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    1、天津市南开区南开实验初三第二学期英语测试无答案2020年3月20日英语试卷 一、单项选择(共19小题;共19分)根据语境,选出最佳选项。1. I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed._. Good luck to you next time.A.Thats greatB.Its interestingC.Thats a pityD.Glad to hear that 2. We usually have three meals _ day. We have _ breakfast at seven in the morning every

    2、day.A.a; theB.a; aC./; theD.a; / 3. During the next few days, I have decided to have a good _ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax.A.mealB.sleepC.restD.talk 4. He won the ping-pong competition and his parents were very _.A.seriousB.powerfulC.worriedD.proud 5. Are you going to T

    3、oms party this weekend?_ not. I may have to work.A.ProbablyB.CertainlyC.EspeciallyD.Properly 6. As long as (只要) all the Chinese people pull together, our China Dream will _.A.come onB.come trueC.come fromD.come round 7. 一_ do you have dinner with your family at restaurants?一Hardly ever.A.How oftenB.

    4、How longC.How manyD.How much 8. My father fell ill and I have to look after him._.A.Never mindB.Take it easyC.Dont be lateD.Sorry to hear that 9. I looked down to the river, a silver stream _ one mile below me.A.lonely B.nearly C.properly D.recently 10. The work is _ for me than for you. Its new for

    5、 me, but you have some experience in this field.A.easyB.difficultC.more difficultD.much easier 11. Well go to visit Tiananmen Square _ it doesnt rain tomorrow.A.whenB.ifC.untilD.though 12. Listen! Is Lily singing in the classroom?No. It _ be Lily. She has gone to Paris.A.may notB.needntC.cantD.wont

    6、13. 一Excuse me. Where is Room 101?一Go _ the gate, you will see it on your right.A.throughB.acrossC.overD.along 14. Look! A dog _ a blind man across the road.A.leadsB.leadC.ledD.is leading 15. Nobody knows whether books _ by the Internet in the future.A.will be replacedB.were replacedC.replacedD.repl

    7、ace 16. Tony _ football every afternoon. Look, he _ football on the playground.A.is playing; is playingB.plays; playsC.is playing; plays D.plays; is playing 17. What did you do yesterday evening?I _ to a birthday party and had a good time with my friends.A.am invitedB.will be inviteC.invitedD.was in

    8、vited 18. Do you know _?Let me see. I remember it was on March 18.A.why did they move hereB.why they moved hereC.when did they move hereD.when they moved here 19. I dont remember _ my schoolbag yesterday.A.where I putB.where did I putC.where will I putD.where I will put 二、完形填空(共3小题;共30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大

    9、意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。Walking down the street, you notice the boring walls on either side. As you _20_ walking, the wall begins to look more colorful, and feels more _21_. A black line of paint curves (弯曲而行) on the wall, _22_ turning into a colorful smiling catthe line was the tail. This is a good

    10、 example of graffiti (涂鸦) art.Graffiti art is drawings and writing that have been painted onto walls, usually in _23_ spaces. Because its simple to do, graffiti has been around for centuries, with drawings being found on _24_ buildings.But modern graffiti was born out of the 1980s hip-hop culture, m

    11、ainly in New York. With its growth throughout the years, it has now entered popular _25_. Graffiti can be _26_ in galleries (画廊) around the world, next to other artworks. Modern graffiti attracts (吸引) plenty of young artists and fans.However, there are laws (法律) against graffiti in most countries. Y

    12、ou must be allowed by the owner of the wall _27_ painting on it. If not, you may _28_ a big fine (罚款). Instead, some cities have graffiti walls, where people can show their artistic abilities freely.Berlin, Germany, is _29_ to a lot of graffiti. Its often called the graffiti capital of the world. Wr

    13、iting and drawings decorate the old city walls like an outdoor art gallery.20. A.stopB.goC.continueD.start21. A.aliveB.deadC.fairD.necessary22. A.carefullyB.hopefullyC.firstlyD.suddenly23. A.privateB.publicC.cleanD.big24. A.newB.tallC.modernD.ancient25. A.cultureB.sportsC.societyD.competition26. A.s

    14、oldB.seenC.copiedD.named27. A.afterB.whenC.beforeD.until28. A.findB.lookC.handD.face29. A.houseB.homeC.placeD.land Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities. It is good to the _30_ development of the big cities.A _31_ by a company found that shared bikes started the nations _32_ for

    15、bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people are _33_ bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of that company says that since the _34_ of shared bikes, people have made fewer trips by car. The love for shared bikes is not only among _35_ people, who were born in the 1980s

    16、 and 1990s, but also among people over sixty.At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the _36_ of all cities. On weekdays, the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to work is _37_ in Shanghai.It is said that bike-sharing will help _38_ the cities environment. It not only

    17、helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of space in cities. Take Beijing as an _39_, if more people choose shared bikes, an area of five Birds Nest stadiums (体育场) will be saved.30. A.slowB.healthyC.harmfulD.sudden31. A.ruleB.planC.reportD.suggestion32. A.searchB.worryC.

    18、preparationD.love33. A.choosingB.pushingC.repairingD.locking34. A.endB.startC.controlD.fall35. A.strongB.weakC.oldD.young36. A.topB.sideC.cornerD.line37. A.coming overB.putting overC.going upD.giving away38. A.discoverB.separateC.experienceD.improve39. A.exampleB.energyC.environmentD.idea In the cou

    19、ntries all over the world, people are leaving the countryside in huge numbers to find jobs in the cities. They leave _40_ the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isnt much _41_ there. Services such as hospitals and transport are usually much better in cities than they are in th

    20、e country. They hope that their lives will _42_ after they move to the city._43_ in the big cities of Europe and AmericaLondon, Paris and New York, people are moving out of the city. These are usually families who have some money, and want to live a _44_ life. They are tired of the noise and the dir

    21、t of the city, tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses. They want a house with a garden, and clean air that isnt _45_. So they move out.In fact not all those who move from the city to the countryside are _46_. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a

    22、 big _47_. They dont make so much money and there isnt much to do.As a _48_, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. Its wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights, they say. Im so glad Im _49_ in the city!40. A.soB.ifC.untilD.because41. A.workB.s

    23、paceC.progressD.food42. A.raiseB.improveC.endD.spread43. A.AndB.InsteadC.ButD.So44. A.saferB.quieterC.fresherD.noiser45. A.pollutedB.influencedC.inventedD.wasted46. A.happyB.sadC.tiredD.interesting47. A.surpriseB.ideaC.momentD.mistake48. A.matterB.factC.resultD.example49. A.sureB.backC.offD.away 三、阅

    24、读理解-阅读选择(共4小题;共40分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。Do you make New Years resolutions? A resolution is a promise you make to yourself. In the new year, do you want to change one of your bad habits such as sleeping late? Or do you plan to save your pocket money for a trip? Tell us your resolutions a

    25、nd get a fresh start this year!John: In the new year I will try to work harder. I will review lessons every day and spend less time playing computer games. I will also try to lose weight.Jim: My big plan this year is to release (发行) my own music CD in the summer. Ive written over 10 songs, most of t

    26、hem are about the environment, school and friends. Ive also recorded one song, but its not perfect. I will do it again later.Andy: I need to do more sports, like playing basketball, so that I can lose some weight and grow stronger this year. I will also practice hard to improve my spoken English and

    27、 Spanish (西班牙语).Maria: I will work harder this year to try to get into the top 10 of my class. As a member of our schools pistol shooting (手枪射击) team, this year I will practice more. I will try to win a prize at the city competition.Lily: I will visit my grandparents more often this year and bring t

    28、hem their favorite food. I hope they will be healthy. I will also listen to and learn more English songs so that I can improve my spoken English.50. What do both John and Andy want to do in the new year?A.Play less games.B.Play basketball.C.Lose weight.D.Improve their spoken English.51. Who wrote an

    29、d recorded a song last year?A.John.B.Jim.C.Maria.D.Lily.52. Who wants to win in a shooting competition?A.Maria.B.Andy.C.Jim.D.Lily.53. Which of the following is NOT Lilys resolution?A.Visit her grandparents.B.Cook at her grandparents house.C.Bring her grandparents food.D.Learn English songs.54. Who will spend time improving spoken English?A.John and Jim.B.Jim and Andy.C.Andy and Maria.D.Andy and Lily. China is a great country with the largest popul


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