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    1、牛津版八年级下册英语期末复习试题 2012-2013学年度第二学期阶段检测八年级英语试卷 分值:100分 时间:100分钟一、 听力部分 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)A.听对话回答问题:(听两遍)( )1. What present was from Tina? A. Picture. B. A kite. C. A watch.( )2. Where was the girl yesterday afternoon? A. At home. B. In a shop. C. At school.( )3. When does Anns father go to work in the

    2、 morning? A. At 7:20. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:40.( )4. What did Mary think of watching football matches?A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Interesting.( )5. How is the weather now?A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.B.听对话,回答问题:(听两遍)听第一段对话,回答67题( )6. Where are they going to spend their holidays?A. America. B. Canada.

    3、C. Australia.( )7. Who are the two speakers?A. A father and a daughter. B. A mother and a son. C. A brother and a sister.听第二段对话,回答810题( )8. What does Steven do?A. A student. B. A driver. C. A reporter. ( )9. What foreign languages can Steven speak?A. French and English. B. English and Russian. C. Fr

    4、ench and Russian.( )10. Which country is NOT mentioned(提及) in the dialogue?A. America. B. Australia. C. France.C.听短文: 根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,短文和问题读两遍:( )11. When did this happen? A. One evening. B. One night. C. One morning.( )12. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the d

    5、oor? A. Three persons. B. Two persons. C. One person. ( )13. What did the young man wear? A. A white shirt. B. Long trousers. C. A pair of glasses.( )14. Who was the young man ?A. He was a friend of the writers.B. He was a strange man to them.C. He was the friend of the writers brother.( )15. What w

    6、as mostly the end of the story? A. The young man was taken away by the police.B. The young man became their friend.C. The young man ran away.二、 单项选择题。 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)( )1. There a river in front of the house, but now it has turned into farmland.A. used to have B. used to be C. is used to having D

    7、. is used to be( )2. -Betty, did your son get married in 2008? -Yes, he for five years. A. has married B. has been married C. has got married D. was married( )3. -What a clean and bright classroom, isnt it? -Yes, its always clean and bright because it every day.A. cleans B. cleaned C. is cleaned D.

    8、was cleaned( ) 4.-Have you cooked supper_?-Yes, I have _ finished it.A .already, yet B .yet, ever C. yet, just D. already , just ( )5. You know great changes _ in our school in the past ten years. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place( )6. Stamps are usually

    9、used _ letters. A. to sending B. for sent C. for send D. to send( )7. Students cant be made _ all day. A. study B. to study C. studying D. of study( )8.Chinese _ by the largest number of people in the world now. A. is spoken B. is speaking C. speaks D. spoke( )9.Was your school trip to the Lushan Mo

    10、untain _?A. succeed B. succeeded C. successful D. successfully( )10. _ hard work it is!A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( )11. -_ go to the theatre together with me?-Good idea.A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What about( )12. I am grateful _ you _ your kindness. A. to; to B. to; for C. for;

    11、to D. for; for( )13. The doctor _ on the man and _ saved his life. A. did a operation; / B. did an operation; was C. operated; / D. operated; was( )14. To our _, Liu Xiang nearly broke the world record. A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement ( )15. Which country is the Little Mermaid in? A.

    12、Australia B. Italy C. Thailand D. Denmark三、完形填空。 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的)? We all know that some students usually study very hard for long hours. This is good, but it doesnt 1 lot. If you want to study effectively, you must have enoug

    13、h sleep, enough food and enough rest and 2 . Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. Its good for your 3 .When you return 4 your studies, your mind will be full of energy and youll learn more _5_ study better, here take English learning as an example. First

    14、 you make a lot of progress(进步)and you fee1 6 .Then your language study seems to stay the same. So you will think youre learning 7 and you may give it up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you shouldnt lose hope.In some ways your language study will again take another big 8 . Youll see that

    15、you are really learning all the time. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and 9 . Dont give up along the way. Learn 10 and you11 get a good result.( )1. A. help B. give C. look D. keep( )2. A. time B. exercise C. homework D. walk( )3. A. study B.

    16、healthy C. sleep D. life( )4. A. after B. with C. at D. to( )5. A. yet B. and C. or D. but( )6. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. worried( )7. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )8. A. work B. jump C. walk D. action( )9. A. hard B. boring C. interesting D. important( )10. A. quickly B. hap

    17、pily C. carefully D. slowly四、阅读理解。 (共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)AMany years ago,when I was working as a volunteer(志愿者)at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very serious disease and was dying. The doctor had done his best but no medicine really worked. The only chance

    18、 to save her seemed to be a blood transfusion(输血)from her five-year-old brother. The little boy had the same disease before and had developed the antibodies(抗体)to fight the illness. The doctor talked to the little boy about what they planned to do, and asked him if he would be willing(愿意的)to give hi

    19、s blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate(迟疑)for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Ill do it if it can save Lisa.” As the transfusion was going on, the little boy lay quietly in bed next to his sister. He 1ooked at her and smiled all the time. When everything was done and the colour re

    20、turned to his sisters face, his smile disappeared and he looked a little afraid. He 1ooked up at the doctor and asked, “Will I start to die now?” He was too young to understand the doctor. He thought he would have to give all his blood to his sister, but he agreed.1. What happened to the 1ittle girl

    21、 named Lisa? A. She died of a very serious disease. B. She got better with the antibodies from her brother. C. She lost her little brother. D. The transfusion failed and her illness got worse.2. The doctor waited the little boy to_. A. give all his blood to his sister B. give some of his blood to hi

    22、s sister C. give his life to his sister D. get the same disease as his sister3. How did the five-year-o1d boy understand the doctors plan? A. He thought he was going to lose all his blood. B. He thought he was going to be killed. C. He thought he was going to die together with his sister. D. He thou

    23、ght he was going to die when he grew up. 4. What did the boy feel when the doctor talked to him about the transfusion? A. He was unhappy to help his sister. B. He was so afraid that he refused to do anything. C. He was worried about his sister. D. He was willing to give his blood.5. The writer still

    24、 remember the story many years later_.A. because the little girl had a very strange diseaseB. because the sister and brother had the same diseaseC. because the doctor saved the little girls lifeD. because of what the boy did for his sisterBReading is a good habit, but the problem is, theres too much

    25、 to read these days, and too little time to read every word of it. There are hundreds of skills (技巧) to help you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are very good.Preview if its long and hard. Previewing is very useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading like long magazi

    26、ne articles and science reports.Here is how to preview.Read the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs (段落) carefully.Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.Previewing doesnt give you all the details. It tells you not to spend time on things you dont really want or need

    27、to read.Skim if its short and simple. Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading, like popular magazines or the sports of your daily paper.Heres how to skim.Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep them across each line.Pick up only a few key words in each line. Everybody skims different

    28、ly. You and I may not pick up the same words when we skim the same piece, but perhaps well get the same idea of what its all about.6How many skills are talked about in this passage?AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour.7What does the underlined word “preview” mean in Chinese?A精读 B默读 C朗读 D略读8. What should we do

    29、when we read a science report?A. Read the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs carefully.B. Spend a lot of time reading the details.C. Read the first and the last sentences of each paragraph.D. Pick up only a few key words in each line.9What should we NOT do when we read the news about s

    30、ports events in a daily paper according to the passage?AGet our eyes to move fast. BRead the last two paragraphs carefully. CSweep our eyes across each line. DPick up only a few key words in each line.10What is the best title (标题) for this passage?AWhy we should read BWhat to readCWhen to read DHow to read faster五、任务型阅读。阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 (每空1分,计10分)You must hear about earthquakes,but do you know what to do during and after an earthquake ?Here is some advice for you:Before an earthquake. It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know


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