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    学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 6.docx

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    学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 6.docx

    1、学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 6.单词拼写1. People in Tibet live at a very high altitude (海拔). 2. The woman cried and laughed by turn. Obviously she got some mental (精神的) trouble.3. His term papers mainly deal with the history of social developments in Song Dynasty (朝,代). 4. The shadows (影子) of the trees grow lo

    2、nger as the afternoon went on.5. Though she said she was not lonely, she wanted to find a friend with whom to share (分享) her happiness and sorrow. 6. Im afraid we parted (分手) on rather bad terms. .拓展词汇1. acquaintancen. 相识的人;泛泛之交acquaintv. 相识,了解2. expansionn. 扩张expandv. 扩大,扩张,膨胀3. tolerantadj.宽容的;容忍的

    3、tolerancen. 宽容,忍耐toleratev. 容忍;宽容;忍受4. specialistn. 专家specialadj.特别的;特殊的5. advancen. 进步;进展advancedadj.先进的;高级的6. failuren. 失败者failv. 失败7. corruptionn. 腐败;堕落corruptv. 使堕落;贿赂8. irregularadj.不规则的;无规律的regularadj.有规律的;规则的;定时的,经常的9. reflectionn. 倒影;反映reflectv. 反映10. sufferingn. (肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难sufferv. 遭受(痛苦

    4、);蒙受巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨 regularirregularir加形容词构成具有否定意义的形容词suffersuffering动词加ing构成名词specialspecialist形容词ist构成表示人的名词.补全短语1. as far as远至;就而言2. part from与分离3. hand in hand 齐头并进;联合;联手4. think of . as . 把看做5. take hold of抓住1. 教材原句It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised.直到11世纪,他在诗歌

    5、创作上的天赋才被认可。句型点拨强调句型。佳句赏析直到半夜后他才完成了报告上床睡觉。It was only after midnight that he finished the report and went to bed.2. 教材原句The two men met in 744, and although very different, they became friends.这两人(杜甫和李白)于744年相识,尽管风格迥异,两人仍然成了好朋友。句型点拨让步状语从句的省略。佳句赏析虽然很忙,但他仍每天拨出一些时间来做运动。Although busy, he still spares som

    6、e time for exercise every day. 3. 教材原句It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon.据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。句型点拨Itbe过去分词that .。佳句赏析据说他是19世纪英国最著名的诗人之一。It is said that he was one of the most famous poets in England in the 19th century.1. Who

    7、 do you think the poets “friend” is? A close friend or an acquaintance?(P71) 你认为诗人的“朋友”是谁?亲密的朋友还是泛泛之交? acquaintance n. C相识的人;泛泛之交;熟人;U熟悉,了解We are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey.我们是在长途旅行中偶然结识的朋友。(1)make sbs acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人have some (little/no) acquaint

    8、ance with 对(几乎不/不)了解have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人有点头之交;对某事所知甚少(2)acquaint vt. 使认识acquaint oneself/sb. with 使自己/某人熟悉,了解(3)be acquainted with sb./sth. 认识某人/某物It was in Beijing that I made the acquaintance of Professor Chen, who has a good sense of humor.是在北京我结识了陈教授,他很有幽默感。I dont

    9、 know the meaning of the poem, because I have_little_acquaintance_with modern poetry.我不知道这首诗的意思,因为我对现代诗歌几乎不了解。She always took trouble to acquaint herself with the students interests.她总是不辞劳苦地去了解学生们的爱好。2. Like parting day Ill part from you.(P71)落日故人情。part v. 分手;分离 n. 部件,零件,作用,角色,部分We spent part of the

    10、 time in the workshop examining the parts of some old machines.我们在车间待了一段时间检查一些旧机器的零件。Everyone plays an important part in society.每个人都在社会中起重要作用。 (1)part from与分别part . from . 把与隔开,使与分离(2)for the most part 多半;通常take part in 参加play a part in 在中扮演角色,在中起作用play the part of 扮演的角色(3)parting n. 分手;分离adj. 离别的,

    11、逝去的Chinese TV sets are, for_the_most_part,_of excellent quality.中国电视机大多质量优良。He played_the_part_of Emperor Li Shimin.他扮演皇帝李世民这个角色。3. Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.( P72)与外国人之间的贸易促成了宽容和包罗万象的文化。tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的Be tolerant of others so that they will be tol

    12、erant in turn.容忍他人,反过来他人也会容忍你。(1)be tolerant of/towards对容忍,宽容(2)tolerate v. 忍受,容忍,宽恕 tolerate sb. doing sth. 忍受某人做某事tolerate sb./sth. 忍受某人/某物 (3)tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力have tolerance of/for 对容忍The school cannot tolerate cheating (cheat) in exams.学校不容许考试作弊。Many old people have a very limited tolerance (t

    13、olerate) to cold.许多老年人特别怕冷。4. The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before.(P72)约始于此时的印刷术意味着知识记载和分享得以实现,这是史无前例的。share v. 分享,共享 n. 一份,股份;分担写出下列句中share的含义Theres only one bedroom, so well have to share. 分享,共享The son of the manager holds 500

    14、 shares in the shipping company. 股份Britains share of world trade has steadily declined.份额_share (in) sth.共同承担share sth. with sb. 与某人共用/分享某物share sth. (out) among/between sb. 在某人之间分配某物I try to get the kids to share_(in) the housework with me.我努力让孩子们与我共同分担家务活。The money will be shared out between/among

    15、 30 different environmental organizations.30个不同的环保组织将共用这笔钱。5. But during his lifetime he never became famous; in fact, he thought of himself as a failure.(P73)但在有生之年他一直没有成名,事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。failure n. C失败者,失败的事情;U失败The meeting was a complete failure.这次的会议很失败。Failure in one examination should not stop

    16、you trying again.一次考试不及格不应妨碍你再试一次。(1)end/result in failure以失败告终power failure 停电heart/kidney failure 心脏/肾衰竭(2)fail v. 失败;衰弱,(力量等)衰退;出故障fail to do sth. 未能做某事,做某事失败/未成功fail sb./sth. 使某人失望/做某事失败,未成功Some students failed_their_teacher. They failed_to_get a bachelors degree because they failed the CET Band

    17、 4.有些学生让老师失望了,他们因为大学英语四级考试不及格而拿不到学士学位。Their attempt to swim across the Yangtze River ended/resulted_in_failure.他们尝试游过长江,结果失败了。联想发散failure既可作不可数名词,表示抽象概念,也可作可数名词,表示“失败的人或事”。类似用法的名词还有:success成功a success一个成功的人或一件成功的事danger危险a danger一个危险的人或一件危险的事help帮助a help一个帮手/助手surprise吃惊a surprise一件使人吃惊的事business生意a

    18、 business一家商店beauty美丽a beauty一位美人6.These include the sufferings of the poor, and the corruption of the rich.(P73)这些(诗)描写了劳苦大众的苦难和达官贵人的腐败。suffering n. (肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难The pain and suffering caused by the road accident made the driver sad.车祸造成的痛苦使这位司机很伤心。suffer v. 遭受痛苦,受损害;遭受;经历suffer pain/side effect/d

    19、efeat/loss 遭受痛苦/副作用/失败/损失suffer from a disease/pollution患病/遭受污染The big fire made the company suffer_great_losses.大火使得这家公司遭受巨大损失。Do you suffer from headaches?你头痛吗?7. The two men met in 744, and although very different, they became friends.(P73)两个人于744年相识,尽管风格迥异,两人仍然成为了朋友。although very different属于状语从句

    20、的省略形式,它相当于although they were very different。These problems, though ignored, still exist.这些问题尽管被忽视,但它们仍然存在。The sport, though_difficult,_involved no real danger.这项体育运动虽然难但没有真正的危险。名师点津当状语从句有be动词,而且从句的主语和主句的主语相同或主语是it时,从句中的主语和be动词可以省略。If (it is) well read, the book will give you much to think.如果细品这本书,它会

    21、让你思考很多。He stood up then as_if_(he_were)_to_say_something. 那时他站起来好像要说什么。8. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon. (P73)据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。It is said that表示“据说”,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。It is said that Mr Li will teach us maths

    22、instead of Mr Wang.据说李老师将代替王老师给我们上数学课。类似的结构还有: It is reported/believed/hoped/suggested/estimated that .意为“据报道/人们相信/人们希望/有人建议/据估计”。It_is_reported_that he has fled the country.据说他已逃离那个国家。名师点津sb./sth. is said to do .句式也意为“据说”,其中不定式除了用一般式(to do),还可用进行式(to be doing)和完成式(to have done)。Mr. Brown is said to

    23、_have_died (die) of liver cancer.据说布朗先生死于肝癌。take hold of抓住Take hold of your end of the stick, and well pull you up.抓住棍子的那一端,我们把你拉上来。catch/get/seize hold of sth.抓住某物hold on 继续,坚持,别挂电话hold on to 紧紧抓住hold up 举起;耽搁,阻碍hold back 阻止,阻碍,抑制hold out 伸出;维持,继续He held_on_to_ a branch until we came to his rescue.

    24、他紧紧抓住一根树枝,直到我们来救他。They were held_up by a traffic jam.他们因交通堵塞而耽搁了。How long will our supplies of food and water hold_out?供应给我们的食物和水能维持多长时间?reflection n. 反射,反照,倒影;沉思I think the causes of this require mature reflection.我认为这事的原因需要充分地思考。on/upon reflection经再三考虑;经深思熟虑reflect v. 反映;认真思考reflect on/upon 考虑,仔细想

    25、On/Upon reflection, we decided to change the plan.经考虑后,我们决定改变计划。Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。He was left to reflect_on/upon the decision.剩下他一个人认真考虑这个决定。9. Name three advances in science and technology at this time.(P73)列举出这个时期的三项科技进展。advance n. 进步;进

    26、展v.前进,进步;推进;提前Nothing could stop the advance of the flood waters.洪水滔滔奔来,势不可挡。I signed to him to stop, but he continued to advance.我示意他停下,但他继续前进。(1)in advance 预先,事先 in advance of 在面前;超过(2)advanced adj. 先进的,高级的I should warn you in_advance,_we may be late.我得预先提醒你,我们可能会迟到。He is far_in_advance_of_his cla

    27、ss.他的成绩在班上遥遥领先。.单句语法填空1. I made the acquaintance (acquaint) of Mr. Green at my friends birthday party.2. The rapid expansion (expand) of the software industry has provided many jobs for graduates.3. Be more tolerant (tolerate) of your neighbors, and you will live a happy life.4. Their first attempt

    28、to climb the second highest mountain in the world ended in_failure (fail). 5. In fact, most of them dont pay any attention to peoples pain and suffering (suffer) caused by road accidents.6. William often has_irregular (regular) meals, so there is something wrong with his stomach.7. Children like to

    29、see their reflections (reflect) in the mirror and ask their parents why they look the same.8. The little girl took hold of_her fathers hands for fear that she would drop in the river.9. He has been abroad since he parted from_his family.10. Youll be accompanied as far_as the border, then you must fi

    30、nd your own way.11. To be honest, I dont quite share with you some views on the matter.12. Dont always keep silent.You should at least answer when spoken (speak) to.13. It is_said (say) that about 200 sentences can stand for English grammar.14. Health is a state of complete physical, mental (mentally) and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease.15. It was with his help that I got admitted into my dream university.完成句子1. 我在火车站与我姐姐告别。I parted_from my sister at the train station.2. 这个孩子已经病了两年了。The child has suf


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