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    1、译林英语六年级上册Unit1教案单元内容Unit 1 The kings new clothes单元教学总目标1、四会单词:laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child.2、四会句型:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was happy. He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.3、三会单词和词组:long long ago, magic, clever, foolish, through, each, sentence,

    2、quick, think, hard, turn into.4、了解字母ar在单词中的读音。课时1 Story time(1)集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1.掌握be动词和规则动词的过去式及读音,并了解一般过去时的陈述句。2.掌握单词laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child。3.了解童话大意,进一步增强英语学习兴趣。教学重、难点1.掌握be动词和规则动词的过去式及读音,2.了解一般过去时的陈述句。教学准备1、复习动作类单词,关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学设计Step 1 Warming-

    3、up1. Boys and girls, welcome back to school. What day is it todayWhat date is it(教月份September,拼读)Hows the weather today(教天气sunny,hot等词)What are you wearing today(教wear,wearing)I like wearing new and pretty dresses. What about you Now Ill show you a story about a king who liked new clothes very much.

    4、(板书,教king)Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show the picture of the king and introduce the students with the sentence:There is a king in the house.Show the picture of past time.Long long ago, there was a king.There were two men in his house.Can you say something about themTeach foolish, clever.Step 3 While-read

    5、ing1. Show the video of the passage. And find how they were. Encourage the students to answer.2. Open the books and find out the interesting words.Pay attention to the simple past tense, as the story happened long long ago.Encourage the students to repeat the words after the teacher.Try to find out

    6、the rules for the pronunciation of ed.3. Read the story and try to answer the questions:1)What did the king like ( ) A. Beautiful clothes. B. New clothes.2)Who visited the king ( )A. Two men. B. Two women.3)Clever people ( ) see the clothes. Foolish people ( ) see them. (clever和foolish再次教授)A. cant B

    7、. Can4)The king walked through the ( ) (ppt教读walk through)A. town B. City5)( ) pointed at the king and laughed.A. A man B. A little boy 同时学习through, people及little.4. Repeat after the computer and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 学习magicStep 3 Post-reading1. Students read the passag

    8、e in groups of four. The narrator is the most difficult.2. Read the passage and finish the exercise on Page 8.3. Homework:Finish the T/F exercise and check the false sentences.Recite the passage on Page 6.板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothes (Story time)long long ago There was a king.laugh laughed There

    9、 were a lot of people in the street.like liked The king walked through the city.教学后记课时2 Story time(2) &Grammar time集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1. 掌握一般过去时的陈述句。2. 掌握规则动词的过去式的变化规律及BE动词的过去式。3. 精讲故事,理清wear, try on, in等词及词组;掌握童话故事,会复述童话故事。教学重、难点1. 规则动词过去式的变化规律2. 一般过去时的陈述句与一般现在时的比较运用。教学准备多媒体课件、国王、骗子等头饰教学设计Step 1 War

    10、ming-up1. Greeting.2. Play a game.The teacher gives some orders with the verbs: shout, talk , walk, play, push, jump, skate, dance, singThen make a short dialogue like this:T: What did you do3. The teacher acts and the students describe the teachers action.T: (做弹琴动作)Step 2 Revision1. The teacher sho

    11、ws her photo in the childhood and describe herself.I was ten years old then. I was fat and short. My hair was short. My nose was small. My mouth was small too. My eyes were big. My legs were short.Encourage the students to use the correct past tense for BE.2. Students will also have the chance to ta

    12、lk about others, using sentences: He was five years old then. Her eyes were big3. Watch the video of the Kings new clothes and check the answers to P8 True or False.4. Read the dialogue again and try to answer the following questions:Who liked new clothesWhat could the men makeAccording to the two m

    13、en, who can see the magic clothes Who cant see the magic clothesWhat did the people in the street shout to the kingWhy did the boy laugh What did he sayWho was cleverWho was foolishWere there any new clothes in the storyWhat were the two men5. With the answers, lead the students to understand the se

    14、ntence “What beautiful clothes.”Try to differentiate the usage of wear, put on, in, try on in the sentences.Step 3 Practice1. As we can see, when we describe something happened in the past, we use simple past tense. Last lesson we talked about the pronunciation of the past tense. Can you remember th

    15、em2. Show an exercise of finding the same pronunciation.3. Read the sentences on P9 and observe the sentence structure. Find out the verbs.The verbs change in some regular way.There are some other rules:规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有:1. 直接在词尾加-ed。如: wantwanted, workworked2. 以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d。如:likeliked,

    16、 useused3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stopstopped, triptripped4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed。如:studystudied, carrycarried, hurryhurriedStep 4 Consolidation1. Use the verbs we see in this class to make sentences in the past:I jumped five metres yesterday.The ants carried big things rig

    17、ht now.2. Use the past tense to retell the passage.3. Homework:Recite P7;Recite the rules of the past tense.板书设计 Unit 1 The kings new clothes(Story time& Grammar time)laughed the kingliked make clothes pointed at lived visited laughedlooked two men a little boycarried stopped 教学后记课时3 Fun time, Sound

    18、 time & Culture time集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1. 借助操练,培养学生的发散性思维和创造性使用英语的能力。2. 掌握字母ar的发音规律;3. 了解美国牛仔服饰和苏格兰人的传统服饰,扩大学生的国际视野。4. 继续练习一般过去时陈述句的运用。教学重、难点借助操练,培养学生的发散性思维和创造性使用英语的能力。教学准备头饰,多媒体,关于各国传统服饰的资料搜集教学设计Step 1 Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Free talk:What did you do yesterdayWhat did he do just now3. Try to rete

    19、ll the dialogue.Step 2 Practice(1)1. We learnt The kings new clothes in the past two lessons. Can you say something about the characters in the passageEg: The king liked beautiful clothes. The king was foolish/fat/rich2. Work in pairs to finish the dialogue.3. Encourage the students to make their ne

    20、w dialogues.Eg: King: Im the king. Im rich. I have many beautiful clothes. I like new clothes. Who can make new clothes for me4. Students will be encouraged to work in groups of four and then act. Have a competition among groups. One star for correct sentences, two stars for extra gestures, three st

    21、ars for extra interesting sentences.Step 3 Practice(2)1. Review the pronunciation for the vowels: a cake bag, e he egg, i hi it, o home dog, u use bus.2. What about the two letters They are pronounced as /a:/, the same to a as in dance.3. Read the words and then the rhyme.4. Think of other words wit

    22、h /a:/ farm, start, cartoon, dance, class, afternoon.Differentiate it from u as in bus.5. Show the pictures of American cowboys and Scottish men. Look at their clothes.6. Show the pictures of chi-pao, Han Chinese clothing and kimono.Step 4 Homework1. Write down the dialogues they made in class.Finis

    23、h a sheet of simple past tense.板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesIm the king. Im rich. I have many beautiful clothes. I like new clothes. Who can make new clothes for mear/a:/ farm, start, parkjeans, kilt, chi-pao, kimono教学后记课时4 Cartoon time & ticking time集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1.学生能熟练掌握语法知识:一般过去时。2.培养学生的自

    24、主学习能力以及语言综合运用能力。3.学生能理解Cartoon time 的幽默点。教学重、难点1.学生能熟练掌握语法知识:一般过去时。2.培养学生的自主学习能力以及语言综合运用能力。教学准备教学设计Step 1 Warm up1. Greeting2. 复习动词的过去式3. 以What is Mike doing 来回顾复习:What is Mike doing Hes telling a story . Long long ago, there was a house in the forest. There was a lion. There were some flowers in fr

    25、ont of the lions house. What is Mike doing Hes talking about the clothes. The American cowboy wears jeans. The Scottish man wears a kilt. Step 2 Cartoon time T: Now Mike is watching a cartoon . What is he watching Lets watch the cartoon , too. 学生观看动画并回答问题:Who are in the story Miss Fox and her studen

    26、ts. (学生对新教材的角色不了解。告诉他们新教材cartoon time 中的主角常常是the cat , Sam . the mouse, Bobby . 有时候会有老师Miss Fox 以及其他同学。)What are they doing ( They are playing a game . They are telling a story. )Can you tell the story 体会故事中的幽默之处。词组: say a sentence think hard start again have to单词: tell(过去式) told听录音跟读故事。分组活动,分角色讲故事。

    27、Step 3 Ticking time 自我评价:1. I know the sound “ar”.2. I can tell the story of the cartoon time with my friends. Step 5 Homework 熟读cartoon time中的故事 ,背诵story time的故事。板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothes Long long ago, there was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy live

    28、d in the house. The old man told the boy a story.教学后记课时5 Checkout time & ticking time集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1. 学生能熟练掌握一般过去时的语法知识。2. 学生能熟练掌握动词过去式的变化方法。3. 学生能理解运用动词的过去式并讲述checkout time中的新故事。教学重、难点学生能理解运用动词的过去式并讲述checkout time中的新故事。教学准备教学设计Step 1 Revision 语法复习。出示图laugh等说出它们的过去式。相继出示其他单词,请学生说一说它们的过去式。学生概述动词过

    29、去式的特点。Step 2 Checkout time一、Read and write 1.出示一组词,让学生写一写它们的过去式:pick , live , are, is , shout , walk (讲一讲pick的用法:pick oranges , pick apples , pick flowers )2. T: Heres a new story about a lion. Can you put these words in the right places Please read and fill in the blanks. 学生自读并完成句子。 3. 请几位学生按图的顺序读一

    30、读。4. 教师讲一讲故事中学生没有学过的新教材以前的单词和词组。1)forest 森林 in the forest 在森林里2)in front of 在前面 There is a river in front of my house. 我家前面有一条河。3)by the house 在房子旁边 There is a chair by the lake. 湖边有一张椅子。4)look after 照顾,照看 The girl looked after the lion very carefully. 5. 学生分小组完整地讲一讲故事。 二、Circle and say T: When we t

    31、ell a story , we like to say : Long long ago Circle and say :T: Can you circle the right word :was or were 学生画圈并校对。让学生说一说There was / were的用法。用Long long ago 造句。S: Long long ago , there was a doctor S: Long long ago, there were some little men三、Ticking time 学生自我评价:I can under the story “The kings new clothes ”. I can use “was” , “were” , “looked” , etc. Step 3 Tickin


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