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    SCModule 1 Unit 3 The art of painting.docx

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    SCModule 1 Unit 3 The art of painting.docx

    1、SCModule 1 Unit 3 The art of paintingSCModule 1 Unit 3 The art of painting一、重点单词与短语:1. wander vi. & vt. 闲逛,漫步 (in/through/around);走失;走神;蜿蜒曲折 (through/across/along)n. 闲逛,漫步 cwander about 漫游,徘徊wander off/away 离开,走散wander from 偏离典题赏析:1) She wandered aimlessly around the streets. 意为:_2) The child wander

    2、ed in the forest. 意为:_3) You are always wandering in class. 意为:_4) The river wanders across several states. 意为:_5) Lets take a wander down to the shop. 意为:_6) The child was found _ the streets alone. 孩子被发现独自在大街上瞎转。7) Be careful not _ the point. 注意不要偏离正题。2. strike vt. & vi. 突然想到;撞,碰;打;突击;罢工;划(火柴);给以印

    3、象;打动,感动(常被动);(钟)敲响 ;侵袭,爆发 (struck-struck/stricken)n. 罢工 c/u;袭击;击,打 cSth. strikes sb.Sb. strikes on sth. 某人突然想到 (strike on 想出;发现)It strikes sb. that 某人突然想到strike sb.+介词+the+身体的某一部位 打某人strikewith 用打strike sb. as sth.It strikes sb. as sth. 给某人印象,让某人觉得strike a balance 达到平衡;两者兼顾 strike a bargain/deal 达成协

    4、议/交易Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。be struck by/with 被所打动be/go on strike 在罢工striking adj. 显著的,引人注目的,惊人的典题赏析:1) After the clock _ three, a good idea _ me. 钟敲了三下以后,我突然想起了一个好主意。2) It _ me that I hadnt close the window. 我突然想起我没有关窗户。3) A stone _ him _ the head. 一块石头打中了他的头。4) He _ the table _ his fist

    5、. 他用拳头打桌子。5) She _ when she entered the dark room. 当她进入黑暗的房间时,她划了根火柴。6) It _ me _ a great idea. 我觉得这个主意好极了。7) The tourists _ the beauty of the West Lake. 他被西湖的美所打动。8) The workers are _. 工人们正在罢工。9) The US and China _ over trade recently. 美国和中国最近就贸易问题达成了一项协议。3. opposed adj. 截然不同的;强烈反对的as opposed to(表示

    6、对比)而(不是),相对于be opposed to 反对oppose vt. 反对(计划、政策等),抵制,阻挠;与角逐oppose doing sth. 反对干某事典题赏析:1) Students discuss ideas, _ just copying from books. 学生们常讨论一些观念,而不是单纯抄袭课本。2) I would oppose _ (change) the law.3) They are totally _ (oppose) to abortion.4. employ vt. 运用,使用;雇用n. 受雇于某人,为某人工作 uemploy sb. to do sth

    7、. 雇用某人干某事employ sb. as +职业 雇用某人当employ oneself in doing sth. = be employed in doing sth. 从事,忙于;花时间干in sb.s employ=in the employ of sb. 替某人工作,为某人所雇用employment n. 雇用;就业,职业 uemployer n. 雇佣者,雇主,东家 cemployee n. 受雇者 雇工,雇员 c辨析:employ,hire与rent的区别1) employ 指雇用人,聘请人,带有长期性,只指人,不指物。2) hire 可指雇人,也可指租用车船、服装等物,多指

    8、临时雇用。3) rent 指租用场地、房屋、土地等,既可是长期的,也可是临时的。只指物,不指人。We employ him as an adviser. 我们雇用他当顾问。They hired a boat yesterday. 昨天他们雇了一条船。She rented me a room. 她为我租了一个房间。典题赏析:1) They _ the baby. 他们雇用她来照看婴儿。2) We _ her _ an advisor. 我们聘请她当顾问。3) He _ writing.He _ writing. 他忙于写作。4)用hire,employ,rent填空He _ as a resea

    9、rch assistant.The shopkeeper _ ten girls for the Christmas rush.They _ a small house for their holiday.During the holiday we _ a boat and went fishing.5. display vt. 陈列,展出;显示,表现n. 陈列,展览;表现;展示 c/ube on display 在展览,在陈列put sth. on display 展出某物典题赏析:1) The pictures of dinosaurs will be _ next week. 恐龙的图片

    10、将在下周展示。2) He will first _ his photograghs _ in New York.他将第一次在纽约展出他的摄影作品。6. worthy adj. 值得的;值得尊重的,值得注意的n. 要人,大人物,知名人士 cbe worthy of 值得;有的典型特征be worthy of being done 值得干某事be worthy to be done 值得干某事另:“值得干某事”还可以说:be worth doing sth./ It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.典题赏析:1) A number of the reports find

    11、ings are _ notice. 这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。2) He gave a speech that was _ Martin Luther King. 他作了一次典型的马丁路德金式的演讲。3) Beijing is worthy to _/of _. 北京值得一看。4) It is worthwhile _ (read) such a good book.7. shade n. 阴影,阴影部分 u ;色度 c ;荫,背阴处,阴凉处 uvt. 遮住,庇荫;画阴影于in the shade (of) 在(的)阴凉处/背阴处light and shade 明暗a shade 有点

    12、儿,略微put.in the shade 使黯然失色,使相形见绌shade in 将颜色加深shade into 渐变;逐渐融合于注:shadow n. 阴影,影子 c;阴暗处 u典题赏析:1) We sat down _ the wall. 我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。2) There is a good contrast of _ in this painting. 这幅画明暗对比鲜明。3) He was feeling _ disappointed at the news. 听到这个消息,他略感失望。4) I tried hard but her work _ mine _.我费了很大力气,

    13、但她的成果让我相形见绌。5) Sea _ sky at the horizon. 在地平线上,海天融为一体。6) It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own _ which follows everywhere you go when there is light. A. shade B. shadow C. figure D. sculpture7) We took a nap in the _ of a big tree.A. show B. shadow C. shallow D. shade8. bathe vt. 以(光线)洒满,

    14、覆盖,使沐浴(在光线里);用水清洗;(给)洗澡be bathed in 沐浴于,被笼罩be bathed in tears/sweat 眼泪汪汪/满身大汗bath n. 澡盆,浴缸;洗澡,沐浴 chave/take a bath 洗澡give sb. a bath 给某人洗澡典题赏析:1) _ (bathe) in the warm sunlight, I soon fell asleep on the sunny beach.2) The sun began to rise in the sky, _ (bathe) the mountain in golden light.3) She l

    15、istened to the music with her face _(眼泪汪汪).9. wage vt. 开始,发动,进行,继续(战争、战斗等)n. (按周领的)工资,工钱 cwage increase/rise 加薪 wage cuts 减薪wage freeze 工资冻结 wage demands/claims 增加工资的要求wage system工资制度/体系 wage level工资级别average wage平均工资 daily/weekly wage 日/周薪a living wage 基本生活工资 wage.on/against. 对发动(斗争,战役,战斗)典题赏析:1) T

    16、he government is _ a campaign _ sex discrimination in industry.政府正在展开反对工业界性别歧视的运动。2) The _ will come into effect in June. 6月份将开始加薪。3) The staff have agreed to a volunteer _. 全体员工已经同意自愿冻结工资。10. campaign n. (宣传)活动,运动;战役 cvt. 发起运动,参加活动a campaign for/against. 支持/反对的运动campaign to do sth 发起运动干某事典题赏析:1) Th

    17、e workers launched a campaign _ equal rights. 工人们发起了争取平等权利的运动。2) They are _ save the area from building development.他们正在开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。11. toast n. 吐司,烤面包片 u;干杯,祝酒 cvt. 为干杯;烤;取暖warm as toast 温暖舒适drink a toast to 为干杯propose a toast to 提议为干杯toast ones health 为某人的健康干杯典题赏析:1) We _ the success of

    18、the new company. 我们为新公司的成功干杯。2) I _ the newly married pair. 我提议为新婚的夫妇干杯。3) I _ the bread very dark. 我把面包烤得很焦。4) They sat near the fire, _. 他们坐在火边,温暖又舒适。12. arrange vt. & vi. 整理,布置,排列;安排,筹备;谱写,改编arrange sth 安排某事arrange for sth 为安排/作准备arrangetodosth. 安排/准备干某事arrangeforsb./sth.todosth. 安排某人/物干某事arrange

    19、 sth. with sb. 和某人商定某事as arranged 像约定那样arrangethat + s + (should) + v.Itisarrangedthat+ s + (should) + v. 安排arrangement n. 安排,筹备 c;布置 c;约定 c/u;排列 c/umake an arrangement (for)(为)安排/作准备come to/arrive at an arrangement 达成协议典题赏析:1) I will _ you to be met at the airport. 我会安排人到机场接你。2) We can _ over the p

    20、rice. 我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。3) Can you _ a meeting _ the marketing director? 你能与营销经理安排一次会面吗?4) The manager arranged _ Miss White to pick up a foreign guest at the airport.5) The company will arrange _ a car to meet you at the airport.6) I arranged _ (meet) Jane after work last night but she didnt turn up.

    21、7) It isarrangedthatthemeeting_ (putoff)till nextweek.8) Matthew arrived at 2 oclock as _ (arrange).13. wind vt. /waind/ 蜿蜒,迂回;上发条;缠绕 (wound-wound)n. 转,缠绕,弯曲,卷法,绕法 cwind ones way (across/through/up) 蜿蜒前进wind down 喘口气,喘息一下;(机器)慢下来后停住;使逐步结束;(把车窗等)摇下wind up 以告终;结束(讲话,会议等);惹生气,戏弄;关闭,停止营业;上发条;(把车窗等)摇上去 n

    22、. /wind/ 风,气流 c/ua free wind/before (down) the wind 顺风against the wind/head wind 顶风,逆风high wind 疾风in the wind 将要发生;正在进行like the wind 一阵风似地,飞快地典题赏析:1) The wind is too strong; please _ the car window _.风太大了,请把车窗摇上。2) It is too hot in the car. Can you _ the car window _?车内太热了。你能把车窗摇下来吗?3) This year has

    23、 been too busy for me; I need a holiday _.对我来说今年太忙了,我需要一个假期来休息。4) The river _ between the two mountains.这条河在两座大山之间蜿蜒前进。5) Although the old watch needs _(上发条)every day, the old man doesnt throw it away.6) The government is _ its nuclear programme. 政府在逐步取消核计划。7) The people in the city didnt know that

    24、an earthquake _.城里的人们不知道一场地震即将发生。8) The children ran away _. 孩子们像风一样跑开了。14. sail vi. & vt.(乘船)航行;启航;驾驶(船只);飘,掠n. 帆 c/u;乘船航行 usail for 启航前往sail through 顺利通过(考试等)go sailing 去航行set sail (for) 启航(前往)sailor n. 水手典题赏析:1) Whatever the weather is like tomorrow, our ship will _(启航前往)Macao. 【上海卷】2) The girl _

    25、(顺利通过)the driving test last week.15. all walks of life 各行各业,社会各界a walk in the park 易事,轻而易举的事典题赏析:1) She has friends from _. 她在社会各界中都有朋友。2) The role isnt exactly _. 这个角色绝非闲庭散步。16. go about (doing) sth. 忙于/继续做某事;开始/着手做某事go after 追求;追赶go against 违反,违背;对不利go ahead 走在前面,先走;发生,进行;请吧,用吧,干吧,说下去go along 进行,进展go through(法律、合同等正式)通过,接受,达成;经历,遭受;用完,耗尽;详细研究,仔细琢磨;执行,实行,履行;检查,审查,仔细查看go in for 爱好;参加(考试或竞赛)go on 继续下去,持续;发生;流逝,过去go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开;(灯)熄灭,(电)中断,停止运行go out出去;(灯)熄灭go over 温习,复习;仔细检查go with 和一起去;伴随;与相配;同意,接受(计划,报价等)go without 没有而勉强应付,没有也行典题赏析:1) Despite the threat of war, people


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