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    1、英语单词卡片单词配图记忆Ballet is the ultimate in human movement.芭蕾舞是人类动作的至美。ultimate?lt?m?tn.极致; 最佳典范What section of the bookstore do you usually peruse?你经常在书店里浏览哪个门类?perusep?ru?zv. 详细考察;精读The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procte

    2、r &Gamble as sponsors and producers.之所以叫“肥皂剧”,是因为这些剧集播放之初都是由宝洁等洗涤用品生产商赞助或制作的。soap opera肥皂剧(以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧)Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.糖在饮食中到处可见。ubiquitousju?b?kw?t?sadj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的Sorry, I forget to tell you that my computer is on the blink.抱歉,我忘了告诉你我的电脑出毛病了。on the blink机器发生故障Blockbuster fan

    3、tasy films like “The Lord of the Rings” are produced and directed by people who grew up with the game.像指环王这样的轰动全球的魔幻电影,就是被一群伴随着龙与地下城的游戏长大的家伙导演和监制的。blockbusterbl?kb?st?n.大片Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.她那漂亮的长发向后梳成了一个马尾辫。ponytailp?n?te?ln. 马尾辫.a human-sized replica of the Statue of

    4、Liberty.一件真人大小的自由女神像的复制品。replicarepl?k?n. 复制品,复制物When a country or a company is playing catch-up it can look at what others are doing and do it better.当一个国家或一家公司在奋起直追的过程中,它可以学习其他国家的经验,并在此基础上改进它。catch-upk?t?pn. 急起直追So how do you pander to the old audience without alienating the new one?那么,在不疏远新听众的情况下

    5、,怎样迎合老听众?panderp?nd?vi. 迎合;勾引The shrubs encroached ever more on the twisting drive.灌木丛蚕食了越来越多蜿蜒的车道。encroach?nkr?t?; en-vi. 侵占;蚕食;侵蚀vt. 侵犯He is on a trek through the South Gobi desert.他正徒步穿越南戈壁沙漠。trektrekn. 艰苦跋涉If backing up your data sounds like a hassle, thats because it is.如果备份数据看起来有点麻烦,那就对了,因为它的确

    6、是那样。hassleh?s(?)ln. 困难,麻烦Use a cloth to wrap up the wound.用布把伤口包起来。wrap up包裹;包扎(伤口)The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet.整个地球可以想像为一块硕大无朋的磁石。magnetm?gn?tn. 磁铁;电磁 磁体;磁石Yes, there is tragedy that comes with autism: not because of what we are, but because of the things that happen to us.是的,孤独

    7、症有它悲剧的一面:不是因为我们有孤独症,而是因为我们需要承受的太多。autism?t?z(?)mn.孤独症;自闭症The second nurse comes out and tells the second father, Congratulations youre the father of triplets”!第二个护士出来对第二位父亲说:“恭喜,你的孩子是三胞胎!”tripletstr?pl?tsn.三胞胎The boy just wants to brew mischief.男孩正想酝酿恶作剧。mischiefmist?ifn.恶作剧Paris is France in miniat

    8、ure.巴黎是法国的缩影。miniaturem?n?t?缩影The curriculum must be preplanned.课程设置必须事先计划好。curriculumk?r?kj?l?mn. 课程Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think.有些人则被同侪压力所驾驭,总是担心别人会怎么想。peer pressure同辈压力But in our country, many teachers still adopted the force-feed type teaching met

    9、hod.而在我国,不少教师仍然采取“填鸭式”的教学方法。force feed强迫接受Like most drugs, however, they can have side effects.不过就像大多数药物,它们有副作用。side effectn.副作用After two hours of driving, we five arrived at Big Bear Lake, where we took our zip line tour.大概开了两个多小时的车,我们一行五人到达了大熊山度假胜地,也就是我们即将滑索道的地方。zip linen.高空滑索,滑索道She blinked when

    10、I opened the curtains.当我打开窗帘时她眨了眨眼。blinkbl?kvi. 眨眼I admire this enlightened life philosophy, rather than a relentless obsession with amassing yet more personal wealth.我钦佩这种开明的生活哲学,而不是无尽地痴迷于积累更多的个人财富。obsession?bse?(?)nn. 痴迷I cant stand being woken up in the morning and this little gadget makes the pr

    11、ocess even worse.我无法忍受早晨睡梦中被闹钟吵醒,而这个小玩意却把早晨起床搞得更糟糕。gadgetg?d?tn. 小玩意;小器具Scroll down to read about the latest update.滚动鼠标向下,阅读最新的更新。scroll down滚动鼠标向下They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms.他们像两个幽灵似的下楼不见了。、phantomf?nt?mn.幽灵How do you break through cravings for unhealthy food, because they real

    12、ly do have a hold on most of us!?你怎样突破对不健康食物的渴望? 因为这些食物确实对我们大多数人有很大的诱惑。cravingskre?v?zn.渴望In some cases, the ads can work too well, especially if theyre linked to online giveaways.在某些情况下,广告会发挥非常好的效果,尤其是提供网上赠品时。giveawayiv?,wein.(用来招徕顾客的)赠品Fight me, I growled and drove a punch deep into his soft stoma

    13、ch.跟我打!”我低吼了一声,照着他软绵绵的胃部猛击一拳。punchp?n(t)?vi. 用拳猛击Several witnesses can attest to his good character.好几个证人可以证明他为人正派。attest?testv.证明;证实That same money will get you the finest hotel suite in Vail plus a few dozen dailylift tickets.这笔钱足够你住维尔最豪华的酒店套房,再加上几十天的滑雪缆车票。hotel suiten. 酒店套房I should be in line for

    14、 promotion soon.我应该很快就会升职。be in line for即将获得In light of the new findings, Brown urged people to “do a bit of research” before venturing abroad.鉴于这些新发现,布朗强烈要求人们,在去国外前,务必“进行一些研究”。in light of?n la?t ?v 根据;鉴于He fell and fractured his leg.他摔下来跌断了腿。fracturefr?kt?vt. 使破裂The official spoke on condition of a

    15、nonymity because she is not authorized to talkto the media.这名官员说出这话时是以匿名的身份,因为她没有被授权告知媒体。anonymity?n?n?m?t?n. 匿名;匿名者He was even more cautious than ever, and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior.他更加谨小慎微, 兢兢业业, 以尽力取信讨好其上司。cautiousk?sadj. 谨慎的;十分小心的But, instead of being the demure

    16、queen expected of her, she was assertive and ambitious.但是,她并没有成为大家所期待的端庄的皇后,而是武断的、野心勃勃的。demured?mj?adj. 端庄的The rustic charm of the interior once again sucked me in.乡村的内在魅力又再一次把我深深的吸引住了。rusticr?stikadj.乡村的;纯朴的I wonder why peekaboo is such an exciting game for little babies.我很纳闷为何躲躲猫对小朋友来说是刺激的游戏。peeka

    17、boopi?k?bu?躲躲猫(一种把脸一隐一现以逗小孩的游戏)Junk Sleep refers to low-quality sleep caused by disruptions from nearby electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and TVs.垃圾睡眠指低质睡眠状态,多因手机、电脑及电视等电子设备的运行而致。junk sleepd?k-sleep垃圾睡眠Bus look refers to a blank facial expression (somewhat similar to a poker face) u

    18、sed while riding a bus.“公车表情”指的是在乘公交车时脸上显露出的漠然的表情(有点像面无表情的“扑克脸”)。facial expressionfe?(?)l-expression面部表情You have to have the courage to end the relationship. Break it off, shake hands, walk know its hard, honey, but thats how you grow。你得有壮士断腕的勇气结束感情。分手止损、握手道别、甩手走人。我知道这很困难,但人都是这样成长的。生活大爆炸relationship

    19、r?le?(?)n?p(尤指爱情或性的) 关系The house is really A-1.那房子确实是一流的。a-1第一流的,第一等的,极好的A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise.一个大嗓门的人把那个酣睡的孩子吵醒了。bull of bashanb?l-(?)v-bei?n气壮如牛的人;大嗓门的人(出自圣经) game ended in a standoff.比赛以平局结束。standoffst?nd?fn.(比赛)打成平手,平局The trend from the previous years suggests t

    20、hat the player who wins the Ballon dOr in the year before the World Cup will fail at the tournament, which is widely known as the curse of the Ballon dOr or Ballon dOr curse.过去数年的形势表明,凡是在世界杯前一年获得金球奖的球员都会在世界杯比赛中失利。这就是大家所说的“金球奖魔咒”。cursek?sn. 诅咒;咒骂Im over the moon.我欣喜若狂。over the moon兴高采烈;欣喜若狂Cats sleep

    21、 an average of fifteen hours a day, and some can sleep up to twenty hours in a twenty-four hour period.猫咪平均每天睡15个小时,一些懒猫甚至可以在一天24小时里睡上20个小时。an average of平均有The distinctive smell of strawberries can evoke our happy memories.草莓的独特气味能唤起人们美好的回忆。strawberrystr?b(?)r?n. 草莓复数 strawberriesThe term football w

    22、idow doesnt involve anyones actual death.“足球寡妇”其实和任何人的死都没有关系喔。football widowf?tb?l-w?d?足球寡妇Pepper is an emo robot and touted as the worlds first with the ability to read emotions.“小辣椒”是个情感机器人,被认为是世界上第一款能读懂人类情感的机器人。emo robotimo-r?b?t情感机器人Six in ten bosses say an interviewees dress sense has a big imp

    23、act on their employability.60%的老板表示,面试者的着装品位对他们能否被雇佣影响很大。dress sensedres-sens着装品位The term “friends with possibilities” describes the situation where you start out as friends with someone, but have the possibility or potential for a relationship on the next level.该词指的是你跟某人开始只做普通朋友,但有潜在可能会朝着建立恋爱关系的方向发

    24、展,我们可称为“可能成为恋人的朋友”。friends with possibilities可能成为恋人的朋友Spain became the fifth holders to be eliminated from the World Cup at the first stage after their 2-0 defeat by Chile at the Maracana on Wednesday.当地时间周三,在马拉卡纳球场0比2负于智利后,西班牙成为世界杯历史上第五个在小组赛就被淘汰出局的卫冕冠军。eliminate?l?m?ne?t【体育】(比赛中)淘汰,刷掉The term “twel

    25、fth man” is used to refer to the fans of a football team.“第12名队员”用来统指足球队的球迷。twelfth mantwelf-m?n足球队的球迷【板球】替补队员Defender Marcelo marched into the history books on Thursday by scoring Brazils first own goal at a World Cup.巴西队后卫马塞洛打入了巴西队在世界杯历史上的首个乌龙球,从此被载入史册。own goal?n-g?l乌龙球Thomas Mueller picked up whe

    26、re he left off at the World Cup, scoring a hat trick in Germanys 4-0 victory over 10-man Portugal in the Group G opener on Monday.在周一举行的世界杯G组首场比赛中,德国队4比0轻取只剩十人在场上的葡萄牙队,托马斯?穆勒上演帽子戏法,续写世界杯辉煌。hat trickh?t-tr?k帽子戏法(指连入三球)What did you say? No, youre the weirdo. Not me.你刚说啥?你才是奇葩,我不是。weirdow?d?n. 古怪的人,奇怪的

    27、人Soccer wear and shoes from three international sports brands, all of whom are major producers for the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, were found to contain toxic chemicals.巴西世界杯的主赞助商、三大国际运动品牌的球衣和球鞋检测出有毒化学物质。toxict?ks?kadj. 有毒的;中毒的Ive made up my mind. Im getting a tattoo.我决定了,我要纹个纹身。tattoot?tu?n. 纹身Fo

    28、r many kids, stuffed animals are their best friends.很多孩子都觉得毛绒玩具是自己的好朋友。stuffed animaln.填充玩具动物,毛绒玩具We have no big expectations about the opening tonight. Its a soft opening.今晚开张,我们没抱太大希望,只是试营业而已。soft openingn. 试营业The newest baby fashion simply involves drawing strange, slightly sinister eyebrows onto a babys face and taking a picture of it.最新的宝宝时尚就是给宝宝画上奇怪的、有点邪恶的眉毛,然后拍照。sinisters?n?st?adj. 阴险的;凶兆的;灾难性的;Do you expect a sequel of Frozen?你期待冰雪奇缘出续集吗?sequelsi?kw(?)ln. 续集;结局;继续;后果The second season of the popular reality show will be on air soon.这档大热真人秀的第二季马上就要开播啦。reali


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