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    1、新编英语教程第三册标准答案部分标准答案Unit 1VocabularyA. Guessing the meanings of words: 1. f 2. h 3. c 4. b 5. g 6. e 7. d 8. aB. Looking up words in a dictionary: 1. inconvenient and uncomfortable 2. sad; low in spirits 3. gloomy; cheerless 4. make a short, deep, rough sound (like a pig), showing dissatisfaction 5.

    2、very necessary 6. shock deeply; fill with fear 7. timidly 8. greatest; extreme TEXT IComprehensionB. 1. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something of use, I applied for the job. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very

    3、 small because I didnt have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3. He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldier when his bootlaces came loo

    4、se. 4. Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests.5. The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (or, I was shocked at the teaching arrangements).6. I should have to divide the class into three groups of three different levels and teach them one after another.7. I felt trouble

    5、d not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends were having a good time and relaxing.8. The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.TEXT IIComprehensionN

    6、ameBlakeyFamily backgroundMost of his family members were coal-minersEducational backgroundA-levels in English, French and history; arts student at university, left university without a degreePurpose of applicationAdmission to a medical schoolReason to change subject of studyMore interest in medicin

    7、e at the timeActivities he took on at the universityProduced several plays for the college dramatic society, spoke at Union debatesFinancial sourcePart-time job during vacationsSpare time interestsMusic, theatre, walking, fishing, soccerTEXT IIIComprehension1. F (It is looking for people who are abl

    8、e to sell the benefits of the classified columns by telephone.)2. T3. F (It is important.)4. F (Drive here is a noun, meaning “a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done” or “initiative” (动力、干劲). Applicants must possess this sort of “drive.”)5. F (Its a job that anyone who thinks he

    9、is qualified can apply for.)6. TGUIDED WRITINGSentence CombinationReference Version:I love travelling by train. Fast expresses, slow local trains which stop at every station, suburban trains taking businessmen to their offices and home again; I enjoy them all. It must be the element of romance that

    10、attracts me. Theres no romance in a car on a motorway, which is a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete, or in flying through the air in a pressurized tube from one identical plastic and glass airport to another. But trains are different. On a train, you can walk around, look at the scenery

    11、, observe your fellow passengers; whereas in a plane all you can see are the clouds and the back of other peoples heads. And then there are the stations. Some, I am afraid, have become too like airports; others, fortunately, are old and dirty, full of unexpected details and with their own individual

    12、 peculiarities. Travelling by train remains an adventure, as you try to interpret the timetable, persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a ticket and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker systems. Then theres that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you

    13、are on the right train, or the right part of the train. Theres nothing like it.Pr is WritingReference version:I applied for my first job before I entered the university because I was short of money. The school where I applied for a job was ten miles away from where I lived and I was not sure if I co

    14、uld get the job. However, after a terrible journey I was so depressed that I no longer felt nervous. The Victorian schoolhouse stood amid fumes and dust by a busy main road. The headmaster was not at all scholarly, neither was the inside of the house academic looking. By and by I discovered that the

    15、 headmaster and I had very little in common. He wanted me to teach twenty-four boys from seven to thirteen who were to be split up into three levels. I had to teach everything including the subjects I abhorred. Furthermore, I had to work on Saturdays too. The pay, however, was low. To top it all, I

    16、had to work under a woman, the headmasters wife, who was the real manager of the school.Letter Writing1. Flat 301, 574 Daxing Street Xining, Qinghai 810056 15 June, 20 _ Dear Prof. Qing,2. Flat 402, 583 Ningpo Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325008 December 20, 20 _ Dear Uncle Ming, 3. 609 Grant Street Ente

    17、rprise, OR 97828 U.S.A. March 2, 20 _Dear Minnie,IV. TranslationA. 1. They all believed that he had a slim chance of success. 2. I dont know why she has an air of sadness all the time.3. It was after all the students had taken their seats that the president of the students union proceeded to announc

    18、e the camping itinerary.4. The stomach is a vital organ of the human body; please take good care of it.5. He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6. Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge.7. As

    19、 is scheduled, all the members of the staff take turns to do late duty.8. She was greatly upset at the thought of leaving her parents and living on her own in a remote area.9. We do not worry so much about her qualifications for the job as about her health.10. He was greatly excited about the prospe

    20、ct of having a cruise around the world.B. Reference version: From Freds point of view, the interview was going very smoothly indeed. Five days before, he had applied for a job at a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of its directors. Fred had been working as a salesman. H

    21、e wanted to change his job not because he was short of money, but because as a salesman he could hardly enjoy any leisure at all. Fred had been worried that he might lose his head and say something silly, but fortunately he found that he had a lot in common with the director.It was clear that the di

    22、rector was quite satisfied. Fred was thinking that his chances of landing the job were favourable when the director proceeded to ask, “Do you mind working overtime?” V. Blank Filling E. 1. attaches great importance to 2. survived3. competent, applied for 4. have much in common5. judging by 6. get to

    23、 his feet7. ranging in price 8. a crocodile of, ranging in age9. Being 10. not so much, but the fact that Unit 2TEXT IVocabularyA. Guessing the meanings of words and phrases:1. c 2. a 3. g 4. d5. h 6. b 7. f 8. eB. Looking up words in a dictionary:1. yield2. look intently and steadily / stare3. cros

    24、sly, showing displeasure 4. make unsatisfactory 5. with obedience6. unfriendly7. keep in a small space 8. (of a place) uncomfortably smallComprehensionA. 1. Tom and Peter had always had great fun together in the garden, but Peters sudden illness spoiled their plan for another enjoyable holiday. Of c

    25、ourse Tom wept tears of anger and felt furious now that he had to leave the garden and Peter.2. Peter was down with the measles and might well have had a sore throat.3. Perhaps Tom intended to say: “All I said was I would rather have measles with Peter than go to Uncle Alans.”4. Uncle Alan was very

    26、kind to take Tom away at short notice, but Tom was unwilling to go and said something ungrateful. Toms mother was worried that Uncle Alan would hear what Tom intended to say and be upset.5. She sensed that Tom was cross and might be rude to his uncle and aunt.6. Tom didnt want to leave Peter and his

    27、 mother so he was not at all grateful to Uncle Alan for taking him away. He wished that his uncle had refused to take him to his house. Since his mother expected him to agree with her, he couldnt say anything to the contrary, so he repeated “very kind” bitterly.7. Peter didnt want Tom to go away, le

    28、aving him all alone. When Tom was leaving he couldnt stay quietly in bed. He got up and went to the window to wave good-bye to Tom in spite of his mothers orders that he ought to stay in bed.8. He was angry to be taken away in a hurry to a new place without Peter. Besides, their plan to have great f

    29、un during the summer holidays was going to be completely spoiled. Thats why he sat in the car in an unfriendly way without saying anything. B. 1. Therefore / As a natural consequence / So2. in a deep, hoarse sound3. He said good-bye to the garden by looking at it and felt furious that4. Usually / Mo

    30、re often than not, town gardens are small; the same is the case with the Longs garden.5. Mrs. Long held the case tight for a while, in an effort to call his attention first.6. pushed him towards the car so as to send him away and then followed him to it.7. How can we thank you enough for taking Tom

    31、away so quickly. We had hardly any time to ask for your consent.8. without considering the pain and suffering it might give others, Tom waved good-bye to Peter whose red, feverish face was pressed against the bedroom window. 9. keeping very quiet and showing strong resentment and unfriendliness10. I hope we can get along with each other quite well.TEXT IIComprehensionamong friends1. send them to the shop for some pigeons milk2. tell them to dig a hole because the dog has died3. tell them there is a spider up their sleevesbetween pupils


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