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    1、每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers doing?A. Working.B. Running.C. Having a drink.2. What made the man so worried?A. The exam.B. The paper.C. His teacher.3. How long will the man stay in France?A. Five weeks.B. Three days.C. Two days.4. What was wrong with Jack?A. He had a fever.B. He was in hospital.

    2、C. He was late for work.5. Why was the man late for work?A. He was in an accident. B. His car was being repaired. C. He couldnt get his car going.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. How many

    3、 most beautiful subways are there on the earth?A. Nine.B. Nineteen.C. Eight.7. When did the woman go to Shanghai?A. Two days ago.B. Last week.C. Last month.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The boss didnt leave that night.B. The speakers enjoyed themselves at the part

    4、y.C. The man regretted having invited his wifes boss.9. What is the boss like?A. NiceB. ImpoliteC. Shy.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12三个小题。10. What does the man want to sell?A. Furniture.B. Garden supplies.C. An apartment.11. Why does the man want to sell his belongings?A. He needs money.B. He is moving.C. He like

    5、s new things.12. How is the man going to pay?A. By check. B. In cash.C. By credit card.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. Whats the relationship between Mary and John?A. Classmates.B. Mother and son.C. Brother and sister.14. What is John doing? A. Putting his shoes on. B. Making a telephone call. C. Getting

    6、ready to go to school.15. How does John go to school?A. By taxi.B. By bus.C. By bike.16. How many people are there in Marys family?A. Three.B. At least five C. No more than four.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. How can people avoid forgetting things according to the speaker?A. By keeping a diary. B. By mak

    7、ing a schedule. C. By being reminded by others.18. What does “a master schedule” mean?A. A schedule made for yourself. B. A schedule made for your boss.C. A schedule with all important things and the time to use.19. How many different schedules are mentioned?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.20. What can you u

    8、se your daily schedule to do?A. Plan time well. B. Achieve short-term goals. C. Achieve long-term goals.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AMark Twain was a great writer. He was from the USA. He was born in 1835. He was also a famous speaker. He was famous f

    9、or his sense of humour. Many people liked to listen to him , because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing. Before he was going to leave, one of his friends said to him that there were always a

    10、lot of mosquitoes(蚊子) in the town and told him that hed better not go there. Mark Twain waved his hand and said, “It doesnt matter. The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine. I dont think they will come to visit me.”After he arrived at the town, Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station. He

    11、went into his room, but when he was just about to have a rest, quite a few mosquitoes flew about him. The waiters felt very sorry about that. “Im very sorry, Mr. Mark Twain. There are too many mosquitoes in our town.” One of them said to him.Mark Twain, however, made a joke, saying to the waiter, “T

    12、he mosquitoes are very clever. They know my room number. They didnt come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.But that night Mark Twain slept well. Do you know why? That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during

    13、the whole night. 21. That day Mark Twain went to the town _.A. to see one of his friends B. because he wanted to do something there for his writingC. because he was told there were a lot of mosquitoes there D. to see one of his relatives22. The waiters felt sorry because _.A. they did something wron

    14、g to Mark Twain B. their hotel was too smallC. the room was not very clean D. there were quite a few mosquitoes in Mark Twains room23. All the people present laughed heartily because _.A. the mosquitoes were very clever and they didnt come into the wrong roomB. the mosquitoes knew Mark Twains room n

    15、umberC. Mark Twain gave the waiters some nice presents D. Mark Twain made a joke24. From the story we know _.A. no mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the nightB. the owner of the hotel told the waiters to look after Mark Twain well at nightC. Mark Twain didnt have a good rest that night D. there were

    16、 not mosquitoes in the hotel any longerBMore and more people are aware that an afternoon nap(小睡) can do a body good. But there are still doubters out there. To help spread the power of the afternoon nap, we list some common misunderstandings about napping we still hear. Misunderstanding # 1 : Nappin

    17、g is only for the lazy. Fact: Around a third of American adults nap on the average day, and for good reason: A short nap can improve everything from alertness(警觉) and memory to creativity and productivity(生产效率). And none of these sounds like laziness to us! Misunderstanding # 2 : If I take a nap, Il

    18、l only wake up feeling worse. That weak feeling after you wake up from a nap is real (it even has a name: sleep inertia), but its not a guarantee(保证). How you feel after your nap is a factor of how long you sleep. Experts generally agree that a nap should last no longer than 30 minutes. “If it takes

    19、 longer than 30 minutes, you end up in deep sleep. Youre going into a stage of sleep where you find it very difficult to wake up.” said sleep expert Michael J. Breus, Ph. D. Next time youre in the mood for a nap, set your alarm for 20 to 30 minutes, tops. Misunderstanding # 3 : You mustnt nap at wor

    20、k. In fact, in the office environment, were all for catching a few winks (眨眼) during the workday. Some companies have even created special rooms for afternoon naps as more and more employers come around to the idea that a well-rested workforce is a more productive workforce. If your employer doesnt

    21、offer a place to lay your head, try to find an empty conference room where you can close the door and turn off the lights. Really want. You can also take a nap during your lunch break on a park bench or in your car. Misunderstanding # 4 : Ill be more productive if I just finish this task, rather tha

    22、n waste time sleeping. Yes, youll be away from your desk if you spend 10 to 30 minutes sleeping. But youll likely make up for that “wasted” time afterward. “My research shows that people feel tired after a long time of work during the day,” Sara Mednick told Bloomberg Businessweek. “Its difficult to

    23、 keep energetic and productive all day.” However, a nap can leave you feeling refreshed and more ready to deal with the task at hand.25. According to the passage, a short nap has the following benefits EXCEPT .A. making people think more quickly B. improving peoples memoryC. allowing old people to l

    24、ive longer D. raising peoples work efficiency 26. How you feel after your nap is connected with _.A. the way of sleep B. the place of sleep C. the environment of sleep D. the length of sleep 27. Sara Mednick indicates that _.A. taking a short nap at work is a waste of time B. people become less prod

    25、uctive without a napC. people become less productive after a nap D. napping is only for the lazy and young children28. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The advantages of taking a nap. B. The more naps you take, the more productive you become.C. 4 things people get wrong ab

    26、out napping. D. How to take an afternoon nap correctly.CContestants from around the world met in Pomona, California, this month to test their skills at things like driving a car, walking down stairs, and opening doors. Sounds easy, right? But the competitors werent peoplethey were robots!The bots we

    27、re participating in(参加) the final round of the USs DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Robotics Challenge. This event, which took place on June 5-6, tested robots on how well they could respond during a disaster and the winning team finally took home a $2 million grand prize.The DARPA c

    28、hallenge was created after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. An earthquake caused a tsunami, which damaged a nuclear power plant. Workers at the plant needed to shut off an important valve(阀门), but it was too dangerous for humans to reach it. The US scientists at DARPA wondered whether t

    29、he disaster could have been avoided if a robot had been sent to do the job. So they set up the robotics competition.Turning a valve was just one task a robot might have to perform when entering a disaster zone. In addition to doing this, robots participating in the challenge had to navigate a course

    30、 containing several other tasks: driving and exiting a vehicle, opening a door, walking over or clearing objects, cutting a hole in a wall, plus climbing a flight of stairs.Teams had to complete the challenge in one hour, and points were awarded based on how quickly the robots completed a task. They didnt have to attempt all the tasks. To make things even more realistic, challenge organizers caused short computer-system blackouts(断电) that prevented robots and the human operators controlling them from communicating. That means teams had to program their ro


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