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    1、第12课市场竞争外刊经贸知识选读每课重要知识点串讲课文翻译推荐文档整理第12课市场竞争外刊经贸知识选读,每课重要知识点,串讲,课文翻译,推荐文档(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(第12课市场竞争外刊经贸知识选读,每课重要知识点,串讲,课文翻译,推荐文档(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时

    2、查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为第12课市场竞争外刊经贸知识选读,每课重要知识点,串讲,课文翻译,推荐文档(word版可编辑修改)的全部内容。第12课 市场竞争Soft Drink Wars: the Next Battle软饮料战:下一次战争一、(Excerpts)(摘录)The reformulation of Coke has given the feuding cola giants a chance to go at each other again.可口可乐的重新配方为长期不和的可乐巨头提供了一个新开战的机会。But Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are sp

    3、oiling for yet another fight, and this time theyre picking on the little guys: noncola makers like SevenUp and Dr Pepper。By Monci Jo Williams但是可口可乐和百事可乐一心想进行另一场战斗,这一次它们选中了小企业:“七喜”和“佩拍博士”。In the U。S.soft drink industry, where 1% of the market is worth 300 million in retail sales, Coca-Cola and PepsiC

    4、o dont wage mere market share battles.They fight holy wars.These days the fighting is on two fronts。One is on the vast plains of the cola business, where the reformulation of Coke has Pepsi on the defensive。The other is in the back alleys of the smaller, non-cola market。Until now these have been dom

    5、inated by other companies。As growth of highcalorie colas slows, however, CocaCola and PepsiCo are invading new territory.在美国的软饮料行业,1的市场份额就意味着3亿美元的零售额,可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司进行的不仅仅是争夺市场份额的斗争,他们进行的是“圣战”.目前他们的斗争有两条战线.一条是可乐生意的广阔战场,在这儿可口可乐的重新配方使百事处于守势。另一条战线是在较小的非可乐市场的后巷里.迄今为止,这些市场仍被其他公司所支配。由于高热量可乐的增长缓慢,可口可乐公司和百事可乐

    6、公司计划入侵新的领域。Coca-Cola is moving in with two new products: Cherry Coke, a canned version of the old soda fountain favorite, and Minute Maid Orange Soda, which contains orange juice。Pepsis new product is Slice, a lemon-lime soft drink that also contains fruit juice。If these products live up to their ea

    7、rly performance in test marketsa big ifthey could produce $ 3 billion a year in retail sales。The skirmishes between the cola giants will precipitate a battle for supermarket shelf space and for the loyalty of battlers.The big guys will press bottlers to drop competing brands to make way for their ne

    8、w products。可口可乐凭着两种新产品投入了战斗:一种叫做“樱桃可乐”,是原来的冷饮柜的宠儿的罐装版,另一种叫做“小少女桔子汽水”,含有桔子汁。百事的新产品是“斯来思”,它也是一种包含果汁的柠檬-酸橙软饮料。如果这些产品能够达到早期在试销市场的表现这是个值得疑问的“如果”-他们在零售方面每年就能产出30亿美元来。可乐巨人之间的小冲突就会升级为一场为争夺超市货架空间和瓶装商忠心的战役。这两个巨商将迫使瓶装商们放弃与之竞争的品牌,以便为他们的新产品让道。Its too early to tell how the reincarnated Coke is selling, since many

    9、 bottlers are still working off old inventories。But the company isnt leaving much to chance.CocaCola will back new coke with more than 70 million of advertising this year, vs。the 50 million or so PepsiCo will spend on its flagship brand。Over the long term, however, many industry analysts believe the

    10、 Coke reformulation will do little to dramatically change either Cokes or Pepsis market share.Says Joseph Doyle Harris Upham brokerage firm in New York: “Twelve months from now, well look back and see new Coke as a nonevent。” In all its variations, Coke holds about 29 of the U。S.market, Pepsi 23。现在判

    11、断新可口可乐产品的销售情况还为时过早,因为许多经销商还在销售存货,但是公司不会听任其命运。今年可口可乐公司会用7千多万美元的广告费来支持新可乐,而百事可乐公司也将花大约5千万美元为自己的旗舰商标作广告。然而,从长远来看,许多行业分析家认为,可口可乐的重新配方几乎不会给可口可乐或百事可乐的市场份额带来巨大的变化。纽约的Harris Upham经济业联号的Joseph Doyle说,“从现在起12个月后,我们再回头看,会发现可口可乐其实很令人扫兴。”把所有产品都算在内,可口可乐占美国市场的29%,而百事占23%。The companys new formula was designed partl

    12、y to keep Cokes sales growing overseas。Compared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water, the rest of the world is still in the sipping stage。Coca-Colas goal is to kick up its slowing growth rate outside the U.S。from about 3 a year to 10.Company executives think a less filling, more “guzzleab

    13、le new Coke will help。可口可乐设计新配方的部分原因是为了保持可口可乐在海外销售的增长。和喝汽水比水还多的美国人相比,世界其他地区的人们简直仍处在“小口顺饮阶段。可口可乐的目标是把美国之外减慢的增长率从一年3%提高到10。该公司的经管人员认为,一种不太“灌人、更易“狂饮的新型可乐将会起到预期作用。Domestically, sales of soft drinks have been bubbling along nicely。They grew 6 last year, vs.2% to 3 a few years ago。But the cola makers may

    14、experience more growing pains。At least with the high-calorie colas that account for half of all sales (diet colas hold about 12%)。Babyboomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks as they age-everything from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice。For example, accord

    15、ing to Beverage World, an industry magazine, fruit juice and fruit drink sales have grown from 1.2 billion in 1976 to 8。4 billion last year。John Costello, senior vice president of marketing and sales for Pepsi-Cola USA, thinks the popularity of fruit juices can be captured in new soft drink products

    16、 such as Slice。“We want to take the vitality of the juice market and put it into soft drinks,” says Costello。在国内,软饮料的销售一直不错。去年它们增长了6%,而几年前只有2%到3。但是可乐制造商也许会经历更多的成长的烦恼,至少在高热量可乐方面,它占总销售额的一半(营养可乐占12)。生育高峰期出生的人随着年龄的增长,表现出对有利健康、不易发胖的饮料的强烈的喜爱所有一切,从营养汽水到瓶装水到果汁.例如,根据行业杂志饮料界的报告,果汁和水果饮料的销售额已由1976年的12亿美元增长到去年的8

    17、4亿美元。美国百事可乐营销部的副经理John Costello认为,果汁受欢迎的特点可以被运用到像“斯来思这样的新型软饮料产品当中.Costello说,“我们想汲取果汁市场的活力,把它注入到软饮料中。”Even without the new products from CocaCola and PepsiCo, the non-cola field is crowded。Indeed, with so many regional and national brands out there, it is sometimes hard to keep track of who owns what

    18、 and whos competing with whom。But essentially the noncola market can be divided into four segments: lemon-lime sodas, which account for about 12 of soft drink sales and include Philip Morris, 7 Up and CocaColas Sprite; orange sodas (4% of sales), which include R.J。Reynoldss Sunkist and Procter Gambl

    19、es Crush; mixers (2), which include ginger ale, club soda, and tonic water and, finally, the Pepper category (7%), dominated by Dr Pepper, a non-cola drink based on a mixture of fruit flavors.即使没有可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司的新产品,非可乐市场也是很拥挤的。的确,那儿有那么多的地方品牌和国家品牌,有时很难弄清哪种品牌属于哪家公司、谁在和谁竞争。但是,非可乐市场基本上可以分为四部分:占软饮料销售额12的柠

    20、檬-酸橙汽水,其中包括“菲利普?莫里斯”、“七喜”和可口可乐公司的“雪碧”;桔子汽水(占总销售额的4%),包括R。J。雷诺兹的“浴光”和宝洁公司的“迷恋”;调和饮料(2),包括姜汁淡啤酒、俱乐部汽水和滋补水;最后一类是佩拍类,其中主要产品是“佩拍博士”,这是一种把数种水果味道混合在一起的非可乐饮料.Although CocaCola and PepsiCos new fruit juice sodas will compete with each other, they are more likely to steal market share from all those other dri

    21、nks already on supermarket shelves。Slice, a lemon-lime soda that actually contains four juices-white grape, pear, lemon, and limeposes a challenge both to 7 Up, the No。1 lemon-lime soda (4.4%) and sprite。Based on its performance in test markets, industry analysts say Slice could grab 3 to 4% of the

    22、U。S。market。虽然可口可乐公司和百事有限公司的新果汁汽水将互相竞争,但它们更有可能从所有那些已经摆上超市货架的其他饮料手中窃取市场份额。“斯来思,一种柠檬酸橙汽水,实际上包含了4种果汁白葡萄汁、梨汁、柠檬汁和酸橙汁,它对头号柠檬-酸橙汽水“七喜”(4.4%)还有“雪碧”都形成了挑战。根据它在试销市场上的销售情况,行业分析家认为,“斯来思”可能会占领美国软饮料市场的3到4的份额。CocaCola seems determined that Slices sales wont come at the expense of Sprite.This year the company hiked

    23、 Sprites advertising budget to $ 40 million, and boosted sales 25% in the first three months。SevenUp, on the other hand, still seems to be searching for a defense。It is distributing more consumer coupons and giving bottlers bigger discounts, but has also unimaginatively returned to its 17yearold “un

    24、cola advertising theme。Says Jesse Meyers, publisher of Beverage Digest。“Its raining out there, and Seven-Up hasnt put up an umbrella.”可口可乐公司似乎下定决心,不能用牺牲“雪碧来换取“斯来思的销售额.今年,该公司把“雪碧的广告费猛增到4千万美元,在第一季度,使其销售额比去年同期增长了25纬。另一方面,“七喜”似乎仍在寻求防御。它分发更多的赠券,给经销商打更大的折扣,但它也无趣地又回到已沿用了17年的广告主题-“非可乐”.饮料文摘的出版商Jesse Meryer说

    25、,“外面正在下雨,七喜却还没有撑起伞.”CocaColas advance into orange soda is bad news for Sunkist, which holds a 1.5 share of the soft drink market, and Crush (around 1%) Coca-Cola began testing Minute Maid Orange Soda in Canada last summer.Some analysts think it will quickly challenge Sunkist as the top-selling orang

    26、e drink.可口可乐向桔子汽水进军对占软饮料市场1.5%的“浴光”和1的“迷恋”来说都是坏消息。去年,可口可乐公司开始在加拿大试销“小少女”桔子汽水.一些分析家认为它很快就会作为最畅销的柑桔饮料挑战“浴光”。The sleeper among the products might turn out to be Cherry Coke, which contains no fruit juice at all。Emanuel Goldman, a beverage analyst with Montgomery Securities in San Francisco, says Cherry

    27、 Coke has captured shares of 4 to 8 in test markets.The drink probably wont do as well when it is rolled out nationally, since consumer coupons and price promotions have been helping it along.But Goldman believes Cherry Coke could eventually displace Dr pepper as the nations fifth-best-selling soft

    28、drink.诸产品中出人意料的成功者可能会是“樱桃可乐”,它根本不含果汁.旧金山Montgomery证券的饮料分析家Emanuel Goldman说,“樱桃可乐”在试销市场上占了4到8%的份额。在全国铺开销售时,它的销售情况也许不会那么好,因为在试销时消费赠券和价格促销起了一定作用。但是Goldman相信“樱桃可乐最终会取代“佩拍博士,成为该国排名第五的畅销饮料。Even if consumers swill the new sodas by the liter in test markets, however CocaCola and PepsiCo still face a struggl

    29、e in persuading bottlers across the nation to take the products。One of the biggest battles in the soda wars, in fact, may not be for drinkers but for bottlers.Bottlers have a symbiotic but occasionally fractious relationship with the syrup makers.Although Coke and Pepsi own some of their own bottlin

    30、g companies, most bottlers are still independent.They do the bulk of their business selling colas, counting on Dr Pepper, Sunkist, and other noncolas to fill out their line。But because exclusive contracts with the syrup makers prevent bottlers from distributing competing brands, the cola giants must

    31、 persuade them to drop established products to take on Slice or Minute Maid Orange Soda。即使在试销市场上消费者成升地畅饮这些新型汽水,可口可乐和百事可乐仍面临一场斗争来劝说全国的经销商接受这些产品.事实上,汽水战争中最大的斗争也许不是争夺饮用者而是争夺经销商。经销商和浆汁制造商之间有一种共生的但有时又很难驾驭的关系。虽然可口可乐和百事可乐都有自己的经销公司,但是大多数的经销公司仍然是独立的。他们的主要业务是销售可乐,此外还靠“佩拍博士”、“浴光及其他非可乐饮料来补充生意。但由于独家经销合同禁止经销商销售竞争

    32、品牌的产品,可乐巨头们必须说服经销商放弃已经确定了地位的产品,以接受“斯来思”和“小少女”柑桔汽水.The bottlers may no to along。Much of the expense of introducing a new productblitzing consumers with coupons and offering deep discounts to retailers to get the product on the shelves-is borne by the bottler。He is reluctant to walk away from his investment in an existing brand to pony up for something new.That may be especially so in the case of the fruit juice sodas.Because syrups made with juices are more expensive than other syrups, CocaCola and PepsiCo


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