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    专题强化练五 完形填空.docx

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    专题强化练五 完形填空.docx

    1、专题强化练五 完形填空专题强化练(五)完形填空第一组A主题语境:人与自我人生哲理建议用时:17实际用时:正答率:/20(2019北京朝阳一模)A Game of Light and ShadeIt was a sunny day.I had gone up and down the tower when,outside the door at the foot,a blind man came toward me.In a moment,he disappeared up the stairs.I looked at the sign that said “To the Tower”,and

    2、decided to 1 him.I caught up with him in the ticket office.There I was 2 to see the attendant (工作人员) selling him a ticket as if he were any other visitor.Then,with the ticket in one hand and 3 the wall with the fingers of the other,the blind man reached the stairs 4 to the hallway.“That man is blind

    3、.What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” I said to the attendant,expecting him to show some 5,but he didnt answer.“Not the 6 certainly,” I said.“Perhaps he wants to 7.”I bought a ticket and 8 up the stairs.The man hadnt gone as far as I 9.A third of the way up the tower,I heard his 10.I slow

    4、ed down and followed him at a little 11.He stopped from time to time.When he got to the balcony (阳台),I was a dozen steps 12.As I reached it,I saw him at the corner of the tower.At last,after ten minutes,I 13 him.“Excuse me,” I said as politely as I could,“but I am 14 to know why you came up.”He smil

    5、ed.“Coming up the stairs,you will notice how not just light but sun 15 into the tower through the narrow windows here and there,so that you can feel the 16the cool stairs suddenly become quite warmand how up here behind the wall there is 17,but as soon as going opposite a window you can find the sun

    6、.There is no 18 so good as this for feeling the difference between light and shade.It is not the first time Ive come up.”The blind man seemed quite 19,just like a child who was enjoying his favorite games.He told me the truth that blind men can also find the 20 in life although they cannot enjoy the

    7、 sights of the world.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,作者跟随着一位盲人登塔,盲人告诉他尽管盲人们无法享受世界上的风景,但他们也能找到生活里的美。1.A.accept B.followC.control D.visit答案B解析句意:我看着“登塔”的指示牌,决定跟随(follow)他上去看具体情况。因为对于他登塔要做的事情,我很好奇。accept“接受”;control“控制”;visit“参观”。2.A.frightened B.disappointedC.surprised D.embarrassed答案C解析句意:当我看见工作人员把他当做正常人一样,也卖票给他,我感觉很

    8、惊讶(surprised)。frightened“害怕的”;disappointed“失望的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。3.A.touching B.climbingC.hitting D.covering答案A解析由第二句中的“a blind man came toward me”可知对方是一个盲人,所以他只能摸着(touching)墙向上攀爬。climb“攀登”;hit“击中”;cover“覆盖”。4.A.pointing B.attachingC.contributing D.leading答案D解析lead to“导致,通向”;句中现在分词短语leading to the h

    9、allway作定语修饰the stairs,指通向(leading to)走廊的楼梯。5.A.respect B.doubtC.concern D.sympathy答案C解析“我”告诉工作人员他是一个盲人,希望工作人员能够多关注(concern)他,因为他无法欣赏风景(view),他很可能是要登塔以后会跳下去。respect“尊敬”;doubt“怀疑;担心;关心”;sympathy“同情”。6.A.view B.testC.prize D.trick答案A解析见上一题解析。7.A.kick B.jumpC.relax D.escape答案B解析“我”认为这个盲人不会到塔顶去看风景,他是想去跳楼

    10、;故选B项。8.A.struggled B.exploredC.wandered D.hurried答案D解析由上文可知“我”非常担心这个盲人,买了票以后匆匆(hurried)爬上楼梯跟着他查看他究竟想做什么。struggle“挣扎,斗争”;explore“探索”;wander“徘徊,闲逛”。9.A.promised B.examinedC.imagined D.confirmed答案C解析promise“承诺”;examine“检查”;imagine“想象”;confirm“确认”;这个盲人爬得并没有“我”想象得那么远,在向上的楼梯三分之一的地方,“我”听到了他的脚步声。故选C项。10.A.

    11、steps B.wordsC.secrets D.cheers答案A解析这个盲人爬得并没有“我”想象得那么远,在向上的楼梯三分之一的地方,“我”听到了他的脚步(steps)声。于是“我”放慢脚步,在后面稍远处(distance)跟着他。11.A.standard B.distanceC.expense D.intention答案B解析at a little distance “在不远处”。12.A.ahead B.aroundC.outside D.behind答案D解析当他到阳台的时候,“我”在后面几十步的地方看着他。本句指“我”站在他的后面(behind),观察他的行为。13.A.reco

    12、gnized B.surroundedC.approached D.witnessed答案C解析由下文“Excuse me”可知“我”走近(approached)和他打招呼。recognize“认出,意识到”;surround“包围”;witness“目睹,见证”。14.A.curious B.scaredC.shocked D.thrilled答案A解析作者一路跟着这位盲人登塔,主要是因为他不知道对方来这里的原因,所以感到好奇。故选curious,意为“好奇的”。scared“害怕的”;shocked“吃惊的”;thrilled “非常兴奋的”。15.A.knocks B.poursC.sl

    13、ides D.bursts答案B解析爬上楼梯,你看到的不仅是光线,而且阳光会透过窗户照射到各处,这样就可以感受到这种变化,楼梯从凉爽突然变得很温暖。这里用pours形象地没描绘了阳光透过窗户洒在楼梯上的样子。16.A.trend B.reactionC.change D.honor答案C解析从后句“the cool stairs suddenly become quite warm(楼梯突然从凉爽变得温暖)”,可知指这种变化(change)。17.A.light B.spaceC.mess D.shade答案D解析由生活常识可知在“behind the wall(墙体的后面)”通常都有阴影(s

    14、hade)。18.A.place B.signalC.object D.period答案A解析没有什么地方(place)和这里一样可以很好地感受光线和阴影之间的差别。“我”不是第一次来这里了。这位盲人告诉作者在这里他可以很好地感受光线和阴影的差别,所以他才会来这个地方。19.A.nervous B.contentC.curious D.patient答案B解析由下文的“just like a child who was enjoying his favorite games(就像是享受自己最喜欢的游戏的孩子一样)”,说明这个盲人对这个世界给予他的这一切非常满足(content)。20.A.tr

    15、ouble B.rightC.question D.beauty答案D解析他告诉“我”尽管盲人们无法享受世界上的风景,但他们也能找到生活里的美。下文中的“sights”为该词的同义词复现。B主题语境:人与动物建议用时:16实际用时:正答率:/20(2019江西南昌二模)In a clean,clinical room,my best friend was dying in my arms.His eyes,dark brown and trusting,would soon 1 forever.Heartbroken,I said,“Flash,you 2 so much happiness

    16、to me.I will do something good as a 3.”Flash came into my 4 when I was nine.From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home,he 5 my family with joy.Then,6 happened.My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11.Then my grandma,who was my 7,passed away.My sister developed Crohns Disease

    17、and while being tested,8 a heart attack.I was being bullied at school and started to 9 classes and avoid seeing people.Flash soon gave me all the 10 he could offer.There were times when I felt there was no 11,but a pair of brown eyes and a loving face would somehow ease me.I knew he was 12 there for

    18、 me.I knew he understood.Now after 15 years,Flash was 13.I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him.I 14 in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to 15 children with special needs,which completely changed my life.I learned to love the 16 I had been

    19、on,and even accept the 17 bits.I still miss Flash.It was him that had somehow 18 me to helping others.Flashs death was one of the 19 moments of my life.But it was also an inspiring moment that 20 who I wasin the best possible wayforever.【语篇解读】文章讲述了狗狗Flash进入作者的世界后带来的快乐,陪伴作者度过最艰难的时光,并引导作者去帮助别人。1.A.ope

    20、n B.closeC.shine D.fade答案B解析他那深褐色的眼睛充满了信任,很快就会永远闭上(close)了。故选B项。open“打开”;shine“照耀”;fade“褪色”。2.A.brought B.toldC.saved D.owed答案A解析这里表达的意思是“你给我带来(brought)了那么多的快乐。”故选A项。tell“告诉”;save“拯救”;owe“欠;归功于”。3.A.relief B.chanceC.bonus D.reward答案D解析由“I said,Flash,you 2 so much happiness to me.”可知,“我”会做些好事作为回报(rew

    21、ard)。故选D项。relief “欣慰”;chance “机会”;bonus “红利”。4.A.mind B.roomC.world D.power答案C解析Flash在“我”九岁的时候进入了“我”的世界(world)。故选C项。5.A.helped B.filledC.protected D.decorated答案B解析从“我”父母把这只可爱的狗带回家的那一刻起,它就让“我”的家里充满(filled)了快乐。故选B项。help“帮助”;protect“保护”;decorate“装饰”。6.A.disasters B.storiesC.wonders D.mistakes答案A解析由后句“M

    22、y mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11.”可知,然后,灾难(disasters)发生了。故选A项。story“故事”;wonder“奇迹”;mistake“错误”。7.A.burden B.troubleC.strength D.challenge答案C解析然后,给“我”力量(strength)的奶奶,去世了。故选C项。burden“负担”;trouble“麻烦”;challenge“挑战”。8.A.caused B.noticedC.fought D.suffered答案D解析“我”姐姐患上了克罗恩病,在接受检查时心脏病发作。

    23、故选suffer“遭受,患()病”。cause“引起”;notice“注意”;fight“斗争”。9.A.skip B.giveC.take D.enjoy答案A解析由“and avoid seeing people”可知,“我”在学校被欺负,开始逃课(skip),不愿见人。故选A项。10.A.comment B.comfortC.expectation D.relaxation答案B解析Flash很快就给了“我”所有他能给“我”的安慰(comfort)。故选B项。comment“评论”;expectation“期望”;relaxation“放松”。11.A.hope B.timeC.mone

    24、y D.use答案A解析由“but a pair of brown eyes and a loving face would somehow ease me.”可知,有时候“我”觉得没有希望(hope)了,但是一双棕色的眼睛和一张充满爱意的脸会让“我”放松下来。故选A项。12.A.frequently B.sometimesC.hardly D.always答案D解析“我”知道他总是(always)在“我”身边。故选D项。frequently“频繁地”;sometimes“有时”;hardly“几乎不”。13.A.aging B.goneC.missing D.deserted答案B解析age

    25、“变老”;go“离开”;miss“失去”;desert“遗弃”。15年后的今天,Flash消失了。故选B项。14.A.searched B.competedC.volunteered D.performed答案C解析search“寻找”;compete“竞争”;volunteer“自愿”;perform“表现”。由“I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him.”可知,“我”在南安普敦的一个非营利组织做志愿者。故选C项。15.A.attending to B.meeting withC.talking about D.brin

    26、ging up答案A解析attend to“照料”;meet with“碰见”;talk about“谈论”;bring up“养育,提出,呕吐”。为照顾有特殊需要的儿童贡献了大约3 500个小时,这完全改变了“我”的生活。故选A项。16.A.earth B.journeyC.holiday D.street答案B解析“我”学会了热爱“我”所经历的旅程。故选B项。17.A.fantastic B.absurdC.hard D.pleasant答案C解析fantastic“极好的”;absurd“荒唐的”;hard“困难的”;pleasant“令人愉快的”。甚至接受那些艰难的部分。故选C项。18

    27、.A.led B.forcedC.trained D.persuaded答案A解析lead“引导”;force“强迫”;train“训练”;persuade“劝服”。正是他,不知怎么地就引导了“我”去帮助别人。故选A项。19.A.fullest B.craziestC.tiniest D.saddest答案D解析Flash的死是“我”一生中最悲伤的(sad)时刻之一。故选D项。full“最满的”;crazy“最疯狂的”;tiny“极小的”。20.A.explained B.transformedC.admitted D.described答案B解析但这也是一个鼓舞人心的时刻,它以最好的方式永远

    28、改变(transformed)了“我”。故选B项。explain“解释”;admit“承认”;describe“描绘”。C主题语境:人与自我家庭关系建议用时:18实际用时:正答率:/20(2019安徽六中一模)Our apartment has been hit by a “hurricane”.Every bit of furniture is 1 with paper chains,scissors,tape and modeling clay.2,Im so exhausted tonight,recovering from a surgery.The phone ringsfor th

    29、e sixth time in less than an hour.We know it is my mother,again.A stroke claimed her brain,but not her life.She is troubled by a severe mental 3She has no idea that she has 4 the things she is about to say a million times.Nor can she recall I had a 5.Each time she calls,I play a game with 6 called “

    30、How Good a Person Can I Be?” Ive won five rounds of the game tonight;I am due for a 7 this time.“Mom!” I 8.“You are not being removed from your home!And we visited two days ago!” Silence.Then:“I was only calling to say hi.” My mother continues,“Why are you yelling?”I sink into the couch,aware that m

    31、y daughter is 9.She hears me scold my mother and lose my 10.I have not only failed at being a good person;I have failed at being a good 11 to my daughter.“Can I talk to Grandma Ellie?” My five-year-old 12 the phone.13,I hand it over.Then,I hear my mother 14 through the receiver.“Sweetheart!How are you?Did you go to scho


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