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    1、朋友作文之邀请朋友参加生日聚会的英语作文邀请朋友参加生日聚会的英语作文【篇一:邀朋友参加生日聚会的邀请函】 邀朋友参加生日聚会的邀请函 邀请朋友参加生日聚会 假设你是李华。你有一个朋友叫汤姆,下星期五(九月五日)是他的生日,你想为他庆祝一番。于是你写了好多封请帖给其他朋友,其中有两份是写给露丝和梁燕的。请你将这一请帖写出来,并替露丝写一个接受邀请的回帖,再替梁燕写一个拒绝邀请的回帖。要点如下: 生日聚会从九点钟开始,一直到十二点; 舞会结束以后切生日蛋糕; 梁燕不能来的理由是她母亲有病。 inviting friends to a birthday party invitation dear

    2、ruth, next friday, september the fifth, is toms birthday. i thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. will you come? well have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! both tom and i are very eager to have you here, so dont disappoi

    3、nt us! affectionately yours, li hua august 31, 1998 r. s. v. p acceptance of the invitation dear li hua, thank you for your invitation to join you at toms birthday party on next friday, september the fifth. im free for the party on that day, and will be glad to meet and talk with you about our frien

    4、dship.i will be at your home at nine sharp, and look forward to seeing you.cordially, ruth sept. 2 apology for being unable to accept the invitation dear li hua, im so sorry i cant come to toms birthday party. these days my mother has been falling ill, so i have to attend to her. thank you for askin

    5、g me, li hua. i certainly hate to miss any of your parties. theyre always such fun! affectionately, liang yan sept. 2 当你要举办生日纪念、周末消遣性的便餐晚会时,可以通过电话或便函性请帖邀请客人。如果时间允许,最好是写信邀约。邀请信可以简短,但要真诚热情。写请帖的日期可以像写信一样写在左上角,也可像写请柬一样写在左下角。 三、便条 非正式社交书信统称为便条或便笺(notes)。它是用于家人、同事、邻居、朋友之间的一种应用文。前面书信类中的感谢信、祝贺信等有时也可称为便笺。 人们

    6、往往因有一些简单或紧急的事情需要临时告知别人,而由于某种原因无法与对方直接联系,这时便条就是沟通的工具。 总的来说,便条可分为两种:请假条(note asking for leave)和留言条(message note left)。 便条实际上是一种简易书信,谈的都是当天或三两天内的事。但它麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,包括除信内地址以外的各项内容,即日期、称呼、正文、结尾客套语、签名等。时间常常不写年月,只写日期或上下午,或几点钟。便条一般是临时通知、询问事宜,往往是托人转交或在某一场合的直接留言,不需要邮寄,所以不用信封。写便条时要立求开门见山、三言两语把意思表达清楚,句式简单、用词随便,接近口语。

    7、 例如: nov. 5, 1999 dear mr. li, because of an attack of the flu, ill not be able to attend todays classes, for which i provide a medical certificate. your kind permission will be greatly appreciated. your student, wang ming 该便条的汉语写法是: 亲爱的李老师: 我因患流感,今天不能到校上课。现交上医生证明。如蒙准假,我将不胜感激。【篇二:我的 英语作文 邀请信】 7, 邀请信

    8、 dear_ 开门见山提出事件活动,地点,时间,it would be pleasant/honored to have you here. (娱乐类加during the (party time)/conference, we will have lots of activities/points you will be interested in). first,举行活动之一.second举行活动之二. i know/believe you will be very interested in对这次活动感兴趣.first/for one thing,受邀请人参加的理由之一.second/f

    9、or another, 受邀请人参加的理由之二.the conference/the party would not be complete without you. the party/conference will begin at举行时间and we do hope you can come. sincerely yours, signature 14、邀请信。最好也能全文背诵。但不在20篇推荐之中 directions: you want to invite some friends to a party. write an invitation letter to them indi

    10、vidually, elaborating on the reason why such a party should be held, and what activities will be arranged for them. dear xiaobao, i will hold a dinner party at my house on april 1, 2006 to celebrate mr. old fishs marriage with miss fujiwora. as you are a close friend of us, we would very much like y

    11、ou to participate in the celebration and share our joy. the occasion will start at seven oclock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. this will be followed by a dinner party. at around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by bach and

    12、 strauss. if you do not have any prior appointment on april 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company. yours sincerely, li ming (113) 万能句: 1) i would appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest convenience. 2) look forward to see your reply. 3) my best wishes to you and your

    13、 family. 8:邀请信 dear_, there will a _(内容) at/in_(地点) on_(时间)。 we would be honored to have you there with us. the occasion will start at _(具体时间)。 this will be followed by a _(进一步的安排)。 at around_(时间),_(另一个安排) i really hope you can make it. rsvp before _(通知你的最后期限) yours sincerely li ming 预测六邀请信 dear i w

    14、ill be holding at on in order to and share our joy. the occasion will start at , and activities include and . in addition, there will be . i am sure you will enjoy a good time. my family would feel honored by your presence. yours sincerely, li ming joy:乐趣,欢乐【n】 occasion:盛典,重大活动 activities:活动 in addi

    15、tion:此外,另外presencepr?zns:出席【n】 dear on behalf of . it would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic of during the visit, because . i am sure that it would be immensely beneficial to if during your stay in we would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.

    16、yours sincerely, li ming 写作“三步走”: 邀请对方参加的活动的内容、时间和地点与该活动有关的注意事项期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 语言上写给朋友,可选用活泼、真诚的言辞;写给长辈、上级、名人等,语言则应正式、礼貌。 范文解析: directions: the dean of the english department knows that prof. robin is a famous scholar in british literature. as his assistant, you are asked to write a formal letter t

    17、o prof. robin, inviting him for a short-term visit and to give a lecture. write the letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use “wang hua (dean of the english department)” instead. do not write the address. dear prof. robin, i am writing on behalf of t

    18、he english department to invite you to give a lecture in our college. we know that you are an expert on british literature. we would be very grateful of you could give a lecture on “contemporary british literature” to the english department on sunday, april 8. if this subject does not suit you, any

    19、other similar topic would be welcome as well. if it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? we could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.sincerely yours, wang hua dean of the english department 常用

    20、句式: 1、i am writing to invite you to 我写信是为了邀请您 2、i think it would be a great idea if you could participate in 如果您参加那就太好了。 3、i wonder if you can come 我想知道您是否能来 4、how would you like to join us in? 您想不想来参加我们的? 5、would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to 您可以写信告诉我您能否来吗? 6、my family

    21、 and i would feel much honored if you could come. 如果您能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。 7、i really hope you can make it. 我真心希望您能来。8、we would be looking forward to your coming. 我们期待着您的到来。 9、i would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. 我希望能在那里见到您,请早点告诉我您的决定。 10、we would be very glad to invite

    22、you as an expert to our university/college to 很高兴邀请您作为专家到我们学校【篇三:unit 2邀请篇】 unit 2邀请篇 1. 邀请参加聚会 邀请参加聚会英文邮件范文1 dear lynn, i have good news to tell you. bill and i had moved to chaoyang district, which i had told you last time. we liked it very much. we would like to invite all of our friends come to

    23、our new home for a housewarming party.please join us at 17:00 p.m. on sunday, march 28, 2010. directions are enclosed. we hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time. yours truly, laura 亲爱的林恩: 我有个高兴的事要告诉你,那就是最近比尔和我已经搬到了朝阳区,就是上次我给你说的那个小区,我们都很喜欢,并且想邀请所有的朋友来我们的新家参加家庭聚会。时间就定在这个星期日,即2010年3月28日下

    24、午五点,附地图。 希望您和您太太都能够准时来参加。 劳拉 邀请参加聚会英文邮件范文2 dear laura, hearing this news, i am also very happy for you. i know you are very satisfied with that village, and the environment is really good. the traffic is so convenient that you can save a lot of time. it is near the school for children. i think it ve

    25、ry good to live there. we will attend your party on time. yours, lynn 亲爱的劳拉: 听到这个消息,我也很替你们开心。我知道你们都很中意那个小区,小区的环境的确不错,交通也很方便,以后你上下班就省掉很多时间了,离孩子学校也近,想想真好。我们一定会准时参加的。 林恩邀请参加聚会英文邮件范文3 dear laura, this is exciting news. congratulations to you. i believe that new home will bring you a better living enviro

    26、nment, and make your whole family more laughter. if theres anything i can do, please tell me. i will do my utmost to help you. my wife and i will attend the party on time. yours, lynn 亲爱的劳拉: 这真是个让人兴奋的消息,先在这里祝贺你们了。我相信新家一定会给你们带来一个更好的生活环境,给你们全家人带来更多欢笑。另外如果有什么需要帮忙的请告诉我们一定会尽力。聚会我和太太一定准时参加。 林恩 2. 邀请参加婚礼 邀

    27、请参加婚礼英文邮件范文1 dear john, on labor day, may 1, at ten oclock a.m., leo and i are going to hold wedding ceremony. we are getting married at st. peter, that quiet little church which you know at 5 zhongguancun street.we have sent the invitation card to you. it would not be perfect if you were not absent

    28、. there will be an informal reception in the church parlor and afterwards we want you be there, too. affectionately yours, cathyrobin 亲爱的约翰: 劳动节当天,5月1日上午10点,我和里尔将举行结婚仪式。我们选在圣彼得那座宁静的小教堂里举行,你知道它的地址中关村大街5号。我们给你寄了喜帖,如果你不在场,这场婚礼就显得不那么完美。我们还设了便宴,婚礼后在接待室举行,我们同样希望你能光临。 凯西 邀请参加婚礼英文邮件范文2dear cathy, congratula

    29、tions. the day of your wedding finally comes. i could imagine how excited and happy you are. we are the witnesses of your love all the time. i believe that god will not be ill-treated to those who spares no effort to the pursuit of happiness. you are going to get what you want. i will attend your we

    30、dding. yours sincerely john 亲爱的凯西: 恭喜你,这一天终于来临,我能想象你有多么激动和幸福。这一路上,我们见证着你们的爱情,知道这一路你们走来有多么不易。相信上天不会亏待每个用心去努力追求幸福的女孩,你也一定会得到自己想要的幸福。我一定会准时参加的。 约翰 邀请参加聚会英文邮件范文3 dear cathy, im really happy for you. lille is an outstanding and promising young man. you are the worlds most kind of persistent girl. you two

    31、 make a lovely couple. i believe lille would always be with you, and you will be the happiest person in the world. you bravely pursue your happiness. we will bless you forever. robin and i will attend your wedding, looking forward to seeing you. you will be the most beautiful bride in your wedding. yours, john 亲爱的凯西: 我真为你开心。里尔是个优秀的青年人,年轻有为,而你是这世界上最善良最执着的女孩,你们是天造地设的一对璧人。我相信里尔会永远守护你,你们一定会是世界上最幸福的人。你勇敢地的追求幸福,我们会永远祝福你,我和罗宾会准时参加你的婚礼,期待婚礼上见到你,你将是最漂亮的那个新娘。 约翰 3. 邀请参加生日聚会 邀请参加生日聚会英文邮件范文1dear louise, i si


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