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    1、2015一模易错题(一)1. Id like to thank you for the great _ of being addressing this assembly, sharing my opinion of living a low-carbon life.A. privilegeB. principleC. possibilityD. presentation2. David has done good deeds all his life, _ him a lot of popularity.A. earnedB. earningC. to earnD. having earne

    2、d3. Dont put me on the spot like this. You know, because of my duty, I cant give away _ information to you.A. contemporaryB. conventionalC. confidentialD. consistent4. Research on brain activity shows imagination is generated in the right side of the brain; _, the left side of the brain is thought t

    3、o be “logical”.A. in contrastB. in consequenceC. in a wordD. in other words5. Shy as he is, Rebeccas intelligence _ her character, which ensures her main position in the debating team.A. caters toB. accounts forC. compensates forD. submits to6. What has made him so knowledgeable?-_ domestic and fore

    4、ign classics.A. Having exposed toB. Being exposed toC. Exposing toD. Exposed to7. Is is reported that China _ its first orbiting space station by around 2022.A. is to completeB. is going to completeC. will completeD. will have completed8. Last week, I tried to contact all former classmates, but one

    5、or two _ through the net.A. slidB. slippedC. skippedD. squeezed9. Nowadays, more and more young ladies, _ figures most are fine enough, are going on a diet.A. whoB. whoseC. of whoseD. of whom10. By the time children _ up to three years, they will have spoken a little Chinese.A. will growB. growC. wi

    6、ll be grownD. are grown11. Three boys have been _ from our school for constant bad behavior since the new rule took effect.A. removed B. cancelledC. sufferedD. offended12. I cant take all the _ for the shows success; it was a team effort.A. possessionB. cooperationC. creditD. blame13. When we watch

    7、a magic show, we often stare at the magic man _, as though he were a vision.A. in conclusionB. in vainC. in consequenceD. in wonder14. Hi, Jim. Did you place an order for ten books with that company?- Yeah. We _ a lot before the deal.A. have talkedB. are talkingC. would talkD. had talked15. Has Jim

    8、made up with Mary yet?-Yeah. They _ every two weeks, but their quarrels never last.A. drop putB. fall outC. speak outD. break out16. If my doctor inquired about my physical condition at the present moment, the only possible reply would be that I _ greatly in need of relaxation.A. would beB. would ha

    9、ve beenC. wasD. am17. Bookshops can often host readings and other cultural events _ you dont feel like reading in them.A. now thatB. so thatC. even ifD. as if18. I hear Tom has failed in the spoken English test.- You said it. The written record of his conversation didnt _ to what was actually said.A

    10、. contributeB. correspondC. distributeD. respond19. Little _ about English literature, so he has intention to take it as his major.A. does he knowB. he knowsC. did he knowD. he knew20. Was it _ Stanley failed the driving test again _ made him depressed this morning?- Yes, I cant agree more with you.

    11、A. that; whichB. which; thatC. which; whichD. that; that21. Word power should be taken seriously because of the benefits _ can have on the students vocabulary building.A. thisB. thatC. itD. one22. Is there any hope of saving his life?- His injuries are extremely serious but he is expected to _.A. pu

    12、ll inB. pull outC. pull upD. pull through23. It is said that many people were pickpocketed while they were appreciating the Mona Lisa Smile, for many visitors would habitually check where their valuables are, _ their location to thieves.A. giving awayB. giving upC. giving inD. giving off24. _, they

    13、dived into a taxi and headed for the airport.A. Goodbye was saidB. Goodbye saidC. Goodbye having saidD. Goodbye saying25. How do you find the Blackberry company?- Im a little worried. It _ ground as a leader in the field of mobile phones with Apple speeding up its development.A. is losingB. was losi

    14、ngC. would loseD. had lost26. “Chinese dama”, a group _ mainly of married women between 40 and 60, _ the attention of the public for the first time in 2013.A. consisted; grabbingB. consisting; grabbingC. consisting; grabbedD. consisted; grabbed27. My interest in surfing the Internet has _ most of my

    15、 spare time, but it has repaid me a great of enjoyment.A. taken offB. taken downC. taken upD. taken away28. In 2014, such important reform policies associated with interests of the general public were introduced in China _ almost each person could benefit from in life.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. as29.

    16、Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughly _.- I dont quite agree. The painting styles may look very similar but their painters were born in quite different dynasties.A. conventionalB. contradictoryC. contemporaryD. conservative30. How long do you expect it _ before the African c

    17、an keep the disease under control?- As soon as possible.A. is B. has beenC. will beD. will have been31. The three travellers finally reached the home of Berthas mother around dusk, _ 65 miles in less than 12hours.A. coveringB. having coveredC. to coverD. to have covered32. I would be greatly thankfu

    18、l to Jason Coates who rescued my life after I fell through the ice.- Thats it. You _ Christina, your wife but that Jason pulled you from the canal.A. will never meetB. would never meetC. would never have metD. will never have met33. Many climate experts warn that, like a sleep-walker, we seem unable

    19、 to _ the potential disasters that the global warming might bring about.A. stand up toB. wake up toC. live up toD. look up to34. You cant expect John and Jane will have different opinions. When one of them makes any proposal, the other will readily _.A. compromiseB. consentC. conflictD. consult35. M

    20、any local citizens wrote to the mayor, complaining that the police were always failing to take adequate measures to _ the growth in crime.A. declineB. quitC. rejectD. check36. While visiting Europe, I was lucky to have the great _ of praying in a historic church that dates back to the early 12th cen

    21、tury.A. favorB. motivationC. equallyD. privilege(二)1. _ a distinctive scenic spot worth _, Yangzhou , a friendly city, appeals to visitors from all over the world.A. Considered; visited B. Considered; visitingC. Considering; visitingD. Considering; being visited2. As the principle puts it, “ No one

    22、_ the campus without the permission of the head teacher.A. is leavingB. is to leaveC. will leaveD. leaves3. Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Chinas Alibaba Group, has a $28.6 billion fortune, _ making him the richest person in China.A. itB. one C. thatD. which4. We first met in the Slender

    23、 West Lake in 2010, and both of us felt immediately that we _ each other for years.A. knewB. knowC. have knownD. had known5. Joint development plan of Nanjing Zhengjiang-Yangzhou _, residents in the area will enjoy a happier life. A. was releasedB. being released C. releasedD. having released6. I ho

    24、pe that the little _ I have been able to do has been of some use. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. as7. In case anyone present at the meeting tonight _ need any help, heres my number for you to contact me.A. can B. shallC. should D. must8. -I heard that some police didnt allow suspects enough sleep to get s

    25、o-called criminal evidence in America. -_? This certainly goes against the rule of law.A. Who caresB. Why botherC. What forD. How so9. At the celebration gathering, President Xi expressed his belief that Macao will progress in _ more steady manner on the right track, guided by _ “one country, two sy

    26、stem” policy.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. the; a10. -Next to the hostess _, Who is he?-Tony, our monitor. Hell give a speech titled “Discover Yourself”.A. a boy standsB. is standing a boy C. stands a boy D. does a boy stand11. Neither side seems to have a _ solution; there are still many uncertaint

    27、ies on this issue.A. familiarB. theoreticalC. definiteD. confidential12. - I _ to get a chance to discuss our homework with you. -Ok. Lets meet at seven oclock tonight.A. wantedB. have wantedC. have been wantingD. had wanted13. An ancient temple _ back to the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed in fla

    28、mes last month, _ concerns about the effective protection of cultural remains.A. dating; causingB. dating; caused C. dated; causing D. dated; caused14. -Its said that the plan for the project didnt pass, with the majority of the board members _ to it.-Oh, what a pity!A. reduced to B. submitted to C.

    29、 committed to D. opposed to15. Even though it doesnt feel like a fairy tale, I still feel like I am living in a cartoon with him every day _ we can lie down and live a carefree life.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. whom16. - What impressed you most when you visit the Acropolis? - _ it is that has brought the former grand palace into today terrible scene.A. What B. W


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