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    考点24 阅读理解之记叙文备战浙江新高考一轮复习英语考点一遍过.docx

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    考点24 阅读理解之记叙文备战浙江新高考一轮复习英语考点一遍过.docx

    1、考点24 阅读理解之记叙文备战浙江新高考一轮复习英语考点一遍过考点24 阅读理解之记叙文一、文体分析记叙文讲述的是发生在当前或过去或将来事情的经过。简而言之,记叙文就是讲故事,包括人物或故事情节。常见的记叙文根据其用途可分为文学记叙文和说明记叙文:文学记叙文以虚构为主,如趣闻逸事、传说、寓言、传奇故事、短篇小说、科幻小说等;说明记叙文以事实为依据,包括历史、传记、新闻报道、日记等。无论哪一种记叙文作者都要交代何人何时何地为什么、怎么样、干了何事等等,这也就是我们常说的“5Ws and 1H” 特别值得注意的是:记叙文的叙事顺序有顺叙和倒叙两种,有时候作者为了吸引读者会采用倒叙的方法,即不按照事



    4、的“5Ws and 1H”。这是我们在阅读记叙文时要首先了解的,接着按照线索弄清事情的来龙去脉,就能理解整个故事。 特别值得注意的是:记叙文的叙事顺序有顺叙和倒叙两种,有时候作者为了吸引读者会采用倒叙的方法,即不按照事情发展的先后顺序来叙述,而是从最重要、最能引人入胜的事件开始,然后再回过头来追叙故事的开端和经过。阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后位置。 另外,讲故事必定有其目的:或证明某一理论,或阐明某一概念,或赞美某种美德,或谴责某种罪恶等等。我们在阅读时要通过作者的重要细节描写联系故事情节去领会作者的意图,对作者重墨泼就的细节描写要重点关注。 概括起

    5、来一句话:读记叙文的关键是抓情节。 抓住了故事情节,就理解了文章的脉络,其他的就迎刃而解了。要解答好记叙文阅读理解题,就应该有一套针对性强的方法和技巧。下面是我们在阅读教学中积累下来的一点心得体会,希望能对大家有所帮助。1.关注细节 记叙文中有大量的事件发展过程中的细节,包括记叙文的5W(what, who, when, where, why)要素。因此我们作答细节题的时候,就没有那么复杂,一般只需要由前到后,从上到下,一题一题地做就可以了。2.注重联系 在做题过程中,我们大都不能在文中找到与题干一字不差的词语或句子。这时我们需要认真研究问题,抓住题干中的关键词语,然后到文中准确地找到与之相关

    6、的语句,或是疑似语句的位置,接着去左顾,或右盼,在前句或后句寻找线索。3.读懂表象 如前所述,主旨大意题或推理判断、作者意图题等实际上是同一类型的问题,或者说是可用同种方法解答的题型。在解答此类题目的时候,不可被题干的表象所迷惑,要像剥洋葱一样,一层一层地剥;在四个可选项中,一个一个地去证实,去排除。特别是解答推论或暗指类的题目,比如“What can be inferred from ?”或是What does the author imply in?”之类的题目,文中所陈述的往往不是答案。我们要在文前文后去查找,在字里行间里去寻觅。有时还少不了借助自己的生活经验和常理来体会这言外之意。4.

    7、挖掘意义 每年的高考阅读题中,特别是记叙文的阅读题,都会出现一至两道词义猜测题。而这些词汇往往是你素昧平生的,或者和你有点头之交,在文中却另有新意的,总之,猜的是那些在高考词汇表要求之外的词汇。小小的一个词,一个短语,考核的不是你的语法的熟练程度,也不是你的记忆力,而是你对文章通篇或者一个段落的整体把握和变通能力。 Compassion is a desire within us to help othersWith effort, we can translate compassion into actionAn experience last weekend showed me this

    8、is trueI work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderlyThese old people are our main customers, and its not hard to lose patience over their slownessBut last Sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lessonThis untidy man walked up to my register(收款机) with a

    9、box of biscuitsHe said he was out of cash(现金), had just moved into his room, and had nothing in his cupboardsHe asked if we could let him have the food on trustHe promised to repay me the next day I couldnt help staring at himI wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before, and

    10、 what he would be like if luck had gone his wayI had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the worldI told him that I was sorry, but store rules didnt allow me to do soI felt stupid and unkind saying this, but I valued my job Just then, another man, standing behind the first,

    11、spoke upIf anything, he looked more pitiable“Charge it to me,” was all he said What I had been feeling was pityPity is soft and safe and easyCompassion, on the other hand, is caring in actionI thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed eitherThen I reached into my pocket and paid for t

    12、he biscuits myselfI reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion. 解析:故事采用顺叙的叙事方法,主要情节发展如下:One aged gentleman begged me to have the food on trust and promised to repay the next day.- I told him the store rules didnt allow me to do so.- Another man wa

    13、nted me to charge the food to him.-I paid for the biscuits myself. 作者用第一人称讲述自己亲身经历的这段故事,让人觉得亲切可信,同时也增强了文章的感染力。作者说自己通过这段故事学会了compassion(同情),事实上也是在号召读者多伸出同情之手,共建和谐社会。Passage 1(2020年,天津卷,第一次高考) One of the most stressful days of Susan McFredericks life was watching her son get wheeled away for surgery h

    14、ours after he was born in 2011.But after the operation, Susan burst into tears for a different reason: across the cut on their newborn sons back was a sweet winter scene, hand-drawn on his bandages(绷带).“There were rolling hills of snow, a pine tree and a snowman with a hat and broom, she recalled. I

    15、t was extremely touching and comforting to know that somebody had taken the time to do that for my family. It was a moment Ill never forget.”Susan soon learned the artist was her sons surgeon, Robert Parry, who discovered another way to use his hands in the mid-1980 s during his internship(实习期)at ch

    16、ildrens medical center. where he saw one of his colleagues cut out heart and shark shapes to decorate childrens bandages.“My first reaction was, What is he doing? Hey, thats kind of neat, ” Parry recalled. “I especially liked the reactions of the parents and the patients when they saw his artwork. T

    17、he smiles took everyones attention from the surgery. Then I decided to follow suit.”Parry quickly graduated from his early hearts and sharks, and started to surprise families with drawings that captured young patients personalities. From Snoopy to Spider-Man and bears to butterflies, there isnt much

    18、 he hasnt drawn. Most kids want superheroes sports team logos or princesses, while babies often receive scenes with flowers trees and sea creatures During the last 30 years, Parry estimates he has left examples of his handiwork over the stitches(伤口缝线) of more than 10, 000 children.“During a time of

    19、stress for families, its nice to be able to help them smile and laugh, Parry said. This is something positive that I can do for them, which is what I like most about it.”For Parry, the reward is knowing he hopefully made a difference in a childs life, and except for his drawings on bandages, they ca

    20、n go on and live their lives and never know I was in it.” he said.Hes not ready to retire, but hes found a new hobby to keep his hands skillful in the years to come. “Ive taken up knitting(编织),” Parry said. “Hats, sweaters, gloves-I enjoy it all. But mostly, I enjoy giving everything away.”1.Susan b

    21、urst into tears after her babys operation because she was_.A.moved B.amusedC.stressed D.heartbroken2.How did Parry get the idea of decorating childrens bandages?A.He was motivated by his patients.B.He was inspired by his colleague.C.He was required to learn the skill during his internship.D.He was e

    22、ncouraged by Susan to show his genius for art.3.Parrys artworks during the last 30 years show that he_.A.devoted himself more to art than to medicine.B.knew more about his patients than their parents.C.took into consideration the tastes of individual patients.D.created a large number of works beyond

    23、 his expectations.4.What does Parry expect to achieve with his artworks?A.To get a reward from the artistic circle.B.To win the admiration of his colleagues.C.To make a difference in his dull medical career.D.To lift the spirits of his patients and their parents.5.What can we learn about Parry from

    24、the last two paragraphs of the passage?A.He is eager to show others his new skills.B.He enjoys trying new ways to help others.C.He is looking forward to life after retirement.D.He is more interested in knitting than drawing.Passage 2(2020年,天津卷,第二次高考)“They tell me that youd like to make a statue(塑像)

    25、of me-is that correct, Miss Vinnie Ream?”The deep, gentle voice helped calm the nervous girl. Asking a favor of the President of the United States was no casual matter, especially for a seventeen-year-old girl.“Yes, sir,” she replied, her dark eyes meeting his. “I wouldnt have duo ask you, but my te

    26、acher, Mr. Mills, says I am ready. I plan to make it in an admirable manner. “President Lincoln smiled. “Painters, sculptors-theyve all tried to make the best of this ordinary face, but Im afraid theres not much hope. What did you have in mind, Miss Ream? A bust(半身像)?”Before Vinnie could say yes, th

    27、e President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice.“Of course-I shouldnt have asked. A full-length pose would be much too big a project for a young woman your size. “Vinnies face turned red. She realized she looked like a child, with her tiny figure. “Small does not mean weak, sir,” she defende

    28、d herself. “I was born in the country of Wisconsin. Ive driven teams of horses and carried water. Making a full-length clay(粘土) figure would not exhaust my strength-and that is what I intend to do!”The Presidents eyes, brightened at her show of spirit. “Sorry, madam, I have underestimated you as I d

    29、idnt know your background.”But his smile faded as he rubbed his beard with bony fingers, in thought. “Miss Ream,” he sighed, “Id like to let you do it, but as you know, we are in the middle of a war. How could I possibly take the time to pose for a sculpture now? I hardly have a minute to myself.”Vi

    30、nnie glanced around and noted the size of his office. “I work quickly,” she said. Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows. “If I were to bring my clay here and work for three hours every afternoon, I could complete most of the project while you are at your desk

    31、.”The President seemed to consider her idea seriously. He got up and shook Vinnies hand warmly, “Ive heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and intelligent as well. I cannot make my decision immediately, but you will hear from me soon.”The very next day, Vinnie rece

    32、ived an invitation from the President.8.What gave Vinnie confidence to make her request of President Lincoln?A.Her aggressive personality.B.Mr. Millss encouraging remark.C.President Lincolns gentle voice.D.Her interest in a challenging job.9.How did President Lincoln first respond to Vinnies request?A.Pleased. B.Thrilled. C.Regretful. D.Doubtful.10.Vinnie confirmed her ability to make a full-length statue by highlighting _.


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