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    1、初三英语期末复习资料1.不定代词(some any, all both, either neither, no none, each every, many much, few little的区别与联系) 不定代词包括: all ,both,either,neither,any,all,none,ev both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, some

    2、body, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等. 2.不定代词用法为:(重要考点) 不定代词+(of +限定词)+名词 注意:of后一定要有限定词!这是both,either,neither,any,all,none,ev托福语法中的both,either,neither,any,all,none,ev重要考点both, all可以直接接限定词the! 3.all与both的用法 1) all都,指三者以上both,either,neither,any,all,none,

    3、ev.both都,指两者 2) all的主谓一致:all的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定. both与复数动词连用,但bothAnd可与单数名词连用与. All goes well.一切进展得很好. 3) all通常不与可数名词单数连用,如:不说all the book,而说the whole book. 但all可与表时间的可数名词单数连用,如all day, all night, all the year;但习惯上不说all hour, all century. all还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如all China, all the city, all my life, a

    4、ll the way. 4)both, all都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前,be动词之后.如果助动词或情态动词后面的实义动词省去,则位于助动词或情态动词之前. Who can speak Japanese We both (all) can. 5) all/any/none all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个),none (都不).以上词使用范围为三者以上. All the flowers are gone.所有的花都谢了. I dont like any of the flowers.这些花我都不喜欢. I like none of the flowers.这些花我都不

    5、喜欢. 注意:all与none用法一样.跟单数名词,用单数动词;跟复数名词,用复数动词. All of the students are there.所有的学生都在那. All (of) the milk is there.所有的牛奶都在那. 3.every和each的用法(重要考点) 1)every强调全体的概念,each强调个体概念. Every student in our school works hard.我们学校的学生都很用功. Each student may have one book.每个学生都可有一本书. 2)every指三个以上的人或物(含三个),each指两个以上的人或

    6、物(含两个). 3)every只作形容词,不可单独使用.each可作代词或形容词. Every student has to take one. Each boy has to take one. Each of the boys has to take one. 4)every不可以作状语,each可作状语. 5)every有反复重复的意思,如every two weeks等;each没有. 6)every与not连用,表示部分否定;each和not连用表示全部否定. Every man is not honest.并非每个人都诚实. Each man is not honest.这儿每个人

    7、都不诚实. 4.neither与nor的用法 1)如前句是否定式从句,则主句用neither,而不用nor. If you dont do it, neither should I.如果你不干,我也不干. 2)如后连续有几个否定句式,则用nor,不用neither. He cant sing, nor dance, nor skate. 5.代词比较one, that和it(重要考点) 1)one表示泛指,that和it表示特指.that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it与所指名词为同一个. I cant find my hat. I think I must buy one. (不定)

    8、我找不到我的帽子了.我想我该去买一顶. The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought.(同类但不同个)你买的那顶帽子比我买的大. I cant find my hat. I dont know where I put it.(同一物)我找不到我的帽子.我不知道我把它放在哪了 6.one/another/the other的用法 onethe other只有两个 somethe others有三个以上 oneanother, another someothers, others others = other people/things the o

    9、thers = the rest剩余的全部 1)泛指另一个用another. 2)一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other. 3)一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third. 4)一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others. 5)泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others. 7.anyone/any one; no one/none的用法 1) anyone和any one anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物.

    10、 2) no one和none a)none后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,而no one只单独使用,只指人. b)none作主语,谓语动词用单,复数均可,而no one作主语谓语动词只能是单数. None of you could lift it.你们中没有人可举起它. - Did any one call me up just now -刚才有人打电话给我吗 - No one.-没有. 8. few, little, a few, a little的用法 1)(a) few +可数名词, (a) little +不可数名词 2)a few / a little为肯定含义,还有一点 3)fe

    11、w / little为否定含义,没有多少了. He has a few friends.他有几个朋友. He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友. We still have a little time.我们还有点时间. There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了. 4)固定搭配: only a few (=few)not a few (=many)quite a few (=many) many a (=many) Many books were sold. Many a book was sold. 卖出了许多书. 9many, much的用法 M

    12、any, much都意为许多,many +可数名词,much +不可数名词. How many people are there at the meeting How much time has we left Many of the workers were at the meeting. Much of the time was spent on learning 2.时态 、 一般现在时: 1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month)

    13、, once a week, on Sundays, 3.基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式) 4.否定形式:am/is/arent;此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加dont,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesnt,同时还原行为动词。 5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首;用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 6.例句:. It seldom snows here. He is always ready to help others. Action speaks louder than words. 二、 一般

    14、过去时: 1.概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last(year, night, month), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long ago, once upon a time, etc. 3.基本结构:be动词;行为动词 的过去式 4.否定形式:was/werent;在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词。 5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去

    15、式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 6.例句:She often came to help us in those days. I didnt know you were so busy. 三、 现在进行时: 1.概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 2.时间状语:now, at this time, these days, etc. 3.基本结构:am/is/are doing 4.否定形式:am/is/are+not+doing. 5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首。 6.例句: How are you feeling today? He is doing well in his

    16、 lessons. 四、 过去进行时: 1.概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。 2.时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。 3.基本结构:was/were+doing 4.否定形式:was/were + not + doing. 5.一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首。 6.例句:At that time she was working in a PLA unit. When he came in, I was reading a newspaper. 五、 现在完成时

    17、: 1.概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。 2.时间状语:recently, lately, sinceFor,in the past few years, etc. 3.基本结构:have/has + done 4.否定形式:have/has + not +done. 5.一般疑问句:have或has。 6.例句:Ive written an article. The countryside has changed a lot in the past few years. 六、 过去完成时: 1.概念:以过去某个时间为标准,在此以

    18、前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”。 2.时间状语:before, by the end of last year(term, month),etc. 3.基本结构:had + done. 4.否定形式:had + not + done. 5.一般疑问句:had放于句首。 6.例句:As soon as we got to the station, the train had left. By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books 七、 一般将来时: 1.概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计

    19、划或准备做某事。 2.时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year),soon, in a few minutes, by,the day after tomorrow, etc. 3.基本结构:am/is/are/going to + do;will/shall + do. 4.否定形式:was/were + not; 在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词。 5.一般疑问句:be放于句首;will/shall提到句首。 6.例句:They are going to have a competition with us in studies. It

    20、is going to rain. 八、 过去将来时: 1.概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。 2.时间状语:the next day(morning, year),the following month(week),etc. 3.基本结构:was/were/going to + do;would/should + do. 4.否定形式:was/were/not + going to + do; would/should + not + do. 5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。 6.例句:He said he would g

    21、o to Beijing the next day. I asked who was going there . 九.将来完成时: 1.概念:在将来某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态 2.时间状语:by the time of; by the end of+时间短语(将来);by the time+从句(将来) 3.基本结构:be going to/will/shall + have done 十.现在完成进行时: 1.概念:在过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直持续到说话为止 2.基本结构:have/has +been+doing 几种常见时态的相互转换 英语中的几种时态在一定情况下可以互相转换,

    22、以下是几种常见的转换形式: 十一、 一般过去时与现在完成时的转换 在现在完成时中,延续性动词能与表示一段时间的状语连用,瞬间动词却不能。但是,可用别的表达方式:瞬间动词用于“一段时间 + ago”的一般过去时的句型中;瞬间动词可改成与之相对应的延续性动词及短语,与一段时间连用;瞬间动词用于“It is + 一段时间 + since + 一般过去时”的句型中,表示“自从以来有时间”的意思,主句一般用it is来代替It has been;瞬间动词用于“Some time has passed since + 一般过去时”的句型中。请看: A. He joined the League two y

    23、ears ago. B. He has been in the League for two years. C. It is two years since he joined the League. D. Two years has passed since he joined the League. 十二、 一般现在时与现在进行时的转换 在一般现在时中,at加上名词表示“处于某种状态”,如at work(在工作), at school(上学、上课)等。此短语可与进行时态转换。请看: Peter is at work, but Mike is at play. Peter is workin

    24、g, but Mike is playing. 十三、 现在进行时与一般将来时的转换 在现在进行时态中go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词常与表示将来的时间状语连用表示将要发生的动作。如:I am coming, Mum! 意为“我就来,妈妈!”请看: The train is leaving soon. The train will leave soon.3.宾语从句(3种)宾语从句是英语复合句中的其中非常重要的从句之一。它是用一个句子做另一个句子的宾语,将这个句子叫做宾语从句。宾语从句做介词或及物动词的宾语。现在从下列三个方面总结归纳如下:一,引导词A,由th

    25、at 引导的陈述句性的宾语从句,在很多动词如say, think, wish , hope, see, believe, agree, expect, hear , feel等动词后。连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不做句子的成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略,但在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在笔语中。例:I told him that he was wrong.l在think, believe, suppose, expect等动词引起的宾语从句中,有时谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think 等动词变为否定形式。例:I dont think you are right.

    26、 (我认为你做的不对)l在许多带有复合宾语的句子中,that引导的宾语从句经常移到句子的后面,而用it做形式宾语。例:We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone (我认为他向每一个人撒谎是错误的)B,由连词if、 whether 引导的表示“是否”的宾语从句。Whether, if 在从句中不做句子的成分,一般情况下,whether和if 可以替换。例:I dont know if/whether he will come tomorrow.The teacher asked if/whether we had finished the e

    27、xperiment.l在介词后面的宾语从句中不用if引导例:Everything depends on whether we have enough money。l宾语从句中有or not时不用if引导.例:I dont know whether the movie star will come or not.l和不定式连用作宾语时不用if引导.例:Whether to go there or not hasnt been decided.C,由wh-引导的宾语从句。连接代词who,whom,whose, what, which,和连接副词when, where, why, how 等连接的宾

    28、语从句,它们在句中即有连接从句的作用,又在句中充当句子的成分。例:Do you know which film they are talking about? (which做定语)I dont know where he lives. (where 做地点状语)二,宾语从句的语序,宾语从句从句的语序必须是陈述语序,既连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分例:I believe that they will come soon.He asked me whether I was a teacher.They wanted to know what they can do for us.二,宾语从句的时态。

    29、宾语从句的时态受主句的限制,既:主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情况而定。主句是一般过去时态,从句用相应的过去的时态。如果从句的动作发生在主句之前,则从句要用过去完成时态。例:1)She says that she is a student.She said that she was a student.2)She says that she will fly to Japan in a week.She said that she would fly to Japan in a week.3)She says that she has finished her homework alread

    30、y.She said that she had finished her homework already.4)She says that she can sing a song in English.She said that she could sing a song in English.l如果宾语从句说的是客观真理、自然现象或事实时,这时宾语从句要用一般现在时态。例:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.He told me that Japan is an island country.Could you tell me是用来征询对方的意见,语气委婉,并不表示过去。例:Could you tell me when we will visit the History Museum?注意事项:u由陈述句变成宾语从句时,要注意人称的变化。例:She said: “I have been to England before.”She said that she had been to England before.She asked me: “Do you like moths?”She asked me if I liked moths.


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