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    1、高中英语阅读人与自然类文章配练习题9篇Test 1Animals in Antarctica南极洲是地球上唯一一个至今没有人居住的大陆,这是世界上最寒冷、风最大的地方。尽管如此,有一些顽强的动物们却选择了这片荒凉的大陆世代生存。There are no land animals that actually live in Antarctica!However,the surrounding oceans are rich in living creatures!Its just too cold to support very many life forms!Now lets meet som

    2、e of the Antarcticas animals.Weddell Seal They are the southernmost pinniped in the world.Males are generally smaller than females.Interestingly,a newborn pup has a coat of long hair,which they will shed within the first month as the protective layer of their body is developed.Blue WhaleNamed for it

    3、s bluegray color,this huge animal may grow to be roughly 100 feet long and weigh more than 120 tons!A blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill per day during the feeding season!This means that about 40 million krill are eaten every day for six months by a blue whale!The tongue of the blue whale can be

    4、as big as a Volkswagen!The blue whale is the loudest animal on earth!Rockhopper PenguinsOne of the more beautiful penguins,the Rockhopper shake their heads and cause their yellow eyebrows to fly into a “halo” in order to attract a mate!Wandering AlbatrossThis species of albatross wanders the oceans

    5、for months at a time searching for food.It sleeps on the ocean surface at night and drinks seawater.The Wandering Albatross is the largest bird in the world in terms of wing span11 feet!Ross SealRoss Seals are very rarely seen because they live deep within the packice.It is believed that Ross Seals

    6、feed mainly on squid,fish and krill.They were named after the British polar explorer Sir James Ross,who first discovered them in 1840.Emperor PenguinEmperor Penguins are the biggest of the 17 penguin species.They are flightless birds.They are the only living species to reproduce during the harsh Ant

    7、arctic winter.Without a nest,the father Emperor Penguin keeps the egg warm by holding it on his feet for 23 months until spring,during which the father doesnt eat anything and he just eats a little snow for moisture.Unbelievable!What a Dad!Notes:1Weddell Seal威德尔海豹2pinniped pInIped鳍足类的3shed ed v脱落4kr

    8、ill krIl n磷虾5Volkswagen大众汽车6Rockhopper Penguin跳岩企鹅7halo heIl n光环8Wandering Albatross漂泊信天翁9Ross Seal罗斯海豹Have a Try:1We know from the 5th paragraph that the Wandering Albatross .Anever touches the landBdrink fresh waterCis a good swimmer and flyerDsleeps on boats2According to the last paragraph .Ather

    9、e are 18 penguin species on earthBthe mother Emperor penguin lays one egg during the winterCpenguins are birds with no wingsDEmperor penguins spend most of their time on land where they find food3We know from the reading that .Aa male Weddell Seal is larger than a femaleBRockhopper Penguins is the m

    10、ost beautiful penguinCa blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill every dayDit is hard to see a Ross SealTest 2Galapagos Islands:Paradise for Animals加拉巴哥群岛(Galapagos Islands)是一群散落在太平洋上的岛屿,意为“巨龟之岛”。迷人的海岛风光和那些独一无二的物种闻名遐迩。这是地球上最后一片净土,动物的乐园。A trip to the Galapagos Islands will be the journey of your lifetim

    11、e.The Islands are a group of 12 volcanic islands and numerous islets and rocks,off the Pacific coast of Ecuador.The area of the islands is 3,086 square miles,consisting of 13 major islands,of which 5 are inhabited.The islands are hilly,rising to a height of 5,000 feet.Even though the Galapagos Islan

    12、ds were formed about 4 to 5 million years ago,volcanoes are still active.The islands have been known by many different names,including the “Enchanted Islands” because of the way in which the strong and swift currents make navigation difficult.Legend has it that there are sea monsters living on the i

    13、slands.They control the sea.The islands are also named Giant Land Tortoises for those giant tortoises that live there.The Islands interesting volcanic geology,as well as its rich plants and animals have been admired and studied by numerous travelers,scientists,and naturelovers.Scientists are still f

    14、aced with a mystery how such a large diversity of species could develop in a remote location like the Galapagos Islands.Galapagos has been called “a living museum and showcase of evolution”The Islands are famous for their unique species,which are not found elsewhere.Best known are the huge tortoise

    15、and some species of lizards.The animals on the islands influenced British nature scientist Charles Darwins ideas about evolution.He visited the islands in 1830.It was here that he made the major part of his observation that led to his theories on evolution and The Origin of Species.Many scientists h

    16、ave since carried out research on the islands.The Galapagos Islands are ideal for adventure activities,whether your favorite adventures are snorkeling,kayaking,hiking or others,the Galapagos has activities for everyone.Notes:1Ecuador厄瓜多尔2Enchanted Islands魔法岛3current krnt n水流;潮流4navigation nvIeIn n航行

    17、5The Origin of Species物种起源6snorkeling snklI n浮潜;潜水;浅滩潜水7kayaking kaIkI n皮艇运动Have a Try:1From the first paragraph we know that .Athe Galapagos Islands are volcanic islandsBthe Galapagos Islands are situated on the east of EcuadorCthe Galapagos Islands are deserted islandsDvolcanoes on these islands a

    18、re dead ones2According to the 2nd paragraph,the islands are named “Enchanted Islands” for the .Aunique landscapesBdiversity of plants and animalsCdifficult navigation due to the strong currentsDlegend about the sea monsters 3Charles Darwin is mentioned in the 4th paragraph to .Atell readers Darwin o

    19、nce lived on GalapagosBshow the importance of Galapagos to evolutionCsuggest that these islands have a long historyDshow there is a variety of species on these islands4The Galapagos Islands are famous for the following things EXCEPT .Athe volcanic geologyBthe highly diverse wildlifeCthe birthplace o

    20、f evolutionDthe different namesTest 3Guided by a Honeyguide在非洲大草原上,生活着一种奇怪的鸟导蜜鸟,它善于发现树上的蜂巢,然后,叫来人们或动物来美食蜂蜜Most birds are afraid of humans,but this kind of bird is quite different.It is trying to tell you something.It flies just in sight,leading you to follow.The bird seems to be able to smell wax fr

    21、om a long distance away.It often guides humans and other animals to bee hives.The humans then drive the bees and take the honey,allowing the bird to get to the leftovers.This habit of guiding gives this special bird its common name of honeyguide,or honey bird.The honeyguide does not actually like ho

    22、ney,but it does like the wax in the bees honeycomb.The little bird cannot reach this wax,which is deep inside the bees nest.So,when it finds a nest,it looks for someone to help it.The honeyguide gives a loud call that attracts the attention of both passing animals such as ratels,and human beings.The

    23、re is a sense of urgency in the call,almost as if the bird is saying “Hurry up.Come quick.Follow me.”If you follow a honeyguide to a nest,the bird will wait patiently in a tree nearby,waiting for you to pull apart the beehive and harvesting the honey.Once you are finished,it will be the birds turnno

    24、t for the honey,but to eat the larvae and rich wax that is part of the birds diet.Tribesmen in Africa are very grateful to the honeyguide for leading them to good sources of honey,but they are also afraid of the little bird.They believe that if they do not open a bees nest and leave some honeycomb f

    25、or the honeyguide the next time the bird cries to them through the forest it will lead them to a lion or a snake as revenge.Due to ongoing habitat loss,this amazing honey bird is evaluated as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Notes:1ratel reItl n蜜獾2urgency dnsI n紧急;催促3larvae

    26、 lvi n幼虫4revenge rIvend n报复;复仇5evaluate IvljeIt vt.评价;估价Have a Try:1Why does the honey bird have to find a partner?ABecause its afraid of the bees.BBecause bees nests are high up in the trees.CBecause it cannot reach the wax,which is deep inside the bees nest.DBecause it loves to share with others.2

    27、The honeyguide waits patiently nearby in order to .Aeat some wax Bget some honeyCfind another person Dfind another nest3The honey bird has the ability to .Aclimb to the nestBtake honey from the beehivesCsmell honey in the distanceDsmell wax in the distance4The whole passage is mainly about .Ahow peo

    28、ple get delicious honeyBhow a bird helps people and other animals get honeyChow a bird takes revenge on humansDhow tribesmen protect themselves from the bird Test 4Madagascar:Island of Lemurs马达加斯加岛有一群美丽的精灵,它们是史前幸存下来的生物,曾与恐龙做过邻居。 Theyre cute,kind of crazylooking.They were named lemurs in Latin,meanin

    29、g “spirits of the night” or “ghosts” due to their large,lovely eyes and their sad cries.Lemurs are native to Madagascar,which is a unique and spectacular place.Since the age of dinosaurs,it has thrived in isolation off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.It has been called the “Eighth Conti

    30、nent” because of its unique wildlife that has evolved in isolation for 165 million years.With its striking beauty,Madagascar is home to the ancient precious primateslemurs.In this reallife “lost world”,hundreds of animal and plant species,most famously the lemurs,have evolved here and only here.Whil

    31、e other creatures have been extinct elsewhere for tens of millions of years,lemurs now are also fighting for survival.Lemurs landed on Madagascar more than 60 million years ago.Scientists believe that a small group of lemurs were washed out to sea during a storm,and drifted to Madagascar on a floating piece of vegetation.When the little creatures arrived on the island,they took over and grew into hundreds of different species.In the old days,the lemurs were very sacred.The village elders said it was taboo to hunt lemurs because theyre very m


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