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    1、学年第一学期静安区初三年级英语期末静安区“学习效能实证研究”学习质量调研九年级英语学科 2009.1考生注意:1. 本卷总分150分,完卷时间共100分钟。 2. 本卷有9大题,共106小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案必须写在调研卷答题纸上,写在调研卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) A B C D E F G1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ II. Listen to the dialogue and cho

    2、ose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)7. A) By bike. B) By bus. C) By taxi. D) On foot.8. A) 3 dollars. B) 5 dollars. C) 8 dollars. D) 10 dollars.9. A) Rainy. B) Snowy. C) Fine. D) Windy.10. A) Kate. B) Bill. C) Tim. D) Their teacher. 11. A) In a bank. B) In a po

    3、st office. C) In a bookshop. D) In a library.12. A) This morning. B) This afternoon. C) On Friday morning. D) On Friday afternoon.13. A) They are classmates. B) They are neighbours. C) They are close friends. D) They are Mr. Wang and his wife.14. A) Because he didnt feel well. B) Because he studied

    4、all subjects well. C) Because he was in hospital. D) Because he was sorry for being late.15. A) Reading. B) Playing basketball. C) Listening to pop music. D) Both reading and playing basketball.16. A) Because he will attend a meeting. B) Because he cant find his report. C) Because he left his report

    5、 in the office. D) Because he read it before breakfast.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)17. One day Peter was asked to go to Alices birthday party on Saturday.18. Peter wanted his mother to go with

    6、 him, but failed.19. Mum told Peter to be polite when he was at the party.20. Peters mother thinks it polite to wait for food without asking for it.21. Peter went to Alices home by bus.22. Alices mother forgot to give some food to Peter.23. Peter was very angry and shouted loudly in order to get a c

    7、lean plate.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the passage(听对话,完成下列短文,每空格限填一词):(共7分) Miss Li is talking with Robert about food around the 24 . Robert says fish and chips is very popular in England, but people can also have many other different kinds of food. In England there are Chinese restaura

    8、nts, Japanese restaurants, 25 restaurants and so on. Pizza is the most popular food among them because you can 26 a restaurant and they will bring it to your home very 27 . People in England also eat a lot of 28 , pork and beef. Besides these, our Chinese people eat a lot of 29 as well. We Chinese 3

    9、0 food in a very different way from the English.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法)V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示): (共26分) 31. We should give a hand to _ blind when they need any help in life.A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Mike is an old friend of _. We havent seen each other for ye

    10、ars.A) my B) myself C) me D) mine33. Our class teacher is _ work now. You may talk to her ten minutes later.A) at B) of C) by D) from34. Mary is in Grade Nine. Every weekend she has _ homework to do.A) many B) quite a few C) huge amounts of D) a great number of35. Detective Ken helped her to look fo

    11、r the lost ring, but they couldnt find it _.A) somewhere B) anywhere C) everywhere D) nowhere36. Cartoon series are very familiar _ the children of his age. A) for B) to C) at D) by 37. Tony is allowed to join the new basketball team. _ exciting news it is!A) What an B) What C) How an D) How38. Thes

    12、e postcards look very _. All of us want to buy some.A) nicely B) widely C) beautifully D) lovely39. There is a sign “No Smoking!” We _ stop them from smoking.A) need B) must C) are able to D) have to 40. Mr Wu doesnt play table tennis _ he did last year.A) so better as B) so wonderful as C) as good

    13、as D) as well as41. Maggie bought two dictionaries _ she could learn English by herself.A) so that B) in order to C) because of D) now that42. In my opinion, Hollywood movies are wonderful _.A) watch B) watching C) to watch D) watched43. Din lives a happy life now _ he lost his parents in the earthq

    14、uake last May.A) if B) because C) though D) when44. Tell Jim _ play computer games for hours. Its bad for eyes. A) not to B) doesnt to C) dont D) to not45. Mr. Li knows much about London. He _ to the city three times.A) goes B) went C) has gone D) has been46. They _ about how to protect our earth wh

    15、en I entered.A) will talk B) have talked C) are talking D) were talking47. Damins fishing rod makes me _ of the days playing in the countryside.A) thinking B) think C) to think D) thought48. They went to visit the Botanical Gardens _ Li Ming because he was ill.A) with B) besides C) including D) exce

    16、pt49. If Tom isnt careful enough with his work, more mistakes _ later.A) are made B) are making C) have made D) will be made50. Your computer will _ without any anti-virus software (防病毒软件).A) go ahead B) go over C) go wrong D) go back51. Readers wont be interested in a comic strip _ it has lots of a

    17、ction.A) if B) when C) unless D) because52. I didnt understand _ in class, so I raised my hand to ask.A) what my teacher said B) what did my teacher sayC) how did my teacher say D) how my teacher said53. Their plan requires a careful discussion before it is open to the public. In this sentence “requ

    18、ires” means _.A) needs B) receives C) invents D) complains54. Damin finally pulled the fish into the boat. In this sentence, “finally” means _.A) in favour of B) in this way C) in the end D) in charge of55. A: Thank you very much for your beautiful Christmas card, Bill.B: _.A) The same to you. B) Do

    19、nt worry.C) I am glad you like it. D) So do I.56. A: It sounds interesting to go outing in such nice weather. Can I join you?B: _.A) Youre welcome. B) Thats all right.C) Well done! D) Thank you very much.VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms( 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填

    20、一词):(共8分)57. Dulis grandpa used to be a _. He was skillful in catching fish. (fish)58. Our headmaster gave us a wonderful _ last Monday morning. (speak)59. The big hall was _ of people when the movie star appeared. (fill)60. People felt greatly sorry for the sudden _ of the famous artist. (die)61. B

    21、ob was late for work yesterday, so his boss shouted at him _. (angry)62. Xiao Lis _ in drawing brings his parents much happiness. (succeed)63. Please tell me how to _ so many English words in a few weeks. (memory)64. Im sure Ben has the _ to finish the work by himself. (able)VII. Rewrite the sentenc

    22、es as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词):(共12分)65. Arthur lost his way while going through the forest. (改为否定句)Arthur _ _ his way while going through the forest.66. The atmosphere keeps changing because we are polluting it. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the atmosphere keep changing? 67. Mary made few close friends in that ci

    23、ty last year. (改为反意疑问句) Mary made few close friends in that city last year, _ _?68. Tommy says that drawing comic strips is very easy. (保持原句意思) It is very easy _ Tommy _ draw comic strips. 69. Leo took many photos of China before he went back home. (改为被动语态) Many photos of China _ _ by Leo before he

    24、went back home.70. We use baskets for shopping because plastic bags cause pollution.(保持原句意思)To stop the pollution, we use baskets for shopping _ _ plastic bags.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读 写)XIII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共56分) A. True or false (判断下列句子是否符合短文,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)When

    25、 you are introduced to foreign friends, you should greet (打招呼) them with “How do you do?” while shaking hands with them for a few seconds. The next thing is, perhaps, the presenting of a business card, which is also called a name card. You should accept the card with a smile and a quick look over it

    26、, and at the same time, offer yours.Nowadays, business cards have become more and more popular in an introduction. They contain not only the name, profession and title, but also the address, phone number, postal code, e-mail address and some other useful information and personal data. To a foreign f

    27、riend, we should remember to present a card either with an English version (版) or written in English, because most English speakers arent able to read Chinese. In most cases, a Chinese name is hard to pronounce for foreign friends. So you should make the name card as simple as possible in the introd

    28、uction. Probably, you may give them your family name only. They will feel very pleased to pronounce your name correctly. After this short greeting, most foreigners expect to move on quickly to the business. So you can turn to the business topic naturally. 转71. We use “How do you do?” to greet foreig

    29、n friends when we are introduced to them.72. A business card is very different from a name card according to this passage.73. We can find much personal information in a business card except the phone number.74. Foreign friends find it easier to read cards in English.75. The writer suggests we make n

    30、ame cards as simple as possible in the introduction.76. Its not difficult for most foreign friends to pronounce our Chinese names correctly.77. Foreign friends like to turn to the business topic quickly after a short greeting.B. Choose the best answer(根据短文,选择最恰当的答案):(7分)At the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony (闭幕式), London, host city of the 2012 Olympic Games, gave an 8-minute performance. World-famous football star David Beckham was there, but a British girl who sang at the ceremony was much more attractive.The girl wa


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