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    1、新概念英语第三册第三十课教案及说课提纲题目:新概念英语第三册第三十课教案及说课提纲题目:Teaching Plan and Teaching Presentation for Lesson 30 in New Concept English (Book 3)Teaching PlanTeaching content:Lesson 30 the Death of a Ghost, New Concept English (Book 3)Teaching length:1 hour I. Teaching objectives:A.Knowledge objective:1. to guide S

    2、s to learn the new words and phrases in the text and to help Ss to analyze some difficult sentence patterns. 2. to guide Ss to comprehend the main idea of the text.B.Ability objective:1. to teach Ss how to scan and ski and how to guess the meaning of new words from the context. 2. to cultivate the a

    3、bility of imagination and critical thinking.C.Moral objective:1. to edify Ss to think about responsibility. To make sure that Ss understand that one should be responsible to both his country and his family. 2. to guide Ss to believe science rather than ghosts or supernatural beings.D. Learning strat

    4、egy: to develop the Ss cooperative learning through peer-evaluation and self-evaluation.E. Culture objective:Through making a distinction of image of ghost and god in China and foreign countries, help Ss to know that cultural affects many aspects, such as religious belief.II. Focal points: lead Ss t

    5、o understand the story. help Ss to learn some important words and phrases which are quite essential to their later writing and speaking study such as overnight, conscientious, be unaware of and so on.III. Teaching difficulties: A.Some grammar points are difficult for students.1. Attributive Clause:E

    6、xample 1: A farm worker, who stayed up all night claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlightExample 2: A third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.Example 3: After the funeral, Joe and Bob revealed a secret which they had kept for over fifty years.2. Adverbial Clause

    7、: Example 1: Fearing the authorities, Eric remained in hiding after the war as well.Example 2: He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley.3. Appositive Clause: Example 1: it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employe

    8、d a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.Example 2: Eric had lived as a recluse. He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of EndleyB.Some difficult phrases:Example 1: Everyone went to the funeral, for the ghost was

    9、none other than Eric Cox.C.Difficult moral objective:Example 1: They have to figure out why the man becomes a “ghost “.After they find out the reason, they can really understand and have ideas about responsibility.IV. Teaching methodology: A. Task-based Teaching In the while reading part, assigning

    10、Ss to do the multiple choice and the matching exercise is a way to assign tasks to Ss. In the process, Ss will keep themselves occupied and concentrate on the tasks, which makes them study efficiently.B. Communicative language teaching: It is universally acknowledged that” information gap” is the mo

    11、st important factor in this method. Because of it, Ss has the desire to think, to communicate. Application in teaching procedureHow to applyTeaching activity Pre-reading part Ask Ss to share ideas about the story Group work While reading part Ask Ss to compare their answers Pair work Post reading As

    12、k Ss their opinions about responsibility Individual work CThe Grammar Translation Method Because this a reading class, when countering some complex sentence patterns, it is necessary for me to translate the sentences for him after analyzing V. Teaching aids: cards prepared by teachers. B. Computer a

    13、nd ppt C. a short video VI. Teaching procedure: APre-reading(7) CARD STORY 1. Show the main story of the text to Ss only by the prepared cards, without any words. 2. Ask Ss to guess what has happened in this story and let them share their ideas.(Designing purpose: that the story is showed to Ss in v

    14、aried cards can arouse their curiosity and interest. And guessing about the story can engage them into the class quickly.)B. while- reading (30)1. Task onelearn to ski(8)Let Ss to read the text and then find out the main idea of the text as soon as possible.After this, I will explain to Ss about ski

    15、ing in details.(Designing purpose: through this part, I am going to teach Ss the ability of skinning which is a time saving and effective way to grasp the main idea of a text.) twolearn to skim(10”)Ask Ss to read again and discuss the following questions in groups:a. Why did farm hands frequently gi

    16、ve up their jobs at Endley farmb. Who was the ghost of EndleyMultiple choice questions:a. Eric remained in during hiding after the war because A. he feared the penalty he might receive for his desertion B. his father had told everyone he has died. C. he was afraid of being sent abroad by the authori

    17、ties. D. he was afraid of the life of a recluse.b. When did the identity of the “ghost “become knownA. when the villagers attended the funeral. B .fifty years later after the outbreak of the Second World War C. when the father of the three Cox brothers died. D. when Joe and Bob felt they would have

    18、to have their brother buried (Designing purpose:1. After answering these questions, I intend to teach Ss how to skim, which means finding the answers according to the questions.2. Ss will improve their cooperative ability while they are discussing the questions.)3. Task threeguessing the meaning of

    19、word from the context(12)a. Explanation of the skill.In this part I will explain to Ss how to guess the meaning of the new words in details.Example: laborerFarm laborers said that they always woke up to find work had been done overnight. Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. b. Exercise -

    20、-guessing the meaning of the following words from the context and matching the numbers with the letters.1. desert 2. suspect 3. Recluse 5. claim A. you stop supporting it, using it, or being involved with it.B. a person who lives alone and deliberately avoids other peopleC. when something is dishone

    21、st or unpleasant has been done, you believe that it has probably been done.D. something which someone saysE. to be very careful to do their work properlyAfter they complete the job, instead of checking their answers immediately, I will let them check the answers mutually and discuss the different an

    22、swers. (Designing purpose: Ss can learn to guess meaning from the context which is very useful to their further study. And the exercise can reinforce the skill that they have learned. Also, the peer evaluation can help Ss to share their ideas and learn from each other.) reading Responsibility makes

    23、Eric a ghost (13) 1. Ask Ss to review that why Eric become a ghost. (Because Eric failed his responsibility to serve his country and due to family responsibility, his family hid him up. )2. And ask Ss to talk about their ideas about responsibility, including responsibility to their country and to th

    24、eir family)3. Then, Watch a short video about speech from John Fitzgerald Kennedy(Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man) 4. Make a conclu

    25、sion:The text and the speech have both clearly shown Ss that everyone belongs to both his country and his family, so they should be responsible to both of them!VII. Layout of the blackboard Lesson 30 The Death of A Ghost Main task :How to scan How to skiHow to guess the meaning of new words Difficul

    26、t point :Key point :Drafting place: Teaching PresentationBrief overview:My presentation will include the following parts: Analysis of teaching material, analysis of teaching aims, analysis of students, analysis of teaching key points, analysis of teaching difficult points, teaching methodology, teac

    27、hing aids, teaching procedure, and last part is design of blackboard writing. Let me begin with analysis of teaching material. of teaching material:The present lesson is a reading passage. The reading passage exhibits a story about a ghost on a farm. At first, people all thought a ghost was on the E

    28、ndley farm to do the farm work. Finally, people found out that the ghost was Eric who hid in the farm to escape serving in the army. So, he had to sleep during the day and work out on the farm at night. That was the reason why he became a ghost in peoples eyes. This lesson is very important because

    29、the reading skill learnt by Ss is vital for the Ss further studying. According to the feature and importance of this lesson, my teaching aims are as followings. of teaching aims:A.Knowledge aims: 1. To guide Ss to learn the new words and phrases in the text and to help Ss to analyze some difficult s

    30、entence patterns. 2. To guide Ss to comprehend the main idea of the text. B. Ability aims: 1. To teach Ss how to scan and ski, and how to guess the meaning of new words from the context. 2. To cultivate the ability of imagination and critical thinking.C .Moral aims:1. To edify Ss to think about resp

    31、onsibility. To make sure that Ss understand that one should be responsible to both his country and his family. 2. To guide Ss to believe science rather than ghosts or supernatural beings.D .Learning strategy: to develop the Ss cooperative learning through peer-evaluation and self-evaluation.E.Cultur

    32、e aims: through making a distinction of image of ghost and god in China and foreign countries, help Ss to know that cultural affects many aspects, such as religious belief.In order to achieve these aims I think it is necessary for me to point out the difficult points and key points. of teaching key points: My teaching for the present lesson lays


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