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    1、英语对话关于运动爱好两人对话兴趣爱好英语英语对话关于运动爱好两人对话兴趣爱好英语 英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用。了关于运动爱好的英语对话,欢迎阅读! A:Ahh.What a fine day!I do feel like an outdoor exercise. 啊哈天气真好!我想做一下户外运动。 B:How about taking a walk in the park? 去公园散步怎么样? A:OK.Its delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so

    2、 fresh. 好的。空气如此新鲜,在公园里散步是一件让人高兴的事。 B:(After they enter the park) Oh,its so quiet here.We have the park to ourselves , only you and me! (他们进入公园之后)噢,这里是如此安静。这个公园是我们的,只有你和我。 A:Dont you see many people over there? Just on your left. 你没有看到那边有很多人吗?就在你的左手边。 B:Oh,I see them.Some are doing Taijiquan,some are

    3、 performing swordplay,some are practising the Chinese Wushu. 噢,我看到他们了。一些在打太极拳,一些在舞剑,一些在练中国武术。 A:A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China. 不断升温的健身热潮正席卷整个中国。 S:Now that you have learned Kung fu for a few months, what are your general impression of it? 你学习中国功夫已经几个月了,有什么印象? H:I think, maybe, it t

    4、akes a real Kung fu master to give a more fair assessment; meanwhile, I am no more than a beginner. But I really doubt whether kung fu would be of any great help when it es to defending oneself in real life. 也许真正的功夫大师才能给出一个公正的评价吧.我可只是个初学者。我怀疑,在现实生活中,功夫的防身作用并没多大。 S:You mean, kung fu may not be so pow

    5、erful as it is imagined? To some extent your idea holds water. Kung fu was originally intended for self-defense, but with time it became something more than defense skills. Now we are apt to treat it as an art. 你是说,功夫不像想象中那么厉害?可以这么说吧.功夫本来是用来防身的,但是随着时间的推移,他可就不仅仅是打斗技术了.如今我们更爱把它看成一门艺术. H:An art! You ha

    6、ve a good point there. So it is called martial arts in English. The Chinese are really capable of doing things nicely. They even made fighting a great enjoyment, so marvelous and fascinating. 艺术!对!说得好!在英语里,确实也是叫做”martial arts”.中国人做起事来就爱这样,会把事情弄得很漂亮,连打架都这么有趣,迷人. S:Thanks for your pliment! Perhaps the

    7、 Chinese culture as a whole has a special inclination towards aesthetics. Do you know Jin Yong? 谢谢夸奖!大概整个中国文化都比较注重一种审美效果吧.你知道金庸吗? H:I know he is a martial arts fiction writer. But Ive read none of his novels. 我知道他是位武侠小说作家,只是还没读过他的作品. S:All of his works have been translated into English. I remend you

    8、 to read one or two works of his. Youll get a general glimpse into Chinese kung fu culture. When you go through the pages, you are likely to feel they are not about kung fu alone, but cover all walks of life . 他的所有作品已经有英文版了.你最好读它一两部,那样就会 _功夫有一个大体印象.当你读他的作品时,很可能会感觉到,金庸不是仅仅在写怎么打架,而是包罗了生活的方方面面. H:I see

    9、. They must have incorporated a series of Chinese cultural elements. 我明白了.这些小说想必包容了一系列中国文化元素. S:Yes, take philosophy, for instance. What makes a true, respectable da xia, or a worrior hero? Its not enough only to be formidable . It also involves a mans character, sense of justice, and values of life

    10、. 对,比如哲学.怎样做一位真正的,受人景仰的大侠?单靠功夫高强可不够,还需要在性格,正义感,价值观等许多方面有一定境界? H:So kung fu is also a means of self-cultivation, isnt it? 这么说来,功夫还是提高自我修养的一大途径了? S:Indeed, youre exactly right! 说得对! Z:Morning, Tom! What are you doing over there? Learning to dance? 早 啊,汤姆!你在干什么呢?学跳舞? T:Cant you see? Im practicing tai c

    11、hi! 你没见我在打太极拳么? Z:Oh, my goodness. Im sorry. But I dont think tai chi is to be practiced like that. 天啊!不好意思,没看出来,可是太极拳不是这么打 的。 T:Im just a beginner. Did my poses make me the butt of jokes? 我只 是初学呀.我的姿势是不是很搞笑啊? Z:Well, they just look a bit funny. but far from making a laughing stock out of you. 嗯,只是看

    12、起来有点滑稽。但远远谈不上搞笑。 T:So, is there anything wrong with my strokes? 那你看看,我的动作哪 里不对? Z:To begin with, you should keep your neck erect upward at any time. 首先,不管什么时候.你的脖子应该竖直向上。 T:Like this? 这样对吧? Z:Good! And then, the entire body. Never incline your body forward or backward. Take care to regulate the poin

    13、t of balance. Place it at your waist. 好!还有全身上下,身子不要前倾也不要后倾.注意调节, 重心,保持在腰部. T:Did I do it right? 这样? Z:No! You should avoid sticking out your belly. Keep your hip steady. Dont swing. 不不不.不要挺肚子,臀部不要晃,要稳. T:What should I do with my legs then? 那我的腿呢? Z:Oh, yes, things are quite different with the limbs.

    14、 Keep your knees bent a little. Right, they sbould be rich in elasticity. Move slowly when you shift your centre of gravity from one leg to another. 对于手脚四肢可就不样了。膝盖要稍微弯曲一点儿;有弹性.把 重心从一条腿移到另条腿上时,要缓慢些 T:Fantastic! I guess the same is true with the arms, right? 好玩儿!我猜,手臂也是这样吧? Z:Exactly! Move your arms in a rclaxcd manner. Well. dont stretch yourfingers stiffly. Just keep them in a natural shape. 没错儿.手臂 移动时要放松.嗯,手指别伸得那样直,要自然点. 看了“关于运动爱好的英语对话”的人还看了: 1.英语对话谈喜欢运动 2.关于喜欢运动的英语对话 3.英语对话喜欢运动 4.关于谈论爱好的英语对话 5.关于个人兴趣爱好的英语对话 内容仅供参考


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