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    1、鲁教版七年级英语上册110导学案Unit1 Im watching TV一 目标1. 掌握本单元的重点句子What are you doing? Im watching TV 2. 掌握 现在进行时的结构和用法。二 重点 1. 现在进行时的动词形式,及助动词的用法 2. 现在进行时的结构标志和用法。三 难点:助动词be+Ving(不要忘了助动词be.)四 过程1. 背诵短语清单5分钟 ,然后用黑体斜体的短语造句,每个短语造两句:一般现在时和现在进形式 go to the moviesTV showdo my homeworkat six oclockin the first photoin t

    2、he next photoin the last photoswim at the poolbe with sb去看电影电视节目做我的作业在六点钟在第一张照片中在下一张照片中在最后一张照片中在游泳池里游泳和某人在一起watch TVwrite a letterread bookswait fortalk totalk aboutplay basketballeat (have)dinnera photo of my family看电视写信读书等待和.谈话谈论关于.打篮球吃晚饭全家照2. 自己独立完成重点句型清单,然后小组内订正答案;最后背诵5分钟1.你正在干什么?我正在看电视。2.Tom正在干

    3、什么?他正在读书。3.Nancy正在做作业吗?不,她没有。4.他正在写一封信。5.Lisa和Tim正在和谁说话?6.他们正在和一名警察谈话。7.人们通常在什么地方打篮球?在学校。8.那听起来很好,这个电视节目很无聊。9.谢谢你的信和照片。10谢谢你帮助我。11.这是我的一些照片。12.这是我的一张全家照。13.在最后一张照片中,我正和我妹妹在一起。14.他正在看电视,我正在读书1.What_you_? Im_.2.What_ Tom _? He_a book.3.Is Nancy_? No, she _.4.He_ a _.5.Who are Lisa and Tim _?6.They are

    4、 _a policeman.7.Where_people _? At school.8.That_ good. This TV show is very_.9._for your letter and _.10.Thanks for _ me.11._ _ some of my photos.12._ _ a photo of my family.13._the_ photo, Im_my sister.14.He is _, Im_.3. 语法讲解:(五分钟完成)现在进行时:含义:表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。(1)、构成:主语+am/is/are +v-ing形式(请提醒大家注意:_)(2

    5、)、标志词或词组: (小组为单位总结,看那个组写的最多)_ (3)、关于v-ing形式的变化规则:一般动词在词尾_ 以不发音的字母e结尾的,_ 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,_一个不规则动词:lie-_请写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(看谁写的快)take _ write-_ run_ put_practice_ make_ dance_ look_ have_ live_ move_ arrive_ exercise_ get_ stop_ shop_ sit_swim_4、请认真学习现在进行时的各种句式2分钟(1) 肯定句:主语+be+v-ing形式 如:He is watchi

    6、ng TV(2) 否定句:主语+be+not+v-ing形式 如:He is not watching TV.(系动词后加not)(3)一般疑问句及肯否定回答: Am/is/are+主语+v-ing形式?(系动词提前,第一人称变第二人称)Yes, 主语(代词)+ am/is/are.No, No+主语(代词)+am not/isnt/arent.Eg: Is he watching TV? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.5、老师想提醒你们的,你们可要牢记啊(1).现在进行时的助动词be是大家容易漏了的一个地方。(2). 去看电影:go to the movies go to

    7、a movie go to movies (see a film go to the cinema)(3). That sounds good. 句中 sounds是系动词,后加形容词。(4). write a letter write现在分词writing (这两个单词的写法很多同学记不住)(5). wait for 等待(注意介词for) He is waiting for his mother. He is waiting for my answer.(6). talk to ,talk with 与talk about的区别:talk to后跟人,表示和某人谈话,前者说,后者听;tal

    8、k with 也表示和某人谈话,两者相互说。 talk about后加人或事,用于谈论about后面的人物或事情。(7). thanks for后加名词或动名词。 Thanks for your letter. 名词 Thanks for helping me.动名词(8). Here is . here are这是. Here you are.给你。五、对应练习题选择填空1. Everyone having a good time. A. am B. is C. are2. Uncle Tom is a writer. He is a book. A. writing B. writing

    9、C. writeing.3. Thank you for us. A. helping B. to help C. help4. Look! Lily _his mother with meals. A. is helping B. has helped C. helps D. help5. We usually gets up_5:30am every day. A. at B. in C. on D. for6. The game looks . I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring7. That terrible. A. look

    10、B. hears C. sounds.8. What Lucy and Lily ? A. is doing B. are doing C. does do9. I m waiting _my sister. A. to B. in C. for D. of10. many people her on vacation A. Theyre B. There are C. There isUnit2 Its raining(一)一、 学习目标:1、words: happy, apartment, wait, stop, toy, shopping, mall, pool, camera, bir

    11、d2、现在进行时二、重难点:现在进行时的构成及用法。三、 课前自学:1、写出下列各词的现在分词worry_ wash_ try_ stay_ show_ say_ hear_ depend_drink_ draw_ enjoy_ find_ join_ learn_ listen_ order_relax_ sleep_ speak_ start_ tell_ wear_ clean_ read_ wait_ rain_ snow_ cook_ study_ surf_ watch_ talk_ look_ remember_ say_ work_ listen_ play_ eat_ do_

    12、四、导学过程(一)两人一组,听写单词_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (二)翻译下列句子1 北京的天气怎样? 晴朗。 _? _2这些人确实很放松。The people are _ very _ .3他们能在这样热天气中玩我很惊讶。I am _ that they can play _ this heat.4 天气怎样? 在下雨。 _ _ _? Its _ .5 情况怎样? 很好。 _ _ _? Its _.6 感谢你参加我们的节目。 _ for _ our show.7 这儿有许多人在度假。There are many people here _ _ here.8那听起来很糟。Tha

    13、t _ terrible.9 Jeff 正在打篮球。Jeff _ _ _ .10 Mary 正在玩电脑游戏。Mary _ _ _ _.11 大家都正玩得高兴。_ is _ a _ _.12有些人在照相,其他人正躺在沙滩上。_ are _ photos, _ are _ on the beach.(三) 记住以上句子并小组内相互检查。(四) 复习课本内容Unit2 Its raining(二) (一) 根据句意和首字母,完成单词拼写1. I decide to buy a digital c_ online. 2. Im s_ at the pool. 3. Jennys grandfather

    14、 likes r_ morning newspaper. 4. There are many books in the l_. 5. The students are c_ the classroom. 6. My brother is w_ a letter to his pen pal in Australia. 7. Look, the kids are playing there h_. 8. Most boys think s_ is an exciting and interesting game. 9. W_ are you talking to? 10. Theyre eati

    15、ng dinner at h_.11. Here is a p_ of our classroom. 12. I must go now. My friends are w_ for me.(二)用动词适当形式填空: speak, clean, talk, play, eat, do, sing, help, like, 1. All of the boys _playing football. 2. Thanks for_ me. 3. Lets _a computer game.4. Listen, they are _ in the next room. 5. What language

    16、 can Kate _?6. Who are you _with? 7. Is Nancy _homework?8. The family often _ dinner at 7:00p.m. 9. - _ Jim _his bedroom? - Yes, he is.10. - Wheres your sister? -Shes there, she_(play) the guitar.11. In a mall, people are _(shop). 3. My mother likes _(read).12. When do you want _(see) a movie? 5. He

    17、 can _(dance) and _(sing)13. -Look! What _ they _(do)? -They _(talk) about the movie.14. -Where _he_(come) from? -He _(come) from Japan.(三)翻译句子1. 我在考虑怎样才能学好英语。Im about English well.2. 迈克在游泳吗?_Mike _ now?3. 他在等谁?_is he _for?4 他正在打篮球吗? _ he _ basketball now?5 感谢你来看望我。Thanks for _ _.(四)句型转换1 The weathe

    18、r is cloudy and warm. (对划线部分提问) _ the weather _ ?2 He is mending the TV. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ he _ the TV? _, he _.3 The math teacher is having a lesson now. (改为否定句) The math teacher _ _ a lesson now.4 The children are having a good time at at the party now. (改为同义句) The children _ _ _ at the party now.

    19、5 My mother often does housework after dinner. (改为一般疑问句) _ your mother often _ housework after dinner?unit3 What does he look like?(一)一、 学习目标:1、words: like, hair, curly, straight, tall, medium, height, thin, heavy, build, always.2、Sentences: What does he look like? He is tall, medium二、重难点: 1. What d

    20、oes she look like? Shes thin and she has long hair. 三、预习 write the Chinese meanings:高的_ 瘦的 _重的 _ 短发_ 长发_卷发_直发_中等个_ 四、学习过程:1a 看图,搭配1a部分的单词与图画,然后翻译单词和词组并填空。tall_ short _ thin _heavy _short hair_ long hair_curly hair_straight hair_medium height_ medium_五 1b 听录音并填空,看谁能找到Amy的朋友。让一名同学回答。六 1c 描述自己好朋友,让同学们猜

    21、他或她是谁。He/she is tall, medium 或者 He/she has short hair/ long hair Who is he/she?然后让其他同学猜他或她是谁。七2a 听录音,把“is”或 “ has”圈起来。让一名同学回答。八 2b 再听一遍,填空。九 3 描述Lily的新朋友。What does she look like? Is she thin/tall/medium ?十 当堂测试 (一)翻译下列短语: 体格偏重_中等身高_look like_curly hair_读书_ play tennis_(二)首字母填空1. His music teacher is

    22、 m_ build. 2. The girl in red is thin and good-l_.3. His hair is not straight. Its c_. 4. Mary likes to w_ red blouse.5. What does your mum look l_?6. Mr. Smith can speak a l_ Chinese. 7. She has long, curly h_.8. Amy wants to be an e_ student in China.9. Her uncle l_ in Los Angeles. 10. Peter wears sunglasses. He looks c_.(三 )翻译下列句子:1、 你的朋友长什么样? -2、他中等个,留着长发。 -


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