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    1、学年度第一学期普陀区初三质量调研2008学年度第一学期普陀区初三质量调研英 语 试 卷(满分150分,考试时间105分钟)考生注意:本卷有9大题,共106小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,写在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 ListeningI. Listen and choose the right picture. (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共6分) A B C D E F G1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question yo

    2、u hear.(本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共10分) 7. A) In a park. B) At a post office. C) In a shop. D) At a cinema. 8. A) He has work to do. B) He will go to school. C) He doesnt like seeing films. D) He likes to stay at home. 9. A) The good furniture. B) The good customers. C) The tasty food. D) The good service.

    3、10. A) Watching TV. B) Listening to songs. C) Reading D) Playing computer games.11. A) In the office. B) In the meeting room. C) At home. D) On the way.12. A) Four hours. B) Three hours. C) Two hours. D) One hour.13. A) School news. B) TV news. C) New students. D) New teachers.14. A) Windy. B) Rainy

    4、. C) Sunny. D) Snowy.15. A) Go to work. B) Go shopping. C) Do cleaning. D) Have sports. 16. A) It is too heavy. B) It doesnt work. C) Its not fast enough. D) Its too big.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共7分)17. John Brown does

    5、 well in English.18. He doesnt like learning English grammar(语法).19. One day he was asked to write about a true story in his life. 20. He saw two mice in his classroom the day before.21. He forgot the plural(复数) of “mouse” at first, but rembered it finally .22. He wrote the plural of “mouse” in two

    6、ways, but neither was right. 23. At last he wrote two sentences to show the number of mice.IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. (共7分)(本大题答案必须用黑墨水钢笔或黑色水笔填写,用圆珠笔或铅笔填写不给分。) Japan grows saltwater fish. Workers grow the fish from _24_. They play tapes of piano music every time they _25_ the

    7、fish. When the fish are small, the Japanese put them in the ocean near the _26_. In a few months the fish are _27_ . Japanese play the same music. The fish swim _28_ it. This time the workers _29_ them. The Japanese get about _30 percent of their seafood from farms in the ocean.Part 2 Vocabulary and

    8、 GrammarV. Choose the best answer. (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共26分)31. You left “h” when you wrote the word “exhibition”. A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Shenzhou VII was launched September 25, 2008. A) at B) during C) in D) on33. _ is your seat, Jane ? This one. Wheres ? A) Who, your B) What, your C) Which, your

    9、s D) Which , your34. I prefer to go shopping with a friend, because I find it hard to make a decision _. A) I B) me C) my D) myself35. Do you know the girl over there ? Which one? The one _ grey .A) with B) in C) of D) about36. Many people begin to have health problems _. A) in their forties B) thei

    10、r fortieth birthday C) forty years old D) over forty37.The robber _ breaking into the store as soon as he was caught. A) obeyed B) agreed C) admitted D) said38. It is said _ low-price flats will be built in the coming years. A) much B) more C) a little D) less39. We can calculate much _ with the hel

    11、p of a computer. A) accurate B) accurately C) more accurate D) more accurately40. Three years have passed _ David and Piere became pen friends . A) since B) before C) that D) when41. Nowadays kids in China _ their parents too much.A) get on B) turn on C) put on D) depend on42. The Iraqi(伊拉克的) runner

    12、 received a lot of cheers from the audience _ she lost the race. A) because B)if C) though D) as43. Gardeners are very helpful to keep our housing estates . A) wonderfully B) beautiful C) clearly D) well44. You _ decide now . You can tell me your decision later. A) dont have to B) mustnt C) cannot D

    13、) shouldnt45. He didnt realize what was going on until everybody shouted “Happy birthday ” to him .Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part? A) remember B) dream C) mean D) understand46. John failed most of the subjects last term. The main reason was that he wasnt interested in his study a

    14、t all. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part?A) strongest B) most important C) cleverest D) worst 47. You require a special pen to write on the screen. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part?A) need B) allow C) sell D) make 48. -Is it very difficult _ driving? Someone finds

    15、it difficult, but I dont. A) learn B) learning C) to learn D) learnt49. I remember Mum _ you about his return to Shanghai at the table this morning. A) is telling B) told C) has told D) to tell50. Mike will give you a call if he _ some new information. A) will get B) is getting C) gets D) got51. He

    16、promised his parents eat too many sweets any longer. A) not to B) not C) no D) didnt52. -_ your car _ every week? -Yes . A) Does, wash B) Will, wash C) Have, washed D) Is, washed53. - _ do you have your hair cut? Once a month. A) How often B) How much C) How long D) How much54. Excuse me, could you

    17、please tell me _ ? A) when will the film start B) how much the ticket would cost C) where does this bus go D) which gate is open55. Youre a great cook . _ A) Dont say that. B) Not at all. C) Thank you. D) Never mind.56. Im so sorry I left my homework at home. _ Remember to bring it tomorrow. A) That

    18、s all right. B) Youre welcome. C) Im glad to hear that. D) My pleasure.VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms: (共8分)(本大题答案必须用黑墨水钢笔或黑色水笔填写,用圆珠笔或铅笔填写不给分。)57. PPT is _ used in our classes now. ( wide)58. Having some hobbies can make your life more _ . ( enjoy )59. We all

    19、know the _ of doing exercise, but its not easy to do so very often. ( important ) 60. He quickly took a picture of the whale before it _ in the water. ( appear )61. China is becoming more and more _ to people around the world. (attract )62. Jane can _ many telephone numbers in a very short time. ( m

    20、emory )63. The family had a _ trip to Beijing this summer. ( pleasure )64. When you receive an email, its a good habit to give a _ in time. ( reply )VI. Rewrite the sentences as required:(共12分) (本大题答案必须用黑墨水钢笔或黑色水笔填写,用圆珠笔或铅笔填写不给分。)65. Jane lay in bed for two days last week .(改为否定句)Jane in bed for two

    21、 days last week.66. His new car runs very fast. (改为感叹句) fast his new car !67. Hed like to have a cup of tea now. (改为一般疑问句) like to have a cup of tea now?68. I wonder where I should put this case. (改为简单句)I wonder put this case.69. What do you think of your new job? (保持句意基本不变) do you your new job?70.

    22、He will fly to London to have a meeting. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he go to London to have a meeting? Part 3 Reading and WritingVIII. Reading comprehension. (共56分)( A ) After I had been waiting there for more than ten minutes, I was certain that I had missed the bus. There was only one thing I could do: I would

    23、walk home. Of course it was my own problem. Ian had told me the last bus always entered Little Sutton at ten thirty exactly and it was now ten to eleven. It would take me at least an hour and a half and possibly more to walk to my home in Forest End. But there was a full moon in the sky and I was qu

    24、ite used to walking much farther than that. Perhaps it was not a good idea to walk through the woods: I might easily lose my way in the darkness. But it was nearer and I wanted to get home earlier. I was enjoying the smell of the woods when I heard a car drive slowly behind me. Was it my wrong feeli

    25、ng or was it really following me down the hill? Why did it move so slowly ? Would someone jump out with a knife? I decided to do something. I stopped and turned round to show that I was waiting for it to pass me. It stopped just beside me, the door opened and a man got out. He asked in an anxious (焦

    26、虑的)voice, “Have you any idea where we can get petrol (汽油)at this time of night? Weve just run out completely.”True or False (本篇答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。)(本篇每题1分)71. The story happened on the writers way home .72. The writer decided to walk because the last bus was late.73. The writer had no idea about the time o

    27、f the last bus.74. The weather that night was fine.75. The writer didnt walk through the woods because he was afraid to lose his way.76. The writer thought of danger when he noticed a car behind him.77. The car driver hoped the writer knew about somewhere to get petrol . ( B )Leanna Archer is a succ

    28、essful business leader. And shes only 13. Leanna runs a company that sells all-natural hair products. She got the idea when she was 8 years old. Now, her business is famous. Leannas business made $100,000 last year. Leanna was invited to ring the opening bell at the NASDAQ stock market(股市) in New Yo

    29、rk City on October 16. I couldnt fall asleep the night before, you know, she said later. “It was really great.” It started with my great-grandmothers hair product, Leanna explains. My mom has been using it in my hair since I was 3 years old. As I grew older, everyone asked me what I used in my hair,

    30、 and I didnt know. Leanna suggested that her parents sell the product. But the parents didnt think about this seriously. Leanna wanted to have a try. So she gave out the product to her friends at school. She told them to try it and tell her what they thought of it. Soon the product became popular at

    31、 school. Leanna began to make money and her parents didnt know why at first.When Leanna explained what had happened, her family did some research to learn how to run a home business. Her great-grandmother told Leanna her secret of making the product. Now the company sells all-natural hair products.So how does she have time to be a student and a boss? Her family helps a lot. Im very bu


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