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    1、译林版四年级英语下册期末分类复习卷sc2译林版四年级下册复习卷(连词成句&改写句子&句子仿写)一、连词成句1 you,what,do,subjects,like (?) _ 2 subjects,many,have,do,you,how (?) _ 3 to, playground,now,us,let,go,the (.) _ 4 lessons, do, morning, how, you, this, have, many(?)_ 5 day , today , what , it , is (?) _ 6 Mike,a,match,has,basketball(.) _ 7 to, L

    2、iu Tao, play, after, football, likes, school(.) _ 8 lunch,I,at,have,twelve,usually (.) _ 9 watch, when, you, do, day, TV, every(?) _ 10 I , see, can ,trees, many, the ,hill, on(.) _ 11 over, can, see, what, there, you(?) _ 12 you, cant draw, the, in, lesson, Maths(.) _ 13 these, are, for, flowers, M

    3、iss Li(?) _ 14 on, river, can the, see, you, boat, the(?) _ 15 every, when, have, do, dinner, you, day(?)_ 16 go,I,swimming,can,summer,in(.) _ 17 is,sunny,it,a,day,today(?) 18 in,cool,is,it,autumn,very(?) _ 19 are,shoes,they,sisters,my(.) _ 20 late,for,are,party,we,the(.) _ 21 fridge,move,you,can,th

    4、e(?) _ 22 trousers,long,sisters,are,my,too(.) _ 23 these,fathers,gloves,are,your(?) _ 24 some, please,coffee, bread, have, and(,.) _ 25 are, cold, you, and, hungry(?) _ 26 be, dont, sad, Liu Tao(.)_ 27 looks, so, he, happy, today (.) _ 28 some,have,I,can,juice (?) _ 29 the, is, what, with, your, mat

    5、ter, brother (?)_ 30 can, I, to, school, come, tomorrow (.) _ 31and, come, a, have, of, water, glass (.) _ 32 want, I, drink, water, to, some (.) _ 33 box, cakes, see, the, in, we, can, two ( . ) _ 34 school, five, not, thirty, she, at, is, at ( . ) _ 35 want, ten, to, Tom, go, and, bed, at, Tim, to

    6、 ( . ) _ 36 my, can, to, tomorrow, home, he, come ( ? ) _ 连词成句答案:1 What subjects do you like? 2 How many subjects do you have? 3 Now let us go to the playground. 4 how many lessons do you have this morning? 5 What day is it today? 6 Mike has a basketball match. 7Liu Tao likes to play football after

    7、school. 8 I usually have lunch at twelve. 9 when do you watch TV every day? 10 I can see many trees on the hill. 11What can you see over there? 12 You cant draw in the Maths lesson. 13 Are these flowers for Miss Li? 14 Can you see the boat on the river? 15 when do you have dinner every day? 16 I can

    8、 go swimming in summer. 17 Is it a sunny day today? 18 Is it very cool in autumn? 19 they are my sisters shoes. 20 We are late for the party. 21 Can you move the fridge? 22 My sisters trousers are too long. 23 Are these gloves your fathers? 24 Have some coffee and bread, please. 25 Are you cold and

    9、hungry? 26 Dont be sad, please. 27 He looks so happy today. 28 Can i have some juice? 29 What is the matter with your brother? 30 I can come to school tomorrow. 31Come and have a glass of water. 32 I want to drink some water. 33We can see two cakes in the box. 34 she is not at school at five thirty.

    10、 35 Tom and Tim want to go to bed at ten.36 Can he come to my home tomorrow? 二、仿写句子1例:time for, English. Its time for English.time to, Science lesson _ 2例:do, lessons, morning How many lessons do you have this morning? do, subjects, this term _ 3例:some lessons, Thursday We have some lessons on Thurs

    11、day.any lessons, Saturday _ 4例:my homework, at five thirty. I do my homework at five thirty.usually, her homework, four oclock, afternoon _ 5例: eat, by the lakeLets eat it by the lake.listen, near the table _ 6例:your, school, tomorrow Can I come to see you at your school tomorrow?his, party, after s

    12、chool _ 7例:swimming lesson, too She has a swimming lesson too.dancing lesson, either _ 8例:see, over there What can you see over there?see, by the lake _ 9例:get up, every day When do you get up every day?go climbing, this week _ 10例:see, boat, river Can you see the boat on the river?draw, flowers, hi

    13、ll _ 11 例:see, many, and, at my school You can see many flowers and the trees at my school. eat, a lot of, and, in the park _ 12例:hand, hurtsMy hands hurt.his sweater, cool _ 13例:these, jeans, , blue Whose blue jeans are these? this, sweater, brown _ 14例:fine, today Its a fine day today!sunny, tomor

    14、row _ 仿写句子答案1 Its time to have a Science lesson. 2 How many subjects do you have this term? 3We dont have any lessons on Saturday. 4She usually do her homework at four oclock in the afternoon. 5Lets listen it near the table 6Can i come to his, party after school? 7She doesnt have dancing lessons eit

    15、her. 8What can you see by the lake? 9When do you go climbing this week? 10Can you draw flowers on the hill? 11 You can eat a lot of sandwiches and juice in the park. 12 His sweater is cool. 13Whose brown sweater is this? 14Its a sunny day tomorrow!三、改写句子1. I am thirsty.(改为一般疑问句) _ 否定回答_2. Lucy can d

    16、raw some pictures in the park.(改为一般疑问句)_ 肯定回答_3. We have four lessons this morning.(改为一般疑问句)_4. They want to go to the party now.(改为一般疑问句) _. 否定回答_5. Id like some milk.(改为一般疑问句)_ 6. Im hungry too.(改为否定句)_7. She can make some season cards.(改为否定句)_ 8. I want to go to bed.(改为否定句) _ ?9. I like these toy

    17、s very much.(改为否定句) _ .10. We like Science and Art.(对划线部分提问) _ .11. We have two Chinese lessons this morning.(对划线部分提问) _ . 12. I can see three birds in the tree.(对划线部分提问) _ .13.Its Wednesday.(对划线部分提问) _ 14.They go to school at seven. They_ _ to at seven.(改成否定句) _they_ _ _at seven?(改成一般疑问句)15.I play

    18、football in the playground. I _ _ _in the playground. (改成否定句) _ _ play footballin the playground?(改成一般疑问句)16.Its eight oclock now.(对画线部分提问) ?17. He is hungry. (对划线部分提问) What _ _with _?18.She has a swimming lesson.(改成否定句)She_ _a swimming lesson.19.I go to bed at nine.(对画线部分提问)_ _do you go to bed? _ d

    19、o you go to bed?20.They are green trees.(对画线部分提问) ?21I like stickers.(对画线部分提问) ?22.I can see a hill and a river.(对画线部分提问) ?23. Its a dog in the big box.(对画线部分提问) ?24.I can eat ice creams in summer.(改为一般疑问句)_in summer?25.Itstimetohave lunch.(改为同义句) Itstime_.26.Itstimefor bed.(改为同义句) Itstime_.27.Iusuallydo my homework


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