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    1、精品文档 你我共享沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。2009年高考英语书面表达分类训练Part four介绍与说明1. 这所中学是20世纪60年代建立的。全校目前有21个班,121位老师和1,031名学生。学生每天上七节课,放学后还有一小时的体育活动时间。该校的足球队是全市的冠军。_2. 本厂具有85年历史。本厂生产的“西湖”收音机畅销全国。它

    2、便于携带,质量优良,价格合理。“西湖”为您全家带来欢乐。_3. 我的家乡是一个小镇。它位于河北的西部,天津的南面。以前它很穷,现在它发生了很大的变化。这里盖了许多新的工厂,学校和医院。路旁的树木和鲜花使得它显得很美丽。_4. 我们的教学楼是一栋四层的楼房。老师的办公室在一层。二、三、四层共有24个教室。每个教室中有50套桌椅,一台电视机和一台录像机等物品。每层楼的顶端还各有一个语音教室。_5. 金鸡牌闹钟(Gold Cock Alarm Clock)特点: 1)记时准确;2)外形多样、美观;3)闹声清脆悦耳; 4)经久耐用;5)用户评价高、行销世界各地;6)质优价廉。 _6新编高中英语课本情况

    3、: 1)本书由人民教育出版社(Peoples Education Press)和英国朗文公司(Longman Company)合编,(由合编:be compiled by), 1995年第一次出版,供高中一年级使用。2) 全收共有16个单元(unit)每个单元有四课,总共64课。课文全部由英国专家编写, 都是地道的英语。 3) 全书共有240个单词和短语,9个语法项目(grammar items)和许多日常交际用语(daily expressions for communication) 4) 和老教材相比,本书强调(emphasize vi)语言的运用。_7英特网的主要用途有:1.信息:看国

    4、内外新闻、获取其它信息 2.通讯:发e-mail、打电话3.学习:上网上学校、阅读各种书籍、自学外语4.娱乐:欣赏音乐、观看体育比赛、玩棋牌游戏5.生活: 购物_8请根据下列图画及信息提示向来访外宾介绍你校新世纪网络学校的情况。1多媒体教学系统(MultimediaTeaching System):使教与学更生动有趣;学生能从课堂中获得更多知识和信息;2电子阅览室(Information Center):向全体师生开放,可发送邮件、查找信息等;3远程教育系统(Long-distance Teaching System):只要家中有电脑联网,任何人都可以学习本校课程;4校务管理系统(School

    5、 Management System):有助于改善学校管理。注意:(1)文章须包括所有图示内容,可根据需要适当增减信息,使行文连贯、完整;_9下图描述了水的循环过程。请根据这幅图并结合相关学科的知识,用英语写一篇科普短文,以便刊登在某对外发行的英语刊物上。注意:(1)词数:100120左右;(2)短文的题目及开头已给出,不包括在总词数内。The Water CycleAs we all know,more than 70 percent of the surface of our globe is covered by water.Do you know where the water com

    6、es from and why the water doesnt dry up? This is because of the water cycle (2)词数:100左右。_Possible version: 1This school was set up in the 1960s. At present there are 21 classes, 1,031 students and 121 teachers in the school. The students have seven lessons every day and they have an hour for sports

    7、after class in the afternoon. This school is famous for its football team, which is the champion in the city.2Our factory has a history of 85 years. We have been producing West Lake Radio for a long time. As it is of high quality and easy to carry, and the price is reasonable, it sells well througho

    8、ut the country. West Lake Radio brings you happiness.3My hometown is a small town. It lies in the west of Hebei and to the south of Tianjin. It used to be very poor. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. A lot of new factories, schools and hospitals have been set up. There are many flow

    9、ers and trees on the roadside, which makes my hometown. all the more beautiful.4Our teaching building is a four-storeyed building.(Our teaching building is a building with four stories.) The teachers offices are on the first floor. There are 24 classrooms on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th floor. In each class

    10、room there are 50 sets of chairs and desks. And each classroom is furnished with a TV set . At the end of each floor there is a language laboratory.5The Gold Cock Alarm Clock has been warmly received by the people and is popular all over the world as its producer is equipped with the most advanced e

    11、quipment and has a strict management. Being of high quality, the clock keeps good time and lasts a long time. It has various beautiful models. And the alarm is pleasant to hear. However, the price is reasonable.6 Senior English Book One is compiled by the Peoples Education Press and Longman Company.

    12、 It was written for students in Senior Grade One and was first published in 1995. There are 16 units in the book , each of which contains four lessons. Altogether, there are 240 words and phrases , 9 grammar items and many useful daily expressions for communication . The texts are all written in ori

    13、ginal English by English experts. Compared with the old book, it emphasizes the use of the language.7 As is known to us all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily lifeOn the Internet,we can read news at home and abroad and get as much information as we canWe often send e

    14、-mails or make telephone calls to our families as well as to our friends Besides that,we can go to school on the net, read a variety of books and even teach ourselves EnglishWe can also enjoy music,watch ball matches on the net and play computer games We can do shopping even without leaving our home

    15、sThe internet is really important.8LadiesandGentlemen, WelcometoourNewCenturyNet-school!OurNet-schoolismadeupoffourparts.MultimediaTeachingSystemmake teachingandlearningmuchmoreinteresting.Studentscangetmoreinformationandknowledgeinclass.InformationCenter,wherewecansendemailsto allpartsoftheworldand

    16、getthelatestinformationfromInternet,isopentobothteachersandstudents.Long-distanceTeachingSystemisforthestudentswhoarenotstudyinginourschool.Theycanstudyathomewitha computer .SchoolManagementSystemhelpstoimproveourschoolmanagementandmeetsthe needsofamodemschool.9Whentheweatherisfine,theheatofthesunev

    17、aporateswaterfromtherivers,lakes,seasandoceans.Thuswatervaporisformed,whichrisesand formscloudsintheair.Whenthecloudsrise,theyarecooled.Thehighertheyrise,thecoolertheyare.Thiscausesmoreandmorewatervaportocondense.Inthisway,thetinydropsofwaterinthecloudsgetbiggerandbigger untiltheyareheavyenoughtofalltotheearthasrain.Someoftherainwatersinksintotheground,andisusedupbyplants.Most ofthemgoesbacktotherivers,lakes,seasandoceans.Thisiscalledthewatercycle,whichstartsalloveragain.高者未必贤,下者未必愚克知识改变命运


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