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    1、最新中国银行招聘笔试面试全套复习资料历年完整真题机考系统手机app试题库完整最新中国银行招聘笔试面试全套复习资料历年完整真题机考系统手机app题库一、最新中国银行招聘笔试完整真题001. Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a two-year decline in sales _. figures actions employers information002. In the past three years, our marketing manager _ to Europe, Australia, Brazil and Thai

    2、land. had gone has been gone went003. _ moving to a northern climate, be sure to properly winterize your automobile. gives given giving is giving004. An increase in a nations rate of savings ultimately _ to lower interest rates for business and consumer loans. lead leads leader leading005. We need t

    3、o get _ paperwork from him before the end of the fiscal year. him himself he his006. Any information _ about the revised holiday work schedule can be obtained from Ms. Zeldenrust in Human Resources. volunteered needed donated called007. Ever since the drivers strike started, citywide buses have been

    4、 _ running thirty minutes to one hour late. finally constantly concurrently very008. More than 6.55 million workers are _ in the manufacturing industry, according to government data. employed employer employing employment009. Fair Oaks Transit trains were back on schedule Monday after a mudslide dis

    5、rupted last Friday mornings _. section commute tracking beginning010. Sams Steakhouse is _ better than famous national chains with larger advertising budgets. argue arguing argument arguably011. _ Daily Dogs targets its advertising campaign to pet owners, it could be headed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

    6、. Until Unless Whereas Except012. Mocha Monkeys Coffee _ very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique drinks. expands are expanding is expanding to expand013. Notice: The meeting _ for today has been postponed until Thursday at 4 P.M. scheduled happening important open014. The new computer ch

    7、ips will _ be delayed because the hurricane on the East Coast has disrupted air traffic. probability probably probable probe015. We would like to thank the Elog Foundation for its generous _ to our charity fundraiser. donor donate donated donation016. After carefully _ the bid packages from each ven

    8、dor, we have decided to award the contract to Thomas Cullen. considered considering considerate consideration017. Economists predict a _ in housing prices due to the recent reduction in unemployment. development growth rise lift018. Changes in American eating _ over the last twenty years are blamed

    9、for a variety of health problems. meals habits dishes restaurants019. The Holden Complex _ has vacancies despite its high rent, inconvenient location and large annual maintenance fee. unusually rarely frequently assuredly020. Be informed that this medication is for temporary relief of symptoms, and

    10、is not intended _ your annual immunization shot. replaced replace to replace replacing021. The Healthcare community was shocked _ Ricardo Peters resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps. in up of by022. Alanis bought renters insurance to _ her personal belongings while living in a

    11、n apartment. protect protector protection protective023. The personnel department requires that all _ be interviewed at least three times before a hiring decision is made. applications applicants appliances applicator024. During office remodeling there will be _ interruptions to ADSL, copier and fax

    12、 machine service. usual often frequent little025. Kindly _ your colleagues to tip the waitress at least 15 percent. remind remember order command026. It is probably safe to say that of all the board members, Mr. Cain has the most _. result effect influence conclusion027. Sales of new homes this mont

    13、h are down 2% from last month, _ 6% from a year ago. too and as well along with028. Since Dawson Creek Fashion was late getting its new styles on the market, there was not _ opportunity to meet pre-Christmas sales projections. many little much big029. The CEO of Star Records announced plans for aggr

    14、essive expansion, saying the company will purchase _ new properties in the next two years. many little much any030. Human resources workers serve a vital _ in screening qualified candidates for the companys managerial positions. play function skill piece031. In a 20-minute address to computer scienc

    15、e students, the CEO of Electro-lite discussed the availability of technology jobs in todays job _. market maximum document department032. The meteorologist on Channel 2 said that he was _ certain that the cold front will result in snow tomorrow. reasoning reason reasonable reasonably033. Ms. Benihan

    16、a is knowledgeable in several disciplines, but especially biomedical engineering is her area of _. expert expertise experts expertness034. The chairperson of Walter Bros. announced that this years annual bonuses will be _ to company employees on Friday. awarded transacted published discarded035. All

    17、 international orders are _ via Global Express Mail within five to ten business days. spent enrolled collected delivered036. Most shareholders still fail _ both the immediate impacts and future implications of corporate mergers and takeover bids. understood understanding to understand have understoo

    18、d037. _ all forms of advertising, research shows that direct mail reaches the greatest number of people at the lowest cost. Through In Between Of038. In order to compete for a shrinking pool of qualified programmers, companies that are _ conservative are now offering flextime and work-from-home opti

    19、ons. sometimes always infrequently otherwise039. The sales representative suggested an initial meeting to discuss the proposal as soon as the beta product is ready, _ that might be. no matter which whenever what040. Mr. Carter got _ in trouble by failing to acknowledge his secretarys birthday. he hi

    20、mself him hisQuestions 41-43 refer to the following letter.Memory Map Gameby Riven Learning Co.DescriptionFor 1-6 players, 5-11 years oldChildren can _ their observation and memorization skills with this puzzle that features a colorful picture map of a city.041. cause study practice manufactureTo be

    21、gin the game, children must place the 125 picture cards faced down. Each player then draws a picture card, turns it over, and waits for their turn to _ the picture card to the map. 042. add addition additive additionally_ a player cannot find where their picture card goes on the map, they must pick

    22、up another picture card.043. If So And BecauseThe first player to get rid of all their picture cards wins the game.Price $21.99Questions 44-46 refer to the following letter.Dear Arcish Furniture,I recently purchased a leather sofa from your outlet. The sales representative, Maureen, _ me to purchase

    23、 the 10-year warranty. I was told that if my furniture was accidentally damaged, even by a pet, the store would repair it at no cost to me.044. persuasion persuasive persuading persuadedLast week, my cat scratched the sofa, leaving three deep marks in the leather. The marks are clearly visible from

    24、a distance. I was surprised to learn from the manager that the 10-year _ does not cover damage done by household pets when I was informed otherwise.045. stock service warranty insuranceI have reviewed the fine print on the contract, and I can see that pet damage is not covered. However, this is not

    25、what Maureen told me when I bought the sofa. I feel I was _ about the terms of the warranty. I accept responsibility for not reading the full contract, but I trusted that I was being given all the facts.046. misrepresented misspelled misled mistakenI would like Arcish Furniture to fix my couch. I aw

    26、ait your response.Sincerely,Marcel BouleQuestions 47-49 refer to the following letter.Tampa Daily News - Available in Print and OnlineThe Tampa Daily News has two versions of its printed newspaper available online.One version _ the printed edition, including the editorial and news pages.047. is the

    27、same has the same is the same as as has the sameThis is available at . The other _ is a special online edition that includes additional sports, lifestyle, and real estate pages.048. version section article reporterThe electronic edition _ has a complete classified section as well as up-to-date movie

    28、 listings.049. too and plus alsoQuestions 50-52 refer to the following letter.NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEESThe following changes will be effective as of Monday.First of all, the dress code is changing slightly. You may still wear the _ black pants and skirts as before along with the company shirt.050. pair same kind bothHowever, employees are no longer allowed to wear shoes with heels higher than


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