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    1、北京丰台区初三一模英语2019北京丰台区初三一模英 语2019.4考生须知1.本试卷共12页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。2.在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My brother and I like table tennis. I

    2、play with twice a week.A. me B. them C. him D. us2. What a good day! Would you like to fly a kite me?A. with B. in C. for D . from3.- will it take to drive to Tianj in?- For about 2 hours.A. How long B. How far C. How old D. How often4. Id like to go with you Im too busy.A.but B.and C. or D. so5. -

    3、Can I hand in my homework tomorrow, Ms. Smith?- No. You hand it in today.A. can B. may C. could D . must6. Nowadays people wish to eat food than before to keep fit.A .healthy B. healthierC. healthiest D. the healthiest7. Claire likes cooking.She delicious food with her mum every weekend.A. cook B. c

    4、ooks C.is cooking D . has cooked8. - Ellen,what were you doing at nine last night?-I NBA with my fatherA.watch B.was watching C.will watch D.have watched9. Liu Cixin is a science fiction writer. He the 73th Hugo Award in 2015.A. wins B. will win C . won D. has won10. -Anna, long time to see.- Yes, w

    5、e each other since last summer. A.dont see B. arent seeing C.havent seen D. wont see11. New Chongli Railway Station in 2020.A. completes B. is completedC. will complete D. will be completed12. - Collin, could you tell me the International Physics Olympiad?- Sure. In July, 2018.A. when will you join

    6、B. when you will joinC. when did you join D. when you joined二、完形填空(共8分,每小题I分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The New Hoop Marco looked at the basketball hoop and threw the ball up. Score! Marco shouted as the 13 went through the basketball hoop. You won this time, but next time Ill 14

    7、you, Marco! said Kim, as the two friends walked home I wish we could play at the park too, instead of only at school. But the basketball hoop in their neighborhood park had been ruined by a fallen tree. I feel so 15 , said Kim, I guess theres nothing we can do.Marco and Kim walked past the citys rec

    8、ycling center. They saw Mr. Morse was collecting plastic, paper and metal items. Marco stared at all the old stuff. That gives me an idea! he said, Mr. Morse, do you have anything we could 16 to make a basketball hoop?Mr. Morse picked up a plastic laundry basket. We are going to recycle this basket,

    9、 but I think you can take it.It looks useless, old and cracked. I want a new basketball hoop! said Kim.Why? wondered Marco, reusing things is a great way to 17 waste. And dont you think that will be meaningful to make something on our own?That sounds interesting! I guess we can try, said Kim, but I

    10、still dont 18 it will be as good as a new one. They took the basket to Marcos house and found some leftover wood in an old yard. Together they tinkered (焊) with the materials and made a post and a backboard. When all the parts were ready, they took everything to the 19 and managed to set up the hoop

    11、.It looks better than I thought it would! said Kim, Heres the real test! He bounced the ball, aimed and shot a perfect basket. He was 20 .Wow, I was wrong. Kim said. This basketball hoop is really great. Now we can play whenever we want! The two friends played until dinner time. The hoop stood the r

    12、eal test and the boys had the true joys.13. A. bag B. ball C. card D. book14. A. hit B. help C . beat D . teach15. A. excited B. tired C. satisfied D. discouraged16. A. win B. throw C. sell D . reuse17. A .stop B. make C . increase D. collect18. A. hope B . believe C. remember D. realize19. A. park

    13、B . yard C.school D. house20. A. regretful B. painful C. cheerful D . peaceful阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)AHey, guys. Guess what? You know how Ive always wanted to gocamping. Well, last Sunday, my family went camping withAngels family. All of us stayed in Ang

    14、els tent, because therewere two different parts to the tent. I was so excited! Angelsbrother, Mike, we didnt know each other, but we got on well. Itsamazing! Did you go camping last week?Yes. We went camping last Saturday. Its so much fun! Ourcampsite was next to a beautiful lake. My mum thought the

    15、 viewfrom the kitchen would cost a million dollars! My dad enjoyedsitting out in the fresh air, reading newspaper and talking toMatthews dad. It was hard work for me to put up the tent, but Ifelt very proud when I stayed in it.Well, my dad bought quite a big tent last Thursday. Its been thebest news

    16、 this week. My family went camping the next day. Weput up the tent near a river, and I had a fishing competition withmy father. I had more fish than my father. Cool!You know, my mum and dad loved camping, and they believed itsmore relaxing than spending holiday in a hotel. Last Friday, wewent to a b

    17、each and did what we liked. My father and I went toswim in the clear lake while my mum was flying a kite. Howexciting!21. Who went camping with Angels family?A. Emily B. Lucy C. Frank D. Peter22. When did Lucy go camping?A. Last Friday. B.Last Saturday.C. Last Sunday. D.Last Thursday.23. Last Saturd

    18、ay, Peter went to the beach to .A.read newspaper B. put up the tentC.go swimming D. play footballBThe Good SonOnce there was a jeweller, who was known as a good man. People always bought jewelries from him.One day, a rich man and his wife came to buy some diamonds (钻石) which would be put on a specia

    19、l dress for their mother. She would wear it for her eightieth-birthday party. The couple told the jeweller what they wanted, and offered him an honest price. He replied that he could not let them see the jewels at that moment, and asked them to come back later. However, they wanted the diamonds with

    20、out delay (耽搁). They also thought that the jeweller might be trying to get more money for the diamonds. So they offered him double, then three times, what the diamonds were worth. But he still refused to give them the diamonds. They went away, very angry.Some hours after, the jeweller went to them a

    21、nd gave them the diamonds. They offered him the last price for the diamonds, which was three times what the diamonds were worth. But the jeweller said, I will only accept the first price that you offered this morning.Why, then, did you not sell us the diamonds right away? they asked in surprise. He

    22、replied, My father had the key to the box where the diamonds were kept. He was asleep, and I did not want to wake him. He is old and every hour of sleep does him good. For all the gold in the world, I would not disrespect my father or cause him discomfort.The couple were deeply moved by the mans wor

    23、ds, so the husband said to him, You are so kind! Thanks for the lesson you taught us - honour your father and your mother. One day your own children will give you the same respect and love that you have shown.24. The rich couple came to the jeweller to .A.get a special dress B.make some jewelriesC.b

    24、uy some diamonds D.visit the jewellers dad25. When the jeweller refused to give the diamonds, .A. the couple agreed with him B.his father was still sleepingC. the couples mum was angry D.he wanted to raise the price up26. The couple was deeply moved because the jeweller .A. brought them the diamonds

    25、 at onceB. gave love and care to his fatherC. sold the best diamonds to themD.showed great respect to themC Its big, its nasty but its more than just a hole in the ground. Some landfills take in 2,000 tons of trash a day but Americas largest landfill takes in that amount each hour, which will be ful

    26、l in two to three years. Garbage problem has been a long-standing issue. Volunteer students at the University of Arizona in the U.S. started the Garbage Project. They aimed at learning the influence of humans activities on the environment by studying the garbage. One important thing the students lea

    27、rned was that the garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. That was surprising to the students, as well as to many scientists who had predicted that about 70% of the garbage in landfills would break down naturally and quickly. From the landfills, students even found newspapers twenty years ago a

    28、nd forty-year-old hot dogs.The Garbage Project also discovered that what people say they do was often very different from what they actually did. The volunteer students asked people what they bought, ate and drank, and then they compared this to what people threw away. For some reason, the two didnt

    29、 match. For example, the students found much more empty bottles of beer than people said they drank. Information from the Garbage Project has helped us to see how much garbage we actually put in landfills. The students are hopeful that this will encourage us to find better ways to dispose (处置) of ou

    30、r garbage. Of course, the best way to dispose of garbage depends on what kind of garbage it is: regular garbage, hazardous materials, or recyclables such as newspaper, glass bottles, and some metals. Regular garbage goes to regular landfills. Hazardous materials, on the other hand, contain poisonous

    31、 chemicals or metals. They shouldnt go into regular landfills. For example, waste batteries can pollute the soil and groundwater, which need to be recycled properly. Its necessary to reduce garbage from the source. With the development of living standards, people use too many plastic products only once before throwing them away, especially as online shopping becomes more popular. We can start reducing garbage by using cloth shopping bags and green delivery packages. Unfortunately, recycling is expensive. It takes time and speci


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