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    牛津上海版七年级上册 第4讲特殊疑问句用法总结学案.docx

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    牛津上海版七年级上册 第4讲特殊疑问句用法总结学案.docx

    1、牛津上海版七年级上册 第4讲特殊疑问句用法总结学案学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:七年级 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题特殊疑问句学习目标1. 掌握特殊疑问句的用法并能在具体语境中灵活运用;教学内容1. 上次课后巩固练习2. 预习思考请你就工作和生活两个方面对你的父母做一份调查问卷并得出答案(问卷需包含6个特殊疑问词开头的句子。你可以在下列方框中的特殊疑问词中任意挑选6个)。在完成问卷之后,谈谈你对父母工作和生活的看法,并在课堂上给大家分享,至少5句话。What How Why When Where How much/ many How long How far How soon How o

    2、ftenWhat do you think of your parents life and work according to the questionnaire?特殊疑问句的分类及用法【知识梳理1】基本概念及构成 1. 含义:特殊疑问句是指以Wh-(How)等特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。回答时不用Yes/No,而是用一个句子或者短语回答。 2. 结构:特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句【知识梳理2】疑问词特殊疑问词意思对提问What什么东西Where哪里地点When何时时间Who谁人Whose谁的某人的东西(所属)Which哪一个选择Why为什么原因How 怎么样方式,

    3、方法由what构成的特殊疑问短语What time几点What color什么颜色What class哪个班What kind什么种类What size什么尺寸What animal什么动物What sport什么运动What language 什么语言由How构成的特殊疑问短语How many 多少(修饰可数名词)How much 多少(修饰不可数名词);多少钱How old 多大How far多远How often 多久一次How long多长时间How soon多块【知识梳理3】解题步骤例如:对划线部分提问 1. They are looking for bag.(对画线部分提问)-Wh

    4、at are you looking for?2. There are twelve students.(同上)-How many students are there?【知识梳理4】用法详解疑问词的选择:1对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问,疑问词用what;关于what的其他疑问词:what color等【例题精讲】例1.What is that? 那是什么?例2. What color is the shirt? 这件衬衫是什么颜色的?【巩固练习】1. Heisaworker. _.2. Hehasabook._.3. Weplaygamesatfiveintheafternoon._.4.

    5、ItisMonday._.5. I like action movies._.2对修饰名词的定语提出疑问,疑问词应用which,而且通常和名词连用。【例题精讲】例1. Which book is yours? 哪一本书是你的?例2. Which man is your English teacher? 哪个是你的英语老师?【巩固练习】1. Thebigboxismine._.2. Ilikethesmallerapple._.3. The boy in blue is my classmate._.4. I prefer the white dress._.5. The library nex

    6、t to the cinema is crowded with people. _.3对指人名词或代词提问用who,作宾语时提问用whom。【例题精讲】例1.Who is that boy? 那个男孩是谁?例2. Whom / Who did you give that book to? 你把那本书给谁了?【巩固练习】1. My mother bought a new phone yesterday._.2. My parents often make cakes for me._.3. Linda is singing in the room._.4. Jimmy can read Engl

    7、ish very well._.5. 你昨天在街上遇见谁了?_.4对物主代词和名词所有格提问用whose【例题精讲】例1.Whose computer is that? 那台电脑是谁的?【巩固练习】1.这伞是谁的? 这伞是我姐姐的。_.2. 两年前谁的爷爷死了?_.3. 谁的自行车昨天丢了?_.4. 这是谁的照片?_.5. 谁的笔落在教室里了?_.5对具体时间提出疑问,如 in the morning, last Sunday等,疑问词用when;【例题精讲】例1. When did you finish your homework? 你什么时候完成家庭作业的?对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用wh

    8、at time【例题精讲】例1.What time do you usually get up? 你通常什么时间起床?【巩固练习】1. 你什么时候来这里的?_.2. She will go to Canada next year._.3. I was born in June 2019._.4. JohnhasP.E.onMonday._.5. I go to school from Monday to Friday._.6对具体地点提出疑问,疑问词应用where【例题精讲】 例1. Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?【巩固练习】1. He jogs in the p

    9、ark._.2. Jack and Tom are behind you. _.3. Thenotebookisinthebag._.4. We play games at home on Sunday. _.5. JuliassistergoestothecinemaeveryFriday._.7对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用why。【例题精讲】 例1. Why are you late for school?【巩固练习】1.你为什么不去看那部电影? 因为我已经看过了。_.2.你为什么迟到?因为我遇上车祸了。_.3. 他们为什么如此兴奋呢?_.4. Ilik

    10、ethrillersbecauseitsscary._.5. I put the fish into the sea because it feels lonely._.8对方式或程度等提出疑问,用疑问词How【例题精讲】 例1. How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样?【巩固练习】1. 你妈妈最近怎么样? 她很好。_.2. 你认为这部电影怎么样? 我觉得很有趣。_.3. I go to school on foot every day._.4. He succeeded at last through hard work._.5. It is sunny today.

    11、_.9对数量提出疑问,疑问词为How many,要注意how many必须跟名词的复数形式【例题精讲】 例1. How many birds are there in the tree? 书上有几只鸟?【巩固练习】1. 你家里有几个人?_.2. 你有几只铅笔?_.3. Therewere50studentsinourclasslastterm._.4. 你去过北京几次了?_.5. There are three boys playing basketball on the playground._.10对价格提出疑问,疑问词用How much。 【例题精讲】 例1. How much is t

    12、hat pen?【巩固练习】1. 瓶子里有多少水?_.2. Thenewbikecosthim100dollars._.3. 他喝了多少茶?两杯。_.4. Thereissomemilkinthebottle._.5. 票价多少?_.11对时间、长度提出疑问,疑问词应用How long。 【例题精讲】 例1. How long is that ruler? 那把尺子有多长? How long have you stayed in Shanghai? 你在上海呆了多久?【巩固练习】1. 你每天花多长时间骑自行车去学校?_.2. 黄河有多长?_.3. BobsurfedtheInternetfor

    13、fortyminutesyesterdaymorning._.4. Ourpartylastedthreehours._.5. Ittookmefifteenminutestogotoschool._.12对时间频率,如 once a year, twice a week等提问,疑问词用How often【例题精讲】 例1. How often do you go to the cinema?你多久去一次电影院?【巩固练习】1. 你多长时间去看你的奶奶?_.2. Joesfatherplaysbadmintoneveryweekend._.3. She watches TV three tim

    14、es a week._.4. Jacks father plays basketball every week._.5. We clean our classroom every day._.13对in一段时间提问,疑问词一般用How soon【例题精讲】例1. How soon will you come back? 【巩固练习】1. Theywillcomebackinaminute._.2. 你能告诉我多久以后能准备好吗? _.3. I will bring it here in two days._.4. I will leave for America in two weeks._.

    15、5. 他多久之后开始?_.14对距离提出疑问,疑问词用How far 【例题精讲】 例1. How far is it from your school to the cinema?【巩固练习】1. Thesupermarketisaboutfiveminuteswalk._.2. Its about two kilometers from here to the country. _.3. Its about ten minutes walk from my home to school_.15对日期、星期、天气等提出疑问,则分别用 Whats the date?/What day is i

    16、t ?如果是过去时间,就用was代替is。【例题精讲】例1. What was the weather like? 天气怎么样?【巩固练习】1. 今天天气怎么样?_.2. 昨天是星期几?_.3. It was snowy last week?_.4. Today is Sunday._.16关于how的其他疑问词:how old, how wide, how deep, how tall, how high等(重点)。【例题精讲】例1. How deep is the hole? 这个洞有多深?【巩固练习】1. Mikecanskateboard5kilometersinhalfanhour.

    17、_.2. 这个男孩有多高?_.3. 这条马路有多宽?_.I. 模仿图中的例子,每个人编一组对话并找一个搭档进行练习。II. 对划线部分进行提问。1. I will stay with a friendly European family for two weeks. (对划线部分提问) 闵行区2019年_ _will you stay with a friendly European family?2. Tina has dinner in a restaurant with her family once a month. (对划线部分提问) 卢湾区2019年 _ _ does Tina h

    18、ave dinner in a restaurant with her family? 3. My parents go travelling abroad once a year.(对划线部分提问) 宝山(嘉定)区2019年 _ _ do your parents go travelling abroad? 4. Its about 3050 kilometres from Shanghai to Bangkok. (对划线部分提问) 长宁区2019年 _ _ is it from Shanghai to Bangkok? 5. Joan had a terrible dream about

    19、 the Great wave last night.(对划线部分提问) 奉贤区2019年 _ _ Joan have a terrible dream about the Great wave? 6. Mum goes shopping in the supermarket nearby once a week. (对划线部分提问) 黄浦区2019年_ _ does Mum go shopping in the supermarket nearby? 7. A dog will love you faithfully for many years (对划线部分提问) 浦东新区2019年_ _

    20、 will a dog love us? 8. They go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the picnic. (对划线部分提问) 静安区2019年_ _ they go to the supermarket ? 9. I have lived here since I was born.(对划线部分提问) 金山2019年 _ _have you lived here? 10. Arthur got money to pay for the bike by delivering newspapers every day. (对划线部分提问) 虹口区2019年_ _Arthur get money to pay for the bike? 11. The last bus will arrive in two minutes. (划线提问) 普陀区2019年 _ _ will the bus arrive? 12. The old lady has kept this vase since last year. (对划线部分提问) 松江区2019年 _ _has the old lady kept thi


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