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    1、初一情态动词用法归纳21 情态动词 (一)情态动词的定义 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。 (二)情态动词的特点 1. 情态动词有一定的词义。 2. 情态动词不能单独做谓语,它必须和其他动词的原形一起构成谓语。 3. 情态动词没有人称,数的变化。 (三)情态动词的结构和意义 1.情态动词的基本句型 肯定句:主语+情态动词+动词原形+. 否定句:主语+情态动词+not+动词原形+. 疑问句:情态动词+主语+动词原形+. 2. 情态动词的意义 must“必须” ; can/could“能,会” ; may/might “可以”; should“应该”; would“愿,要” ; have

    2、 to“不得不” ; need“需要” (四)情态动词的基本用法 一、can, could 1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。 Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) Mary can speak three languages.(知识) Can you skate?(技能) 此时可用be able to代替。Can只有一般现在时和一般过去式;而be able to则有更多的时态。 Ill not be able to come this afternoon. 当表示“经过努力才得以做成功某事”时应用be able to,不能用Can。如: He was able

    3、to go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain. 1 2) 表示请求和允许。 -Can I go now? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。 - Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. ( No, Im afraid not. ) 3) 表示客观可能性(客观原因形成的能力)。 Theyve changed t

    4、he timetable, so we can go by bus i nstead. This hall can hold 500 people at least. 4) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。 Can this be true? This cant be done by him. How can this be true? 二、may, might 1) 表示请求和允许。might比may语气更委婉,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用cant 或mustnt,表示“不可以,禁止”。 -Might/ May I smoke in this room?

    5、- No, you mustnt. - May/Might I take this book out of the room? - Yes, you can. (No, you cant / mustnt. ) 用May I.?征徇对方许可时比较正式和客气,而用Can I.?在口语中更常见。 2)用于祈使句,表示祝愿。 May you succeed! 3) 表示推测、可能性(不用于疑问句)。 might不是过去式,它所表示的可能性比may小。 1.He may /might be very busy now. 2.Your mother may /might not know the tru

    6、th. 三、must, have to 1) 表示必须、必要。 You must come in time. 在回答引出的问句时,如果是否定的,不能用mustnt(禁止,不准),而用neednt, dont have to(不必). - Must we hand in our exercise books today? - Yes, you must. - No, you dont have to / you neednt. 2) must是说话人的主观看法,而have to则强调客观需要。Must只有一般现在时,have to 有更多的时态形式。 1.he play isnt interes

    7、ting, I really must go now. 2.I had to work when I was your age. 3) 表示推测、可能性(只用于肯定的陈述句) 1.Youre Toms good friend, so you must know what he likes best. 2.Your mother must be waiting for you now. 一、单项选择题 1.The microwave is empty now.You start it . A.must B.may not C.cant D.should 2.- I borrow your ric

    8、e cooker? -Sorry,you . A.Must,cant B.Can,can C.Can,cant D.May,can 3.Your brother is changing the light bulb(电灯泡).You switch the electricity on. A.must not B.must C.can D.may 4.You make sure all lights are off before you go out. A.can B.may C.must D.must not 单项选择 ()1. I get there on time today? No, y

    9、ou neednt. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should ()2. May I talk about it with anyone I like? No, you . A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. dont have to ()*3. A teacher do every exercise, but a pupil must . A. maynt B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt ()4. Must we finish copying all these articles this morning? No

    10、, you . A. mustnt B. havent C. not have to D. dont have to ()5. I have a word with the teacher, sir? A. Will B. Would C. May D. Should ()6. I smoke here? No, you mustnt. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need ()7. I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum? Yes, you . A. Must; can B. May; may C. Need; need D. May ; need ()

    11、*8. He finish his homework on time. A. need not to B. doesnt need C. needs to D. needs ()*9. Neither he nor his children able to play table tennis. A. can be B. could C. is D. are ()*10. We laugh at others. A.shouldnt B. may not C. neednt D. cant 1.This is a white key. (对画线部分进行提问) 2.Bens bag is yell

    12、ow and red . (对画线部分进行提问) 3.Her name is Gina. (对画线部分进行提问) 4.My phone number is 673-8220. (对画线部分进行提问) 5.The boys name is Jack. (对画线部分进行提问) 6.The picture is on the wall. (对画线部分进行提问) 7.Your baseball is under the chair. (对画线部分进行提问) 8.His book is on the desk. (对画线部分进行提问) 9.Some balls are in the dresser. (

    13、对画线部分进行提问) 10.My computer is on my desk. (对画线部分进行提问) 11.He is Johnny. (改为一般疑问句) 12.These are his parents. (改为一般疑问句) 13.This is my sister. (改为一般疑问句) 14.The baseball is under the bed. (改为一般疑问句) 15.My key is on the bed. (改为一般疑问句) 16.He has a tennis racket. (改为一般疑问句) 17.I have some baseball bats. (改为一般疑问句) 18.She has many things to do today. (改为一般疑问句) 19.I like hamburgers . (改为一般疑问句) 20.They have a TV. (改为一般疑问句)


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