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    1、英语四六级翻译高频话题词汇四六级翻译高频话题词汇一、教育话题 素质教育 essential-qualities-oriented education 英语测评体系 Testing and Rating System 语言能力量表 language proficiency scale 全国英语等级考试 Public English Test System, PETS 职称英语考试 English exam for promotion 高等自学考试 Self-taught Examination of Higher Education 幼儿园荒 Kindergarten Shortage 教育资源

    2、分配不均 uneven distribution of educational resources 幼儿园“入园难”kindergarten crunch 普惠性幼儿园 public interest kindergarten 优质学前教育 high quality preschool education 义务教育 compulsory education 入学率 enrollment rate 中考改革 Reform of the High School Entrance Exam 高考改革 gaokao/College Entrance Examination reform 统 考 uni

    3、fied examination 替考者 surrogate exam-taker 争抢生源 poaching of talented students 应试教育 exam-oriented education 死记硬背 rote memorization 铁饭碗 iron bowl二、中国传统文化 元宵节 Lantern Festival 重阳节 Double-Ninth Festival 清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day 元 宵 Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling 除 夕 Chinese New Years Eve/Eve of the Spring Fes

    4、tival 刺 绣 embroidery 剪 纸 paper cutting 书 法 calligraphy 对 联 (Spring Festival) couplets 玉 雕 jade carving 蜡 染 wax printing 中国织绣 Chinese silk embroideries 泥人 clay figure 中国结 Chinese knot 绣 球 embroidered ball 脸 谱 facial makeup 说学逗唱 speaking, imitating, teasing and singing 说 书 story-telling 木偶戏 puppet sho

    5、w 皮影戏 shadow play 杂 技 acrobatics 象形文字 pictogram/pictographic character 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚)The Four Treasure of the Study (brush, inkstick, paper, and inkstone) 四合院 siheyuan/quadrangle 风 水 fengshui/geomantic omen 儒家文化 Confucian culture 针 灸 acupuncture 唐三彩 tri-color pottery of the Tang Dynasty/the Tang tri-col

    6、ored pottery 兵马俑 cotta Warriors/Terracotta Army 亭/阁 pavilion/attic 农历 lunar calendar 相 声 cross-talk/comic dialogue 京 剧 Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 秦 腔 crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 电视小品 TV sketch/TV skit 太极拳 Tai Chi 集体舞 group dance 诗经The Book of Songs 西游记The Journey to the West 水浒Water Margin/Outlaw

    7、s of the Marsh 小吃摊 snack bar/snack stand 火 锅 hot pot 春 卷 spring roll(s)三、社会话题 年末焦虑 Year-end Anxiety/Panic 收入不佳 a poor financial year 工作和家庭压力 pressure from work and family 年终总结 year-end review 人事变动 personnel changes 下岗 lay off/laid off 节日花销 festival spending 厌烦、无助、焦虑和恐慌 frustration, helplessness, anx

    8、iety and panic 经济压力 economic pressure 人际关系 interpersonal relationships 个人发展 personal development 情感健康 emotional well-being 学业压力 academic pressure 不确定性 uncertainties 心理落差 psychological gap 年终奖 year-end bonus 催 婚 urge sb to get married 销售任务 sales target 售票诈骗 ticket sale fraud 倒 票 ticket scalping 黄 牛 s

    9、calper 校园霸凌/欺凌 bullying on Campus 微信朋友圈 WeChat Moments 合法权益 legal rights 校园暴力 campus/school violence 零容忍 zero tolerance 群 殴 mass brawl四、商业消费 双十一网购节 Double 11 Online Shopping Festival 抢购狂欢 shopping spree 销售额 sales volume 游戏购物 gamifying shopping 实体零售商 brick-and-mortar retailer 无线终端 wireless device 物流行

    10、业 logistics industry 恶名市场 Notorious Market C2C 平 台 customer-to-customer platform 侵权产品 infringing product 打击盗版 combat piracy 模糊商标 blur trademark 友好协商 friendly consultation 商业化运作commercialized operations五、旅游话题 签证 visa 出境游 outbound travel 单次/多次入境签证 single/multiple entry visa 免 签 visa exemption 落地签证 vis

    11、a on arrival 逾期逗留 overstay 旅游保证金 travel deposit 免税购物商场 duty-free shopping mall 自由行 independent travel 半自由行 Semi-guided Tour 自驾游 self-driving tour 深度游 in-depth travel 签证手续简化 easier visa procedures 大众旅游 mass tourism 文化旅游 cultural tourism 跟团旅游 package/group/organized tour 旅行社 tourist agency 导 游 tourist

    12、 guide 旅游景点 tourist scenes 避暑胜地 summer resort 森林公园 forest park 人文景观 human landscape 自然景观 natural scenery 建 筑 architecture 壮丽河山 magnificent scenery 皇家园林 royal garden 古典山水园林 classical landscape garden 钟 楼 bell tower 鼓 楼 drum tower 牌 坊 memorial archway 天 坛 the Temple of Heaven 保存最完好的 best-preserved 原 址

    13、 original site 国家博物馆 national museum 中外游客 tourist from home and aboard 幅员辽阔 have a vast territory 省 会 provincial capital 水域面积 water area 高 原 plateau 三面环山 be surrounded by mountains on three side 全长公里 stretch forkm/kilometers 植物园 botanical garden 淡水湖 freshwater lake 沿海港口 coastal port六、人口话题 二孩经济 secon

    14、d-child economy 留守儿童 left-behind Children 流浪儿童 street children 困境儿童 children living in difficulty 农村留守人口 rural left behind population 外出打工人员 migrant workers 城镇化 urbanization 劳动力过剩/短缺 labor surplus/shortage 流动人口 Migrant Population 人口老龄化 population ageing 人口红利 demographic dividend 劳动年龄人口 working-age p

    15、opulation 农村留守老人/儿童 left behind seniors/children in rural areas 国内人口迁移 internal migration 国际人口迁移 external/international migration 生育率 fertility rate七、文体热点 恶 评 Malicious Comments 微博公众号 WeChat public accounts 博眼球 grab eyeballs/attention 圈粉丝 gain legions of fans, garner a swathe of fans 流 量 web traffic

    16、 影评网站 film rating/review site 操纵评分 manipulate ratings 口水战 war of words 大 片 blockbuster 首 映 premiere 票 房 box office 诺贝尔文学奖 Nobel Prize in Literature 诺贝尔和平奖 Nobel Peace Prize 提 名 nomination 获奖者 laureate/winner 竞技体育 competitive sports 休闲体育 recreational sports 全民健身活动 public fitness activities八、会议庆典 传统行业

    17、 traditional businesses 深度融合 deep integration 新动力 new driving force 分享经济 Sharing Economy 协同消费 collaborative consumption 资源配置 allocation of resources 互联网+ Internet Plus 物联网 Internet of Things 互联网安全 Internet security 互联网金融 Internet finance 革命事业 revolutionary cause 战略大转移 strategic transfer九、外交话题 中国特色的社

    18、会主义 Chinese-charactered socialist/socialist with Chinese characteristics 真诚互信 treat each other with sincerity and trust 合作共赢 cooperate with win-win principle 互学互鉴 learn from and complement each other 密切协作 close collaboration 整体合作 overall cooperation 相互促进 mutual promotion 全面合作伙伴关系 comprehensive cooperative partnership 命运共同体 community of shared future 全面战略伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic partnership 互敬互助 mutual respect and assistance 一票否决权 one vote veto 差额投票 differential voting 记名投票 open ballot


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