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    1、Unit1 How tall are you?,第一课时Part A Letslearn,能听说读写背以下单词,young,younger更年轻的,old,older,更年长的,shorter更矮的,taller,更高的,shorter更短的,longer更长的,能听说读写背以下单词,一、单音节和 部分双音节词,Q1:形容词比较级的规则变化有些?,1.slowyoung,fasttall,2.fine,late,4.easylucky,slower younger,一般在词尾加 er。,以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”再加 er。,finer,later,easier,以字

    2、母e 结尾的词,加 r。3.thinthinnerbigbigger重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字母,加 er。,luckier,faster taller,二、多音节和部分双音节词在词前加more或most,importantmore important deliciousmore delicious boringmore boring,Q2:形容词比较级和最高级的不规则变化有哪些?,older,youngerHow old are you?Im 12 years old.Im older than you.you are younger than me,更年轻的,更年长的,Ho

    3、w tall are you?Im 1.61meters.Oh,Im taller.Youre older than me.,课堂总结,I形容词的比较的基本构成单音节和 部分双音节词一般在词尾加 er。以字母e 结尾的词,加 r。重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字母,加 er。以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”再加er。多音节和部分双音节词在词前加 more。II形容词比较级的五个特殊变化good/wellbetter bad/ill/badlyworse many/muchmore littlelessfarfarther,形容词的比较级基本运用than用比较级Wh

    4、ich/Who is+比较级,A or B?形容词比较级在特殊情况下的几个用法 isthe+比较级+of the two.(两者中较)比较级+and+比较级“越来越”The+比较级the+比较级“越越”比较级形式用来表示最高级概念than any other+单 数名词比较级+than the other+复数名词much,a lot,a bit,a little,even,far 等修饰比较级,Short,ill,big,late,easy,delicious,目标检一测、写出下列形容词的比较级,shorter worsebigger later easiermore delicious,H

    5、omewok课后默写younger,older,taller,shorter,longer,thinner than,meter课后背诵p5 Lets learn,Unit 1 How tall are you,第二课时Part ALets talk,能听说读写以下单词,Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall这是在这个大厅最高的恐龙,Its taller than both ofus together这比我们俩加在一起高,Zhang Peng,Im 1.65meters tall.Zhang Peng,how tall are you?,1.65米,.Y

    6、ao Ming is,tallerthan Miss Fang.,2.26m,1.58m,Youre taller than me.(shorter,taller),Youre shorter than me.Miss Fang is shorterthan Yao Ming.,.,1.58m,1.65m,Youre the,3.31m,Youre taller than both of us,together.,than,me.,Youre,than,(youngmeer./older),Age:20,Age:31,older,younYgoeurre,Age:20,Age:31,older

    7、,Age:84,Youre the,Youorledest.than both of us,dinosaurWhat is it like?,Where can you see dinosaurs?,in amuseumhall,China dinosaur park,那是这个厅里最高的恐龙Thatsthe(tallest,taller)dinosaur in thishall.它比我两加起来还高。Its(tall,taller)than both of us together.你有多高?How(taller,tall)are you?,Im 1.65,(meter,4.我身高1.65米。me

    8、ters),读一读,选一选Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.Its taller than both of us together.,我身高1.65米。你有多高?,C.那是这个厅里,3.How tallare you?最高的恐龙。,D.它比我两加,4.Im 1.65 meters.起来还高。,Homework,复习并背Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.Its taller than both of us together.How tallare you?Im 1.65cmeters.并能在情景中运用,U

    9、nit 1 How tall are you?,第三课时BLets learn,能听说读写背以下单词,.,A:How tall are you?(提问高度),“.多高”,“.多重”,B:I am meters(m)tall.A:How heavy are you?(提问重量)B.I am.kilograms(kg).,“.多大”,“.多长”,A.How big are your feet?(提问尺寸)B.They are.A.How long is your hair?(提问长度)B.It is.m.,A.How old are you.(提问年龄)“.多少岁?”B.Im.years old.

    10、,询问用how,How heavy are you,Jim?,Im 52kilograms,John,Jim,How tall are you?,1.48m,Im1.48 m tall.,bigger,smallerT:Which is the bigger schoolbag?What color is it?Ss:The red schoolbag is biggerT:Which is the smaller one?What color is it?,1.一般的词-词尾+erfast-fastershort-shorter,long-longer,以字母e结尾的单音节词-词尾+rlar

    11、ge-largerlate-laternice-nicerfine-finer以重度闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的词-先双写该辅 音字母,再+er.thin-thinnerbig-biggerfat-fatter以辅音字母加y结尾的词-先改y为i,再+er.,angry-angrier heavy-heavier,busy-busier early-earlier easy-easier,5.多音节和其他双音节形容词变比较级,通常在前面加上more,形容词的变身法则,说说看,用A+be+修饰词+比较级+than+B来描述下列图片,例如:Zhang Yishanis taller than

    12、 Yang Zi.,年龄:20身高:176cm,年龄:19身高:167cm,年龄:41身高:168cm,heavyThe pig is heavy,Heavy,heavier,the elepant is heavier.heavierThe elepant is heavier.The elepant is heavier than the pig.,thinThe tiger is thin.,thinner,The dog is thinner.,Thin,thinner,the dog is thinner.the dog is thinner than the tiger.,smal

    13、l,The dog is,small.,smaller,The rabbit is smalle,Small,smaller,the rabbit is smalle the rabbit is smaller than the dog.,big,bigger,The bear is big.The elephant is bigger Big,bigger,the elephant is bigger.the elephant is bigger than the bear.,long,The bus is long.,longerThe train is longer,Long,longe

    14、r,The train is longer The train is longer than the bus.,tall,说出下列形容词的比较级,strong oldshortyoung long,tallerstronger older shorteryounger longer,heavy thin big small,说出下列形容词的比较级,longlonger,heavier thinner bigger smaller,Consolidation,I am taller than you.I am stronger than you.I am heavier than you.I a

    15、m funnier than you.,My hair is longer than yours.My eyes are bigger than yours.Your head is smaller than mine.Your hands are bigger than mine.,Tips for you!当你要展示自己优点时,你会用怎样的语调、表 情、动作呢?比如:信心 十足,声音响亮,动作夸 张,1.PK:仿照例子与同桌展示自己的优点!,=your hair=your eyes=my head=my hands,写出下列形容词的比较级,1.big,3.thin,2.small4.Hea

    16、vy,5.strong,6.happy,7.angry,8.hot,A.Sarahs fish is,B.He is stronger than,你体重多少?smaller than Amys.我体重48公斤。her.,C.How heavy are,你比我重。you?John 比Mike瘦。,Im 48 kilograms.Youre heavier,他比她强壮。than me.,Sarah钓的鱼比Amy 的小。F.John is thinner than,Homework,读熟Lets learn.2.比较同学,家人 用英语表演Lets learn,Unit1 How Tall Are Y

    17、ou?,第四课时Part BLets talk,能听说读写以下单词,Lets talk,What size are Wu Yifans shoes?He wears size 37 shoes(His shoes are size 37)How heavy is Wu Yifan?He is 46 kg,需要掌握的句型,size 7,比较级的句子模式:A is er than BA is 比较数量er than B,Canyousay?,Thebearisshorter Thegiraffeistaller,than than,thegiraffe.thebear.,Canyousay?,Th

    18、eelephant Themonkeyis,isbiggerthant he monkey.shorterthantheelephant.,Theelephantis,heavierthanthemonkey.,Thefatherisolderthan thegirl.,The girlisyounger than thefather.,Canyou say?,Thelittle,dog s,thanbig,earis dog.,longer Thebig,shorter,thanthe,dogs little,earis dog.,Lets talk,A:How old are you?B:

    19、I am years old.What about you?A:I am years old.You are years(months)older/younger than me.B:Yes,I am years(months)older/younger than you.,Lets talk,A:How heavy are you?B:I am kg.What about you?A:I am kg.You are kg heavier/thinner than me.B:Yes,I am kg heavier/thinner than you.,Lets talk,A:How tall a

    20、re you?B:I am cm tall.What about you?A:I am cm tall.You are cm taller/short than me.B:Yes,I am cm taller/short than you.,My hair is longer than yours.=your hairMy eyes are bigger than yours.=your eyes Your head is smaller than mine.=my head Your hands are bigger than mine.=my hands,标题,巧用How问体貌,Put t

    21、he words in right order,2.you how are heavy?,1.than you shorter and thinner am IIm thinner than you and shouter.,How heavy are you?,3H.foewet bhiogwaraereyobuirg feyeotu?r?,选择填空,1.-How Aare you?-Im 48kg.A.heavyB.oldC.longHis brother is 4 kg Cthan me.A.shouterB.HeavierC.heavierC3.-How are your feet?-

    22、I wear size 17.A.oldB.longC.big,Homework,1.用句子簿抄写B Lets talk的 句 子1次,并写上中文意思2 背诵 let talk,Goodbye,Unit 1 How tall are you?,第五课时Read and write,春天来了!天空 是清晰的,太阳 是明亮的你能想到的任何 其他的变化?,It is getting lower and lo,countryside乡村;郊野shadow阴影;影子Lower下降Smarter聪明的become变为,成为,能听,说,认读单词,countryside乡村;郊野,shadow阴影;影子,Lo

    23、wer下降,The balloon is becoming bigger and bigger气球 变的越来越大,选择适当的词填空I am 1.52Im tall.(meters,kilograms)My friend is shorterme.(than,that)tall are you?(How,What)Im 12.Lily is 11.Imthan her.(shorter,older),Homework,读懂小短文,并能完成相应的练习,Unit1How Tall Are You,第六课时Lets check and C story time,同学们你们做对了吗?,同学们你们做对了吗

    24、?,守门员试一试我等不及了,米厘米,但是它接不到球,这里正在发生什么,这就是我们想要的那个我们需要一个大家伙,球门优秀的,写出下列词语的比较级或把比较级变为原级,9.happier,11.sad,12.angry,6.hotter,14.smaller,1.tall taller thi,2.thinnerhenavi,3.heavyelrong,4.longerbigger,ho,5.big sunni,t ewrel,happ,sytronge,10.strong sardd,earngrier,funni,ersma,13.funnywindier,ll mo,Lets wrap it

    25、up,longer,stronger,bigger,sadder,hotter,angrier,sunnier,funnier,happier,windier,.选出与划线部分意思相反的一项.,A.bigB.biggerC.biggest,()3.Whos heavier than you?,A.longerB.stronger,C.thinner,(B)1.Wu Yifan is 158 cm tall.A.smallB.shortC.heavier(B)2.Amy is smaller than Sue.,C,taller and smalleryounger and smalleryou

    26、nger and heavier,()5.Im 176cm.Im the tallest one in our class.,A.smallestB.thinnestC.shortest,(B)4.Im older and bigger than you.,C,.找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入题前括号。,A.They are size 39.,B.Im 15 years old.,C.Im 45 kg.,()4.What size are your shoes?,D.Im 158cm tall.,()5.How long are your bed?,E.It is 200cm.,(C)

    27、1.How heavy are you?(D)2.How tall are you?B()3.How old are you?A,E,IV.根据表格信息选择正确选项(多选)。,Chen Jie is older than Mike.John is heavier than Chen Jie.Mike is 2 years younger than Chen Jie.John is 1 year older than Mike.John is 5kg thinner than Mike.,John is 2cm shorter than Mike.John is 10cm taller than

    28、 Chen Jie.Chen Jie is shorter and younger than John.I.John is heavier than Mike and John.,填空,The red ruler is 20 cm.The yellow ruler is 10 cm The yellow ruler is than the red ruler.I am 160 cm tall.He is 170 cm tall.He is than me.3.Zhang Peng is 8 years old.Amy is 10 years old.Amy is than Zhang Peng

    29、.4.Sarahs mother is 30 years old.Johns father is 40years old.Sarahs mother is than Johns father.,对划线部分提问:1.I am 1.65 metres tall are you?She is45 kilograms.is she?Size 37.are your shoes?Size 35.(同义句),is.,B,1.Thisdogstailislong.ThatdogstailAlonglongerCheavier,A,2.How tallareyou,Liu Xiang?Im74kg.B Iwe

    30、arsize43.CIm188cm.,ou?,C.many,m?,C.big,How are yA.muchHow is ToA.heavyMy brother is _,B._,Im 40 kg.B.heavyHe is 160 cm tall.tallthan me.,七、连词成句,注意标点符号。,1、tail,his,longer,is(.)2、he,shorter,is,me,than(.)3、are,bigger,than,yours,my,hands(.)4、taller,I,and,stronger,you,thanam(.),情景对话,(a)1.How old are you?

    31、,(c)3.How tall are you?,d,(b)5.How do you usually go to school?,(e)10.how do you feel?(a).I9m.H1o2w.are you?I feel happy.Im 158cm tall.On foot.Fine.Thank you.,Unit 2,Last weekend,第一课时ALets learn,能听说读写背以下单词,cleaned my room,washedmy clothes,watchedbook,watched,A:What did you do last weekend?B:I TV.A:W

    32、hat did you do last weekend?C:I cleanedtheroom.,Look and write,_.,weewkeansdh?ed E:Imy clothes.,A:What did you do last weeskteanyde?dat,D:IhomeA:What did you do last,Pair-work,A:How was your weekend?B:It was.(good,fine,OK,great)A:What did you do?B:I.,Group work,A:What did you do last,weekend?,B:I vi

    33、sited my grandparents.,last Saturday last Sunday yesterday,played football washed the clothes watched TV cleaned the roomwatered the flowers,Lets chant,Last weekend I cleaned my room.What did you do?What did you do?Last weekend I stayed at home.What did you do?What did you do?Last weekend I watched TV.What did you do?What did you do?Last weekend I washed my clothes.What did you do?What did you do?


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