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    1、高一英语暑假作业高一英语暑假作业 英语(一)一、词组互译A. 英译汉:1. Fill out _ 2. Set sail _ 3. according to _ 4. Get into trouble _ 5. make it to _ 6. in search of _7. be forced to _ 8. Write down _9. make a living _ 10. watch out_B. 汉译英:1. 以为基础 _ 2. 说服某人做某事 _3. 接载 _ 4. 在底部 _5. 最后,终于_ 6. 不能做某事 _7. 在边缘 _ 8. 期望某人做 _9. 不仅仅_ 10. 尖叫

    2、 _二、完形填空Most shops in Britain open at nine in the morning. Small shops usually _1_ business for an hour at lunch time. _2_ one or two days a week some large food shops _3_ open until eight oclock in the evening for night _4_.Many shops are _5_ in the afternoon one day a week. The _6_ is usually Wedn

    3、esday or Thursday; it _7_ be a different day in different towns. _8_ all shops are closed on Sundays. But newspaper shops are _9_ in the morning, selling sweets and cigarettes _10_.Usually, foreign visitors dont have _11_ difficulty knowing where to buy _12_ they want. Most shops sell the things tha

    4、t you would _13_ them to. But, for stamps, you can _14_ buy them in post offices. Many large food shops are self-service. When you _15_ into one of these shops, you _16_ a basket and put into _17_ the things you want to buy. You _18_ up at the cash-desk and _19_ for everything just before you _20_.(

    5、 ) 1. A. do B. stop C. serve D. start( ) 2. A. At B. From C. For D. After( ) 3. A. stay B. make C. leave D. continue( ) 4. A. show B. scene C. pleasure D. shopping( ) 5. A. kept B. open C. closed D. busy( ) 6. A. day B. date C. time D. period( ) 7. A. can B. must C. should D. will( ) 8. A. Probably

    6、B. Surely C. Nearly D. Mostly( ) 9. A. free B. shut C. open D. Locked( ) 10. A. yet B. either C. instead D. as well( ) 11. A. few B. some C. many D. much( ) 12. A. that B. what C. which D. when( ) 13. A. force B. think C. allow D. expect( ) 14. A. also B. only C. even D. still( ) 15. A. go B. break

    7、C. look D. steal( ) 16. A. give B. send C. take D. make( ) 17. A. it B. that C. them D. those( ) 18. A. put B. stand C. rise D. line( ) 19. A. pay B. ask C. wait D. prepare( ) 20. A. hurry B. leave C. decide D. choose三、任务型阅读My late (已故的) father was a great believer in reading the newspaper first thi

    8、ng in the morning, a habit he passed down to me. Every day, I need news, features and comics, along with the smell of printing ink, with breakfast, even if I have searched the Internet earlier in the morning. When I sit down to eat my bread, the newspaper has to be there. When it is late, my wife sa

    9、ys I look lost. Some need coffee in the morning. I need the newspaper, except when Im on vacation. Then, I trade the routine for coffee, unless the hotel hangs a newspaper on my door. However, the sword of Damocles (达摩克利斯之剑) hangs over my routinea day may come when there wont even be a newspaper. My

    10、 younger friends insist this is the way newspapers will go. Maybe not in five or ten years, maybe it will take 20 years but the future of newspapers is unsure. My younger friends rarely read the print media these days. They want their news either on-screen or in a cool, small package they can take a

    11、nywhere and read at any time. The iPad and other similar gadgets (小玩意儿) will change our lives, Im told. Even e-book readers, after a bad start, appear to be back on track because of the iPad. They insist were now in the twilight (衰退期) of the newspaper business and the iPad may help to end it. Such a

    12、 future is not something I like. Sure, theres the Internet but its just not the same. So heres a little exercise for those who dont want to read the newspaper any more. Buy one, find a quiet corner at home and spare an hour without distractions. Turn off your mobile phone, TV and PC, and lock up you

    13、r wife, kids and pets. Start reading, from the first page to the last, and all the different sections and advertisements. When you reach the last page, you would have an experience that modern gadgets cannot offer.( ) 1. According to the text, the author looks lost when _.A. he smells printing ink a

    14、nd breakfast B. his father asked him to read newspapersC. he hasnt searched the Internet in the morning D. the newspaper doesnt come on time( ) 2. The underlined part “the routine” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”.A. reading the newspaper B. surfing the InternetC. eating bread for breakfast D. hanging a

    15、 newspaper on the door( ) 3. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A. It is unnecessary to read every part of a newspaper. B. Reading newspapers is a good way to kill time.C. Reading newspapers is a great experience. D. A quiet place is important for reading newspapers.( ) 4. Which of the follow

    16、ing is TRUE about the author?A. He used to read newspaper in the morning.B. He never searches the Internet in the morning before breakfast.C. He was influenced by his father to form the habit of reading the newspaper.D. He thinks the Internet is the same as print media because both can give him info

    17、rmation.高一英语暑假作业 英语(二)一、单项选择( ) 1. My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.A. enthusiastic B. energetic C. talkative D. sensitive( ) 2. _ by teachers, we have made much progress this term.A. Being educated B. To be educated C. Educating D. Educated( ) 3.

    18、Dont _ a trick _ her. She is shy.A. play; at B. play; on C. take; at D. take; on( ) 4. The classroom _ 30 feet long.A. measures B. is measured C. has D. has length( ) 5. Wild animals, such as pandas, tigers, _, so measures must _ to protect them.A. are dying out; be taken B. are dying; take C. are d

    19、ying away; take D. are dead; get ( ) 6. The doctors and nurses _ the seriously wounded worker day and night.A. watched out B. looked over C. watched out for D. watched over( ) 7. “_! There is a stone before you.” Sarah said to Jack.A. Watch out B. Be careful C. Look out D. All of the above( ) 8. _ y

    20、ou observe, _ you will find out.A. More carefully; more differences B. Much carefully; much differenceC. The more carefully; the more differences D. The much carefully; the much difference( ) 9. In order to _, she always wears some strange clothes.A. pay our attention B. draw our attention C. bring

    21、to our attention D. call our attention to( ) 10. The teacher asked the students to write _.A. every one line B. every other line C. every second line D. both B and C二、完形填空As the plane circled over the airport, everyone guesses that _1_ was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily (不稳定地) through the _2

    22、_, and the passengers were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the air hostess appeared. She looked very pale, but was quite _3_. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper she told everyone that the pilot was _4_ ill and asked if any of the passengers knew _5_ about machines or at _6_ knew how t

    23、o drive a car. After a moments _7_, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilots room._8_ the pilot aside, the man _9_ his seat and listened carefully to the orders _10_ were being sent by radio from the airport _11_. The plane was now dangerously _12_ to the ground, but it soon began to _1

    24、3_. The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become familiar _14_ the controls. But the danger had not _15_ passed. The terrible moment came when he had to _16_. Following instructions the man guided the plane towards the airport. It shook greatly _17_ it touched the ground and th

    25、en moved rapidly _18_ the field, but after a long _19_ it stopped safely. Outside, a lot of people, who had been watching anxiously, ran forward to _20_ the “pilot” on a perfect landing.( ) 1. A. nothing B. what C. something D. the plane( ) 2. A. airport B. heaven C. air D. cloud( ) 3. A. natural B.

    26、 calm C. worried D. excited( ) 4. A. badly B. worse C. bad D. heavy( ) 5. A. anything B. those C. nothing D. all this( ) 6. A. most B. last C. first D. least( ) 7. A. thought B. quiet C. darkness D. hesitation( ) 8. A. Moved B. Sending C. Moving D. Being put( ) 9. A. took B. sat C. placed D. stood(

    27、) 10. A. they B. that C. these D. this( ) 11. A. down B. below C. there D. nearby( ) 12.A. up B. over C. close D. downstairs( ) 13. A. fly B. go down C. stop D. climb( ) 14. A. to B. with C. for D. about( ) 15. A. hardly B. already C. always D. yet( ) 16. A. land B. drive C. rise D. set( ) 17. A. as

    28、 B. before C. after D. until( ) 18. A. above B. onto C. around D. across( ) 19. A. fly B. forward C. run D. drive( ) 20. A. congratulate B. praise C. thank D. Reward三、阅读理解 In 1937, Disneys cartoon, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs was produced. It was the first full-length movie cartoon ever made. The fi

    29、lm remains popular today. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs was followed by a number of other cartoon films, including Pinocchio, Fantasia and Bambi. In 1950, Disneys company began to make non-cartoon films of the best novels in the world such as Treasure Island, for young people. The company became not only one of the main producers of films but also a publisher of books for children. In 195


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