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    1、新广州版小学英语五年级上册教学案五年级上册 Module 1 HobbiesObjectives(教学目标)1. Learning outcome(1) Ask people what their hobbies are.(2) Telling others ones hobby.(3) Telling others what one likes doing.(4) Describe a person who likes or doesnt like doing.2. Grammar & Communicative FunctionUnit 1(1) Whats your hobby?My h

    2、obby is(V.ing). (V.ing)is my hobby.I loveI (2) So many (stamps)!(3) more thanUnit 2(1)His / Her hobby is(2)He / She likes(3)He / She doesnt like(4)What does?3. Recycling & Extension(1) He / She willLanguage focus(教学重难点)重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话难点:新单词的理解和运用第一课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 1 Whats your hobby?St

    3、ep 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Rhyme: 展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Look and say观看课本P2-3的图片,老师让学生回忆图中三个人物的名字。Step 3: Presentation4、Activity 3: 学习单词hobby让学生注意图片中的物体,引导学生理解这三个孩子正在谈论他们喜欢做的事情,学习单词hobby。5、Activity 4: Listen to the dialogue听课文。The children are talking about

    4、 their hobbies. Lets listen and find out what they like doing. 听课文找出孩子们喜欢做的事情。6、Activity 5: Watch the video观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容。7、Activity 6: Follow and read跟光盘或老师读。读完一行,停顿下来,让学生仿读,老师可适当解释意思,学生可在重点词句处做笔记,划出重点。8、Activity 7: Read the dialogue分角色读课文。将全班分为三组,学生根据课文三个人物的角色朗读课文。Step 4: Practice9、Activity 8: L

    5、earn the new words通过课本P3图片进行新词汇的学习。通过游戏等形式学习新词汇。Step 5: Production10、Activity 9: Substitution用班上同学的名字替换课文对话人物进行对话操练。Step 6: Conclusion11、总结本节课所学单词和句型Homework家庭作业必做:1、拼、读、抄写新单词2遍,2、选择适合你的方法(学习策略)记忆新单词。选做:口头表述自己的兴趣爱好。第二课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 1 Whats your hobby?Step 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Rhyme: 展示课

    6、本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Read the dialogue 熟读课文,巩固课文内容Step 3: Presentation4、Activity 3: Fill the blanks抽出课文部分单词,让学生根据课文内容填空。Activity 4: Translate the phrases翻译。把英语动词短语翻译成中文。Activity 5: v+ing practice动词ing形式的练习。根据例子说出动词的ing形式。(说完学生总结动词ing形式的变化规律)Step 4: PracticeA

    7、ctivity 6: Role-play表演课文。学生分角色表演课文。Step 5: ProductionActivity 7: Make a dialogue学生小组或同位之间创编对话,询问、回答对方和自己的爱好。Step 6: ConclusionActivity 8: Sum-up总结本节课所学内容Homework家庭作业必做:1、熟读U1课文,并尝试背诵。 2.背诵并默写U1单词。选做:询问同学、家长的兴趣爱好。第三课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 1 Whats your hobby?Step 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Read the dial

    8、ogue熟读课文。2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Listen and match教师让学生观看P4第1题。(1) 让学生说出图中5个小孩的名字。(2) 说出每副图相应的短语。(3) 听号码说出相对应的活动。(4) 解释题目意思。(5) 播放录音,必要时停顿。重复播放。检查答案。可假扮图中人物,告诉班上同学他/她的爱好。Step 3: PresentationActivity 3: Act and guess通过guessing game 操练关于爱好的问答。Step 4: PracticeActivity 4: Read and answer设定阅

    9、读目标:Aki is talking with Janet. He is giving Janet sth. What are they talking about?What is Aki giving to Janet?Step 5: ProductionActivity 5:Look, write and draw教师先给出师范,然后依照例子填入适当的动词短语。Step 6: Conclusion11、总结本节课所学单词和句型Homework家庭作业必做:1、1. 背诵U1课文对话。2. 活动手册。选做:写一篇短文,描述自己的兴趣爱好,最少五句话。第一课时 Procedures (教学过程

    10、)Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.Step 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Free talk: whats your hobby? .2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Lets make sentences.出示一些词组,要求学生把词组连成句子。Step 3: Presentation4、Activity 3: Read the passage. 读第一篇短文,找出短文中的动词。再读第二篇短文,找出短文中的动词,与第一篇短文中的动词作对比。5、Activity 4: 归纳一般现在时第三人称单数通过对比两篇短文中

    11、的动词进行归纳。6、Activity 5: Listen and tick.课本P10 练习1,Check the answers.7、Activity 6: Lets talkTalk about the picture.根据图片,谈论图中人物的兴趣爱好,注意使用第三人称单数Step 4: Practice8、Activity 7: Lets talk.课本P10 练习2先写出动词短语的第三人称单数形式,再依照例句谈论图中人物的兴趣爱好。Step 5: Production9、Activity 8: Read, reorder and match读句子,把句子与相应的图片连线,并把句子组成小

    12、短文。在短文中找出第三人称单数动词,并在旁边写出动词原形。Step 6: Conclusion11、总结课中出现的第三人称单数动词,并归纳第三人称单数动词变化规律。Homework家庭作业必做:1、拼、读、抄写新单词2遍,2、朗读课文。选做:调查组内同学的兴趣爱好。第二课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.Step 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Lets say:看图说出动词的第三人称单词形式2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Lets remember复习第三人称单词动词变化规

    13、律。Step 3: Presentation4、Activity 3: Lets play:玩连线小游戏,找出每个人物的兴趣爱好,并用s hobby is / He /She oftenafter school 的句型说两句话。5、Activity 4: Look and guess.看图,猜猜图中人物所喜欢做的事情。回答课文后提出的四个问题。6、Activity 5: Listen and answer.观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容,并回答问题。7、Activity 6: Read and circle读课文,圈出一般现在时第三人称单数。8、Activity 7: Facts about

    14、 Mike and Amy.9、Activity 8: Lets retell.Step 4: Practice10、Activity 9: Lets do a survey.小调查,组内同学喜欢与不喜欢做的事情。11、Activity 10: Lets talk.用likes 或 doesnt like 的句型谈论调查的结果。Step 5: Production12、Activity 11: Lets talk.根据提示,谈论图中人物的喜好。Step 6: Conclusion11、总结本节课所学单词和句型Homework家庭作业必做:1、拼、读、抄写短语,2、完成三单动词的练习。选做:口头

    15、描述同学的兴趣爱好。第三课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.Step 1: Warm up1、Activity 1: Look, remember and say. 看图说出图中人物的兴趣爱好,注意用第三人称单词表述,鼓励学生用完整句子描述。2、交待本节课的目标Step 2: Review3、Activity 2: Look and say根据mind map的提示,描述my friend 的兴趣爱好Step 3: Presentation4、Activity 3: 将人物图片和人物名字配对。5、Activity 4: Listen.

    16、通过听力,了解以上人物的资料。Step 4: Practice6、Activity5:Listen and choose根据听到的内容做出正确的选择;用简单的语言复述3个小朋友的爱好及情况。Step 5: Production7、Activity 9:Read and guess思维阅读,根据提示猜测不同人的爱好。8、Activity 10:Writing写一个人的兴趣爱好。老师可以提供内容参考。如:collect bookmarks, collect bottle caps, draw robots, read comics Step 6: Conclusion9、总结如何描述他人的兴趣爱好

    17、。Homework家庭作业必做:1、朗读、背诵课文,2、口头描述他人的兴趣爱好。选做:用一篇小短文介绍朋友的兴趣爱好,至少5句话。五年级上册 Module 2 Abilities Objectives(教学目标)4. Learning outcome(5) Can talk about someones abilities(6) Associate ones abilities with body parts as recycle5. Grammar & Communicative FunctionUnit 3The usage of “can”(4) What can we do?(5) C

    18、an ? Yes, .can. / No, cant.Unit 4The robot / I can with Unit 3: a conversation about the abilities of studentsUnit 4: a robots abilities6. Recycling & Extension(1). Sports (2) Activities (3). Parts of bodyLanguage focus(教学重难点)重点: the usage of “can”难点:Can talk about ones abilities with body parts as

    19、recycle第一课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 3 I can swim very fastStep 1: Warm up1、Lets chant: Lucy, Lucy , what can you do ?2、To tell the teaching aim.3、Free talk: Whats your hobby? Can you very well? Who draws with you? (在谈话中教学新单词far, together)Step 2: Pre-task1. Look at the pictures and talk about them with

    20、 key sentencesEx: (P15小图)Whats his/her hobby? His/ Her hobby is Can he/she very well/far/high/fast?Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she cant. (板书句型)2. Guess the teachers hobby. (顺势学习”Thats right.”)3. Sum up the key sentences and read them loudly.Step 3: While-task1、 To present the dialogueT: Look,who are t

    21、he children? What are they talking about?Now ,lets watch the VCD and find out the answer.2. Watch the VCD and then answer the questions:Whats Mikes hobby?Who often draws with Mike?Whats Xiaolings hobby? What about Ben?3. Read after the tape.4、Practise reading in groups/ in pairs.5、Exercise: Fill in

    22、the missing words.6、Repeat the dialogue with the key words.7、Act out the dialogue in class.Step 4: Post-task1、 Present the pictures of Mike, Xiaoling and Ben, and then finish the passages about them. Hello, I m Mike. My hobby is drawing. I can draw very well. I often draw cartoons with my cousin. Sh

    23、e draws very well, too. Hi, my name is Xiaoling. Im a lovely girl. I can swim very fast. My hobby is swimming. I often swim with my parents. Hello, Im Ben. I love swimming. Its my hobby. I can swim very fast. I usually swim with Xiaoling.2、Describe your abilities like the model. 3、Show time.Step 5:

    24、Conclusion总结本节课所学单词和句型Homework家庭作业必做:1、抄写、家听新单词。2、听读背Unit 3 单词和课文。选做:仿照课文连贯地说说你的能力。第二课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 3 I can swim very fast ( Fun with Language)Step 1: Warm up1、Sing along: I can (P18)2、To tell the teaching aim.3、Free talk: Whats your hobby? Can you very well? Who draws with you?Step 2: Pla

    25、y a game.( P16 Ex.2 )1. (承接上面的谈话)T: Everyone has his own gift. Now lets play a game. Show us your abilities one by one.A: I can jump high.B:Lily can jump high. I can run fast.C:Lily can jump high. Kate can swim fast. I can draw well.D:No, you are wrong. You are out.2.Play the game by groups.Step 3:

    26、Listen and number1.Listen to the tape and finish P16. Ex. 12. Talk about the pictures by sentences.Look, the girl is Her hobby is dancing. She can dance very well.(其它图可以仿照以上例子说话)Step 4: Match and say1. (呈现上题中最后一幅图)Look,Ken loves reading books. He wants to be a reporter when he grows up. Because repo

    27、rters can get news for people. What about other occupations? Now lets do P17. Ex. 3.2. Check the answers and talk about the pictures.3. 知识延伸: nurses( help sick people), firemen( put out fire), painters( draw beautiful pictures for people)Step 5: Development 1. Write, say and guess ( P17. 4)2. Make a

    28、 survey in class.Homework家庭作业必做:1、继续完成小作文。2、活动手册Unit 3 笔试部分。选做:说说你父母的职业和他们的能力。第三课时 Procedures (教学过程)Unit 3 I can swim very fast ( Sound family)Step 1: Warm up1.Sing along: I can (P18)2.To tell the teaching aim.3.Free talk: My name is My hobby is I can well/fast/far/high. I often .4.T: In our class ,

    29、who can draw very well? ( run/fast, jump far/high)Step 2: Sound family.( P18 Ex.1 )1.Review the consonants. 2.Have the pupils look at the table on P18.3.Ask pupils to look at the words in the column words you know.4.Start with the first now. Read the words slowly to guide pupils to deduce the sound represented by “pr”5.Repeat the above procedure for the remaining 4 groups of words.6.Play the recording for pupils to listen.7.Play the recording again, pausing after each group of words for pupilsTo repeat.8. Invite pupils to look at the Try more column and lead them to read.Step 3: Read alou


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