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    1、历年高考英语单词拼写题汇总历年高考英语单词拼写题汇总1中国大方题库网1950年试题一、用适当的词填空:1.I was born the north and sent to school six.2.The girl, who is busy work in the library, was born a farmers family.3.Many of my schoolmates are fond playing basketball as well football. 4.I am not well acquainted your brother, spite of the fact th

    2、at you are a good friend of mine. 5.I am interested the study of mathematics, yet I am a loss to solve this problem. 6.Though he is not sure success, he has made his mind to take the examination. 7.The Chinese working class varied its method and form of struggle accordance changing situations. 8.A m

    3、an must not wait for wonders to happen, the contrary, he must work hard order to achieve them. 1978四、在下面短文的每一空格中填入一个在意义上和语法上都正确的词:(本题满分为10分,每空1分)Premier Chou came to my grandmother the first time he Tachai. I shouted into Granny s , Granny, the Premier s here. Hes come all the from Peking to see you

    4、!How we are to meet you, Premier Chou! said Granny. How did you get here and how are you going to stay?The Premier said, I came by , so the journey took me only a few hours. I think I can stay in Tachai very long, because Ive got a of work to do in Peking. I be back today.1979二、在下面短文的空格中填入适当的词,每格只许填

    5、一个词。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)Giotto and his father lived a small farm in Italy(意大利). Every day Giotto was sent watch their sheep in the hills. But Giotto loved to draw. He had pencil nor paper, but as he sat in the warm sunshine the sheep, he drew pictures in the sand a stick. Sometimes he covered stones wit

    6、h drawings things he saw about him. Before he was very old, Giotto the chance to study drawing and painting with a great painter. He worked very and before many years had he could draw as well his master. 六、从下列动词中选出适当的词填入空格,词形要作必要的变动。(本题共10分)lend, run, go, think, grow, wake, sing, lie, ring, learn,

    7、put, catch, blow1. One is never too old to . 2. I I had read that book before. 3. Before we reached the top of the hill, we were in the rainstorm. 4. What about off the football match? You see, its raining. 5. He has me a number of old magazines. 6. She was on the grass reading a story. 7. The power

    8、 station is by our commune. 8. She said on the telephone, Sorry, Mr. Smith isnt in. Would you mind back sometime tomorrow?9. Another winter by. The sun was warm again and wild roses flowered along the banks and the blackbird his song of happiness. 中国大方题库网1980年试题一、拼写单词:把下列不完整的词拼写完整,使它们能够替换句中划线的单词。(本题

    9、10分,共20个词,每个词0.5分。)1. I study Chinese.Engl g ogr y ch m try ma m tics h s y. 2. My brother is a worker.sold r rit r s cr t y sci t s t p lic m 3. Wang Ning works in a school.fac y h sp t l c n ma b ksh p li r y4. Stop singing, please.d cing sh ut g l gh g cr g qu r ll g四、短文填空:在下面短文的空格中填入适当的词,每空只许填一个

    10、词。(本题共10分,每个空1分。)Abraham Lincoln was born February12, 1809in Kentucky. He grew helping his father on the farm and going school a little now and a little . All his school education was no than one year. As a young man he was a storekeeper and a postmaster. He studied law after work and was active in

    11、politics. He became known for his famous speeches and was by his people president(总统)of the United States. After he took office he led the American people and succeeded reuniting their nation and setting the Negro slaves . His murder(被杀害)in 1865 shocked the whole American nation who had come to him

    12、dearly. Today, Abraham Lincoln is regarded one of the greatest of all American presidents. 1981四、短文填空 在下面短文的空格中填入适当的词,每个空格只许填一个词。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)Before windows were used, old houses in Northern Europe and Britain very dark. Their great rooms were high, with only hole in the roof(屋顶)to let out the fr

    13、om cooking fires. As time went , people began to make the holes bigger as to have more light and air in their homes.The first English window was just a small opening the wall. It was cut long, to let in much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather .However, with the window cut lon

    14、g, wind than light would come in. This is it was called” the winds eye”. And the word window” comes from two ancient words for wind” and .六、选词填空 根据句子的意思和结构,从所给的动词中,选出一个动词或用它的变化形式填入空格内。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)(break, bring, cut, do, go, know, learn, lose, see, stay, take, turn, watch)例:Everybody is gone.1.It

    15、s easier said than .2.There was so much to do. He had to up all night.3.She often out of her way to do things for her neighbors.4.Do you enjoy others playing chess?5.It out that only the youngest boy in our class had given the right answer. 6.In spite of his English, he finally made himself understo

    16、od. 7.Thomas Edison gave his whole life to out the secret of nature. 8.It is to all that the World Trade Centre in New York is the highest building in the city. 9.Please that the work is completed in time. 10.She was reading her book, completely to the outside world. 中国大方题库网1982年试题一、拼写单词 按所给中文的次序,用英

    17、语写出下列各组单词。(本题共12分,每小题3分。)1.一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2.星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) /U3.军官,警察,教授,商人,律师,护士1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 4.村庄,旅馆,花园,监狱,教堂,超级商场1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 五、动词填空 根据短文的意思和句子结构,从所给的动词中选出适当的词填入空格。每个动词只准用一次,要按时态、语态等要求将形式作必要的变化。(本题共12分,每个空格1分。)ask, be, beat, carry, come, do, f

    18、ind, go, let, need, put, speak, take, tellAfter I finished school, I began to look for work. Now, several months later, I (not)the kind of work I was interested in yet.One morning I received a phone call. that Jenny Smith?” a man asked. I youre looking for a job. I agreed. Then he on.” I hear that y

    19、ou well in your studies and that you were active in sports. Well, I might have a job for you. If youre interested, over to my office. Im Tim Brown of the All-Star Clothing Factory.I went to see Mr. Brown that afternoon. While me questions, he looked at me, up and down, carefully. At last he said, Ok

    20、, Ill you have the job.” My heart started faster. Would he me on as a laboratory assistant? I wanted to become a scientist or an engineer some day. When he again, I couldnt believe my ears. What he was not a future scientist, but a model!1983六、动词填空 根据短文的意思和句子结构,从所给的动词中选择适当的词,用合适的形式,填入空格,有的地方要加上助动词或情

    21、态动词。每个动词只准用一次。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共12分,每个空格1分。)come take speak climb tell get arrive makewalk do say leave knock findIt dark when I got home. It was cold and I was wearing a coat. I up to the door and put my hand into my pocket out my key but I (not)it. I suddenly remembered that I it on my desk in the of

    22、fice. It really (not)any difference. I knew my wife was at home and the children back from school by now, so I knocked at the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again. I continued at the door for some time. I was getting angry. Then I remembered something the office boy me at noon.He said that

    23、my wife had phoned that she would go shopping in the afternoon with the children.There was only one thing for me :I in through a window.(附加题)综合填空根据短文内容在每个空格内填写一个英语单词。所填单词的第一个字母必须与空格内所给的字母一致,不得改动。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。本题成绩供参考用,不计入总分。)1984二、词类转换用每句后面所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整。每个空格只填一个英语单词。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)例:He was p

    24、leased to get his fathers letter. (pleasure)1.Hes very much in science books. (interest)2.Polluted air is . (poison)3.The teacher smiled with at Toms answer. (satisfy)4.Smoking is to health. (harm)5.The of Premier(总理)Zhou Enlai caused deep sorrow among the Chinese people. (die)6.He made a good openi

    25、ng at the meeting. (speak)7.Can you tell me the way to the station?Im sorry. Im a here too. (strange) 8.Thank you very much for your . (kind)9.You can find the answer in the text. (easy)10.His opinion sounds . (reason)四、完成句子在改写后的句子中填写适当的词,使句子完整,并与原句意思相符。每个空格只准填写一个英语单词,其他部分不得作任何改动。(本题共15分,每小题1.5分,每个空

    26、格0.5分。)例:We had no trouble in finding his house because everyone in the town knew him.Everyone in the town knew him. so we had no trouble in finding his house.1.His theory was too advanced for most people to understand.His theory was (1) advanced that most people could (2) understand (3) .2.His brot

    27、her received a doctors degree at the age of twenty-five.His brother received a doctors degree (1) he (2) twenty-five years (3) . 3.I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way so as (1) (2) (3) school on time.4.Have you examined my son yet, Doctor? the mother asked.The m

    28、other asked the doctor (1) he (2) examined (3) son yet.5.He pretends to know everything.He pretends that (1) (2) (3) .6.Marx wrote back telling Engels that his praise had greatly encouraged him.Marx wrote back telling Engels that he (1) (2) greatly (3) by his praise.7.I have never read such an inter

    29、esting story.This is the most interesting story that (1) (2) ever (3) .8.I dont need your help. I can do it by myself.I can (1) it (2) your (3) .9.When he turned to the left, he suddenly found the shop he was looking for. (1) (2) the left, (3) suddenly found the shop he was looking for.10.He planted

    30、 some trees last year. Those trees are growing well.The trees (1) (2) last year (3) growing well.六、动词填空根据短文的意思,从下面的表中选择适当的动词,用正确的形式填入空格。有的地方要加上助动词或情态动词。每个动词只准用一次。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)When he (1) a little boy, Christopher Cockerell once watched his mother turning the wheel of her sewing-machine

    31、 with her hand.Wouldnt it work quicker if a machine turned the wheel for you?” he asked.I suppose it would, said his mother, without (2) him any attention.Christopher knew she always had a lot of work, and he wanted (3) her. Up in his bedroom there was a toy steam-engine which his father (4) him as

    32、a gift. I shall make better use of it, little Christopher said to himself. So, when his mother (5) (not)her sewing-machine, he fixed the toy steam-engine onto it. When the job (6) , he was quite pleased, (7) his mother would like it.Very clever,” his mother said, when she saw it. Then she sat down and went on turning the whee


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