面不接触)”,on意思是“在

    8、上方,(和物体表面接触)” against 意为“反对,违背”,for意为“赞成”。由句意“她不得不卖掉房子即使违背她自己的意愿”可知,用against。故选C。【2018浙江金华】17. We couldnt finish our work so early your help.A.without B.with C.for D.By答案:A 【解析】考查介词的用法。由句意可推断我们这么早完成工作和你的帮助有关系。换言之,(如果)没有你的帮助,我们就不能这么早完成工作。故选A。【2018南京】2. The wedding of Prince William was held in Westmi

    9、nster Cathedral _ April 29, 2018.A. at B. in C. on D. by答案:C【解析】考查介词的用法。在具体某一天前用介词on。故选C。【2018浙江舟山】18. My parents usually take a walk _ dinner to keep healthy.A. at B. of C. during D. after答案:D【解析】介词的用法。本句句意:我父母亲通常在饭后散步来保持健康;after dinner意为“饭后”,符合句意。【2018山东德州】20. We can get fresh water from rain, fro

    10、m rivers, or from _ the ground. A. across B. under C. over D. off答案:B【解析】介词的用法。句意:我们能够从雨水、河流或地下得到清新的水。介词across“穿过”;under“在.的下面”;over“在.的上面”;off“离开”,只有B符合题意。【2018安徽】45. What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead of C. together with. D. out of答案:B 【解

    11、析】选B。 考查词组区别。because of “因为”; instead of“代替”; together with “一起”;out of“外出;脱离”,结合句意选B。【2018铜仁】21. What does your English teacher look like? Shes tall and thin _ long hair.A. have B. has C. there is D. with答案:D【解析】介词的用法。with意思是“带着;有的”,表示特征,故选D。【2018湖北黄冈】33. Your coat looks very nice. Whats it made _?

    12、Cotton, and it is made_Wuhan.A. from; in B. of; in C. from; on D. of; on答案:B【解析】词组辨析。be made of 意为“由制成”,能看出原材料的; be made from意为“由制成”,看不出原材料;be made in 意为“在哪儿制作”,后接地点。根据答语可知,大衣是由棉花做成的(可以看出原材料),故选B。【2018湖北黄石】27. Cheng Long and Li Lianjie have much _. And they often play similar roles in the movies.A.

    13、in general B. in style C. in common D. in shape答案:C 【解析】词义辨析。In general的意思为“一般来说”,in style的意思为“时髦的”in common的意思为“共同的”in shape的意思为“身材健美”,根据题意“in common”符合题意。 【2018四川德阳】2. How do you study for a test? - _ working with friends. A. By B. With C. On答案: A【解析】本题考查介词by的用法。by意为“通过方式”;with意为“和在一起”;on意为“朝,向”.句

    14、意“你是怎么为考试作准备吗?”“通过和朋友一起学习。”只有by具有“通过方式”的意思,故选A。【2018上海】32. The university student borrowed some money _his friends to start his own business.A) from B) onto C) at D) in答案:A【解析】考查点:介词的用法。 解题思路:固定短语borrowfrom意为“从那儿借”,该题意为“这个大学生从他的朋友那儿借钱开始自己的学业”,故答案选A;【2018苏州】 When and where were you born? I was born _

    15、 October 1st, 1998 _ Suzhou. A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on答案:C 【解析】考查介词。在具体某天用介词on,地点前用in。故选C。【2018安徽芜湖】41. Look! There so many people in the park. Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. to 答案:B 【解析】介词。具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上,要用介词on.【2018 山东烟台】31.-Can a plane fly _ the

    16、 Atlantic Ocean? -Yes, but it needs to go_ the clouds for hours.A. across, through B. through, acrossC. across, across D. through, through答案:A 【解析】考查介语辨析用法。across,表示从物体的表面“穿过,越过”; through表示从某物的内部“穿过”,句中“飞越大西洋”要使用fly across; 从云层中“穿过”,要使用through。【2018山东德州】20. We can get fresh water from rain, from riv

    17、ers, or from _ the ground. A. across B. under C. over D. off答案:B【解析】介词的用法。句意:我们能够从雨水、河流或地下得到清新的水。介词across“穿过”;under“在.的下面”;over“在.的上面”;off“离开”,只有B符合题意。【2018四川内江】22. A big earthquake hit Japan_ the afternoon of March 11th, 2018.A. in B. on C. at答案:B 【解析】介词用法。in用于年、月、季节、早中晚。具体日期用on。具体时刻用at。故选B。【2018邵阳

    18、】23. My old friend White is going to visit me.We havent seen each other _ five years.A. since B after C. for答案:C 【解析】介词的用法。since+一段时间+ago;after+时间点;for+一段时间。本句中five years.为一段时间。故选择C。【2018广安市】34. Oh, so many people in the park? Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at 答案:B【解析】

    19、介词考查。in表示在某年、某月、某星期;on表示在某天或某天的早上、中午、晚上;at表示在某时某刻。根据句意:在周日早晨用介词on。【2018江苏淮安】8. The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London _ 2018. A. at B. on C. in D. for答案:C 【解析】介词辨析。在某一年用介词in. at 强调具体时间,on 用在具体某一天,for 后接时间段。故选C。【2018山西】24 - Shall we go the museum? - All right! I hear there are many first-class

    20、 photographs _.A. on show B. on board C. on sale 答案: A【解析】介词短语的用法。On show意为“展览,展示”,on board 意为“在国外”,on sale 意为“出售”。根据句意可知选A。10.【2018扬州】Is the film interesting?I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.A. in all B. in fact C. in addition D. in future答案:B【解析】近义词辨析。In all意思是“总共”; in fact意思是“事实上”;in

    21、 addition意思是“附加”; in future意思是“将来”。结合文意:事实上,我认为令人讨厌。【2018安徽】42. I hear our teacher will be back three weeks time. A. at B. in C. for D. after答案:B 【解析】选B。考查介词用法。at 一般加时间点;in +一段时间表示将来时;for加一段时间,通常用于完成时;after通常用于引导过去时的从句。由will提示,应该选B。【2018浙江绍兴】17. Hundreds of students came to Shaoxing to work _ the Wo

    22、rld Choir Games in 2018, A. at B. with C. for D. on答案:C【解析】介词的用法。句意:成百上千的学生来绍兴参加2018年国际合唱比赛。for意为“为了”,表目的,符合句意,故选C。【2018新疆阜康】28. have you stayed in this hotel?Not long, just this Monday.A. How soon, from B. How long, since C. How many days, for D. How often, on答案: B【解析】疑问词和介词的用法。问句意为:你已经在这家酒店住多久了?答语

    23、意为:时间不长。从上周一到现在。how soon意为“多久”,对将来的时间提问;how long意为“多久”,对时间段或物体提问;how many意为“多少”,对可数名词提问;how often意为“多久一次”,对频度副词提问。在现在完成时态中,since后接时间点或者一般过去式的句子;for后接时间段。【2018重庆】22. I go to school _ bus every morning.A. in B. on C. at D. by答案D【解析】考查介词用法。by+交通工具意为:乘;in和on后跟交通工具表乘车方式时,中间须加冠词或形容词物主代词。故选D。【2018山东济宁】18.

    24、-Could you please provide us _ some information about the students health ? -Of course, its my pleasure. A. to B. of C. from D. with答案:D【解析】:介词的用法。provide sb. with sth.意为“向某人提供某物”,为固定短语。故选D。【2018四川乐山】35. What do you often do _ classes to relax? Listen to music or walk around the school.A. over B. th

    25、rough C. between 答案:C【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意“两节课之间你们做什么来休息?”between是两者之间的意思,符合句意。 【2018湖南益阳】22. We can see a playground the two tall buildings.A. between B. among C. in答案:A【解析】介词考查。二者之间用between.三个或三个以上用among, in 指的是在内部。(2018贵州毕节)26Why are you standing there,Kangkang? I cant see the blackboard clearlyTwo ta

    26、ll boys are sitting meAbehind Bnext to Cin front of Dbeside解析:本题考查介词词组词义辨析。由I cant see the blackboard clearly“我看不清黑板。”可推知站着看的原因是“前面”有两个高个子男孩,故答案选C,意为“在的前面”。【2018福建莆田】( ) 34. Well hold a party in celebration of the 90th birthday of the CPC (中国共产党)_ Friday.A. in B. on C. at答案B【解析】介词的考查。在星期的前面用on.【2018

    27、湖南湘潭】22. More and more young people In China celebrate _Christmas DayDecember 25th.A at B. on C. in答案:B【解析】本题考查介词的用法。根据题意,越来越多的中国年轻人在12月25日庆祝圣诞节。at后接时刻,on后接具体时间,in后接模糊时间。12月25日是具体时间,故本题选B。【2018四川广元】12.I live the market. So I have to drive to buy vegetable and fruits.A. far away B. near to C. far fro

    28、m答案:C 【解析】词组辨析。far away意为“很远”、“遥远”,可作表语、状语和后置定语;near to 意为靠近于;far from表示离某处很远。根据句意选C;【2018四川广元】14. Why are most children under too much pressure?Because their parents always compare them others.A. with B. by C. to答案:A 【解析】固定短语。compare.with.意为“把与比较”。句意:因为他们的父母总是把他们与别人比较。【2018沈阳】11. It is very importa

    29、nt people to have food and water every day.A. for B. of C. with D. about答案:A【解析】考查固定句式。It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.意为“做某事对某人来说是的”。【2018雅安】5. I usually get up _ 7:00 _ the morning. A. in; at B. at; in C. in; in D. at; on答案:B【解析】考查介词的使用。在时间点前用at;在morning 前用in。故选B。【2018雅安】18. Its important _ you to learn Chinese well. A. of B. by C. for D. with答案:C 【解析】考查固定句型的用法。Its + adj. + for of sb. + to do sth. “对来说做什么事怎么样”。如果逻辑主语具备前边的形容词的特征,用 of; 如果逻辑主语不具备前边的形容词的特征,用 for。本句中的主语you不具备重要这一特征,故选C。【2018本溪】8. Mrs. Black doesnt agree to keep a cat _ a pet because she hate


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