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    1、牛津初中英语短语归纳牛津初中英语短语归纳8A Unit 11.一些喝的 something to drink2. 我有很多事要做 I have lots of things to do.3. 怎么样? What about.?4. 没有其他东西 nothing else5. 我最好的朋友 my best friend6. 使我开心 make me happy7. 保密 keep secrets/ keep a secret8. 相信他的话 believe what he says/believe him/believe his words9. 一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy10.

    2、视力不好 have poor eyesight 11. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do12. 一个写作竞赛 a writing competition13. 让某人做某事 make sb do14. say, speak, tell&talk的区别15. 和一样 as. as.16. 和不一样 not as(so).as.17. 我们成为好朋友很久了We have been best friends for a long time.18. 愿意做某事 be willing to do19. 准备做某事 be ready to do20. 在方面帮助某人 help sb with

    3、.21. 帮助某人做某事 help sb do/to do22. 有需要的人 people in need23. 想成为一个歌手 want to be a singer24. 环游世界 travel around the world25. 长大 grow up26. too ,also, as well&either的区别27. because, because of的区别28. 在夜晚 at night/ in the night29. 有幽默感 have a sense of humour/ be humourous30. 感到无聊 feel bored31. 一本无聊的书 a borin

    4、g book32. 走得快 walk fast33. 撞翻 knock over34. past, pass的区别35. 想起 think of36. 长着一头齐肩的直发 have straight, shoulder-length hair37. 不说任何人的坏话 never say a bad word about anyone38. 和混在一起get mixed up with39. 戴眼睛 wear glasses40. 既又 both. and.41. 在绘画比赛中 in the drawing competition42. 英语比数学重要 English is more impor

    5、tant than Math.43. 这本书没有那本书有趣 This book is not as/so interesting as that one.44. 我和我妈妈一样高 I am as tall as my mother.45. 这个大箱子没有那个小箱子重 This box is not as heavy as that one.46. 户外运动 outdoor activities47. 为人们唱歌 sing for people48. 为人们解决问题 help people to solve problems49. 试着善待别人 try to be kind to people5

    6、0. 尽我所能帮助别人 try my best to help others51. 我未来的计划 my future plan52. 在将来 in the future53. 一个著名歌手 a famous singer54. 最好看的男孩之一 one of the nicest boys55. 在方面需要帮助 need help with.56. 搬到 move to.57. 很熟悉某人/事 know sb/sth well58. 别紧张 Dont be nervous.59. 感到不舒服 feel uncomfortable60. 深棕色 dark brown61. 他面带微笑 He al

    7、ways wears a smile on his face. 62. 看起来整洁 look tidy63. 正确回答问题 answer the question correctly64. 与分享 share. with.65. 讲述奇怪的笑话 tell funny jokes66. 读你的广告 read you advertisement67. 把座位让给某人 give seats to sb68. 太多的电脑工作 too much computer work69. 感到不开心 feel unhappy70. 遇见许多人 meet lots of people71. 希望做某事 hope/w

    8、ish to do72. 你们杂志的一个读者 a reader of your magazine73. 一所新中学 a new secondary school74. 在午餐时间 at lunchtime75. 给我一些忠告 give me some advice76. She is the taller of the two sisters.77. The more friends you have, the happier you will be.78. Geography is less important than Chinese.79. He is one of the most p

    9、opular teachers in our school.80. Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.81. Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.82. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.83. stronger and stronger 84. more and more beautiful85. be famous for8A Unit2 词组1. 你理想中的学校 your ideal school2. 全世

    10、界 all over the world/ around the world3. 一所混合学校 a mixed school4. 我最喜欢的学科是家政课 My favourite subject is Home Economics./ I like Home Economics best./Home Economics is my favourite subject.5. 在每节课快结束时 near the end of each class6. 也 as well7. 一所英国学校 a British school8. 一所美国学校 an American school9. 上驾驶课 hav

    11、e driving lessons10. 开车送我上学 drive me to school/take me to school by car11. 做某事花费时间spend.doing12. 练习做某事 practice doing13. 做很高兴 have good time doing14. 一位挚友 a close friend15. 一个美国女孩写的文章 an article(written) by a girl from the USA16. “hero”是什么意思?Whats the meaning of “hero”?/ What do you mean by “hero”?/

    12、What does the word “hero” mean?17. 在16岁时at 16/at age 16/at the age of 1618. 有空闲时间have free time19. 他的毛衣和我的一样His sweater is like mine./His sweater and mine are alike.20. 我们班学生的数量是58 The number of the students in our class is 5821. 我们班一些人是团员 A number of students in my class are league members22. 穿校服 w

    13、ear school uniforms23. 过一个长达12周的假期 have a 12-week holiday/have 12 weeks off for the holiday24. 休息3天 have 3 days off25. 多远 how far26. 从我家到学校有4公里 Its 4 kilometers (away) from my home to my school./ My school is 4 kilometers ( away ) from my home.27. 步行去上学 walk to school/ go to school on foot28. 乘校车 ta

    14、ke the school bus29. 介意 mind doing30. 在句子中间 in the middle of a sentence31. 在句子末尾 at the end of the sentence32. 在街的尽头 at the end of the street33. 和不同 be different from34. 和相同 be the same as35. 一起上课 have lessons together36. 去晨会go to morning assembly37. 在夏季 in the summertime38. 在网上聊天 chat online/ chat

    15、on the Internet39. 在电话里聊天 chat on the phone40. 如果怎么办? What if.?41. 表示惊讶 show surprise42. 课外活动 after-school activities43. 有一个小时吃午饭 have an hour for lunch 44. 听流行音乐 listen to pop music45. 据说 It is said46. 做有问题 have problems doing sthUseful everyday English:Me too. 我也是。 My god! 天哪! No way! 不行! Come on.

    16、 来吧(赶快) Hold on. 等一等。 I agree. 我同意。 Not bad 还不错。 See you 再见。 Shut up! 闭嘴! So long 再见。 Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) Allow me 让我来。 Be quiet! 安静点! Cheer up! 振作起来! Good job! 做得好! Have fun! 玩得开心! How much? 多少钱? Im full 我饱了。 This way. 这边请。 After you 您先。 Follow me 跟我来。 Of course! 当然了! Slow down! 慢点! Take care! 保重

    17、! Try again 再试试。 Watch out! 当心。 Whats up? 有什么事吗? Be careful! 注意! Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! I think so 我也这么想。 Let me see让我想想。 Never mind不要紧。 No problem! 没问题! Thats all! 就这样! Time is up 时间快到了。 Are you sure? 你肯定吗? Here you are 给你。 Take it easy 别紧张。 What a pity! 太遗憾了! Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗? Help yourself 别客气。

    18、 Keep in Touch 保持联络。 Time is money 时间就是金钱。 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心! Give me a hand! 帮帮我! I have no idea 我没有头绪。 Im in a hurry! 我在赶时间! Its up to you 由你决定。 Youre welcome 不客气。 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧! Congratulations! 祝贺你! It sounds great! 听起来很不错。 I have no choice 我别无选择。 Ill try my

    19、 best 我尽力而为。 Im on your side 我全力支持你。 Long time no see! 好久不见! Dont let me down 别让我失望。 I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍 Its a long story 说来话长。 Just wait and see! 等着瞧! What do you think? 你怎么认为? Make yourself at home 请不要拘礼。 None of your business! 与你无关! You are a chicken 你是个胆小鬼。8A Unit3 词组1.来吧 come on2. 邀请做 inv

    20、ite sb to do3.名胜 a place of interest 4.保持健康 keep healthy5.制定一个计划 make a plan6.一封邀请信 a invitation letter7.港湾大桥 the Harbour Bridge8.悉尼歌剧院 Sydney Opera House9.保重 take care10.坐在塞纳河畔的小咖啡屋 sit in a little coffee shop11.埃菲尔铁塔 the Eiffel Tower12.白宫 the white House13.香山 the Fragrant Hills14.故宫 the Palace Mus

    21、eum15.天安门广场 Tiananmen Square16.颐和园 the Summer Palace17.人民英雄纪念碑 the Mounment to the Peoples Hero18.看一看 take a look19.红叶 the red maple leaves20.感受古老园林的美 feel the beauty of the old park21.乘公交车 take a bus22.骑车 ride a bicycle23.遥远 far away24.乘地铁 take a underground25.乘出租车 take a taxi26.加入他们的世界公园之旅 join in

    22、 school trip to the World Park27.起初 at the beginning28.在二十世纪之初 at the beginning of the 21st century29.在末尾 at the end of30.最后 in the end=ay last=finally31.上/下车 get on/off the bus32.感到不舒服 feel sick33.变得激动 become excited34.金属制成be made of l35.整个世界 all the world=the whole world36.加入跳舞的行列join in the danci

    23、ng37.自学 teach oneself38.我不敢相信自己的眼睛 I cant believe my eyes.39.伤到某人自己 hurt oneself40.全靠某人自己 all by oneself41.自言自语 say to oneself42.请自便 help yourself43.玩得开心 enjoy oneself44.独自留下某人 leave sb buy oneself45.在圣诞节 at Christmas=on Christmas Day46.去骑马 go horse riding47.同意做某事 agree to do48.选择做某事 choose to do49.

    24、决定做某事 decide to do50.希望做某事 hope to do51.学习做某事 learn to do52.计划做某事 plan to do53.准备做某事 prepare to do54.想要做某事want to do55.在汽车前部in the front of the bus56.看日落 watch the sunset57.拍一些照片 take some photos58.攀岩 climb the rocks59.玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek60. Dont. No, I wont.61.保密 keep a secret62.乘船旅行 take a boa

    25、t trip=take a trip by boat63.美国总统 the president of the USA64.做主页 make a homepage65.篮球决赛 the basketball final66.发生 take the place=happen67.忘记做某事 forget to do68.为我们队加油 cheer for our team69.振作点 cheer up70.车费 bus fare71.有你的支持,我们一定会赢 With your support, we will win.72.一个参观的好去处 a good place to visit73.它的面积

    26、是467000平方米Its 467000 square meters.74.乘地铁去北京市中心 Take the underground to the center of Beijing.75.尽快 as soon as possible8A Unit4 词组1.看起来很美味 look delicious 2.如果你吃了我的食物,我就不理你了If you eat my food, I wont talk to you.3.我不知道明天是否会下雨,如果明天不下雨,我就去公园.I dont know if it will rain tomorrow. If it doesnt rain tomor

    27、row, Ill go to the park.4.野生动物wild animals 5.一个濒危动物an animal in danger 6.这道数学题如此容易,我们能解出来.This math problem is so easy that I can work it out.This math problem is easy enough for me to work out.7.这个孩子太小,不能去上学.The boy is so young that he cant go to school.The boy is too young to go to school.The boy

    28、isnt old enough to go to school.8.起初at first 9.首先First of all 10.第一次for the first time11.出生be born=be at birth 12. 不再notany more13.长成grow into 14.一开始at the very beginning (反:in the end)15.每天长达14个小时up to 14 hours a day 16.竹笋和竹叶bamboo shoots and leaves17.对我来说学好数学太难了It is difficult for me to learn math

    29、 well.18.将某人独自留下leave sb alone / leave sb by oneself / leave sb on ones own.19.发现英语有趣find English interesting. 20.拿走某物take sth away / take away sth.21.采取下列行动保护大熊猫take the following actions to protect giant pandas.22.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth. 23.两整天two whole days24.开始做某事begin doing/to do sth. st

    30、art to do/doing sth25.把忘在家里leave sth at home. 26.开始对感兴趣become interested in27.步行穿过一个热带雨林walk through a rainforest.28.北非North Africa. 29.有时间have time = be free30.仔细观察动物watch the animals carefully. 31.足够的信息enough information32.足够强壮strong enough 33.回家return home34.他独居但从不感到孤独. He lives alone, but he never feels lonely.35.吃药take some medicine. 36.做某事用于取乐do sth for fun.37.用动物皮毛做的衣服clothes made of animal f


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