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    1、新概念英语第一册笔记6170新概念英语第一册笔记 Lesson 61 A bad cold一、单词讲解1、feelfeel v. 感觉feel happy 感觉幸福,快东feel tried 感觉疲倦feel sick 感觉恶心feel hot 感觉热感官动词:smell 闻起来taste 尝起来look 看起来sound 听起来主系表结构中,系动词可以是be动词,也可以是感官动词。be动词后面跟形容词和名词作表语,而感官动词多加形容词做表语。eg. The food smells pleasant. 这食物闻起来很香。eg. The dish tastes good. 这道菜尝起来很好吃。e

    2、g. He looks ill. 他看起来病了That sounds good. 那听起来不错。这些感官动词的疑问句式和否定句式与其它实义动词一样,要借助动词do/does, dont/ doesnt.eg. Does the idea sound good? 这个想法听起来好吗?eg. It doesnt taste good. 它尝起来味道不好。2、looklook v.1) 感官动词看起来eg. You look ill.eg. She looks sad.eg. They dont look happy.2) 实义动词看eg. Look! There is a monkey in th

    3、e tree. (介词用in)look at 看东西(表示有意识的去看,强调看的动作)eg. Look at the mother and her daughter. They are so fat.eg. Look at the pretty lady. She is Mr. Lees wife.eg. She is looking at the picture on the wall.see 看见(表示有意识的看到或碰巧看见,强调看的结果)eg. What can you see in the box?eg. I see some old and dirty clothes.eg. I a

    4、lways see him in the park.watch 观看(表示看电视,比赛等这种移动的画面)eg. They usually watch TV at night.eg. They are watching a football game.eg. look after 照顾eg. Can you look after my baby this afternoon?eg. The mother stays at home and look after the baby.look for 寻找(强调找的动作)eg. What are you doing?I am looking for

    5、my new pen.find 找到 (强调找的结果)eg. I cant find my new pen.eg. Can you find her?look down on sb 瞧不起某人eg. The boss always looks down on his employees.3、mustmust aux. 必须must是情态动词,没有时态、人称和数格的变化,不能单独作谓语,必须与后面的动词一起作谓语。它的否定和疑问句在情态动词本身变化,但must 疑问句的否定回答应该用neednt,表示“不必了”;而mustnt表示“绝对不可以”、“千万不要”。eg. She must look

    6、after her baby.eg. Must they clean the office this afternoon?Yes, they must.No, they neednt.eg. You mustnt swim in the river. 你绝对不可以在河里游泳。4、callcall v. 请,打给call the doctor 打请医生call the police 打叫警察eg. You must call him this afternoon.5、doctordoctor n. 医生go to see a doctor 去看医生eg. You look ill. You mu

    7、st go to see a doctor.(ill是形容词做感官动词的表语)see a doctor about 找医生看病eg. You should see a doctor about your cough. 你应该找医生来看看你的咳嗽the doctors 医生诊所(Br.)the doctors office 医生诊所(Am.)eg. You should go to the doctors (office) if you feel sick.dentist 牙医 vet 兽医6、telephonetelephone n. telephone number telephone ca

    8、ll eg. I received three telephone calls this morning.eg. She always gives me a telephone call on Sundays.phone call sb to the phone 叫某人听eg. Call your mother to the phone.eg. You are wanted on the phone. 请你去听。eg. She is on the phone. 她正在通。talk on the phone / talk over the phone 通eg. We can talk the p

    9、hone tonight.eg. We can talk over the phone tonight.v. 打给telephone sb 打给某人telephone the lawyer 打给律师7、rememberremember v.记得,记住remember to do sth 记得去做某事remember doing sth 记得做过某事eg. You must remember to post the letter. 你要记得把信寄出去。eg. I remember posting the letter. 我记得我己经把信寄出去了。8、mouthmouth n. 嘴mouse n.

    10、 耗子from mouth to mouth 口口相传,广泛流传eg. The new spread from mouth to mouth. 消息传开了。from the horses mouth (消息)是直接得来的 暗示消息来源可靠eg. Miss Lee is leaving this company. Its from the horses mouth. She told me. 小姐要离开这个公司,是她跟我讲的。9、tonguetongue n. 舌头mother tongue 母语eg. Chinese is my mother tongue.eg. Whats your mot

    11、her tongue?eg. a slip of the tongue 口误,失言10、badbad adj. 坏的,严重的eg. I feel bad. 我感觉不好。bad language 脏话go from bad to worse 越变越坏,每况愈下11、coldcold 1) n. 感冒have a cold 伤风,感冒catch a cold get a colda bad cold 严重的感冒2) adj. 冷的eg. You look cold. Go upstairs and put on your coat.12、newsnews n. 消息(不可数名词)a piece o

    12、f news 一条新闻fresh news 最新消息2) That is good news for me.(注意news前没有不定冠词a)二、课文讲解Questions:1.Whats the matter with Jimmy? He feels ill.2.Does Jimmy like school?No, he doesnt.He doesnt like school.Hes in bed.in bed 躺在床上Hes in bed.=He lies in bed.on the bed 在床上He sits on the bed. 他坐在床上。Whats the matte with

    13、 him?Whats the matter with?常用来询问人或事物的状况。常作“是否有问题”、“是否有麻烦”讲。Whats wrong (with)?Whats wrong with your radio?it doesnt work.He feels ill.feel 是系动词; ill 是形容词“有病的”“生病的”作表语。He looks ill.look 是感官动词。注意feel ill / look ill 的区别feel ill 指自我感觉,感觉有病;look ill 指外表形象,看起来有病。We must call the doctor.call the doctor 打请医

    14、生Can you remember the doctors telephone number?remember 记住I cant remember your address.doctors (名词所有格)医生的Yes, its 09754.it 指医生的;中的“零”可以读成字母“o”或zero.Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, Ah.show 给 看后接双宾语me 是间接宾语,your tongue是直接宾语。He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for

    15、a week.has a bad cold 得了重感冒bad adj. 严重的so 所以,因此stay in bed / lie in bed/ be in bed 卧床,躺在床上for 是介词,可以引出一段时间,表示某个动作持续多少时间。Thats good news for Jimmy.news 不可数名词,前面不加“a”forprep. 对来说小结:感官第动词feel/ look/ smell/ taste/ sound 后面加形容词作表语动词短语:be in bed / stay in bed / lie in bed躺在床上call a doctor 打请医生have a bad c

    16、old 患重感冒 Lesson 62 Whats the matte with them?What must they do?一、单词见书p124Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor.一、单词讲解1、betterbetter1) adj. (病后身体渐渐恢复)好些了well adj. 身体好的eg. How are you?Im very well, Thank you.eg. I am sick today. I hope I will be well again tomorrow.get well soon (当别人病了时说的)eg. You will get well

    17、soon.eg. Is Helen better?Yes, shes getting better.eg. I hope you get better soon.eg. Their grandmother is getting better.2) adj. 更好的,是good的比较级(通常与than连用,than表示比)eg. Your stereo is better than mine.eg. Your idea is good, but her idea is better.3) adv. 更好地,是副词well 的比较级eg. Come on. You can do better th

    18、an that.2、certainlycertainly adv. 当然eg. Can you drive a car?Certainly.eg. May I borrow your pen?Certainly. Here you are.3、get upget up 起来eg. My mother gets up very early every morning.eg. When do you get up? I usually get up at eight oclock in the morning.go to bed 上床睡觉4、yetyet adv. 还,仍(多用于否定句或疑问句)e

    19、g. They have not started yet. 他们还没有出发/开始。eg. Is everything ready? 一切都准备好了吗?Not yet. 还没呢。5、richrich1) adj. 口味重的,油腻的rich food 含油、糖等多的,口味比较重的a rich birthday cakefatty 指含脂肪多的fatty food 高脂肪食物2) adj. 富裕的eg. Hes marrying the daughter of a rich lawyer.wealthy adj. 富裕的eg. His father is very wealthy.6、foodfoo

    20、d n. 食物(不可数/可数)eg. Dont eat fatty foods.eg. Whats Korean food like?diet n.饮食a low-fat diet 低脂肪食品a high-fibre diet 高纤维食品be on diet 在节食eg. I am on diet. 我在节食。dish n.菜肴French dishAmerican dishflavor n.风味local flavor7、remainremain v.1) 留下,停留eg. You should remain in bed.eg. You must remain at home.eg. We

    21、re going to remain in London for two years.2) 保持不变eg. It will remain cold for a few days.eg. They remain silent at the meeting. 他们在会议上保持沉默。二、课文讲解Question:Who else is in bed today?Hows Jimmy today?How + be + sb? 可用来询问人的身体状况How are you today?How is Lucy?How is his grandfather?Better. Thank you, doctor

    22、.better 表示病后身体状况有所好转be better 或 get betterHer daughter is ill, but she is getting better.Is he better now?recover 也可表示病后或受伤后身体恢复,但它要比better更正式一些,而且一般指所谓的病和受的伤比较严重。一般后面用介词from表示人从疾病或伤痛中康复了。I am recovering from the bone injury.be fully recovered 完全恢复了健康Mike is fully recovered and will be going to work

    23、.Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?这是情态动词的疑问句。情态动词的疑问句是把情态动词放在句首,否定句是在情态动词后面加not. 注意can not 经常连写作cannot或cant.Can I come in?She cant speak German.You look very well, Jimmy. You are better now, but you mustnt get up yet. You must stay in bed for another two days.look very well 看上去很好well 作形容词,表示身体好。下

    24、面三个句子中,well都是作be动词和感官动词的表语。Shes well.You dont look well.He feels well.well 还可以作副词,意思是“好”、但不用来表示身体好。This little boy plays football very well. 这个小男孩足球踢得很好。We live well. 我们生活得很好。(well 作副词修饰动词live)I dont know him well. 我不了解他。(well 作副词修饰动词know)mustnt 表示禁止,不许可You mustnt drink beer. 你决不可以喝啤酒。You mustnt go

    25、out.yet adv. 还. (一般用于否定句中)My little son cant walk yet. 我的小儿子还不会走路呢。She doesnt know yet. 她还不知道。for sb 表示为某人The bookcase is for my daughter.My mother cooks for us every day.for 引导的表示时间的短语,表示某种状态或动作持续了一个时间段。He stays at school for 8 hours every day.I have to wait for a long time.for another two days 持续另

    26、外两天。another 别外再Give me another piece of cake. 再给我一块蛋糕。Would you like another one? 再来一块吗?The boy mustnt go to school yet, Mrs. Williams. And he mustnt eat rich food.rich food 油腻的食物Does he have a temperature, doctor? No, he doesnt. No, he doesnt have a temperature.temperature 温度have a temperature 发烧ha

    27、ve a fever 发烧have a high fever 发高烧take ones temperature 量体温Yes, He must remain in bed for another two days. He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.remain in bed 呆在床上(指卧床)remain 保持/继续某种状态stay in bed 呆在床上be in bed 呆在床上for 后接表示时间段的短语another two days 另外两天he can get u

    28、p 他可以起床can 表示一种允话Can I borrow your phone? Yes, you can.You can stay here tonight. 你今晚可以住在这儿。for about two hours 持续两个小时each day 每天each/ every每个,every 后面的动词要用单数形式,强调整体概念。Every child likes it. 此句相当于All children like it. 所有孩子都喜欢它。every 必须用在三个以上的人或事物中,every不可以作代词.every of the students (错)every student (正

    29、确)each 强调个体概念,每一个Each student must be on time. 每个学生必须准时上课。each 可以作代词Each of the girls has an apple. 每个女孩都有一个苹果。each在复数名词后作同位语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。They each(做they 同位语) have a computer.They have a computer each.他们每人都有一台电脑。keep the room warm 保持房间温暖复合宾语:keep 谓语动词,the room 作keep 的宾语,warm是形容词,作宾语the room的补足语,补充说明

    30、宾语的情况。keep your hands clean 保持双手清洁paint the bookcase pink 把书橱刷成粉色Hes in bed, doctor. Can you see him please? He has a bad cold, too!be in bed 躺在床上have a cold 患了感冒have a bad cold 患了重感冒疾病前加不定冠词“a”或“an”的还有have a headache 头痛have a toothache 牙痛疾病前不用完词的有have flu 患流行性感冒三、小结come upstairs 上楼来look very well 看上去很好Im better now. 我好多了。stay in bed. 躺在床上/lie in bed / be in bed/ remain in bed.another two days 另外两天rich food 油腻的食物have a temperature 发烧keep the room warm have a bad cold


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