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    1、全国高等教育自学考试英语二复习资料全洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 英语(一)汉译英 重要句型1、 比较级:It is more difficult for beginners to think in English than to speak it.对初学者来说,用英语思维比说英语更难。It was said that some primitive people who ate deer could run as fast as a deer.据说有些吃鹿肉的原始人能跑得象鹿一样飞快。The real life is far more complicated than we imagin

    2、e.现实生活比我们想象的要复杂的多。Studies show that men are more likely to suffer from heart attacks than women.研究表明男人比女人更容易得心脏病。2、 虚拟语气His daughter would mot have taken apart his watch if he had come home a little earlier yesterday.要是昨天他早一点回到家,他的女儿就不会把他的手表拆了。You wouldnt have got into trouble if you had taken my ad

    3、vice.如果当你听从我的劝告就不会陷入困境。Without your help we could not have finished the task yesterday.没有你的帮忙我们昨天就完不成任务。3、 形式主语It is not easy to find students who share your views.要找到与你观点相同的学生并不容易。It is said that in some single parent families children live a miserable life.据说有些单亲家庭的孩子生活很悲惨。It is known that the Atl

    4、antic ocean is only half as big as the pacific.人所众知,大西洋仅有太平洋一半大。It is not decided who will hold the meeting tomorrow.谁主持明天的会议还没决定。形式宾语Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.大多数单亲父母发现独自照顾家庭有困难。Do you think it difficult to remember these new words?你认为这些生词很难记吗?4、 宾语从句Studies sh

    5、ow that people who drink a lot are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.研究表明大量喝酒的人更易得心脏病。I dont think she will buy such things as the used clothing and empty bottles.我认为她不会买象旧衣服和空瓶子这样的东西。Many Americans complain that the government spends too much money on those programs.许多美国人抱怨政府在这些面目上花钱太多。His s

    6、ilence showed that he had no interest in the problem.他的沉默表明他对这个问题不感兴趣。I know why she is angry.我知道他为什么生气。5、 被动语态Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.解决实际问题的办法事先不能预见。Curiosity and imagination are often viewed as the key to success.好奇心和想象力常常被认为是成功的关键.In order not to be misunderstood,

    7、you should realize that body language is very much tied to culture.为了不被人误解,你应当认识肢体语言与文化关系密切。6、强调句It is modern technology that leads us to success.是现代技术使我们走向成功。It was lightening that caused the forest fire last year.正是闪电引起了去年的那场火灾。It is these children that (who) need psychological treatment.正是这些孩子需要心

    8、理治疗。It was in this way that she hid her feelings that day.那天她正是用这种方法掩盖自己的感情。It was not until the 14th century that more accurate maps began to appear.直到14世纪较精确的地图才开始出现。7、倒装句In no case (under/ in no circumstances) should we cheat in exams.在任何情况下我们都不应该考试作弊。8、定语从句one reason why we are unwilling to disc

    9、uss insurance is that it is very expensive.我们不愿意讨论保险的一个原因是保险很费钱。There are so many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words.有许多声音有意义但不是词。people may watch any movie they want on television.人们可以在电视里观看他们想看的任何电影。She has a friend who used to take/use drugs. ( Her friend used to take/use drugs.)她有

    10、个朋友过去常常吸毒。9、其它重点句型The experts have been discussing this problem all the morning.这些专家们整个上午都在讨论这个问题。He didnt finish writing the report until midnight.直到半夜他才写完报告。He neednt have attended the meeting.他本没必要参加这个会。Can you depend entirely on the agent when you buy insurance?购买保险时你能完全信赖保险代理商吗?Whether or not w

    11、e will go out tomorrow depends on the weather.我们明天出不出去要看天气。How do you plan to deal with this problem?你计划怎么来处理这个问题?How much money have you spent on insurance in the past few years?在过去几年里你在保险上花多少钱?单词正确形式填空1. 单复数搭配Sometimes information in the long-term memory_(be)hard to remember. IsA plant that grows

    12、more than three_(foot) is unusual in that area. FeetAll the food that_(keep) our bodies strong, was once in the vegetable form. KeepsMany people feel that the United States_(have) a very complicated tax collection system. Hasour language_(include) a large number of words seldom used in ordinary conv

    13、ersation. Includes2. 时态In the 1600s, travelers from Europe_(bring) back diamonds from India. Broughtour region _ (make) great advanced over the past ten years. Has madeWhat can he _(do) at this time of the day? Be doingYou_(not change) much since we met last year . havent changedBy the time we got t

    14、o the airport the plane_(take) off . had takenIt is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly_(danger) a persons life . EndangerBy the end of this year, Mr. Brown _ (be) here for twenty years. will have beenBy the time we get to their house, they_(finish) supper . will have finishedIn 1

    15、964,the olympic Games in Tokyo _ (become) the first program to be transmitted via satellite. BecameIn the recent past, medical” researchers _ (begin) to emphasize the fact that heart” diseases are associated with stress, smoking and a lack of exercise. Have begunSome children listen to their walkman

    16、s while the teacher _ (talk) to them. Is talkingThe number of violent acts on television in the past years _ (increase) from about 19 to 27 per hour. Has increasedYour mind _ (keep) up with your reading speed if you ask it to. Will keep3.被动语态Insurance fundamentals can _ (understand) by those willing

    17、 to study them. Be understoodHe wanted the letter _ (mail) at once. To be mailedSometimes ocean currents _ (call) “rivers in the sea”. Are calledGarage-sale items usually _ (price) at a very small part of their original cost. Are pricedHe was the first to draw a map that _ (base) on all available kn

    18、owledge, rather than on guess or imagination. Was basedThe right answers can be obtained only if the right questions _ (ask). Are askedUsually, such harmful fumes rise into the upper air and _ (blow) away by the wind. are blownIn the 1720s, diamonds _ (discover) in Brazil. Were discoveredThe solutio

    19、ns to real problems cannot _ (see) in advance. Be seenThough marriage _ (practice) in almost all countries of the world, the customs are quite different from one culture to another. Is practicedIn the traditional family, the children _ (take) care of by the mother because shi did not work outside th

    20、e home. Were taken4.分词+动名词As a generally _ (accept) medium of exchange, money rules out the need for the direct exchange of one item for another. AcceptedYou neednt have left the door _ (unlock) since John has got the key. UnlockedThe part of the moon _ (face) away from the sun appears dark. FacingF

    21、or a person with good reading habits, a _ (print) page contains not only words but ideas, thoughts and Feelings. printedThe first_(know) area was in India, where diamonds were found thousands of years ago. KnownA modern husband shares important decisions with his_(work) wife. Workingproverbs are qui

    22、te common in both written and_(speak) English. SpokenSome young people not_(marry) without even telling their parents or other family members. MarriedThe news was made_(know) to the public at last. KnownA_(smile) Chinese may not be approving but somewhat embarrassed. SmilingThe bride,_(dress) in whi

    23、te, sat in a room alone. DressedSince_(freeze) foods require so little time to cook, they have naturally become very popular everywhere in the country. FrozenThe right answers can be obtained only if the right questions are asked; a thoroughly_(understand) problem is well stared toward solution. Und

    24、erstoodChildren naturally often want the toys_(advertise) during TV programs. AdvertisedMany people,_(include) college students of all ages, spend little time in pursuit of physical fitness. IncludingThe American consumer often feels constantly_(disturb) by insurance agents. DisturbedWomen tend to e

    25、ngage in more eye contact than men, especially when_(talk)to other women. Talking_(frighten)by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed for help. Frightenedpeople spend their weekends going from sale to sale, _(hope) to run across a real treasure. hopingThe manager insisted on _

    26、 (treat) as an ordinary employee. being treatedEveryone should be allowed to make a mistake without _ (publish) for it. being publishedFor centuries the Atlantic ocean kept the Americas from _(discover) by the people of Europe. Being discoveredThomas Edison failed thousands of times before he succee

    27、ded in _ (produce) the first electric lamp. producing5.比较级最高级Well-organized material is _ (well) remembered than jumbled information. BetterThis is another way of saying that mans understanding is always _ (little) than perfect. Lessplease send us the goods at your _ (early) convenience. EarliestThe

    28、se stores offer good quality food at _ (low) price than smaller food stores do. LowerNo one has been able to prove that fish is any _ (good) for the brain than may other kinds of food. BetterMaterial that is organized is _ (well) remembered than jumbled information. Better6.虚拟语气If we _ (not have) ai

    29、r, there would be no Sound. Did not haveLast summer Iw3as told by a colleague that I would cool more quickly if I _ (drink) steamingBit tea rather than a cold drink. DrankBut for the traffic jam, we _ (will, arrive) on time. Would have arrivedIf I _ (leave) a little bit earlier, I would have caught

    30、the plane. Had leftI didnt go to the party, but I do wish I _ (be) there. Had beenIf you had spoken clearly, you _ (understand). Would have been understoodIt is high time that they _ (start) setting off on a trip. StartedIt is requested that the students of the English department _ (hand) in their term paper before June 10th. handIf we did not have atmospheric pressure, we _ (can, not have) automobile tires. Could not have7.词性转换Experiments have to be made under


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