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    1、六年级总复习连词成句1. going, do, are, what, the, this, way, weekend, by, to, you(,) (?) 【芝麻开门】参考答案:By the way, what are you going to do this weekend?思路点拨:这一句比较长,我们可以先用“连词成组”的方法,通过关键词way, 联想到词组by the way, 通过going联想到词组be going to do, 由“?”判断出是问句,what要放在前面,时间词this weekend放在后面。这句话中文是“顺便问一下,这个周末你打算做什么?”适用知识点:长句的连词

    2、成句作者:丁晓燕单位:老坝港小学2. is, me, than, Liu Yang, days, older, two(.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Liu Yang is two days older than me.思路点拨:中文是“刘阳比我大两天。” 由than可以判断出这是有关比较级的句子,句子结构为“A + be + 形容词比较级+ than + B”, 因为主语要用主格,所以 me不能放在开头,应用Liu Yang。 后面加上词组“two days older大两天”,“than me 比我”。适用知识点:比较级句子的连词成句作者:丁晓燕单位:老坝港小学3. do,what,to,sc

    3、hool,go,you,time(?)4. I,may,a,have,Mike,copybook,for(.)5.table,a,the,in,tennis,there,room,is,building(?)6.doing,at,are,housework,home,they(.)7.what,in,pencil,your,is,case(?)8.in,do,what,morning,lessons,you,the,have(?)9.like,we,friends, ,playing,with,our,football(.)10.every,a,there,minutes,bus,five,i

    4、s(.)11.this,I,a,afternoon,to,am,Beijing,going,see,opera(.)12.in,do,season,you,which,like,best,Shanghai(?)13.Helen,swim,Nancy,than,Does,faster(?)14. Mr,last,White,farm,the,to,week,went(.)15.not,early,as,as,the,children,is,Ben,other(.)16.goes,school,she,after,often,jogging(.)17.Beijing,like,in,whats,w

    5、eather,the(?)芝麻开门参考答案:3. What time do you go to school?4. May I have a copybook for Mike?5. Is there a table tennis room in the building?6. They are doing housework at home.7. What is in your pencil case?8. What lessons do you have in the morning?9. We like playing football with our friends.10. Ther

    6、e is a bus every five minutes.11. I am going to see a Beijing apera this afternoon.12.Which season do you like best in Shanghai?/Which season in Shanghai do you like best?13.Does Helen swim faster than Nancy?/Does Nancy swim faster than Helen?14. Mr White went to the farm last week.15.Ben is not as

    7、early as the other children.16.She often goes jogging after school.17.Whats the weather like in Beijing?明道小学 陈燕18. Whats, weather, in, like, the, spring (?)_【芝麻开门】 参考答案:Whats the weather like in spring? 思路点拨:Whats the weather like 为固定句型。 适用知识点:固定句型的用法 作 者:丁 玉 单 位:胡集镇中心小学19. school , Im, him, to, goi

    8、ng, about,tell (.)_【芝麻开门】 参考答案:Im going to tell him about school.思路点拨:be going to为固定短语表示打算做某事;“关于”用介词 “about” 。 适用知识点:将来时以及介词的用法 作 者:丁 玉 单 位:胡集镇中心小学20. I ,older, 2 years, am, than,you(.)_【芝麻开门】参考答案:I am 2 years older than you. 思路点拨:岁数的比较格式 “岁数+比较级+older/younger+than ” 适用知识点:比较级的用法 作者:洪国凤 单位:海安县海陵小学2

    9、1. are ,tallking about, for, next year, their plans,The farmers(.) _【芝麻开门】参考答案:The farmers are talking about their plans for next year.思路点拨:句子现在进行时的格式“主语+be动词+V-ing”,谈论计划plan一般与talk about 连用。 适用知识点:现在进行时的格式 作者:洪国凤 单位:海安县海陵小学22. to, Would, Christmas, like, to, come, you, my, party(?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Would

    10、you like to come to my Christmas party?思路点拨:would like句型是征求别人的意见,后跟to再加动词原形。23. are, to, What, you, going, this, Sunday, do(?)【芝麻开门】What are you going to do this Sunday?思路点拨:特殊疑问句,Wh-疑问词+一般疑问句,be going to表示将来的意思,等于will,有“计划做某事”的意思。24. cousin, as, you, Her, is, tall, as(.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Her cousin is as

    11、tall as you.思路点拨:as as表示“等于像一样”,它的结构是as+原级+as。25. swimming, us, Theyre, than, faster(.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Theyre swimming faster than us.思路点拨:这是明显的比较句型,由动词+副词的比较级+than构成,注意than后面的人称必须是宾格. 出题人:刘 莉 单位:海陵小学26. Lets out go walking to a take (.)_【芝麻开门】 参考答案:Lets go out to take a walking. 思路点拨:看到Lets的L大写可立即判断出放在句

    12、首,Lets后接动词原形,然后不难看出下面是一个固定搭配go out to do sth. 适用知识点:词组的固定用法 作者:杨洁 单位:胡集中心小学27. heavier, her, cousin, than, my, is ( . )【芝麻开门】 参考答案:My cousin is heavier than her. 思路点拨:只有her可以作宾格放在than之后。 适用知识点:形容词的比较级 作者:徐培凤 单位:墩头镇吉庆小学28. him than his is father taller(.) _【芝麻开门】参考答案:His father is taller than him.思路点

    13、拨:此题的关键是宾格him在此句中不能作主语。 适用知识点:形容性物主代词与宾格作者:张小艳 单位:胡集镇中心小学29. comes, what, after, May, holiday, Day(?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:What holiday comes after May Day?思路点拨:“come after(在之后来)”,“What holiday(什么节日)”放在句首,因此应该连成:What holiday comes after May Day?适用知识点:特殊疑问句 作 者:张秀梅 单 位:海安县墩头镇双溪小学30. him, two, I, than, am, years

    14、, younger (.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:I am two years younger than him.思路点拨:“him”是宾格不可以作主语,因此“I”是主语,“two years younger(小两岁)”,因此应该连成:I am two years younger than him.适用知识点:形容词的比较级 作 者:张秀梅 单 位:海安县墩头镇双溪小学联系方式:88423516(小灵通) 31. be, wants, penfriend, Kate, to, Anns (.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Kate wants to be Anns penfriend.思路点拨:“wan

    15、t to(想要)”和“be ones penfriend(成为某人的笔友)”是固定短语,“Kate”是主语,放在句首,排列应是:Kate wants to be Anns penfriend.适用知识点:一般现在时 作 者:张秀梅 单 位:海安县墩头镇双溪小学联系方式:88423516(小灵通) hazxm(邮箱地址)32. Sunday my I at last friend the cinema met ( . )【芝麻开门】 参考答案:I met my friend at the cinema last Sunday. 思路点拨:动词met后面应该接人或宾格,而I是主格,所以是I met

    16、 my friend,这句中还有两个词组:at the cinema(地点状语)和last Sunday(时间状语),排列这三个词组应是I met my friend at the cinema last Sunday.适用知识点:一般过去时作者:周习云单位:墩头镇双溪小学33. Maths well do Liu Tao does Chinese in and ( ? )【芝麻开门】 参考答案:Does Liu Tao do well in Maths and Chinese?或Does Liu Tao do well in Chinese and Maths? 思路点拨:这是一个问句,所以

    17、助动词does应放在句首,后面接主语Liu Tao ,do well in是固定词组,Maths, Chinese是两门课程,中间用and连接,组成词组Maths and Chinese或Chinese and Maths是课程名称,排列这三组词组应是Does Liu Tao do well in Maths and Chinese?或Does Liu Tao do well in Chinese and Maths?适用知识点:一般现在时作者:周习云单位:墩头镇双溪小学34. lot we a fun had there of ( . )【芝麻开门】 参考答案:We had a lot of

    18、 fun there. 思路点拨:had a lot of fun是固定短语,there是地点,应放在句末,we是主语,放在句首,排列这三个词组应是We had a lot of fun there.适用知识点:一般过去时作者:周习云单位:墩头镇双溪小学35. you, tell, can, me, way, the, the, park, to, please (?) 【芝麻开门】参考答案:Can you tell me the way to the park, please?36. drink, means, or, it, shouldnt, we, eat, (.)37. diary,

    19、 Id, present, a, like, a, birthday, as, (.)38. Mid-Autumn Festival, moon, you, watch, did, the, last, (?)39. many, do, lessons, how, have, you, morning, in, the, (?)40. boy, whos, the, with, mouth, the, big, (?)41. heavier, bag, is, mine, than, Su Hais, (.)42. do, what, you, else, did, (?)43. you, H

    20、istory, could, tell, Museum, way, me, the, to, the, (?)44. ruler, whose, longer, is, hers, than, (.)45.weather, what, the, is, Spring, in, like, (?)46.your, is, tape, table, on, , the, (.)b, a, ago, the, was, moment, there, (.)48.you, hobbies, do, any, have, (?)49.how, TV, building, there, rooms, ar

    21、e, in, the, many, (?)50.got, cough, a, bad, I, have, (.) 51.homework, I, to, want, do, my, (.)52.this, are, to, you, afternoon, going, do, what, (?)53.do, season, you, best, which, like, (?)54.do, what, do, usually, New Years Day, people, on, (?)55.are, mangoes, those, they, what, are, (.)(?)参考答案:36

    22、It means we shouldnt eat or drink.37Id like a diary as a birthday present.38Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?39How many lessons do you have in the morning?40Whos the boy with the big mouth?41Su Hais bag is heavier than mine.42What else did you do?43Could you tell me the way to the His

    23、tory Museum?44Whose ruler is longer than hers?45What is the weather like in Spring?46Perhaps your tape is on the table.47The camera was there a moment ago.48Do you have any hobbies?49How mangy TV rooms are there in the building?50I have got a bad cough.51I want to do my homework.52What are you going

    24、 to do this afternoon?53Which season do you like best?54What do people usually do on New Years Day?55What are those? They are mangoes.作者:丁国纯单位:海安县教师进修学校附属小学56. the, what, on, you, farm, else, do, did (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:What else did you do on the farm?思路点拨:句意:在农场你还干了什么?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学57. museum, the, way

    25、, me, history, the, you, to, tell, can (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Can you tell me the way to the history museum?思路点拨:此句是问句,can要放在句首。句意:你能告诉我去历史博物馆的路吗?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学58. present, you, like, a, what, as, birthday, would (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:What would you like as a birthday present?思路点拨:句意:你想要什么作为生日礼物?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学59.

    26、him, faster, my, than, brother, swims(.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:My brother swims faster than him.思路点拨:句意:我的哥哥比他游得快。him是宾格形式,只能放在than后面,而不能放在句首做主语。作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学60. your, station, is, right, new, the, on, train(.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:The new train station is on your left.思路点拨:句意:新火车站在你的左边。作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学61. eat, Festival,

    27、 you, food, lots did, Spring, delicious, of, last (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Did you eat lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?思路点拨:句意:你上个春节吃了许多美食了吗?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学62. ago, our, a, was, moment, there, teacher (.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Our teacher was there a moment ago.思路点拨:这是个肯定句,句意是:我们的老师刚才在那儿的。作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学63. wi

    28、th, whats, you, wrong (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Whats wrong with you?思路点拨:句意:你怎么了?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学64. her, does, how, weekends, she, spend (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:How does she spend her weekends?思路点拨:句意:她怎样度过她的周末的?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学65. we, by, go, shall, the, to, bus, zoo(?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Shall we go to the zoo by bus?思路点拨:句意:我们

    29、乘公共汽车去动物园好吗?作者:丁霞单位:海安县南莫小学66. have, did, with, family, your, big, today, a, you, lunch(?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Did you have a big lunch with your family today?思路点拨:这一句是以did引导的一般疑问句。可以先找出固定搭配have a big lunch。适用知识点:过去时的一般疑问句作者:周月琴单位:曲塘章郭小学67. ago, were, where, they, moment, a (?)【芝麻开门】参考答案:Where were they a moment ago?思路点拨:这一句是以where引导的过去时的特殊疑问句。其中a moment ago是表示“刚才”的时间短语。适用知识点:过去时的疑问句作者:周月琴单位:曲塘章郭小学68. my, of, December, is, second, on, the, birthday (.)【芝麻开门】参考答案:My birthday is on the second of December.思路点拨:这是一个肯定句。on the second of December是固定搭配。适用知识点:日期表达作者:周月琴单位:曲塘章郭小学69. the, go, by, sha


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