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    1、八年级英语Unit2KeepingHealthyTopic1YoushouldbrushyourteethtwiceadaySectionC辅学导学案无解答Unit2 Topic1授课日期及时段Unit 2 topic 1 Section C教学目标复习should(not)/had better(not)学习如何用英语写请假条重点难点 should(not)/had better(not)教学内容toothache /tuek/ n.牙痛 hear /h/ 听见,听到 dentist /dentst/ n.牙科医生 backache /bkek/ n.背痛 headache /hedek/

    2、n.头疼 suggest /sdest/ 建议,提议 fever /fiv/ n.发烧;发热 cough /kf/ n.& v.咳嗽 stomachache /stmkek/ n.胃疼 have /hv/ a cold 患感冒 coffee /kfi/ n.咖啡 tea /ti/ n.茶;茶叶 enough /nf/ 足够的,充分的,足够 boil /bl/ v.沸腾;烧开;煮 lift /lft/ v.举起,抬起;(云.烟等)消散;n.(英)电梯hey /he/ in.terj.嘿 feel /fil/ v.感觉,觉得;摸,触 terrible /terbl/ adj.糟糕的;可怕的 flu

    3、 /flu/ n.流行性感冒 medicine /medsn/ 药 sore /s/ adj.(发炎)疼痛的,酸痛的 suggestion /sdest()n/ 建议 day /de/ and night 日日夜夜brush /br/ v.刷;擦;n.刷子 tooth /tu/ n.(pl. teeth)牙齿 lie /la/ 躺,平躺 lie /la/ down 躺下 while /hwal/ 当时候 ,然而, 一段时间,一会儿 skateboard /sketbd/ 滑板 cry /kra/ n.叫喊,叫声 v.哭,喊叫taxi /tksi/ n.出租车 X-ray /eks-re/ n.

    4、X光照片;x射线;x光 serious /srs/adj.严重的;严肃的;认真的pill /pl/ n.药丸,药片 care /ke/ n.照顾,护理;小心; v.介意,在乎;关心 take /tek/ care of 关心,照顾 sincerely /snsrli/-sl-/ 真诚地,诚实地 still /stl/ adv.还,还是,仍然,依旧 fruit /frut/ 水果,果实 worry /wri/ 担心,担忧 worry /wri/ about 担心,烦恼 一、自主学习1.读1a短文,给短文前面的图片排序。2.读1a短文,完成1b。3.读1a短文,找出下列习语和新单词,并翻译。(1)

    5、fall down_ (2) call a taxi_(3)Take two pills, three times a day._ 4.用should(not)/had better(not)改写1d中的句子。5.完成Page32:3的请假条,学习如何用英语写请假条。6.找出并翻译请假条中的短语。 (1)请假条 (2)have an accident (3)stay in bed (4)take care of (5)请一星期的假 (6)康复 二知识链接 1. nothing serious 没什么严重的【点拨】nothing, something, anything等不定代词被形容词修饰时,

    6、形容词在其后。I have _ to tell you. (我有一些有趣的事告诉你)Is there _ _ in todays newspaper? (今天的报纸上有什么新闻吗?)2. check over 检查,核对,给作体检【点拨】check over=look over 属于v.+ adv. 短语。名词宾语可中可后,代词宾语必须放中间。如:Mom,can you _ _ _ _? (妈妈,你能检查一下我的作业吗?)The doctor _ _ _ yesterday. (昨天医生给奶奶做了检查。)Dr. Lee _ _ _ this morning. (李医生今天早上给我做了体检。)3

    7、. get well恢复健康; follow ones advice 听从某人的建议【点拨】get well 属于系adj. 结构。well作形容词时,只指人的身体好-_?(你身体好吗?) -_. (我很好)【链接】good & fine & nice & OK good 常用来指人的品行好,或事物的质地好,也常用来向别人问好。如:_高老师是个好人。_ _你的照片很好看。 fine 也可指身体状况好,天气好。-_?-_. (你好吗我很好)_今天天气很好。也可以用来指人物的品行、事物的质地“特别出色”.如:_.(他是个优秀的男孩)_.(这支笔不错) nice 指人或物的外观、相貌好,“美好的”“

    8、美妙的”“漂亮的”也可指人热心肠的。如:_.(这些花真美)_.(很高兴见到你) _.(你真是太好了) OK 表示身体好,如:-_? -_.(-你好吗?-很好)OK表示事物的完好无损,人的安然无恙,如:-Is it broken? No, _.(它没事) -_?(对不起,你没事吧)OK表示赞同别人的观点,或答应别人的要求。-Lets go home. -_.(好的) Lets go. 4. bring sth. for sb.给某人带来某物【点拨】 bring sth. for sb.= bring sb. sth. 双宾语结构.常见的还有:give sth. to sb. =give sb.

    9、sth. cook sth. for sb.=cook sb. sth.pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth. buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.take sth. to sb.=take sb. to sth. send sth to sb. =semd sb. sth.5. ask for two weeks leave 请两周假【点拨】two weeks leave = two-week leave 两周假期 two weeks away 如:_我想请三天假四、合作探究1). 分角色朗读1a, 完成1b并讨论短文意思。2). 故事接龙 请大家

    10、运用1a的图片,用一两句话讲述图片的内容,并排列顺序。3). 讲故事请大家仔细看1a的图片及关键词,以书面形式描述整个故事。4). 请帮助Michael完成的请假条。并观察总结英文请假条的写法。5). 分组讨论大家相互谈谈我们在日常生活中要注意的安全。五当堂检测1、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Each of us _(feel) sorry for Mike.2. Thank you for _ (bring) me so beautiful flowers. Im so pleased.3. Mr. Liu is a _ (seriously) teacher, but we all lo

    11、ve him.4. My left arm _(hurt) when I move it.5. Yesterday John _(have) an accident. He hurt his foot.6. There _(be) no water left. Would you like some orange juice instead?2.单选1. You should not eat _ meat. It can make you fatter.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many to2. You should take _ on t

    12、ime, _ each time, and two times a day.A. the medicines; three pills B. the medicine; three pills C. the medicine; three pill D. the medicines; three pill3. If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest.A. shouldnt B. had better not C. had better D. mustnt4. some pills and youll get well. A.

    13、 Pick B. Catch C. with D. Take5.Oh, its late. I must go now. Its raining outside. Dont leave it stops.A. when B. after C. while D. untilSection C 课后作业一. 据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. My brother likes playing basketball w like playing table tennis.2. Little Tony fell down and hurt his hands. He c for help.3. The

    14、theater is too far. Lets call a t .4. Mr. Brown is a s teacher. He is also a kind person.5. Students shouldnt c more about their clothes but their studies. 二. 单项选择。( ) 1.Michael had accident on his way home yesterday. A. an B. a C. the D. /( ) 2. 一How are you feeling today? . Thank you.A. Not too ba

    15、d B. Much betterC. Yes, a little better D. A and B( ) 3. Wang Nans grandma is ill and his parents are too busy. So he has to her at home.A. look up B. look forC. look after D. look at( ) 4. How is your leg, Mike?The doctor said there was .A. anything wrong B. wrong anythingC. nothing wrong D. wrong

    16、nothing( ) 5. Its time to school. Lets go. A. go back B. return toC. return back D. give back to三. 句型转换。1. How do you feel today? (改为同义句)How you today?2. Stay in bed and dont move your left leg too much. (改为同义句)You stay in bed and move your left leg too much.3. You should take the medicine three times a day. (对划线部分提问) should I take the medicine?4. Thank you for helping me. (改为同义句)Thank you .5. Should I leave here early, Mr. Wang? (做否定回答)No, you .


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