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    1、Chapter 1 Definition and Varieties of Public Speaking,目 录,CONTENT,01 Warm-up Questions,02,Definition of Public Speaking,03,Types of Public Speaking,0405,Types of Persuasive Speeches,Exercises,WARM-UP QUESTIONS,A,What do you think is public speaking?,And on what occasions is public speaking needed?Wh

    2、at types of public speaking have you ever made or attended?,B,C,What do you think are the major differences between public speaking and a casual conversation?,Definition of Public Speaking,Public speaking is in nature a vital means of communication.Throughout history people have used public speaking

    3、 to share with others information,to convey their ideas and to influence others.According to Stephen E.Lucas,pubic speaking is a way of making your ideas public.,Definition,TYPES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING,Types of public speaking,Informative speeches,Persuasive speeches,on Questions of Facts,Speeches About

    4、 ObjectsSpeeches AboutProcesses SpeechesAbout Events,on Questions of Valueon Questions of Policy,Speeches About Concepts,Speeches About Objects:Principle:find a specific purpose of your speech and do not be too general.Three ways to organize informative speeches:Chronological orderTopical orderSpati

    5、al order,01,Speeches About Processes:be specific when choosing a topic;Two types:,The aim is to facilitate the audiences comprehension of how it happens or worksThe goal is to make your audience grasp a new skill,Visual aid is crucial Chronological order&topical order02,Speeches About Events:,An eve

    6、nt is something that happens,especially something important or unusual.Two ways:1.Chronological order2.Casual order03,Speeches About Concepts Concepts are abstract and complicated.It is important not to use academic or technicalexpressions,but to take advantage of vivid examples and other effective

    7、means.Topical orderEnumerate different schools or academic branchesThe key:clear,logical and compr0eh4ensible,Informative Speeches,The boundaries that distinguish informative speeches about objects,processes,events,and concepts are not absolute or unconditional.In some cases,subjects classified into

    8、 one category also fit into other categories.,Persuasive Speeches,The primary goal is to get your audience to agree with your point of view concerning a specific topic or at least to change their attitudes to,What helps?,InterviewsSurveysQuestionnaires,Skills:,To capitalize on emotional appeal,Persu

    9、asive Speeches on Questions of FactsFact is a piece of information that is known to be true.Aim:To emphasize and advocate certain aspect of the facts and refute or oppose some other competing aspects.It is generally organized topically with main points stated respectively.01,Persuasive Speeches on Q

    10、uestions of Value Questions of value involve not only matters of facts,but also personal value judgment.Pay close attention to the standards for your value judgment.Process:Establish the standards for your value judgmentFocus on the application of the standards to justify your claimStrong logical re

    11、lation between value judgment and actions02,Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy:Largely depend on facts and value judgmentTwo types:To get your audiences agreement with your advocacy of certain policySeek immediate action from the audienceThree crucial factors:need,plan and practicality03,Typ

    12、es of Persuasive Speeches,EXERCISES,How do you think this course in public speaking may help you in your study and future career?Pair up with your partner,and take turns to explain the four categories of informative speeches and three kinds of persuasive speeches and the important factors that are c

    13、rucial to the success of the two kinds of public speaking.,Exercise 1Review Questions,Exercise 2To form groups and each group is to choose a general topic.The general topics are:,i i,Environment ScienceCollege education SuccessInternet morality,E4a.Tchrianddiivtiidounalmember will choose a8m.ore spH

    14、eciofibc bsuybject related to the general topic of his or her group and go along with each step of the coursework,and eventually produce a speech.,5.,6.,7.,i,Chapter 2 Preparing a SpeechGetting Started,CONTENT,02目录030405,01 Warm-up Questions,Selecting a Topic,Narrowing Down to One Topic Analyzing Yo

    15、ur Audience,Gathering Materials,06 Exercises,WARM-UP QUESTIONS,A,Suppose you are asked to make a speech on the issue of college examination.Discuss in groups to select a suitable topic.,B,What preparation do you consider is necessary before you start writing a speech draft?,SELECTING A TOPIC,01,Brai

    16、nstorming,Brainstorming is a process of generating creative ideas.You can brainstorm topics by thinking in terms of various categories.,02,ClusteringTake a sheet of paper and divide it into nine columns as follows:People,Places,Things,Events,Processes,Concepts,Natural Phenomena,Problems,and Plans an

    17、d Policies.,Write down under each column the first five or six ideas that come to your mind.Research,03,Go to the school data base;Surf online for information relevant to the general topic;Read newspapers,magazines,and even watch,NARROWING DOWN TO ONE TOPIC,Asking Guideline Questions,Creating Diagra

    18、ms,Creating a Cluster Diagram,Which Topic Do You Know Best on Your List?,Creating an Inverted Triangle Diagram,Which Topic Interests You Most?Which Topic Interests the Audience Most?,A cluster for the general topic“environmental pro,An inverted triangle diagram for“environmental p,ANALYZING YOUR AUD

    19、IENCE,Audience-centeredPurpose of public speaking:communication to share information,to convey ideas,to influence opinions.,The audience-centered speaker adjusts his or her topic,purpose,central idea,supporting materials,organization,and even delivery of the speech in a way that encourages the audie

    20、nce to listen to his or her ideas.,Demographic analysis may influence your choice of themes,main ideas,examples,and other supporting materials.,Analyzing Your Audience Before You Speak,There are no uninteresting topics,only uninterested audiences.It is vital that you shift your attention to your aud

    21、ience and their interests and not to what only interest you.,You do not want to speak below the audiences knowledge level of the topic.,dience DemograpAhuicdsiences Interest Audiences KnowledgeAudiences Attitude,Consider the audiences attitude towards the topic and speaker.,Are they in favor?Are the

    22、y opposed?Are they neutral?,GATHERING MATERIALS,Gathering Material from Yourself,The first and most convenient source you can go to for speech materials is yourself.Everyone has accumulated knowledge on special subjects and has special experiences of ones own,and these knowledge and experiences can

    23、help to bring your sp0ee1ch to life.,Doing Library Research:,LibraryTake good advantage of the library.The sources you can find in the library include primary sources,secondary sources,print sources,or electronic sources;,Electronic databases,02,Searching the Internet A lot of government websites of

    24、fer documents and publications.Businesses,organizations,and individuals also publish many web articles and data.It can be a powerful research tool for your speeches.,03,EXERCISES,What are the methods of selecting a topic?Which one do you find most suitable to you?What are the advantages and,disadvan

    25、tages of gathering materials on the,internet?,Each group will have collective brainstorming on the topic chosen last time.Based on the results,each member will choose a more specific topic.The after-class assignment is to do research and gather materials for the subject.This is to be accomplished on

    26、,Exercise 1Review Questions,Exercise 2Group Project,Chapter 3Preparing a SpeechOutlining,Beginning and Ending a Speech,目 录,CONTENT,01 Warm-up Questions,02,Outlining the Speech,03 Beginning the Speech,0405,Ending the Speech,Exercises,WARM-UP QUESTIONES,A,What is the first step you take,when you start

    27、 writing your speech?,B,How important do you think are the,introduction and conclusion of a speech?,OUTLINING THE SPEECH,Identifying Your Purpose:Write down a clear statement of what you want to achieve.Three general purposes:to inform,persuade,or entertain the audience,What are you informing the au

    28、dience of?What are you trying to persuade the audience to do?How are you entertaining your audience?What is your focus?01,Using a Consistent Outline Form:,Function:see clearly the,exact relationships between,the various ideas and,supporting materials in your,speech.,Elements:an introduction,a,body w

    29、ith main points and,sub points,and a conclusion.,02,Using Sentence Outline:Two major types of outline:topic outline and,sentence outline.A topic outline is relatively concise and clearer,but it fails to indicate clearly the content of the main points and sub points.A sentence outline will force you

    30、to make clear your claims and ensure you develop your ideas,fully.,03,BEGINNING THE SPEECH,Beginning the Speech,Achieving the Objectives,Making an Effective Introduction,Introduction is the most important and also the hardest part of a speech.A good introduction can arouse the audiences interest in

    31、the topic,get their attention,and,Greeting Your Audience,01,Greeting Your Audiences AttentionIntroducing Your Topic and ThesisEstablishing Your CredibilityPreviewing the Main Points,02,03,04,05,Achieving the ObjectivesA good introduction roughly fulfills five objectives:,Asking a Question,01,Citing

    32、a Quotation,02,Employing Startling Facts or StatisticsTelling Stories,03,04,Making an Effective IntroductionThere are four effective ways to develop an introduction.,ENDING THE SPEECH,B,Calling for Action,C,Referring to Subsequent Events,D,Referring back to the Introduction,E,Appreciation to the aud

    33、ience,A,Summarizing Your Subject or Viewpoint,EXERCISES,What is the difference between a topic outline and sentence outline?Which one do you prefer?What are the most effective ways of introduction according to the text?Which one are you fond of?What are the ways of ending a speech?,Exercise 1,Exercise 2 Group Project,Each individual student is required to write an outline,introduction,and conclusi


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