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    1、新概念第二册新概念第二册 Lesson 1 A private conversation1conversation n. 会话, 交谈 辨析: conversation, dialogue, talk, chat 这些名词均含“交谈”之意。 conversation: 一般用词, 指两个或更多人互相交换意见的交谈。 talk: 通用词, 可与conversation换用, 但当talk用作复数时指正式交谈。如six-party talks 六方会谈 / phone talks 会谈 / peace talks 和谈(和平谈判)。 dialogue: 指“对话”, 多指剧中的对白。 chat:

    2、指熟人之间非常随便的交谈,强调谈话的亲密和非正式性。“to chew the fat”、 “to shoot the breeze” 在口语中也多指“闲聊”, 也就是所谓的 “侃大山”。2seat n. 座位 (抽象名词, 多指汽车、剧院等里面的座位) have / take a/one?蒺s seat 请坐 (比sit down 更有礼貌) vt. 安排坐下, 使人坐下 (及物动词, 后接宾语) 辨析: sit, seat sit 为及物动词, 指“坐下”; seat 为不及物动词, “安排坐下”。 The usher seated us in the back row. 引座员安排我们在后

    3、排就座。 3attention n. 注意 Attention, please! 请注意! 1) draw/catch/arrest/attract one?蒺s attention 吸引某人注意力 2) turn ones attention to .把注意力转向 3) focus/fix ones attention on 集中注意力于 4) pay attention to. 注意 5) distract/divert attention from. 分散注意 a little 稍加关注 some 注意 6) pay much attention 多加关注 close 密切关注 no 不

    4、理会1. Last week I went to the theater. go to the theater 在此处翻译为“去看戏”, 而非“去剧院”。强调一种行为, 而非场所本身。在英语表达习惯法当中, 人们常用“go to + 目的地”,表示一种行为, “去做什么”。 如: go to the cinema 去看电影新概念第二册 Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch1. until prep. 到为止, 在以前 I stayed up until four oclock trying to get my assignment done. (用作介词, 引出时间状语) 我

    5、熬夜到四点以完成功课。 conj. 到为止, 在以前, 直到才 Nothing is learned until you can use it. (该句中是用作连词,因为它后面跟的是句子) 直到会用时才是真正的学会。 2. ring vi. 响铃 The telephone was ringing loud enough to wake everybody inside the house. 铃声响得能吵醒屋里所有的人。 Ring out the old year and ring in the new. 钟声为我们辞旧迎新。 vt. 打 Ill ring you back as soon a

    6、s I get home. 我一到家就给你。 ring a bell 提醒, 使想起 (听力必备词汇) Does this name ring a bell? 这个名字是否让你想起点什么? n. 环状物 ,圆圈 , 戒指 The kids sat in a ring around the teacher. 孩子们围坐在老师周围。 The Lord of the Rings 指环王 3. repeat v. 重复 Would you mind repeating your question please? 你能重复一遍你的问题吗? History always repeats itself. 历

    7、史总在重演。 Anyone can make a mistake, but only a fool repeats it. 人人皆犯错, 只有傻瓜一犯再犯。 repeat + that She repeated that she had no interest in this field. 她一再说她对这个领域不感兴趣。 n. repetition His second book is full of repetition. 他的第二 本书有许多重复之处。 adj. repeated repeated mistakes 老出的错 / warnings 不停的警告 adv. repeatedly

    8、 He visited her family repeatedly, begging her to marry him. 他一再地拜访她家,求她嫁给他。1. What a day! 感叹句, 用来表示说话人的喜怒哀乐, 一般用感叹词how或what引导, how修饰形容词或副词, what修饰的中心词是名词。 What引导的感叹句基本结构: Whata/an形容词可数名词 (单数) 主语谓语! (主谓可省) What a beautiful day (it is) ! What形容词可数名词复数 (或不可数名词) 主语谓语! What cute puppies (these are) ! Wh

    9、at lovely weather (it is) ! How引导的感叹句基本结构是: How形容词/副词主语谓语 How terrifying the experience is! 2. Its raining again. “下雨了!” 有多种表达法。如: Its drizzling. (毛毛雨) Its raining cats and dogs. (大雨瓢泼) I will be there for you, rain or shine! (风雨无阻) 3. “Ive just arrived by train,” she said. “I m ing to see you.” 交通方

    10、式= by + 具体交通工具 by train / bus / bike / ship / plane / light rail / subway / MRT (mass rapid transit) minibus / doubledecker / motorbike / moped (助动车)等等, 除了on foot。新概念第二册 Lesson 3 Please send me a card1. spoil v. 破坏, 溺爱 The foggy weather has totally spoiled my plan to China. 大雾天气完全破坏了我去中国的计划。 Spare t

    11、he rod and spoil the child. 省了棍棒, 害了儿女。 spoiled 作为形容词表示“被惯坏了的”, 如: a spoiled child 2. lend v. 借出, 贷款 常与“to”连用, 构成短语“lend sth. to sb.”, 它与“borrow.from.”含义相反。 I lent Lily my motorbike the other day. 那天我把我的摩托车借给了莉莉。 还可说成: I lent my motorbike to Lily the other day. Lily borrowed some money from me the o

    12、ther week. 莉莉前几周向我借了点钱。 “loan” 的意思与“lend”一样, 但更正式, 还可作名词表示“贷款”。 Bad loans have grow in number. 坏账问题增多。 3. decision n. 决定 v. decide 决定 decide to do sth. The top seed decided to enter the Winter Sports. 这个头号种子选手决定要参加冬运会。 make a big decision = make up ones mind a. decisive 有决断力的 Postcards always spoil

    13、my holidays. 这句话的主语postcards是使用零冠词来修饰的, 通常我们用零冠词来修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词, 表示类别和概念。 Boys and girls study together in most schools. Dogs are our best pets and friends. Time speeds by.新概念第二册 Lesson 4 An exciting trip1. excite ex是前缀, 意思是“向外的”, cite是词根, 表示“呼唤”, excite就是呐喊出心声, 是人内心的激动。 v. 让人兴奋 Harry Potter excites

    14、 children throughout the world. 哈利波特让全世界的孩子们兴奋不已。 exciting adj.令人兴奋的 Life is an exciting experience. 生活是一次令人兴奋的经历。 (现在分词用作形容词, 通常修饰物, 意思是: 使人激动,开心的) excited adj. 激动的 They got excited when the news came. 他们得到消息后十分激动。 (过去分词用作形容词, 通常修饰人, 意思是“人的心情激动”) excitement n. 精彩 Life is full of excitement. 生活处处皆精彩

    15、。 2. receive v. 收到 to receive signals / mail / email 收到信号/电子 to receive good education / insults 受到良好教育/辱骂 He received his Ph. D degree in engineering last year. 去年, 他拿到了他的工程学博士学位。 She received a Mercedes Benz as a birthday gift, but she didnt accept it. 她收到了一辆奔驰作为生日礼物, 但她没接受。 3. firm n. 公司, 商行 adj.

    16、 坚固的, 牢牢的 He is a firm person, he never gives up until the task is fulfilled. 他是个坚定不移的人, 不达目的, 决不放弃。 adv. 坚持地 He held firm to his principles. 他坚持自己的原则。 4. different adj. 不同的 Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different. 发现是看到和别人一样的事物时, 想到的却不同。 Lif

    17、e looks different through everyones eyes. 生活在每个人眼中是截然不同的。 v. differ 不同 differ from/between 不同 The incidence of the illness differs greatly between men and women. 这种疾病发生的概率在男女之间有很大差别。 n. difference 不同点 make a difference 有关系; 有影响; 起(重叠)作用 Does it make a difference? I doubt. 我怀疑这能有什么用。 adj. indifferent

    18、 冷漠的1. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. (1) He is working for a big firm. 使用现在进行时表达最近这一阶段的情况。 (2) he has already visited. 现在完成时表达的是结果与经历。 (3) A great number of + 可数名词, 意思是“许多的, 大量的”。 A great number of foreign panies have crowded

    19、 into the new CBD.许多的外国公司都已涌入了这个新的中央商务区。 2. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. (1) “. has never been.”用现在完成时表示了他从未出过国的经历。 (2) “so”是个连词, 表因果关系。 (3) “find + 宾语+宾语补足语”的用法表示“感觉,认为什么事或人怎样”。 I find you beautiful. 我觉得你很美。 (形容词作补语) Lily finds Paris a romantic

    20、place. 莉莉认为巴黎是个浪漫的地方。 (形容词+名词) I found Tim very weird yesterday. 我发现昨天蒂姆特怪。 (形容词作补语)新概念第二册Lesson 5 No wrong numbers1. message n. 信息, 消息, 口信 Please leave a message. 请留言。 May I take a message for you? 我能给您带个口信吗? It is very mon for young people to send cellphone messages nowadays. 现在年轻人普遍发手机短信。 英语中还有一个

    21、词: information, 它的意思相当于 “new knowledge”。现在常说的“IT” 就是information technology (信息技术) Information Age = Digital Age 信息时代 / 数字时代 We can get a lot of information we need through Internet. 我们能从互联网上得到所需的许多信息。 2. cover v. 走过, 覆盖 He covered a distance of 5, 000 miles in a few hours. 几个小时他走过了5,000英里的路程。 He lau

    22、ghed to cover his nervousness. 他用笑来掩饰他的紧X。 Dont try to cover yourself up. 别把自己封闭起来。 n. 封面 We cant judge a book by its cover. 人不可貌相。 How much is the cover? 入场券多少钱一X? (在口语中, 常作“娱乐场所的门票”讲。) 3. distance n. 距离 It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. 站着说话不腰疼。 May I make a long distance call? 我能打个长途吗?

    23、 Why are you always keeping me at a distance? 干吗总是对我敬而远之? Distancelearning is a way for busy people to get a chance to enrich themselves. 对于一些忙碌的人来说远程教育是一种充电办法。 distant adj. 远的 the distant horizon 遥远的地平线 4. spare adj. 多余的, 空闲的 a spare bedroom 一个空着的卧室 / spare time 业余时间 v. 抽出时间,饶了 Can you just spare m

    24、e a few minutes please? I really need to talk with you. 能否就抽出几分钟来, 我真的得和你谈谈。 Take all my money but spare my life. 钱都拿去, 求你饶我一命。 5. service n. 服务 a 4S service station 一家4S服务站 / service department 服务部 / roundtheclock service 全天候服务 Im at your service any time. 愿随时为您效劳。 be at ones service 听候某人差遣 v. serv

    25、e 为服务, 服役 My brother has served in the army for ten years. 我哥已经在部队服役10 年了。 n. server 电脑的服务器1. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury. A is +距离+ (away) from B 从甲地到乙地的距离 Where is the nearest ATM? 最近的取款机在哪里? It is about 3 minutes walk (away) from here. 离这儿大约有3分钟的路程。 The bookstore is 2 blocks away fro

    26、m the video shop. 书店与这个音像店隔了两个街区。 2. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. (1)up to now = up till now = so far, 喜欢与完成时连用, 表示持续。 It is going well up to now. 到目前为止, 一切顺利。 So far, so good. 目前一切都还好吧。 (2)a great many +

    27、可数名词复数, 表示“许多, 大量” (3)for 表目的 Lets go to the coffee house around the corner for a cup of nice coffee? 咱们去拐角处的咖啡屋来杯咖啡吧。 Where are you heading? 你去哪儿啊? He left for Chengdu this morning. 一大早他就前往XX了。 (目的地) (4)one.the other 两者X围内的一个与另一个 I have two brothers. One is a doctor, and the other is an engineer. 我有两个哥哥, 一个是医生, 另一个是工程师。辨析:other, others, some. the others, another other 形容词, 表示“其他的”, 后接复数名词。 others 不定代词, 表示“别人” some.


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