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    1、届高考英语三轮冲刺完形填空夹叙夹议试题2022届高考英语三轮冲刺完形填空夹叙夹议试题夹叙夹议文(3)AIm entering my eighth-year teaching preschool. Ive never got tired of it, because 1 year is ever the same. Sometimes our school brings new staff and new students families who are 2 with the purposeful aesthetic(美感)our school seeks for. So I am eager

    2、 to show them around my classroom with the introduction of 3 to help them sense our schools philosophy-supporting creativity, learning and 4 for children. Their nodding and smiles make me feel it will be another 5 new school year.All of the walls in my classroom are very 6 in the beginning. They are

    3、 plain in colour. All I will do is give students the great beauty in the physical environment with my philosophy. First, I arrange all the childrens first names in a circle on the wall, 7 the traditional number lines or alphabet order, which may make students feel discriminated. I like it when child

    4、ren see their names and have a sense of 8 to our class community. 9 I have a sign on our paper towel holder that is a 10 of how many paper towels we use, because we are showing our 11 to the Earth and will be starting with what we can do for the Earth within our classroom. I also have a small sign a

    5、bout our voice scale, which gives a 12 to distinguish the indoor and outdoor voice level, and then I use the words on the sign all the time 13 “Shh-Lets bring our voices down to a Number 2 or 3.For the 14 part, the walls belong to the children, and the children will 15 the lively colors and decorati

    6、ons in the room through their paintings to 16 their tension between lessons.The walls I place value on give an excellent way to show that students well-being and the talent of 17 are valued.Aesthetics of the walls affect their 18 responses.Good decorations can calm them and make them feel safe and o

    7、pen to learning, while bad decorations can make them feel over-stimulated and 19 to learning. I am proud I can provide such a class community where my students feel happy, 20 and respected.( ) 1. A. each B.no C. any D.this ( ) 2.A. unfamiliar B. equipped C. loaded D. associated( ) 3.A.facilities B.s

    8、tudents C.systems D.decorations( ) 4.A.respect B.comment C.impression D.function( ) 5.A.confusing B.boring C.exciting D.convincing( ) 6.A.full B.colourful C.bare D.quiet( ) 7.A.through B.without C.between D.over( ) 8.A.achievement B.direction C.freedom D.belonging( ) 9.A.Generally B.Honestly C.Addit

    9、ionally D.Fortunately( )10.A.symbol B.reminder C.program D.sight( )11.A.kindness B.happiness C.reputation D.application( )12.A.reason B.detail C.warning D.standard( )13.A.after school B.in class C.at home D. during break( )14.A.limited B.real C.most D.small( )15.A.be responsible for B.be friendly to

    10、 C.be popular with D.be strict in( )16.A.ignore B.allow C.cause D.relieve( )17.A.activity B.safety C.art D.fun( )18.A.normal B.natural C.physical D.emotional( )19.A.related B.closed C.attached D.adapted( )20.A.motivated B.touched C.grateful D.independentBI remember my high school English teacher tel

    11、ling me not to apply to Cornell University. My teacher said they wouldnt accept me and even if they did I wouldnt be able to 1 it through the years. I almost 2 but a few days later I came across Ivan Foldfarb, a former teacher, who told me 3 , “You apply. You can do it.” His words made all the 4 . I

    12、 put in my application and was 5 .Too often we think its our 6 to help make someone aware of “reality”. We think we must point out how 7 the job market is as well as how bad the economy is. This world never lacks “ 8 ” and pessimists. It calls for more optimists and encouragers who say, “I believe i

    13、n you. Have the 9 , and you will have the power to make it happen. We may 10 lots of barriers, but well get the project finished. Even if you fail, itll lead to something more 11 .” I know that every one of us loves working for and with people who 12 the best in us. We love being around people who b

    14、ring us 13 and uplift us.14 well always remember the negative people, we will always 15 and hold a special place in our heart for those who encourage us. 16 , everyone can be that person who leaves a positive 17 into someone, which will flower sooner or later. 18 someone up who is feeling down. 19 y

    15、our team with your positive energy.Share encouragement. It 20 and we all need it.( ) 1.A.get B.make C.believe D.catch( ) 2.A.stood by B.pulled through C.drew back D.turned away( ) 3.A.honestly B.proudly C.firmly D.delightedly( ) 4.A.sense B.excuses C.messes D.difference( ) 5.A.permitted B.admitted C

    16、.assisted D.approached( ) 6.A.responsibility B.fault C.honour D.schedule( ) 7.A.considerable B.stable C.promising D.crowded( ) 8.A.speakers B.realists C.supporters D.guides( ) 9.A.fondness B.effect C.optimism D.desire( )10.A.overcome B.ignore C.create D.meet( )11.A.worthwhile B.influential C.uncommo

    17、n D.complex( )12.A.bring up B.bring out C.bring in D.bring down( )13.A.challenge B.opportunity C.comfort D.pleasure( )14.A.When B.If C.While D.Unless( )15.A.treasure B. check C.follow D.persuade( )16.A.Eventually B.Naturally C.Hopefully D.Gratefully( )17.A.seed B.message C.fruit D.secret( )18.A.Deli

    18、ver B.Cheer C.Wake D.Dress( )19.A.Fuel B.Update C.Cover D.Link( )20.A.spreads B.progresses C.matters D.cares参考答案A 【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。作者在幼儿园任教8年,每年都会来新员工和新的学生家长。作者渴望带领他们参观教室,向他们讲解自己如何利用教室墙和学生一起创造班级文化。作者向他们讲解办学理念,他们的点头和微笑让作者感到这又是一个令人兴奋的新学年。1B 根据空前的 “Ive never got tired of it”可知,此处表示每年都不一样。故选B项。2A 根据下文中的

    19、“So I am eager to show them around.”可知,此处表示这些新员工和新的学生家长“不熟悉”学校追求的美感。unfamiliar“不熟悉的”,故选A项。3D 根据上文中的 “aesthetic”一词以及15空后的 “decorations in the room”可知,此处是作者带领他们参观教室,向他们介绍教室内的“装饰”,帮助他们理解学校的办学理念。故选D项。4.A 根据最后一段尾句中的 “and respected” 可知,此处表示学校教育理念里的对学生的“尊重”。故选A项。5C 根据本段中的“Ive never got tired of it”可知,此处应是他

    20、们的点头和微笑,让作者感到又将是一个“令人兴奋的”学年。故选C项。6C 根据空后的“They are plain in colour”可推知,此处表示教室的所有墙面开始时都是“无装饰的”。bare意为“空的,无装饰的”,故选C项。7B根据空后的“which may make students feel discriminated”可知,作者没有按传统的数字或字母顺序来排名。故选B项。8D 根据14空后的“the walls belong to the children”可知,此处表示孩子们看到他们的名字时会对我们的班级团体有一种归属感。故选D项。9C 上文讲述对墙上名字的处理,此处又讲对纸巾的

    21、处理。additionally意为“另外”,符合语境。故选C项。10B根据空后的“how many paper towels we use”可知,此处是作者在纸巾支架上作记号提醒学生使用了多少纸巾。reminder“提醒人的事物”,故选B项。11A 根据空后的“what we can do for the Earth within our classroom”可知,此处是我们向地球展示我们的“友好”。故选A项。12D 根据空后的“distinguish indoor and outdoor voice level”可知,此处是作者给孩子们定了说话音量的“标准”,有标准以便区分。故选D项。13B

    22、 根据11空后的“within our classroom”可知,老师教育孩子们在教室内做力所能及的事。由此可推知,老师应是“在教室里”一直强调对孩子们声音大小的要求。故选B项。14C 根据空后的“the walls belong to the children”可知,此处表达的是墙面“最大程度”留给孩子们。故选C项。15A 此处表示孩子们通过画画来负责房间里生气勃勃的颜色和装饰物。故选A项。16D 根据空后的“their tension between lessons”可知,此处应是“减轻”课间的紧张。relieve“减轻,缓和”。故选D项。17C 根据16空前的“through their

    23、 paintings”可知,此处表示学生的健康安乐和“艺术”天赋受到重视。故选C项。18D 根据下句“Good decorations can calm themto learning”可知,墙的美感会影响孩子们的“情感上的”反应。故选D项。19B 由句中的while可知,前后内容含有对比意味。根据上文的“open to learning”可知,此处应是“closed to learning”。故选B项。20A 根据上文中的“open to learning”可知,此处表示提供一个能使我的学生们感到快乐的、有积极性的、受到尊重的班级团体。motivated表示“积极的,主动的”,故选A项。B【

    24、语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。作者以自己申请读康奈尔大学的经历告诉我们,当有人说我们不行时,我们需要有人告诉我们“你能行”,我们需要鼓励,也应该积极地鼓励他人。1B 根据上文中的“My teacher said they wouldnt accept me”可知,作者的老师认为就算这所大学录取了作者,作者也无法成功毕业。make it表示“获得成功”,符合语境。get it“明白”;catch it“受罚”。2C 由上文可知,英语老师的话让作者感到灰心,以至于作者几乎要放弃。draw back“退缩”符合语境。stand by“袖手旁观”;pull through“完成,做成”;turn aw

    25、ay“翻转,转身”。3C 根据下文中的“You apply You can do it”“I put in my application”可知,作者以前的老师坚定地(firmly)说了这些话。4D 下文提到作者最终还是提交了大学申请,由此可知,这位老师的话对作者影响很大。make all the difference“关系重大,大不相同”。5B 根据语境可知,作者成功被录取(admitted)了。permit“允许”;assist“帮助”;approach“接近”。6A 此处表示我们经常认为自己有责任(responsibility)帮助别人认识现实。7D 根据空后的“as well as ho

    26、w bad the economy is”可知,经济不好,就业市场也不容乐观。crowded“拥挤的”形象地描述了就业市场竞争的激烈。considerable“相当多的,相当大的”;stable“稳定的”;promising“有希望的”。8B 根据上文中的“reality”和空后的“and pessimistsIt calls for more optimists and encouragers”可知,这个世界从不缺少“现实主义者(realists)”和悲观主义者。9D此处是鼓励者说的话,再结合后面的“have the power to make it happen”可知,desire“愿望,

    27、渴望”符合语境。10D 根据空后的“but well get the project finished”可知,此处表示我们可能会遇到(meet)很多阻碍。11A 根据“Even if you fail”可知,此处表示就算你失败了,你也能得到更有价值的东西。worthwhile“值得的”。12B 此处表示能够激发出我们最好的一面的人。bring out“使显现”,符合语境。13D 我们喜欢和那些能够让我们开心和振奋的人在一起。pleasure“快乐,开心”,与空后的“uplift”语意范畴一致。14C 尽管我们总会记得那些消极的人,但是我们也总会珍视(treasure)鼓励我们的人并在心里为他们

    28、留一个特殊的位置。while“虽然,尽管”,表让步,用于句首。15A 参见上题解析。16C 根据后面的内容“everyone can be that person who leaves a positive.will flower sooner or later”可知,作者希望 看到的情况是人人成为鼓励者,在他人心中种下积极的种子(seed),总有一天这个种子会开花,故 hopefully“但愿”符合语境。17A 参见上题解析。18B 根据上文中的“uplift us”和下文中的“who is feeling down”“encouragement”可知,此处表示“使某人振奋起来”,故选Cheer。19A 由句中的energy可知,fuel符合语境。fuel表示“给提供燃料,给(交通工具)加油”,在此引申为“给某人加油鼓劲”的意思。20C 根据下文中的“and we all need it”可知,此处表示鼓励很重要。matter“重要,要紧”,符合语境。


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